What are sleep positions and what do they mean?


Position on your side, your back is rounded, your knees are pulled towards your stomach, your arms are bent at the elbows. The figure resembles an embryo. This manner is chosen by those who need protection and support. Something worries and depresses a person, he feels insecure. It was calm and comfortable in the mother’s womb, and the sleeper is trying to return to that state, calm down and relax. Curled up, he isolates himself from the world. And, by pulling the limbs to the stomach, it protects important organs.

This pose can also mean an inability to truly open up, an internal clamp.


It can be distinguished from the first option by its more relaxed body. The legs are bent, but not pressed to the chest, the arms lie freely.

This pose is characteristic of balanced, calm types. Their hallmark is common sense. They know how to settle into life comfortably and conveniently, and are optimistic. Having an analytical mind, such people are good advisers and are famous for their reliability.

Comfortable position for sleeping on the road

You have a long way to go, in which case why not sleep on the road. Many people cannot fall asleep while sitting in a chair, because this position causes discomfort and does not allow them to stretch out to their full height. However, even in these you can sit comfortably and take a nap. We'll tell you how:

  • Prepare for the trip in advance by purchasing an orthopedic travel pillow. This model will allow you to relax in comfort, even while sitting in a chair;
  • Another position that comes from my school days. Fold the bag, place your hands on it, and then your head. Of course, proper rest is not guaranteed, but you will be able to take a nap and regain your strength;
  • if you plan to fly on an airplane or travel by bus, the seats in such transport have reclining backs, which means the traveler is lucky, he gets a comfortable sleeping place with a raised headrest;
  • look around, if at least one chair is free nearby, remove the armrest, take the fetal position and sweet dreams.

These simple manipulations will help you have a good rest on the road and pass the time.


Option to sleep on your back, hands behind your head, legs crossed. Looking at a person in this position, you might think that he was simply lost in thought and closed his eyes. These people are prone to long thoughts; they can complicate any everyday situation. Thoughts are often abstract in nature, and at the same time they are timid and shy in nature. They may have problems with the opposite sex, as they are indecisive individuals. But if one arm is thrown over the head, and the person himself sleeps diagonally, this indicates his desire to find a place in life.

What influences sleeping positions

Usually, a person on a subconscious level, during sleep, takes the same position, or very similar ones. However, there are some factors that can affect the sleeping position:

  1. General malaise or illness. If a person is anxious or experiencing a stressful situation, then in his sleep he tends to toss and turn and take various poses. When everything is restored, he will immediately return to his characteristic position during sleep. The same applies to various diseases, in particular those that are accompanied by pain symptoms; in order to fall asleep, a person takes a position in which he does not feel pain.
  2. Room temperature. If a person freezes during sleep, then he shrinks and can sleep in the “fetal” position, and when it is hot, on the contrary, in the “royal” position. When the temperature is normal and a person is comfortable, he sleeps in his usual position.
  3. Light. When light hits a person during sleep, he tries to turn away, cover himself, and generally hide from the light source.

In addition, a person can change position if he experiences discomfort for some other reason, for example, sleeping together, a cramped place, sleeping in a bed other than his own.


Position on your back, with your arms and legs straight. A person in this position does not close himself off, showing himself to the world. A powerful, self-confident person has this habit. Its distinctive features are the desire to be in the center of attention and independence in decision-making. Such people have nothing to hide, they always tell the truth. Sometimes frankness hurts loved ones.

Which position is suitable for expectant mothers?

Women who are expecting a baby should also avoid certain sleeping positions:

  • in the first trimester you can still lie down to rest on your stomach;
  • With the onset of the second trimester, it is better to stop sleeping on your stomach; during this period it is recommended to lie on your left side or back. Thus, it will be possible to relieve tension from the liver and improve blood circulation;
  • During the third trimester, resting on your back is contraindicated. In the last months of pregnancy, you should only sleep on your left and right sides. Moreover, the left side is preferable. If discomfort occurs, purchase a pregnancy pillow, it can be hugged and thus improve the quality of sleep.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are encouraged to experiment to determine the most suitable resting position. And if there is discomfort in the back, a couple of bolsters placed under the back will help relieve it.


Position on your back with straightened arms and legs, arms pressed to the body, legs closed. This is a serious, punctual and pedantic type; he places too high demands on himself. He loves strict order and does not want to deviate from it. Prefers loneliness or a narrow circle of friends.

Sometimes sleeping in such a tense position indicates that the subject is preoccupied with business and problems and cannot relax even in sleep.

Postures during sleep - meaning

Let's try to figure out what the body can tell about in a dream. Did you know that our sleeping positions can tell us about our character? American psychiatrist-psychotherapist S. Dunkell found that there is a direct connection between the posture we are used to taking during sleep and our attitude towards life. In other words, the way we sleep reflects the way we live. But it’s true that each person takes his own favorite position during sleep, we don’t all sleep the same way, like soldiers - on our backs and with our arms stretched out at our sides. Some people like to sleep on their stomachs, some on their sides, and some like to sleep curled up.

In this case, not only the position of the body matters, but also the position of the arms and legs, as well as the position relative to the space of the bed: do you sleep along, across or diagonally. It is believed that the position of the legs indicates how we move through life, and the position of the hands is our freedom or dependence. The space we try to occupy in bed characterizes our position in society.

What the body can tell you in a dream. Poses in sleep

As a result of numerous studies, scientists have found that people who are sociable, open and good-natured sleep on their backs, with their hands behind their heads. Moreover, this position of the hands also indicates that these people are accustomed to using their intellectual abilities as the main type of defense, that is, they defend their rightness, relying on arguments and arguments.

Calm and balanced people sleep on their sides, legs slightly bent. This posture suggests that this person does not strive for leadership; sometimes he lacks courage and perseverance in achieving his goal. But on the other hand, such a person has no problems in communication, because he is always ready to compromise.

If you sleep on your side with your limbs spread out, this indicates your open character. Usually such people are very sociable, not afraid of change, and easy-going. If your arms and legs are spread out in different directions in a “flying” pose, this characterizes you as a rather frivolous person, but if your arms and legs are located symmetrically relative to the body, this indicates accuracy, balance, and a sober mind.

If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, while bending one leg and spreading your arms, you are prudent, prone to dominance, and not averse to imposing your opinion. In this case, the position on the stomach is considered a closed position, as is the position when a person is turned to the wall, for example, or when in any position he covers his chest or head - this indicates stiffness and shyness, as well as not a particular desire to interact with others.

If you are used to sleeping in a curl position, or as this “fetal” position is also called, this indicates your uncertainty and insecurity. As a rule, such people are looking for support and protection, they are impulsive and subject to the influence of others.

If you are used to sleeping on your back, with your arms lying freely along your body, your legs not closed, but not spread out to the sides - this is the “royal pose”. This position in a dream is occupied by people who are self-confident, purposeful, and straightforward. As a rule, these are leaders or simply quite stubborn individuals. In the family they try to take a dominant position. Moreover, if in such a position a person holds his hands on his stomach, this indicates his desire to protect himself, to isolate himself from something.

What the body can tell you in a dream. Position of arms and legs

Some people in their sleep try to grab the bed with their feet or slide one or two legs under the mattress. It is believed that such people are afraid of change and are very wary of everything new and unexpected. But those who like to hang their legs out of bed, on the contrary, are not averse to neglecting some rules, embarking on an adventure or taking a rash risk. Those who like to cross their ankles are cautious people, susceptible to the influence of others. But if your legs are constantly stretched out in a dream, this indicates an active and purposeful person.

If one leg is straight and the other is bent, these are dual natures. If desired, they can be purposeful and concentrated, but at some periods of their lives they suddenly become passive and relaxed. These are people of mood with changeable character.

The position of the hands in a dream indicates relaxation or, conversely, tension. Usually people are dependent; in a dream they always hold on to something. Behind the blanket, behind the pillow, one hand behind the other, etc. This position of the hands indicates that a person is looking for support, it is difficult for him to be independent, he may doubt his abilities.

It may also be that a person holds onto the blanket with one hand, and the other hangs from the bed; this arrangement of hands indicates the duality of nature. It cannot be said that this person is completely independent, but at the same time he does not allow himself to be completely subjugated. If a person sleeps in any position with clenched fists, this indicates his aggressiveness.

What the body can tell you in a dream. Across, along or diagonally

But not only the poses that we take in our sleep can tell about our character. The way we occupy our bed space also shows our character and attitude towards life. If a person tries to occupy as much of the bed area as possible during sleep, in life he is also trying to conquer more living space.

The position in the center of the bed speaks about self-confidence and one’s strengths; it is also said about such people that they are optimistic, sociable, resourceful, and people are drawn to them. If you try to sit near the wall or move closer to the back of the sofa, you really need a strong partner, patron, support.

But if you sleep on the edge of the bed, this indicates that you are most likely not satisfied with your current position in life. People who sleep across the bed and diagonally are usually unbalanced, excitable and impulsive. But if you constantly move in bed while sleeping, and it costs you nothing to wake up in the morning and find that your head is where your feet should be, and your feet are resting on the pillow - you have no clear goals in life, you are scattered and perhaps even infantile.

Body language and sexuality

Our sleep positions can also tell us about our sexuality. If you, for example, sleep on your back and your genitals are not covered, this characterizes you as a courageous and active person in intimate relationships. Usually such people are confident in their sexuality and have no problems with the opposite sex.

Half-covered genitals, a position on the side, speaks of shyness in communicating with sexual partners, such a person rarely takes the initiative, if the genitals are completely covered (curl position) - most likely sexual communication is difficult, there are complexes and uncertainty about one’s sexuality. The position on the stomach indicates that the person is not particularly fixated on the sexual side of life. And besides, the position on the stomach and side with legs tucked in is harmful to sexual health: compression of the nerves and blood vessels that supply the genitals occurs.

If a person is used to sleeping in the “royal position”, with his limbs scattered randomly and his hands often in the genital area, this indicates that sex is of great importance in his life; as a rule, such people have quite a lot of sexual relationships.

Of course, we don't sleep in one position all night, but everyone has a main position in which we spend most of our sleep, and this is the position that needs to be considered. We can control our facial expressions and speech in everyday life, unlike postures in sleep, so I think this type of analysis of a person’s character and behavior is still worth listening to.

August 14, 2020 at 01:01 pm

Oksana Chvanova


The peculiarity of the pose is that one leg is bent and placed next to the straightened one, they form a triangle. A straight limb indicates stability, a bent limb indicates variability. A person who prefers to sleep this way is characterized by inconstancy. This is a man of mood, capricious and unpredictable. It can be difficult for those around him to adapt to his emotional state and predict his actions.

A few words about healthy sleep

What is healthy sleep? Healthy rest can be called when, waking up in the morning, a person feels rested and cheerful. At the same time, to achieve such a state, the correctly chosen pose is not enough. It is important to follow a number of simpler rules:

  • any physical activity should be completed 3 hours before the planned rest;
  • You should not deal with problems that cause negative thoughts in the evening;
  • It is not advisable to watch TV shows and films that evoke strong emotions;
  • ventilate the bedroom daily, do wet cleaning and try to maintain a comfortable temperature;
  • set aside an hour for an evening walk in the fresh air;
  • do not overeat at night, have dinner 3 hours before your planned rest;
  • do not eat fatty or heavy foods in the evening;
  • Avoid drinking drinks containing caffeine in the evening.

Of course, it is impossible to sleep all night in one position. However, correctly selected sleeping attributes and preparation for bed will help make your rest complete.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that there are a huge number of sleeping positions. Moreover, the position is chosen by a person unconsciously based on his temperament, bed comfort and the development of pathologies. Moreover, according to psychologists, the position in which a person sleeps can tell a lot about him, for example, about his character, habits and the state in which he went to sleep.

Considering all this, you should not try to go to bed on the advice of psychology or friends; it is better to listen to your body, which will tell you how to sleep more comfortably.


The body position is twisted, both arms are bent, one of them is turned up towards the head, the other is turned down. One leg is bent at the knee and hip, the other is almost straight. Resembles the figure of a running man.

The character of a person sleeping in this position is characterized by lack of composure and disorganization. Chaos reigns in thoughts and actions, and things are often not completed. It is difficult to rely on a person; he often lets you down and is late even for important events.

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