How to endure pain during childbirth?

Causes of pain

By the end of pregnancy, the uterus becomes the largest internal organ in the body. Moreover, it does not grow, but stretches. It is much more difficult to endure pain during contractions during a period when the volume of the uterus is increased 500 times, due to the area of ​​the irritated segment.

What can you compare the pain of labor contractions to? 70% of mothers say with sensations during a tissue cut. Many compare the pain to a burn to the genitals. It has been scientifically proven that only amputation and rupture of nerve fibers are more painful. Stimulates the intensity of the mother's fear and panic reaction.

Influencing factors:

  1. cervical dilatation;
  2. Christmastide tension;
  3. pelvic muscle resistance;
  4. temporary tissue ischemia;
  5. deformation of the uterine vessels, which have highly sensitive receptors;
  6. lack of control, the psyche is not ready for reduction.

Medications such as local, epidural and general anesthesia help you survive labor and childbirth. If a woman in labor concentrates only on pain, metabolic processes in the plasma are disrupted, and there is a risk of complications during childbirth. Correct behavior, readiness for the start of contractions, control of the uniformity and intervals of contractions helps to increase the pain threshold.

Is it possible to have contractions without pain? Not if the true labor process has begun. Stone in the abdomen, without signs of pain, means training contractions.

There is a relationship between physiological factors, periods of flow and the degree of sensitivity. Women with painful menstruation and associated pathologies have a hard time enduring labor pains.

At-risk groups:

  • large fruit;
  • first pregnancy;
  • prolonged labor;
  • early discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • use of oxytocin;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

What hurts more: contractions or childbirth? Moms say they are having contractions. Muscular contractions of the uterus reach their peak before the start of pushing, the pain becomes sharp, and the pressure of the fetus on the cervix increases.

Childbirth without pain

The stereotype that exists among people that the pain during childbirth is so great that it is difficult to endure is quite stable and women take it for granted. However, many of them are so afraid of painful contractions that they ask the doctor for a caesarean section. And it is completely in vain, because it is within the power of a woman to prepare for the meeting with the baby in such a way that the birth takes place with minimal unpleasant sensations. How to give birth painlessly? – this is exactly what expectant mothers should worry about.

What is the pain during childbirth?

Pain during childbirth appears during contractions - without spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the uterus, the movement of the fetus towards the exit and the opening of the pharynx simply will not happen. There are many receptors in the uterus, which is why contractions are so painful. But pain also occurs in the muscles that surround this organ - in the lower back, peritoneum, ligaments. It is muscle tension that contributes to increased discomfort during contractions. The pain at this moment is without a specific location, has a dull, aching character and is called visceral. During the period of pushing, pain appears due to stretching of the muscles of the birth canal when the baby is delivered. These sensations are a little stronger, their localization is the perineum itself, the vagina, the rectum. This pain is called somatic. But at the moment there is no unit for measuring pain during childbirth, since pain is a subjective thing.

How to relieve pain during childbirth: relaxation of the mind

If a woman is obviously full of fears before childbirth, she is all tense and her painful sensations intensify. It is worth changing your attitude towards pain, not fighting it, but accepting it as part of a natural process that brings you closer to meeting your child. To relieve muscle tension, the woman in labor needs to relax by adopting a comfortable position. So, for example, standing on your knees and spreading them, you can rest your chest on a pillow or rubber ball, placing your hands under your head.

How to reduce pain during childbirth: massage

Massage techniques will also help alleviate the condition. It’s good if your husband helps you during contractions:

  1. Massage using pressing movements of fingers or fists in the area from the sacrum to the lower back is quite effective.
  2. To reduce back pain, massaging the lower back with two fists using rotational movements helps.
  3. Relieves muscle tension during contractions or between them by massaging the forearms, legs, and thighs with both hands.

Coping with pain during childbirth: breathing

Correct breathing technique will greatly relieve pain.

  1. Slow breathing. When the contraction begins, you need to breathe in slowly through your nose and then exhale noisily through your mouth. The breathing rate per minute should not exceed 10 inhalations and exhalations. Try to relax your muscles at this moment.
  2. Accelerated breathing. When the intensity of the contraction increases, breathing is used, in which the inhalation is shallow and quiet, and the exhalation is noisy. Breathing frequency – 1 time per second.
  3. When pushing, you need to take a full breath and, with the permission of the obstetrician, push, putting all the pressure in the pelvis, and not in the head. When the contraction is over, exhale slowly. In order to avoid rupture of the perineum, dog breathing is used.

Medications to relieve pain during childbirth

If desired, the woman in labor can have pain relieved with epidural anesthesia or medicated sleep. In the first method, an anesthetic drug is injected into the meninges of the spinal cord. The contractions are going on, but the woman does not feel pain. During the protracted first period, when the cervix opens slowly, a type of anesthesia such as drug sleep is used. It lasts about 2-3 hours, and by the time the attempts begin, the woman feels rested and full of strength.

In any case, there is no need to be afraid of pain during childbirth. You need a positive attitude, because meeting your baby is very close!

Pain relief methods

If at the beginning of labor a woman is at home, contractions are not yet counted at systematic intervals, and you don’t have to stop everyday activities. It is recommended to move, clean up, put things in maternity hospital bags and documents. When increasing frequency, monitoring the regularity of contractions of the uterine muscles, special techniques are used to alleviate the pain syndrome.

How to better cope with labor pains during childbirth:

  1. applying heat;
  2. warm bath;
  3. correct breathing;
  4. massage;
  5. anesthesia.

Applying heat. For pain relief at home, heated containers are used - an enema with water, a thick bag with flax or barley grains. You can take a piece of thick fabric, pour oats and wheat into it, and tie the ends together. The bag is heated in the microwave until warm and applied to the sacral lumbar region for 15-20 minutes. The technique relaxes muscles, relieves spasms, relieves pain, and helps to properly survive contractions during childbirth.

Bath. It is recommended to be in warm water when the pain is still tolerable; the bath should have a temperature of up to 37.5 C. You cannot lie on your back; lying on your side will stimulate blood circulation and supply oxygen. You need to relax, count to 100, roll over. Place a soft rubber mat on the bottom of the bath and a pillow under your head.

Breath. Techniques change as the fight progresses. At the initial stage, when the intervals between contractions are 5-7 minutes, you need to breathe deeply, with your stomach. Inhale for 3-4 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds.

When the frequency decreases to 3 minutes, the duration of the contraction increases to 2-2.5 minutes, you need to inhale for 4 counts, exhale for 5. At the peak of the contraction, breathe often, not deeply. Before pushing, try to choose a measured rhythm, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. As air leaves the lungs, push the fetus out.

Massage helps you endure labor pains. The procedure must be carried out from the beginning of the first contractions, until the moment of pushing. You can use pain-relieving gels, creams, Vaseline ointments, oil, if the risk of an allergic reaction is excluded.

Spot. Simultaneously press on the indentation between the thumb and index finger, on the outside of the hand, and on the ankle bone, on the inside. The movements are short, intense, duration 40 seconds, the impact hand is located parallel to the floor.

Stroking. Palms fold left over right in the lower abdomen, moving from the center to the sides. The pads gently massage the skin; at the peak of contraction, the pressure increases.

Sacral. Using finger bones and a vibrating massager, the peri-sacral area is massaged with intense circular movements for 30-40 seconds. During the break, use the pads of your fingers to apply light pressure on the sacrum and the hollows above the buttocks.

Thigh rubbing. You need to lie on your side, bend your knees and put them together. Place your palm on the inner thigh, rub the surface from the knee to the groin, 30 times on each side, with a comfortable hand.

Anesthesia. The local or regional method is more often used. General anesthesia is used in 2% of cases, in complex cases, or previous spinal injuries:

Types of anesthesia:

  • local - for pain relief in specific areas, if there are ruptures, the need for sutures;
  • epidural, spinal - the drug is injected into the back, blocking the sensitivity of the lower half of the body without stopping contractions;
  • general – complete loss of consciousness, labor without pain.

Anesthesia, despite the wishes of women in labor, is not recommended by doctors without appropriate indications. Often the decision is made urgently, at the second stage of delivery, if the pain threshold is exceeded, there is loss of consciousness, or surgical intervention is necessary.

Massage and aromatherapy

One of the options to make it easier to survive contractions is special massage techniques. This method works great from the very first uterine contractions to the start of pushing. For additional pain relief, you can use special creams, oils or gels. It is important to remember about possible allergic reactions. Techniques can be different:

  1. Spot. To relieve pain, you should simultaneously press on the inside of the ankle bone and the indentation between the index and thumb. Duration of exposure is approximately 40 seconds.
  2. Lumbar. Using a vibrating massager or finger bones, massage the sacrum and lumbar region for 40 seconds. Perform intense circular movements. During breaks, lightly press your fingers on the sacrum and upper buttocks.
  3. Rubbing. Lying on your side, bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Using a comfortable hand, rub the inner thigh in the direction from the knee to the groin area. Each leg should do 30-40 repetitions.
  4. Stroking. Place your right palm on your lower abdomen. Place the left one on top. Gently stroke the stomach with your fingertips from the center to the sides. In the final phase of the contraction, the pressure can be slightly increased.

You can also involve your partner in the massage. The partner can use the bones and the back of the phalanges of the fingers to massage the sacral area of ​​the woman in labor. You should perform rubbing circular movements and move from the tailbone up to the lower back. Some people find it helpful to gently rub the sides of the abdomen or massage the neck. It is important not to press too hard to avoid hurting the baby.

In addition to massage, you can also use aromatherapy. Naturally, you will have to stock up on the lamp itself in advance. Also, during pregnancy, you should test your reaction to various odors to make sure that there are no allergic manifestations or other negative reactions. In many cases, the scents of lavender, bergamot or lemon help a lot. By inhaling them, the woman in labor will be able to calm down and relax a little. The smell of jasmine, on the contrary, stimulates labor.

Phases of contractions

Uterine contractions, stimulating cervical dilatation, and the release of the fetus occupy 70% of labor. For some women, this stage ends within 1 hour, while for others it lasts more than a day.

How many hours does a woman give birth? The first birth lasts 8-15 hours, the second 3-4 hours less. Features of the course and duration are individual; there are cases of painless labor in 1.5-2 hours in the first pregnancy, and up to 15 hours in the second.

The preparation of the uterus takes place in 3 stages. The hardest time to endure labor pains is in the period before pushing.


  1. latent;
  2. active;
  3. early;
  4. pushing.

Latent. It lasts 4-8 hours, during this period a woman can calmly get ready at home, do household chores, and wait for the car to the maternity hospital. The cervix begins to dilate, the pain is weak. You need to move more, take a bath, drink tea with mint and thyme. Breathe calmly, deeply.

Active. The cervix dilates to 8 cm, the amniotic sac bursts with the release of amniotic fluid. During this phase, you need to be in the maternity hospital; massage will help you endure the pain during contractions: acupressure, sacral, stroking. If there is no indication, do not lie down, it is better to walk along the corridor.

Early. The cervix opens completely, at this stage the pain is comparable to a cut in living tissue. You need to switch your breathing to diaphragmatic breathing. Be sure to move; a position on all fours or squats will ease the pain of contractions. You cannot push during this phase.

Pushing. In this state, the fetus begins to move outward. You need to listen to the midwife. While pushing, you can’t scream or put your legs together.

There are cases in history when a baby was born in 2 minutes. This happened in the UK, the mother was a woman for whom this rapid birth was not the first. She was already raising a son born in an hour.

How long was the longest labor? It took 10 weeks and 5 days for triplets to be born to a resident of Poland, D. Krzysztonek. The children were born healthy and strong, and the mother in labor was discharged from the hospital as usual.

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