How to properly care for your hair in winter at home

Hair, like skin and nails, requires special care in winter. Failure to follow simple rules can lead to dandruff, dry skin and hair, and cause hair loss. You can avoid this deplorable situation by properly caring for your strands.

From the material you will learn about the features of winter hair care, the principles of good hair washing without disastrous consequences. Don't forget about a balanced diet and regular use of moisturizing masks.

General rules for winter hair care

During the cold season, hair needs special care. Frost, lack of sunlight, and lack of vitamins negatively affect the appearance of strands. There are several principles for maintaining beautiful, healthy hair.

Beauty vitamins

Experts have developed many multivitamin complexes that improve the condition of hair, nails, and skin. In winter, hair especially needs vitamin products. They can be purchased at any pharmacy for a fairly reasonable price.

Hair needs zinc, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and B vitamins. Before purchasing a vitamin complex, pay attention to its composition; it must contain the above components. In winter, you can find natural sources of microelements and vitamins; more details about the winter diet are written below.

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The technology of scalp massage is described in this article.

Moisturizing strands

Lack of moisture negatively affects hair. In winter, you want to drink less often, in smaller quantities. By replacing plain water with tea or coffee, you deprive your hair of the required amount of moisture. This is absolutely impossible to do. Lack of water in the body contributes to the appearance of dandruff, hair loss, and strands become dull and brittle. In addition to these processes, the entire body suffers.

Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. Popular companies that produce hair care products produce special oils and permanent conditioners. The products are aimed at restoring the water balance of hair and have wound-healing properties. Together, the products give quick, good results.

Stimulation of blood circulation

To avoid freezing, the body constricts blood vessels and stores heat. The hairs are the first to suffer from this; they do not receive oxygen, nutrients, and begin to fade and lose vitality. The process is reversible and can be easily treated at home.

Massage your head regularly (at least three times a week). This does not require special tools, just a lot of effort. It is enough to massage the epidermis with your fingertips in a circular motion for 10–15 minutes after washing your hair.

Manipulations increase blood flow, along with it the curls receive minerals, vitamins, oxygen, begin to grow faster, and do not break. You will also get rid of split ends, spending a minimum of energy. There are special devices that do the job for you.

Care products

The winter and summer arsenal of hair care products are significantly different. Trichologists recommend choosing well-moisturizing and nourishing products during the cold season. In the summer months, the hair can be oily, and in the winter it can become dry.

Pay close attention to the condition of your hair. Choose shampoos for dry, damaged strands, be sure to apply conditioners, and pay special attention to the ends. They suffer the most from frost (many hats do not cover them, the tips remain in the severe frost).

READ ALSO: What to do if your hair falls out and becomes thin? Recipes for masks, infusions, essential oils and herbal decoctions to combat trouble

Healing serums

Each manufacturer produces special serums that do not need to be washed off. Their composition is rich in vitamins and minerals. They are usually made from oils. The products envelop each hair with an invisible film that protects it, nourishes it, and retains moisture. Some have a thermal protective effect.

Apply a small amount of product to the strands, distribute evenly 1 hour before going out into the cold. If you have an oily hair type, start distributing the serum 3-4 cm from the roots. With this technique you will keep your hair clean for a long time.

Useful masks

Don’t be lazy to use mixtures based on natural oils and plant extracts. Masks should include vitamins B1, B6, B5, F. They are necessary for hair to function properly. After applying useful mixtures, be sure to wrap your head, creating a greenhouse effect. Detailed recipes are described below.

Reliable protection

Strands need protection inside and out. Strengthen your immune system with citrus fruits, regular exercise, and taking vitamin complexes. Gotta love the hats. Curls need protection from the cold, just like arms, legs, and other parts of the body.

The fashion industry offers a huge selection of hats. Opt for a warm option made from natural raw materials. Synthetic materials do not allow the skin to breathe, making the situation worse. It is better to hide all your hair under a hat; do not leave the ends in the cold. They cannot turn red like your cheeks, but low temperatures have a detrimental effect on the hair, drying it out, making it brittle and dull.

Hair masks in winter


  1. Castor oil – 50 ml.
  2. Tocopherol (vitamin E) – 5 ml.
  3. Retinol (vitamin A) – 5 ml.

Mix the ingredients and heat to above room temperature. Apply to hair and leave for at least one hour. Then rinse well with shampoo. Oil is difficult to remove, so double washing will be required.

From kefir

Any fermented milk product (yogurt, kefir or yogurt) is suitable for the mask. After applying the mixture to your hair, put on a plastic bag and wrap your head with a terry towel. After forty minutes, wash off the mask. Shampoo may not be used.


  1. Egg yolk of one egg.
  2. Apple cider vinegar – 15 ml.
  3. Aloe juice – 5 ml.

Mix the ingredients carefully and apply the mixture to your head. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes.

Important! After factory-made masks, apply conditioner for 2-3 minutes to cover the hair scales. If you cannot choose a care product yourself or determine your hair type, consult a professional.


In this collection of videos with valuable tips on the topic: How to care for your hair in winter.

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