Dishes with figs

As soon as cold symptoms appear and coughing attacks begin to bother them, many people go to the pharmacy and spend money on expensive medications.

Often, traditional methods of treatment become assistants, such as figs for cough with milk, recipes for which you will find in this article.

Figs, an exotic fruit with beneficial properties due to its rich chemical composition. Its biologically active substances help thin mucus, eliminate pain and soreness, and relieve fever, which is why healers recommend it for the treatment of cough.

There are many recipes using figs, but they have the most powerful effect for treating coughs when combined with milk. A mixture of these ingredients can be used to treat colds, throat and respiratory diseases not only for adults, but also for children.

Cough figs with milk - beneficial properties

A medicinal home remedy copes with diseases associated with inflammation of the bronchi, mucous membranes of the throat, laryngitis and sore throat. The remedy is useful for smokers suffering from a characteristic cough associated with an increased concentration of carcinogenic tars and nicotine in the lungs.

Figs are used for colds of various types, as they have antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. The berries contain a substance that can have the same effect as taking acetylsalicylic acid. A prepared fig decoction speeds up recovery associated with sore throat and inflammation of the respiratory organs.

The drug strengthens the immune system, which weakens when there is a cold, and helps remove toxic substances from the body. A drink made from milk and figs, which relieves symptoms of respiratory diseases and coughing attacks and, being a natural product, does not cause side effects in the treatment of adults and children. It has a pleasant taste and is more like a sweet treat than a medicine.

The beneficial properties of figs help with diseases of the heart, kidneys, and stomach. Potassium contained in figs dilates blood vessels and relaxes them, which helps reduce blood pressure and is useful for venous insufficiency.

Recipes used for dry cough help thin and remove mucus. Homemade products are rich in useful elements and vitamins that help restore immunity to immunity and get rid of infection. Due to the presence of fats, it helps relieve inflammation from the throat.

For what diseases should it be taken?

Considering the range of beneficial substances of figs and its healing effects on the body, traditional medicine recommends using the prepared potions for:

Note. A drink made from milk and figs will not replace medications prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of cough. It will only help enhance the effect!

  • Acute form of bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Sore throat and hoarse voice;
  • Infectious throat diseases (laryngitis, pharyngitis);
  • Loss of voice;
  • Cough caused by an allergic reaction and leading to irritation of the throat mucosa;
  • Rehabilitation of the body at the end of recovery from acute respiratory diseases.

Cough figs with milk - recipes

Traditional medicine has accumulated many recipes for making fig-based potions to cope with cough.

Steamed figs

The recipe is ideal for those people who suffer from lactose intolerance (milk intolerance). Parenka is prepared from 200 ml of water and eight figs. Cook the mixture for about half an hour over low heat, and then add more water (200 ml) and the same amount of sugar.

The syrup should be cooked until the sugar is completely dissolved. To enhance the antioxidant properties of the medicine, after cooking, you can add a couple of slices of lemon to the syrup. You need to drink half a glass, up to four times a day.

figs steamed and boiled with milk

Boiled figs with milk

You can prepare a cough drink using the most popular recipe: add one fig (dry, dried or dried) to 600 ml of milk.

The recipe specifies fresh milk for preparing the drink, but due to its absence, the most common pasteurized milk will do, but with no less than 3.2 percent fat content. The higher the fat content of the milk, the more it will soothe a sore throat.

The figs must be placed in milk and boiled over low heat. Boil the product for at least 30 minutes until all the liquid is reduced by one third. Then place the container in a warm place so that the berries imbue the drink with their beneficial properties.

Then pour into a glass jar and store in a cool place under a tight lid. After a day, cough figs with milk will acquire a viscous and viscous consistency.

Dried fruit medicine

Another recipe is made from dried fruits. You need to take 10 figs, rinse them well and boil them in a glass of water for half an hour until they swell and soften. After this, another 200 ml of water is poured into the pan and sugar is added, in the same amount and cooked until syrup is obtained.

Calorie content

The low calorie content of figs is the main reason why this fruit is chosen by people seeking an ideal figure. When dieting, it is best, of course, to use fresh figs, since the calories they contain are so insignificant in digital terms that the fruit can be consumed without thinking about them. When fresh, fig tree fruits consist of eighty percent water; per 100 g of fruit there are only 37 kcal. In dried fruits, the caloric content is higher - 256 kcal per 100 g. In addition, the amount of sugar in dried fruits is greater than in fresh fruits. Dried figs are best used for snacking: 1 - 2 pieces will quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger, while the product in such quantities will not bring extra calories. Since fresh figs are hard to find, feel free to use dried figs when losing weight, just be mindful of the calories.

Unfortunately, many people misunderstand the principles of nutrition for athlete's foot and reduce the carbohydrate content of their diet too sharply for fear of overgrowth of yeast. This sometimes leads to excessive weight loss, which in turn weakens the body, including the function of the immune system. In this case, instead of returning, the disease progresses at an accelerated rate. Always use common sense and don't starve yourself in the quantity and choice of food you eat.

It is always good to eat and not leave the table hungry. However, it should be adjusted based on the rate of remission of additional symptoms and overall well-being. People who feel better and better can slowly increase their food glycemic index, remembering to use the same foods that were used in the early stages of their treatment.

Additional fig recipes

Figs, as an effective remedy, can be used not only with milk, but also with other ingredients.

Dried figs with honey

There is another simple recipe: mixing figs with honey, according to many people, gives good results in the fight against cough. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 10 dried figs and add the same number of tablespoons of mod.

Mix everything together using a blender and consume 1 teaspoon of the finished mixture in the morning and before bed. After taking the medicine, it is advisable not to eat for up to 30 minutes.

With ginger and lemon juice

Another effective remedy is a syrup made from figs, ginger and lemon juice. It will help saturate the body with vitamin C, strengthening weakened immunity and the disease will quickly recede.

How to prepare: A 20-minute decoction is prepared from 200 ml of water and 8 chopped figs. Add sugar to taste and a little more water to the resulting mixture. Let the syrup boil again and cook until the sugar dissolves. After this, add 1 teaspoon of ginger and lemon juice to the product. The syrup should be consumed three times a day.

With radish

Radish, like figs, is often used to relieve cough symptoms, and using them together has an even more effective effect. How to do:

  • Grate the peeled radish;
  • Grind figs - 6 pcs.;
  • Mix the ingredients and add ten tablespoons of honey;
  • Cover the product with a towel and leave in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Take the finished drug every morning, one tablespoon at a time.

recipe with radish and honey

Syrup on water

If you have lactose intolerance, you should give preference to a recipe that is prepared without milk, but with water. To do this, take 8 figs and place them in 200 ml of water. It is necessary to steam everything over low heat, and then add a glass of sugar and water. The syrup is boiled until all the sugar is completely dissolved.

When you lose your voice

If there are signs of hoarseness in the voice or when the voice has completely disappeared, it is worth preparing a rinse. You need to take 6 figs and pour 400 ml of milk over them. How long to cook: at least 2 hours until the liquid has reduced by half. Gargle with the resulting medicine throughout the day, at least 4 times.

For coughs of smokers

People who smoke usually suffer from a dry cough, and figs help get rid of it. The following cooking recipe is used:

  • Mix 10 figs with 2 tbsp. l honey;
  • Grind everything with a blender;
  • The resulting mixture is stored in a glass container under a lid in a cool place.

Use the product on an empty stomach, 1 tbsp daily. l, washed down with milk.

Antipyretic decoction

A cold that gives a strong fever can be fought with a special decoction. Take a tablespoon of figs and place them in water mixed with milk. Bring to a boil and let stand for about 30 minutes. Use the finished medicine every time the temperature rises.

How to choose dried figs

How to choose the right dried figs? Like fresh fruits, dried fruits should be selected based on their appearance. The color of a dried fig tree is light brown or beige. If you see a white coating on the surface, do not rush to get scared, this is acceptable. This phenomenon is observed due to glucose: it comes out if it is contained in large quantities. There should be no stains on the figs. The dried fruit is a little soft to the touch; excessive hardness indicates that it has been overdried.

The best food for a baby is mother's milk. This hypoallergenic medication is indicated for use in food protein allergies including cow's milk allergy, lactose intolerance, sucrose, intestinal spikes, and allergy prevention. Individual dosage is used in accordance with the child’s calorie intake relative to age. They do not contain cow's milk protein.

The use of both compositions indicates lactose intolerance, which can cause diarrhea, hypersensitivity to cow's milk proteins and other eating disorders. Individual dosage is used in accordance with the needs of the child at a given age. The most common mistakes in feeding children are:

The inhabitants of the planet have known about the value of figs for a long time. Fig (one of the names of the fruit) has a large number of varieties, differing in shape, color, taste and ripening time. In this regard, many are interested in how to eat figs. Usually the berries are eaten fresh or in the form of dried fruits, but with no less success they are frozen, baked, cooked into compote, jam or used in baking.

Natural fruit juices made from fresh fruits should be a regular part of your child's diet. When introducing them gradually for nutrition, you must first determine your body's tolerance. If they are well tolerated, give them later in larger quantities as undiluted. Essential oils for the internal environment of the body - grapefruit and lemon juice. They can be combined with vegetable juice and diluted with water. Natural juices and their aqueous solutions should not be refrigerated.

You can give your child good low-grade water or a reverse osmosis filter. Infants and young children should not be forced to eat unless they are hungry and feeding. Babies and toddlers have evolved mechanisms to regulate the amount of food they eat. They should allow themselves to choose the size of their meals as long as their growth and development is correct. Don't force them to finish their food as the amount of calories they consume may be too much.

Are there any contraindications for the sweet remedy?

Figs with milk, despite their natural origin, like medications, have their contraindications. People with diabetes should not drink the drink, since the fruit contains quite a lot of carbohydrates, and sugar is added during preparation.

  • for acute inflammatory bowel diseases,
  • for pancreatitis and gallstone disease,
  • for gout and obesity.

It is recommended to refuse treatment for people with individual intolerance to lactose and substances that make up figs, in order to avoid severe allergies.

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