Duphaston when planning pregnancy - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Victoria Girls hello everyone!! will duphaston help me get pregnant???

Duphaston as a medicine

Duphaston is a drug that plays an important role in conceiving a baby, as well as in maintaining pregnancy, especially in the early stages of its development, for expectant mothers with low levels of the hormone progesterone.

The value of this drug lies in the fact that its main active ingredient is dihydrogesterone - an artificially created synthetic hormone progesterone. But this fact does not in any way reduce its effectiveness, since in its properties it is as close as possible to natural progesterone.

The use of Duphaston is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Duphaston is an imported medicine produced by a pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands. The cost of this drug in Moscow and the Moscow region ranges from 550–790 Russian rubles for 20 or 28 pieces per package.

Duphaston is produced in the form of white biconvex tablets for oral use, each of which contains 10 mg of the active substance. This drug is released from pharmacy shelves only with a doctor's prescription.

The role of Duphaston when planning pregnancy

For many women, it is no secret that conceiving and bearing a baby is impossible without the main pregnancy hormone, which not only creates favorable conditions for fertilization of the egg, but also prepares the walls of the uterus for the attachment of the fertilized egg to it. Moreover, progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs of the expectant mother, which helps prevent uterine hypertonicity.

Unfortunately, not all loving couples manage to conceive a baby easily; sometimes it takes many years. When contacting a gynecologist with this problem, the first thing the doctor will prescribe is a blood test to determine the level of progesterone, which is usually done on the 15th–26th day of the cycle.

In the case of a normal pregnancy, there is no need to monitor the level of progesterone in the blood

When planning conception, Duphaston replenishes the lack of progesterone in a woman’s body, which has a beneficial effect on all processes occurring in the reproductive system during the period of fertilization and fetal development.

A deficiency of progesterone in the blood does not always cause infertility. Sometimes this can be facilitated by infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, it is very important to undergo a full examination to identify the problem before prescribing medications.

An analysis of progesterone levels is not mandatory for all women planning a pregnancy, as well as pregnant women. It is done only for medical reasons. Personally, I didn’t have any problems during the pregnancy planning stage, but progesterone deficiency appeared in the first trimester of gestation. This was discovered during registration in the 8th week, when, after examination on the chair, the gynecologist noticed a large number of deviations from the norm, which means there was a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage. In this regard, the specialist prescribed me an impressive number of tests, including a blood test for progesterone. The results were ready the next day after the biomaterial was submitted. Since the analysis showed low progesterone levels, I was admitted to the gynecology department for conservation, where, in addition to other medications, I took Duphaston in the morning and evening, one tablet. I took this drug until the 14th week of pregnancy, even after being discharged from the hospital. At the same time, closer to the 10th week, the doctor began to gradually reduce the dosage of Duphaston.

Duphaston and pregnancy. Patient's story

My story began at the age of 14. I started getting my period, and like many girls, it was irregular at first.

After 2 years, the situation has not changed - they came either 2 times a month, or they might not come for 3 months in a row.

Then my mother took me to a gynecologist, they told me that I had polycystic ovary syndrome and sent me to a brain research center. They stuck a bunch of sensors to my head and started measuring brain activity on a computer.

An hour later I was diagnosed with incorrect functioning of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the menstrual cycle.

They told me that it would be very difficult for me to get pregnant, and they prescribed a lot of pills, they had to be taken strictly by the hour, in order, for a course of 3 months.

After 3 weeks, I began to experience strange side effects that we were not warned about and that should not have happened - I began to cry for any reason, throw hysterics out of nowhere.

Mom threw away the pills, we didn’t go to the brain research center anymore...

Then, to normalize the menstrual cycle, I was prescribed Remens and other pills, but none of them gave the desired effect. And at the age of 19, I started taking oral contraceptives and took them for 8 years, my periods came exactly on the clock.

At the age of 27, I got married, and we realized that we wanted a child.

We decided to undergo a full medical examination. At the gynecologist’s appointment, as always, I told my story, brought all the papers... they looked at me in the chair, did an ultrasound. and I heard the same phrase: “you know, you most likely have polycystic disease. you will have to try very hard to get pregnant!” I never went to this gynecologist again.

I found a good doctor who monitored the pregnancies of three of my friends from start to finish. all three are mothers of pretty children. and I felt that I could finally trust the doctor and they would help me.

At the initial appointment, the doctor listened to my story, looked at me in the chair and on the ultrasound. and I didn’t hear that terrible phrase that everyone used to scare me.

The doctor canceled ok and prescribed duphaston - from 16 to 25 days of the cycle.

Duphaston was supposed to help me get pregnant. and we agreed that I would come on certain days of the cycle, and she would look at me with an ultrasound for the formation of dominant follicles and ovulation. so we did.

the first study consisted of 3 ultrasounds on different days of the cycle, but I did not ovulate. nor were there any dominant follicles.

After carefully studying the ultrasound images and consulting with a colleague, the doctor diagnosed me with multifollicular ovaries.

They explained to me that this is a milder version of polycystic disease, and that not everything is so scary. and, probably, this cycle for me simply can be anovulatory, that is, without ovulation. This is within the normal range for women: 1-2 cycles per year

“Continue to drink Duphaston from days 16 to 25, and come back in the next cycle, we will repeat the study.”

Well, my husband was advised to take a spermogram.

I bought a whole package of test strips for ovulation and pregnancy. I took ovulation tests almost every day, but I always saw one line. The spermogram results came back good. We repeated the series of ultrasounds. And again there was no ovulation.

At my last ultrasound, they discovered a small polyp that was located in the uterus in such a way that it could hypothetically interfere with the passage of sperm and fertilization of the egg.

The doctor referred me to her friend at the hospital for surgery. The operation was successful, they cauterized the polyp, and a week later a repeat ultrasound confirmed that everything had healed perfectly.

You cannot be sexually active for three months and continue taking Duphaston.

I was just getting ready to go on vacation, and after the vacation I came back to see my doctor. During the ultrasound I burst into tears because we still couldn’t find ovulation. It turns out that I am not capable of having children at all. In a kind of fog, I listened to the doctor - about her plans to give me intravenous injections to stimulate ovulation, about painful checks for the patency of the tubes, about some kind of operation...

I left the office and got into the car. I was in such despair that I couldn’t calm down for a long time. I pulled myself together and went home. they were all right, I couldn't have children. Every time my period was late, I took pregnancy tests, but the second line never appeared.

Automatically, I continued to take Duphaston until I stopped drinking it in February 2017. I started taking folic acid, which was recommended for everyone planning a pregnancy. We decided that we would not go to the doctors anymore for now and would leave the topic of children.

Naturally, after some time I began to forget to drink folic acid every day, I drank it when I remembered. Several times I literally lost my mind after meeting our friends with children. I couldn't look at them without tears in my eyes. But that too passed.

In August we went to the seaside for three months, drank wine, smoked cigars, and swam.

A couple of times my husband raised the topic of children, saying that if it doesn’t work out in the near future, then when we get home we should check my pipes. At that moment, I remember, I almost fainted from the mere thought that I would again have to run to doctors, have operations, that I would again sit in this terrible chair.

3 weeks before leaving home, I felt bad - I started getting motion sickness in the car, which had never happened before, I ate with force, and I periodically felt nauseous, my chest and lower abdomen hurt. “Period... Just in time!” - we thought.

But my period did not come in a day or a week. When I almost fainted in the store, my husband forced me to buy a pregnancy test.

Of course, I refused, saying that it was pointless, and I would only cry again, seeing this one stripe.

The next morning I took a test. And for the first time in my life I saw two fat stripes. I ran out of the bathroom like a whirlwind and started crying like a little child.

My husband jumped on the bed and began to read the instructions to see if I had done everything correctly. The next morning I did the test again, and again there were two greasy lines...

Upon arrival in Moscow, we immediately made an appointment with a well-known gynecologist, about whom trusted sources of evidence-based medicine wrote. They looked at me on an ultrasound and did not see any polycystic disease. Pregnancy confirmed.

I again told my whole story from the very beginning, and our surprise knew no bounds when they explained to us, almost on the graph of my menstrual cycle, why we could not get pregnant all this time on Duphaston.

The fact is that a woman’s standard menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, and ovulation occurs on days 14-15. Duphaston is taken from days 16 to 25, after ovulation.

But my cycle is not 28 days, it is unstable and ranges from 25 to 75 days, which is not the norm.

Accordingly, my ovulation does not occur on the 15th day, but occurs later, just on those days when I drank Duphaston.

Duphaston suppressed my ovulation all this time,

that’s why I had anovulatory cycles all the time, and I simply couldn’t physically get pregnant...

We were shocked by what we heard. We were horrified by the incompetence of the doctor who incorrectly prescribed the drug to me, although he knew about my unstable cycle.

Now that this whole nightmare is behind me, I am 8 months pregnant, we have finally found a wonderful doctor who we really like. I hope that all the women who were incorrectly prescribed Duphaston or other drugs did not suffer too much from this and in the end everything worked out for them and they became happy mothers.

Good luck, and beware of incompetent doctors!

Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/acush/diufaston-i-beremennost-istoriia-pacientki-5af2f8931410c3e1e4bdafb4

When can a young woman be prescribed Duphaston?

The main indication for prescribing this medication during pregnancy planning is a deficiency of progesterone in a woman’s blood. It is the lack of this hormone that can lead to some problems that affect a woman’s ability to become a mother.

Indications for the use of Duphaston when planning a baby:

  • lack of pregnancy hormone in the second phase of the menstrual cycle:
  • inflammatory diseases of the mucous walls of the uterus - endometritis;
  • normalization and activation of hormonal levels before implantation of a fertilized egg using in vitro fertilization;
  • uterine bleeding other than menstruation;
  • Irregular menstrual cycle.

Duphaston can also be used during pregnancy in case of threatened miscarriage or premature birth.

Video: progesterone and gestation

On the Internet you can find an “Open Letter to Colleagues”, allegedly signed by medical professors Krasnopolsky V.I. and Sidelnikov V.M., but we were unable to confirm its authenticity:

<…> The safety of Duphaston(r) has been confirmed by our clinical experience. In the department of therapy and prevention of miscarriage of the Federal State Institution NTsAG and P "Rosmedtekhnologiya", at the Moniiag Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, at the RUDN University at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, we widely use Duphaston(r) in everyday practice and see excellent results in the treatment of miscarriage. Therefore, we can say with confidence that today Duphaston(r) is the gestagen of choice in patients with both obstetric and gynecological pathologies caused by progesterone deficiency. In addition to the gestagenic effect, Duphaston(r) is an immunomodulator. Numerous studies around the world have shown that under the influence of Duphaston, immunocompetent cells produce progesterone-induced blocking factor, which, by acting on immune cells in the endometrium, helps normalize the endometrial-embryo immune relationship and promotes the release of a large number of growth factors and angiogenesis for the physiological development of pregnancy. Otherwise, activation of lymphokine-activated killer cells occurs with an increase in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and activation of local thrombophilia, which leads to chorionic detachments, the formation of retrochorial hematomas and the development of placental insufficiency if pregnancy is not terminated. Early pregnancy losses in most cases are immune-related, so the use of Duphaston is not only justified, but an extremely necessary component in the treatment of habitual pregnancy loss. Dear colleagues, of course, the choice of one drug or another is a personal decision for each doctor. And we are confident that regardless of the situation on the pharmaceutical market, you will be helped by real knowledge, accurate and verified information, common sense and a sincere desire to act solely in the interests of patients! <…>

prof. Krasnopolsky V.I., prof. Sidelnikov V. M.


At the same forum, doctors share their personal thoughts on the above letter and on the prescription of Duphaston:

Pure Tide! The comrades who signed up should be filmed in the video and shown in advertising screensavers.



1. Is it possible to determine the lack of progesterone using the graphs? Indirectly, yes, but there are more accurate research methods (for example, determining its concentration in the blood in the second phase of the cycle) 2. Is it possible to plan a pregnancy while taking Duphaston? Isn't it harmful? It's possible, it's not harmful. Although there must be indications for taking it. 3. Or maybe it’s not the hormones, but the patency of the tubes? I have the same suspicions.

B. Kamenetsky, gynecologist-reproductologist


Safety in practice

Speaking about the safety of Duphaston, the opinion of Russian experts is implied. The views of foreign obstetricians and gynecologists differ. This is due to the fact that all studies of the drug are retrospective, i.e., conducted on completed cases, because conducting studies on pregnant women is unethical. This is also confirmed by the fact that in Europe pregnancy-preserving therapy is not prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage before 12 weeks. But long-term use of the drug did not reveal any side effects on the health of the mother or fetus.

One thing is certain, that Duphaston should be prescribed according to strict indications only by a specialist, that its use should be limited to the 20th week of pregnancy. You don’t need to start drinking the drug on your own, you don’t need to prescribe it just in case.

There are only two main indications for its use:

  • progesterone deficiency detected at the preconceptional stage;
  • threatened or incipient miscarriage.

Read: Ultrasound 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The purpose of Duphaston in IVF protocols is still controversial. This is the option when it is prescribed just in case it actually works.

You should not refuse to take the drug just because its safety has not been scientifically proven. Many women received and carried a long-awaited pregnancy while taking it. The main task is to make a correct diagnosis in case of infertility or to reliably determine the cause of recurrent miscarriage. There is no need to take the medicine without a blood test, because the doctor wants to be on the safe side, because a friend took it and successfully became pregnant and gave birth.

Hormonal treatment is a serious thing. Incorrectly prescribed therapy can lead to even more serious hormonal imbalance.

Therefore, if there are doubts about the correctness of the chosen treatment tactics, there is no need to waste money and time and consult with another specialist. You shouldn't be afraid of this. A normal doctor will calmly respond to the patient’s desire to hear the opinions of various obstetricians and gynecologists.

Women's forums are the scourge of our time. There, “specialists” can prescribe treatment, dissuade you from taking hormones, and adjust the therapy already prescribed. You just need to remember that they are not responsible for the health of others, and most often, if a problem arises, they themselves will go to a antenatal clinic or medical center to get help. Everyone is responsible for their own health. We have one for the rest of our lives. I wouldn't want to lose him in the middle of the journey.

Why Duphaston, Femoston and other drugs with synthetic hormones do not normalize the natural cycle, but only kill it, creating only the appearance of menstruation, see the following video:

May 03, 2020 Valeria 343

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Discussion: 6 comments

  1. Nika:
    02/12/2019 at 07:08

    Can taking duphaston somehow affect the fetus itself? It is accepted only for its preservation, as I understand it. In general, of course, it’s very good that there is such an effective drug, I most likely won’t be able to do without it ((I’m currently on it, restoring ovarian function and cycle


  2. Oksana:

    06/10/2019 at 19:02

    At one time, duphaston helped me endure a long-awaited pregnancy; the drug is of course controversial, but without it my beloved daughter would not have existed. It’s bad that we like to prescribe it “just in case” to almost every pregnant woman without a blood test.


  3. Inna:

    09.25.2019 at 19:32

    Throughout my pregnancy, from the very beginning, as I found out, I took Duphaston. It did not affect the child in any way, nor did it affect my health. Without him, it would have been difficult for me to bear a pregnancy, and perhaps it would not have happened at all. The drug and dosage were prescribed by the doctor. I wonder if there is anyone else who also took duphaston throughout their pregnancy, almost until delivery?


  4. Alesya:

    01/18/2020 at 00:44

    From 7 to 21 weeks she took duphaston to maintain pregnancy. They prescribed it “just in case”, since there was a threat of miscarriage. But who knows, what if I wouldn’t have carried the pregnancy to term without him? The only thing is that duphaston fixed me very much, that after that I endured it and gave birth only at 42 weeks. Fortunately, it did not affect the child in any way.


  5. Selina:

    03/03/2020 at 04:48

    And if the doctor prescribed 4 Duphaston tablets, considering that I have twins, wouldn’t that be too much? Also, does this drug pose any harm to the baby’s future?


  6. Selina:

    03/03/2020 at 04:51

    And if the doctor prescribed 4 Duphaston tablets, considering that I have twins, wouldn’t that be too much? Also, does this drug pose any harm to the baby’s future?


Contraindications and possible side effects

Despite the fact that Duphaston consists, as it may seem at first glance, of hormones familiar to the female body, it is still not recommended for some categories of expectant mothers to take it in order to avoid complications and unpleasant consequences.

Contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
  • bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • Dabin-Johnson syndrome and Rotor syndrome, which are characterized as hereditary genetic diseases similar in symptoms to jaundice;
  • breastfeeding period.

Side effects as a result of using Duphaston are very rare. The main reasons for their occurrence: non-compliance with the dosage and a tendency to allergic reactions.

Side effects:

  • itching, burning and redness of the skin;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • vaginal bleeding other than menstrual bleeding;
  • headache, weakness and drowsiness.

Some experts believe that taking hormonal drugs during pregnancy is one of the main reasons for the birth of premature, low-birth-weight babies. Moreover, this can cause placental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia.

If the above symptoms appear, you should stop taking this medication and consult a doctor. Treatment of side effects is symptomatic, since a special neutralizing medication that can “eliminate” these consequences has not been identified.

Taking Duphaston does not in any way affect the duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as the abundance of menstrual flow.

Rules for taking medications when planning pregnancy

The use of Duphaston during pregnancy planning should only occur under the strict supervision of a physician. Taking it on your own can cause a reverse therapeutic effect, which occurs due to an excess of the pregnancy hormone . In this case, the drug begins to act according to the scheme of contraceptive drugs. Moreover, not only progesterone deficiency is the cause of infertility, therefore, before starting a treatment course, a young couple must undergo a medical examination to exclude all possible causes of the problem.

If it is impossible to conceive a baby due to low progesterone levels, doctors prescribe a course of Duphaston . But it is important to note that it should be taken strictly depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle, starting from the day of ovulation - the moment when the egg is released from the ovary. Thus, the drug must be taken from days 16 to 26 of the cycle. It is usually prescribed for a course of three months, but if conception has not occurred during this period, treatment can be continued for up to six months.

To achieve pregnancy, progesterone must be taken after ovulation.

Typically, Duphaston tablets are taken twice a day, regardless of meals, with plenty of liquid. But the exact treatment regimen must be prescribed by a doctor.

If the expectant mother is lucky enough to become pregnant, this does not mean that it is necessary to suddenly stop taking this drug. The course of treatment usually continues until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, when the placenta takes over the functions of hormone production. Sometimes therapeutic treatment can last the entire 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Refusal from this hormonal drug occurs gradually, every day it is necessary to reduce the dosage, which is within the competence of the attending physician. Abruptly stopping the medication may cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Using Duphaston together with other medications

There were no negative consequences from the parallel use of Duphaston with other drugs. But it is worth noting that inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, such as Phenobarbital, Difenin, can accelerate the metabolism of Duphaston and weaken its effect.

Duphaston is often prescribed as part of complex therapy with other medications. For example, it can be taken in combination with Metipred when the concentration of the male hormone testosterone is too high, and progesterone, on the contrary, is insufficient. The simultaneous use of these drugs allows you to normalize hormonal levels.

Metypred helps reduce testosterone in a woman’s blood if she is unable to conceive

Very often, in the treatment of infertility, a drug tandem such as Divigel and Duphaston can be encountered. This is explained by the fact that for successful conception, the balance of the hormones progesterone and estrogen is also important. Divigel normalizes the level of estrogen, and Duphaston, as already mentioned, normalizes progesterone.

Gel Divigel is used vaginally to normalize estrogen levels

Duphaston during pregnancy

So, the desired pregnancy has arrived: the test showed two distinct lines, sentimental tears came, the happy or frightened future father was informed of the imminent emergence of a new status, and you are already looking in the mirror to see if your belly has become large and are touched by the advertising of diapers on TV.

The next item on a decent and responsible woman’s agenda is usually a visit to the gynecologist.

After the ultrasound examination, everyone exhaled calmly: “Congratulations! Everything is in order, the pregnancy is uterine, there is a fetal heartbeat... Only you are somehow nervous! Have a drink, duphaston (morningstan)! It will not be worse!".

At this point in the doctor’s appointments, the expectant mother needs to be very careful and wary. Perhaps you should ask the doctor a bold and immodest question: “Why?” What are the indications for taking duphaston? The doctor must give a reasoned reason why YOU should drink duphaston.

Duphaston is still a hormone.

Duphaston and utrozhestan, which are most often prescribed during pregnancy, are analogues of natural progesterone. However, duphaston is a synthetic progesterone, and utrozhestan is microionized natural progesterone.

Despite all their “naturalness,” they can cause side effects typical of any drug. These are drowsiness, lethargy, worsening mood, problems with liver function (therefore, the use of these drugs is prohibited in case of impaired liver function, especially in Gilbert, Rotor and Dabin-Johnson syndromes).

A gynecologist can make “scary eyes” and say that, in general, progesterone is useful for maintaining pregnancy. Yes, definitely. But we need a HEALTHY child, not one saved at any cost!

Early miscarriages in 80% of cases occur due to genetic mutations of the fetus. Let me explain: if the pregnancy does not continue and is terminated, then most likely you did not have a child with one or another pathology. A miscarriage before 3 months is a kind of natural selection!

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Only in the CIS countries is it customary to maintain pregnancy at all costs! The woman is hospitalized and actively treated. The following are used: no-spa, magnesia, dicynon, magne B6 and so on. All these drugs do NOT help maintain a pregnancy if a miscarriage is destined. What will help maintain pregnancy most of all is calmness of the nervous system, which is very difficult to obtain in a hospital, even in the best one.

Side effects of duphaston

Know that in the CIS, gynecologists prescribe duphaston during pregnancy as if it were a vitamin. Well, it makes the doctor feel better. Well, this is the fashion, but gynecologists prescribe it, and it’s good...

Yes, it may be good for the doctor and the mother, but it is completely unknown how this will affect the reproductive system and the general health of the unborn child. Yes, you will maintain the pregnancy on progesterone, but then you will have to raise the child.

And besides, if in early childhood the occurrence of allergies and asthma can be attributed to bad products with preservatives and all sorts of “E” or dirty air, then in adolescence, “progesterone” girls often develop polycystic ovary syndrome, acne, metabolic disorders, and Boys filled with progesterone in utero have a change in sexual orientation.

The fact is that in the USA and Europe the use of synthetic progesterones (in particular, Turinal) is prohibited due to the fact that its use in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 4 months) can cause minor malformations of the fetus.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan are practically the same Turinal, of course, safer because they are more modern, but nevertheless, many pediatricians are already sounding the alarm and even the term “progesterone children” has appeared.

These are children, as a rule, with adrenal insufficiency - that is, potential allergies and asthmatics.

In what case is it absolutely necessary to use duphaston?

Duphaston can be used without fail during IVF and recurrent miscarriages. Then women really have no chance of carrying a pregnancy to term, because in the first case there is no natural corpus luteum that produces progesterone in the early stages, and with habitual miscarriages a “conditioned reflex” already works.

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The diagnosis of “recurrent miscarriage” or “recurrent miscarriage” is made when three spontaneous miscarriages occur before 20 weeks of pregnancy.

What medications can be used instead of Duphaston

Thanks to the development of modern pharmaceuticals, a considerable number of hormonal drugs have been developed that allow a young woman to feel the joy of motherhood. But all drugs can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, as they have a decent list of contraindications. It is prohibited to replace one drug with another based on your own desires.

Duphaston does not have complete structural analogues, but there are medications that have the same therapeutic effect:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Iprozhin;
  • Prajeesan;
  • Crinon.

Tables: generics Duphaston - progesterone preparations

Name of the drugRelease formActive substancesIndications for useContraindicationsSide effectsEstimated cost
Utrozhestanjelly capsules 100 mg and 200 mg for oral and vaginal administrationprogesterone
  • threat of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • irregular menstrual cycle associated with ovulation disorders;
  • problems with conception;
  • period before the IVF procedure.
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug;
  • tendency to increased thrombosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hepatitis and jaundice;
  • malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands and reproductive organs;
  • liver cancer;
  • lactation period;
  • Rotor syndrome and Dubin-Johnson syndrome, which are characterized by severe hereditary liver disease.

This medication should be taken very carefully and only as prescribed by a doctor in the last two trimesters of gestation.

  • headaches and depression;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stool disorder;
  • redness and itching of the skin;
  • jaundice;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina.
360 – 440 Russian rubles
Iprozhincapsules for oral and vaginal use
  • mastopathy;
  • threat of miscarriage and premature birth;
  • maintaining the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • premenstrual symptom;
  • inflammation of the uterine mucosa;
  • infertility caused by disorders in the endocrine system.
  • individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • increased thrombus formation;
  • ischemia;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • high blood pressure;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • incomplete abortion.

Manufacturers recommend using the drug with caution in the second and third trimesters.

  • manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • dizziness and fatigue;
  • reducing the interval between menstruation;
  • bleeding.
320 – 380 Russian rubles
  • capsules for insertion into the vagina and oral administration;
  • gel for external use.
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • ensuring the luteal phase during IVF;
  • early menopause;
  • benign formations in the mammary gland;
  • inflammation of the uterine mucosa.
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • increased thrombus formation;
  • liver failure and liver cancer;
  • malignant neoplasms in the breast and reproductive organs;
  • individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug;
  • diabetes;
  • breastfeeding period.

Using this medication late in pregnancy may cause liver problems.

  • itching and burning of the skin;
  • jaundice;
  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • bleeding from the vagina;
  • swelling.
210 – 260 Russian rubles
Crinongel for vaginal use
  • vaginal bleeding associated with pregnancy hormone deficiency;
  • maintaining the luteal phase during pregnancy planning.
  • individual intolerance to the components of the medication;
  • bleeding from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • lactation period;
  • incomplete abortion or miscarriage;
  • tumor in the genitals or mammary gland.

The use of the drug is permissible only in the first trimester of pregnancy.

  • vaginal redness;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • headache and drowsiness;
  • pain in the abdominal area.
1999 – 2090 Russian rubles

Photo gallery: functional generics of Duphaston

Utrozhestan is one of the best analogues of Duphaston

Iprozhin is not recommended in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy

Crinon gel is applied to the vaginal walls using a special applicator

The use of Prajisan is permissible only in the first three months of pregnancy

Which is better: Duphaston or Utrozhestan?

Duphaston and Utrozhestan are similar hormonal drugs that are equally successfully used when planning pregnancy and during the first trimester. Both of these drugs are “substitutes” for the natural hormone of the female body - progesterone. But at the same time, they have a number of differences, which play an important role in their purpose. It is worth noting that only a gynecologist can choose the most suitable and effective medicine; you should not do this yourself.

Table: comparison of Duphaston and Utrozhestan

  1. The active component is a synthetic product, as close to natural as possible.
  2. Minimal number of contraindications and rare cases of side effects.
  3. The tablets do not contain allergens such as soy and peanut butter.
  4. Can only be used orally.
  5. Quite a high cost.
  6. It can be used both during pregnancy planning and throughout all three trimesters of gestation, if the benefits of its use are much higher than the expected risks.
  1. The active component is a natural substance extracted from the male sex hormone - testosterone.
  2. Quite a large number of contraindications.
  3. The medication contains allergens: soy and peanut oil.
  4. Can be used both orally and vaginally. This is especially convenient for expectant mothers who suffer from toxicosis.
  5. The drug is almost two times cheaper than Duphaston.
  6. The drug should be used with caution in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy due to the risk of developing cholestasis.
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