Recipe for the “Brush” drink to cleanse the intestines

Types of diet shakes for weight loss

There are several types of diet shakes. In addition to the fat-burning effect, each drink has an additional effect on the body. When choosing a cocktail, you need to take into account your goals and needs. There are four main groups of diet drinks:

  1. Cleansing. They have a laxative effect, rid the intestines of toxins, improve motor skills, and generally normalize the functioning of the organ. Some types of homemade drinks have medicinal properties, help cope with constipation, and improve microflora.
  2. Accelerating metabolism. Prepared with the addition of hot spices, they accelerate the blood, warm, and “spin up” metabolic processes in the body.
  3. Energy. They often contain citrus juices, honey, aloe and other ingredients that increase activity and mood. It is recommended to drink them in the morning and before training.
  4. Diuretics. Remove excess water from the body, relieve swelling. Herbal infusions, tomatoes, watermelon, and green tea are used as a base.

It is convenient to use diuretic cocktails for weight loss at home. If you are planning even a short trip soon, for example to work or school, then drinking such a drink the day before can lead to certain problems. During the hot season, it may be difficult to take smoothies with hot spices, as they accelerate the blood and increase body temperature.

Smoothies for cleansing the intestines and the whole body: recipes in a blender for weight loss

Regular bowel emptying is gaining popularity among people seeking to improve their body health and maintain good mood and activity.
Cleansing programs are gaining momentum and have a wide range of products. A colon cleansing smoothie is a simple and useful method of getting rid of toxins and impurities. Smoothies made from various ingredients can be consumed every day, for example before breakfast. Among the side effects of drinks, one can highlight individual intolerance to one of the components. The allergen can be successfully replaced with something else and a recipe suitable for all indicators can be selected.

Basic rules of cleansing

  1. Smoothie recipes for cleansing the body are composed in proportions that will allow you to get the maximum of nutrients and gently and gradually rid the intestines of toxins. You cannot exclude one ingredient or replace it with another yourself; if any of the components of the cocktail is not suitable, then you need to choose a different recipe.
  2. Before you start cleaning, you need to do two weeks of preparation, which consists of limiting sweet, fried and junk foods.
  3. Fasting while taking cleansing drinks is strictly prohibited. Withdrawal of food causes the gastrointestinal tract to decline, metabolism is disrupted, as a result of which metabolism can slow down.

A large number of vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which helps to carefully cleanse the body and restart metabolism.
Drinking fruit or vegetable smoothies to cleanse the intestines, prepared in a blender, makes the consumption process more refined and enjoyable. Preparing such drinks takes little time, just follow the rules:

  1. A smoothie can contain a maximum of 5 ingredients, no more.
  2. You can add honey to add flavor; under no circumstances should you use sugar.
  3. The cocktail must be thoroughly ground and mixed, the juice of the components must mix with each other.

The main advantages of drinking plant-based smoothies:

  1. Cleansing the stomach and intestines contributes to the weight loss process by speeding up metabolism.
  2. Normalization of the functioning of the digestive organs.
  3. Strengthening hair, nails, cleansing skin from rashes.
  4. Feeling of lightness and a surge of energy.
  5. Sound and healthy sleep.

A properly selected recipe can work wonders, heal the body, fill it with vitamins from living fruits and vegetables, and cleanse the intestines of toxins.

Cabbage + apple + banana + parsley

In a blender bowl you need to put a peeled apple, a peeled banana, a cup of cabbage leaves (freed from hard veins) and ½ cup of chopped parsley.

Chop all components thoroughly in a blender; if there is not enough liquid, you can add ½ glass of clean water to make it easier to drink. You can drink this cocktail every day until you get tired of it, preferably half an hour before meals on an empty stomach.

Banana + yogurt + oatmeal

This recipe for intestinal cleansing is suitable for people who do not have problems digesting lactose and fiber. Everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal; it is also called beauty porridge, because the fiber and fiber it contains act as a massage for the intestinal walls, which increases peristalsis.

In a blender you need to mix: peeled banana, 5 tablespoons of oatmeal and ½ cup of white sugar-free yogurt. Grind everything thoroughly and drink with pleasure. It is advisable to drink the smoothie immediately after preparation, before the oatmeal is saturated with yogurt, in order to get a scrubbing effect.

Broccoli + kefir + dill

An ideal recipe for those who want to not only cleanse the body and intestines, but also lose weight. Before mixing, boil 100 grams of broccoli, cut a bunch of dill to make ½ cup full, and take 200 milliliters of kefir. Mix everything in a bowl and crush until smooth. To add flavor, you can add some spices or honey.

Read on topic: Cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins at home

Kefir + strawberries + banana + cottage cheese

This smoothie is designed to replace a full meal while losing weight. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions: 1 banana without peel, a glass of strawberries, ½ low-calorie kefir and ½ glass of grain cottage cheese. Everything is whipped in a blender to a kefir mass.

Apple + spinach + lemon

Peeled apple, 1 cup of spinach, juice and pulp of ½ lemon and a glass of water are placed in a blender bowl and whisked thoroughly until smooth. Bananas are high in calories, so any banana recipe can be used as a midday snack.

Such a smoothie for cleansing the intestines not only fulfills its original task, but also energizes the body for the whole day.

Garlic + parsley + radishes + beets + carrots

Such ingredients can saturate the stomach, cleanse the intestines, and provide the body with a bunch of vitamins without a gram of sugar. Vegetables in cleansing cocktails are most often used for weight loss and a light effect. To prepare, you need to take: peeled beets, 1 radish, 1 clove of garlic without peel, ½ cup of parsley and 3 carrots. Everything is whipped in a blender until smooth.

Cleansing the body using these recipes is practically safe, but before taking a smoothie you need to be sure that a person does not have contraindications, which may be associated with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes and allergic reactions.

Smoothie recipes for colon cleansing and weight loss Link to main publication


Dosage regimens

In order to correct weight, they drink fat-burning drinks according to a certain pattern. Several possible methods of administration that will make homemade weight loss cocktails more effective:

  1. Meal replacement. Hearty vegetable smoothies based on fermented milk can replace a full meal. They are often consumed for dinner, thereby preventing overeating after a working day and gaining extra calories.
  2. Snack. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger between main meals, you can dull it with a light vegetable or fruit drink. This technique will give you a boost of energy and will also prevent you from overeating during the next meal.
  3. For the night. Often, after an insufficiently satisfying dinner, a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger, which can lead to a breakdown. In this case, 2-3 hours before bedtime, you can drink a diet drink, preferably vegetable and based on fermented milk products. Such smoothies not only satisfy hunger, but also improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Before eating. It is better to drink high-carbohydrate fruit drinks on an empty stomach. They will provide the body with energy; scientists have proven that a hearty breakfast reduces the total number of calories consumed during the day.

Diet cocktails

Cocktails that cleanse the intestines and body: recipes

Cleansing cocktails are a great help in preparing the body for upcoming restrictions, as well as in rehabilitating after diets. The high fiber content in the cocktail will improve intestinal function, absorb harmful substances and cleanse the intestinal walls of plaque, and the high content of minerals and vitamins will improve appearance.

Benefits and rules of use

The shortest way to weight loss is to restrict food, this is what most diets offer, but what result can this lead to, besides losing pounds? Reduced muscle mass, dehydration and vitamin deficiency are the consequences of diet that the body faces.

The results of strict diets are: dull hair, brittle nails, poor skin color and cellulite, not to mention possible gastrointestinal diseases. Cocktails made from greens, vegetables and fruits will help prevent the negative consequences of diet on the body and balance nutrition.

Benefits of cocktails:

  • They have low calorie content;
  • High content of various vitamins and minerals;
  • The body easily absorbs all useful substances;
  • Removes waste and toxins;
  • Normalize intestinal function and cleanse its walls;
  • Relieves the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • Just getting ready;
  • Availability of ingredients.

A few simple rules of use:

  • Use a blender to prepare them, not a juicer;
  • Do not use ingredients that cause allergies or those that are contraindicated for health reasons;
  • The ratio of greens to vegetables and fruits should be at least 40% and no more than 50%;
  • Drink in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals (cleansing cocktail);
  • Drink between meals, an hour before or after meals (“fat-burning” cocktail);
  • Always use a freshly prepared cocktail, do not store it for more than an hour;
  • Do not use food that is not fresh or frozen;
  • Do not drink more than 0.25 liters at a time; one glass a day is enough for cleansing. Leave room for other types of cocktails;
  • When diluting the cocktail, do not use tap water, use non-carbonated or purified mineral water.

Cleansing cocktail recipes

Before going on a diet, the body must be prepared, cleansed of waste and toxins accumulated in it. Cleansing cocktails, although not the fastest, are a tasty and healthy option. Cleansing cocktails are useful to drink even after finishing your diet; they will always help you stay in good shape and maintain weight.

Spring – autumn

  • 2 tomatoes + cucumber + dandelion leaves (1 bunch);
  • 2 cucumbers + 200 g broccoli + 1 stalk celery;
  • 2 apricots + peach + watercress (100 g);
  • pear + peach + bunch of spinach + 2 stalks of celery;
  • 100 g kiwi + orange + 100 g spinach + 100 g dandelion leaves.

Winter recipes

In winter, the possibilities for diversifying cocktails are limited, the number of available and inexpensive ingredients is much lower, but, nevertheless, there are many recipes that can be used during the cold period. Pamper your body with delicious vitamins.

  • 3 apples + 1/3 tsp. cinnamon;
  • Beets + apple + carrots (medium size) + 4 stalks of celery + ginger root (4 cm);
  • 1/3 lemon + 3 cabbage leaves + 4 lettuce leaves + 1 tsp. honey + water (50-100 g);
  • Kiwi + orange + carrots + aloe vera stem + 5 red lettuce leaves + cinnamon (pinch) + 100 g water;
  • Carrots + ½ lemon + orange + kiwi;

Hot cocktails

When it’s freezing outside, your body cries out for something hot to drink, so let’s look at a few recipes for “warm” cocktails.

Ginger tea. For preparation you will need: 100 g rose hips, 1/3 lemon, 1 tsp. ginger, 1 cinnamon stick, 0.5 liters of water and honey. Peel the lemon, cut into slices (remove the seeds, if any).

Throw the rose hips into the water and bring to a boil. Pour the broth into a thermos, add lemon, ginger and cinnamon. Leave for an hour, then pour into cups. Add 1 tsp. honey into a cup of drink.

The drink boosts immunity and improves metabolism.

  • We recommend reading: ginger cocktails for weight loss

Drink with honey. Squeeze the juice of one lemon, add 2 tsp. honey, pour all this into 0.5 liters of hot water (no more than 45 degrees), add a pinch of ginger and nutmeg. This cocktail improves digestion, promotes blood formation, improves immunity and overall tone of the body.

Burning fats

In addition to cocktails that cleanse the body, there are also those that improve metabolism and help burn fat. They can be a great addition to your diet and daily routine.

Let's look at several recipes for fat-burning cocktails:

Green. Peeled kiwi (1 piece) and half a lemon, mint leaves (from 7 sprigs), a bunch of parsley and one stalk of celery. Mix everything in a blender, add non-carbonated mineral water and a teaspoon of honey if desired.

Fermented milk. You need to take 200 ml of one percent kefir, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/3 tsp. ginger and ¼ tsp. nutmeg, red chili pepper on the tip of a knife. Mix everything in a blender. The drink is drunk at night, or instead of dinner.

Vegetable. In a blender, blend 2 apples (peeled, cored), ¼ lemon (peeled and pitted), ¼ peeled zucchini, ¼ peeled cucumber, celery stalk and a piece of ginger root. If desired, you can add a little water or ice.

With apple cider vinegar. Dissolve half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water, add cinnamon and let stand for five minutes. The cocktail is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before meals. In case of high acidity, ulcers and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract, drinking is not recommended.

Citrus. A glass of kefir, 100 g of pineapple, ¼ grapefruit and pumpkin seeds (not fried) and 20 ml of olive oil (if possible, then coconut), mix everything in a blender.

With celery. Peel the apple and pear, cut out the core, cut into small slices and place in a container. Place a chopped stalk of celery, a few spinach and mint leaves there. Beat everything with a blender.

Even if you lead a healthy lifestyle and watch your diet, there are situations, such as birthdays, New Years, anniversaries, etc., when a large amount of fatty and high-calorie food is eaten at one time. After a heavy dinner, it is useful to drink a cocktail that will help the body absorb foods and break down fats, preventing them from being deposited.

  • Peel and pit the lemon, add 5 mint leaves, grind in a blender until smooth;
  • Blend pineapple (about 150 g) and 1/4 peeled lemon without seeds in a blender.

Drink the cocktail within an hour after eating, do not dilute with water, do not add sugar or honey.


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Cooking rules

It is recommended to consume weight loss cocktails immediately after preparation. This way they will contain more vitamins. In addition, there are a number of other rules that will improve the fat-burning properties of a diet drink:

  • All ingredients must be fresh. You should not process products of questionable quality.
  • Don't add white sugar. If the taste of the dish needs to be improved, then use natural sweeteners, such as honey, stevia or dried fruits.
  • Pay special attention to the quality of spices. Packaged ground cinnamon is rarely good; it is better to use natural sticks and grind the pepper yourself from pods or peas.
  • To prepare a homemade protein shake for weight loss, it is recommended to use low-fat dairy products. It is advisable to replace cow's milk with soy, almond or another variety in order to better assimilate the product.

Cleansing cocktail. TOP 16 - recipes for weight loss, for the intestines, for a flat stomach

The hated extra pounds make life difficult for many, making it impossible to wear tight outfits, be slim and love your body. Cleansing the intestines with cocktails is a great way not only to reduce your volume, but also to improve the condition of the body as a whole.

Slags and toxins, as well as salts, accumulate in the intestines, causing fluid to be retained in the body, which leads to significant weight gain. To achieve the maximum effect when losing weight, you need to start by cleansing the intestines with freshly prepared cocktails. Smoothies for weight loss have excellent results.

We have already talked about them on the blog, today we will talk about cocktails.

Cocktails - what are they?

Cocktails for weight loss are a combination of healthy and tasty products prepared in a special way.

The main component of such drinks is fiber or pectin - natural plant ingredients.

After entering the stomach, fiber begins to increase, filling its volume, thereby creating a feeling of fullness.

Cocktails with fiber begin to move along the intestinal walls, promoting the movement of feces.

Making cleansing cocktails is a fun and interesting process. For a health-promoting drink, it is enough to take a certain set of products.

The combination of products can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that all the components are in harmony with each other.

For example, when making a milk-based cocktail, you can add various spices and nuts to it. But sour vegetables and fruits will only spoil the drink.

Milk is quite difficult to digest by the digestive tract, so let’s replace it with fermented milk products.

Strawberries, peaches, honey, oatmeal and herbs go well with kefir or yogurt; all you have to do is season with spices and the cocktail for a flat stomach is ready.

What are the benefits of cocktails?

Crash diets involve restricting calories, reducing the amount of food you eat, or going on a complete fast.

The result of such torture on the body can be a decrease in muscle mass, a lack of macronutrients, brittle and dull hair, dehydration, poor color and skin imperfections, or more serious pathologies of the digestive system.

Cleansing cocktails based on ingredients such as greens, vegetables and fruits will help balance your diet and remove bad substances from the body.

Effect of cocktails for weight loss

1. Detox drinks are aimed at breaking down toxic substances in the body, cleansing the intestinal walls and removing stagnant fluid.

2. Thus, they have a lymphatic drainage effect, improving the functioning of the intestines and liver, which makes you feel vigorous and healthy.

3. Drinks have a beneficial effect on your appearance: small pimples and redness disappear, and your complexion improves.

4. Hair and nails take on a healthy look and shine.

5. What ingredients can you use to make cocktails to get rid of belly fat?

6. For those losing weight, a whole series of products has been developed that promote weight loss. However, homemade smoothies for a flat stomach are many times superior to dietary products, due to their naturalness and accessibility.

The following components are used for smoothie recipes:

1. Water is an important ingredient in cocktails that launches metabolic processes. Its deficiency leads to fluid retention in the body, which in turn provokes edema;

2. Dairy components. Enrich organs and systems with vitamin D, which is responsible for the breakdown of adipose tissue;

3. Vegetable and fruit ingredients. They have virtually no calories, are well absorbed and satiating.

4. Oatmeal. With it, drinks become more nutritious and satisfy hunger well, since it contains fiber fibers that swell in the stomach. Oatmeal helps maintain blood sugar levels, which helps avoid sudden glucose spikes and reduce cravings for sweet foods.

5. Green tea. It has tonic properties, triggers weight loss processes, and increases calorie consumption.

These cocktails are low-calorie, perfectly nourishing and satiating, which means they can be suitable as a snack.

Cleansing cocktail. Recipes for weight loss, for the intestines, for a flat stomach

Before starting the diet, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines of stagnant waste and toxins.

Weight loss drinks are the most affordable and tasty option, although they take a long time to work.

Drinks can be drunk both during the diet and after losing weight to maintain the results for a long time.

Simple tips regarding the correct intake of drinks for a flat stomach:

1. In a blender, such drinks are more rich and dense in consistency than in a juicer.

2. Avoid using products that cause allergies or individual intolerances.

3. Try to take greens and vegetables in equal proportions.

4. Drink a cleansing cocktail in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

5. Fat-burning drinks are taken an hour before or after meals, or in the intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

6. A freshly prepared cocktail must be consumed immediately, since the shelf life of the drink is not long - only an hour.

7. Monitor the freshness and composition of the ingredients.

8. One drink - no more than one glass.

9. To dilute the drink, mineral still water or regular filtered water is suitable.

Making cleansing cocktails

1. Smoothies made from celery, cucumbers, and zucchini are quite simple, since such vegetables are not solid and can be quickly chopped with a blender.

2. Carrots, cauliflower florets, broccoli, and peas must be thrown into boiling water for a couple of minutes so that the vegetables are not so tough.

3. But, for example, potatoes and beets need to be boiled for about ten minutes, then start chopping.

4. Canned vegetables can be an alternative to fresh ones. However, you will need twice as much of them as stated in the recipe.

Vegetable cocktail recipes

For the normal functioning of all organs and systems, you need to eat at least 2 kilograms of vegetables per day.

Not everyone can handle such a volume of products.

In this case, you should resort to smoothies made from fresh and canned vegetables.

Spinach smoothie

You will need 70 g of broccoli, 200 g of spinach (canned), one small apple.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender, add salt and dilute with 60 ml of carrot juice.

Beet smoothie

For the cocktail you need: medium-sized beets, cucumber, several stalks of celery and one bell pepper.

Place everything in a blender bowl and begin grinding until the mass is homogeneous.

Cocktail “Summer Mood”

Stock up on 2-3 cherry tomatoes, one medium-sized cucumber, and half a stalk of celery.

Chop the vegetables, add dill to the mixture, half a clove of garlic passed through a press and a little fermented milk drink (kefir).

Mix all ingredients together.

Green detox smoothie

Wash the celery, apple and cucumber, remove the peel and cut into cubes.

Add half a glass of sour berries and a small amount of spinach to the products.

Chop all the ingredients, beat and dilute with kefir, mineral or cool boiled water.

Red fresh juices

Red vegetables: chop raw beets, radishes, carrots, as well as a clove of garlic and a sprig of parsley in a blender.

Pour in 60 ml of lemon juice and whisk.

Country cocktail

Combine two raw eggs with a glass of milk, season with parsley or dill. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly.

Berry based

You will need: a package of cottage cheese with low fat content, 2 tbsp. spoons of sprouted wheat, the same amount of cranberries or lingonberries.

Blend the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture with a blender and dilute with half a glass of water.

Grapefruit smoothie

Leave half a ripe banana in the freezer for twenty minutes.

Next, peel half a grapefruit and tangerine, add a frozen banana to the fruit, as well as a couple of tablespoons of lingonberries or any other berries, beat until homogeneous.

Lilac drink

Peel any type of pear and chop two pieces of watermelon pulp into cubes.

Place a few strawberries and fruit cubes into a blender, add 100 ml of blueberry juice, and also squeeze out the juice of one lemon, then blend for 30 seconds at medium speed.

Smoothie with honey

For smoothies, use: 100 ml of light strawberry-flavored yoghurt, half an apple and a banana. Add honey and ice to the mixture and mix with a blender for about a minute.

Milk shakes

Combine banana with a glass of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of any corn flakes, and a small amount of honey.

Beat the mixture until homogeneous.

Pear with hints of cinnamon

Throw the apple and pear into a blender, pour in almost a full glass of kefir, beat for 30 - 40 seconds, season with cinnamon.

Green fresh juices

Green vegetables and fruits, all kinds of herbs and herbs are well suited for such smoothies.

For dilution, use boiled cool water.

Emerald cocktail

Kiwi, avocado, green apple varieties should be cut into small pieces, and carefully tear the leaves of garden lettuce with your hands.

In a blender, beat all ingredients, making the composition homogeneous.

Use water or apple juice to dilute.

Cucumber fresh

For a light drink, chop cucumbers together with parsley or dill and lightly dilute with water. Served with mint leaves.

Diet using drinks for weight loss

Diet with fat burning cocktails

A diet with fat-burning cocktails involves avoiding or minimizing the amount of salt and hot spices. Protein must be present in the diet. You can eat low-fat cottage cheese, fish and lean meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits, low-calorie cereals. The basic principles of the drainage diet are as follows;

  • you need to eat at least five times a day;
  • refuse fried, fatty, smoked foods;
  • do not use salt and spices when preparing dishes;
  • have your last meal no later than 19:00;
  • consume no more than 200-250 grams per meal.

Important! It is impossible to lose weight with fat-burning drinks alone. They must be consumed in combination with diet and high physical activity.

On a note. Proper use of detox formulations will allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds and effectively cleanse the body.

Healthy water can replace all meals, preventing the body from experiencing a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. This is the strictest diet and cannot be delayed for more than three days. Light vitamin formulations can be used to replace a couple of meals, which will make the diet more complete, but no less effective.

The process of losing weight is long and requires adherence to certain nutritional rules. Here you need to be patient and work on your body every day. But scientists have proven that even a five-day use of healthy fat-burning complexes reduces the level of harmful fats in the body, cleanses it and improves health. Easy-to-prepare drinks made from fresh, accessible ingredients can work wonders.


Smoothies are vegetables and fruits mixed in a blender until creamy. There are three important rules to remember when making smoothies.

  • The composition must contain no more than five ingredients.
  • The drink must be thoroughly mixed, absolute homogeneity is the key to a proper smoothie.
  • No sugar! To make the drink sweeter, you can add honey or maple syrup.

The benefits of smoothies are obvious. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, which are also well absorbed by the body. By choosing the right ingredients, you will stock up on vitamins, cleanse your body of toxins, and your intestines will work like new.

Preparing smoothies takes time and in winter the cost of some fruits is high. But the benefits of such a drink are worth the investment.

Cucumber + lemon + lettuce + honey

This drink is rich in vitamin E, perfectly removes toxins from the body and tastes good. To prepare, you need 1 cucumber without skin, a bunch of lettuce, the juice of half a lemon, a tablespoon of honey and a glass of cool water.

Bell pepper + lemon

Bell pepper is considered a source of vigor and energy. This smoothie is perfect for recuperating. To prepare, you need two green bell peppers, the juice of half a lemon and half a glass of water.

Apple juice + carrots + banana + lemon

We need 1 banana, half a large carrot, 1 glass of apple juice and the juice of half a lemon. Thanks to the banana, the drink will turn out sweet and will resemble puree in consistency. This smoothie is full of vitamins to keep you feeling good all day long.

Apple + spinach + ginger + honey

This smoothie is a real boost of vitamins! Ginger contains a large amount of vitamins and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It’s easy to prepare the drink: 2 apples, a handful of spinach, a teaspoon of ginger (2 tablespoons if desired), a tablespoon of honey. While whipping, add water to achieve the required consistency.

Cucumber + parsley

Few people know that parsley is one of the most vitamin-rich and easily accessible foods. This smoothie leaves little to the imagination. The number of ingredients can be any, depending on preference. Cucumber juice cleanses the intestines and the body as a whole.

All cleansing drinks are beneficial and deserve your attention. But remember, it’s not enough to drink drinks or arrange a monthly fasting day. You should eat methodically and properly. Know when to stop, but don’t go hungry.

Nutrition should always be complete: rich in vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the required quantities.

Once you normalize your diet, cleansing drinks will be more effective. The main thing is not to overdo it, because it can be difficult for the body to immediately get used to fruit and vegetable smoothies or herbs. The intestines and stomach will thank you for proper nutrition.

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