Hair carving is a so-called soft perm, performed using special gentle products,
Beer cons We have already talked about the beneficial properties of beer. But still this method
Manicure using gel polish has become a criterion for well-groomed hands. Bright and long-lasting nail design allows
Makeup for brown eyes of fair-haired people: examples of stars Light-haired celebrities - there are not many of them,
What are these procedures and why are they done? Procedure “Happiness for hair” –
Modern cosmetics offer a greater selection of acne treatments, but this does not mean
Dull complexion Our skin renews itself once a month, but with age these processes
There is no need to dry the primer in a lamp; the technology for its use does not provide for this. He must
Hardware manicure and its advantages Hardware manicure is a type of manicure in which such
07/18/2013 Beauty and appearance Cosmetics are the weak point of any woman, at any age.