The question of how to strengthen hair follicles naturally arises before any woman who is faced with hair loss. Of course, there is nothing good about losing your locks. Firstly, this is constant discomfort regarding the clogging of the living space and plumbing, secondly, the dislike of the fact itself, and thirdly, a significant thinning of the hairstyle.
When hair falls out, it becomes thin and sparse, which, naturally, cannot please any representative of the fair sex.
- Wash your hair correctly!
Healthy eating
Luxurious thick hair has been valued since ancient times, and is a unique symbol of femininity and beauty to this day. Girls resort to a wide variety of methods to strengthen and restore them so that they remain thick, long and shiny for a long time.
But what to do and how to properly strengthen the hair follicles if they begin to fall out profusely?
For reliable and effective strengthening of hair follicles, such an aspect of “treatment” as switching to a healthy diet is important.
If you eat incorrectly, problems with hair condition of various kinds and intensity will definitely make themselves felt at some point in your life. Moreover, this applies not only to those women who thoughtlessly and uncontrollably practice starvation or semi-starvation diets.
It will be enough that you eat mainly fast food and other foods devoid of all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
So, if you prefer a couple of pancakes from the nearest supermarket to a full meal, you can forget about the beauty and health of your hair.
Unfortunately, modern food products do not contain as many truly valuable substances as we would like. The same fruits, vegetables and berries are constantly treated with chemicals and pesticides for better growth.
There are many hybrid food sources on the shelves of supermarkets that have been produced by purely artificial means. We encourage you to use mostly seasonal foods in your diet. It will also be useful to find a reliable supplier (it could even be a grandmother-dacha owner), the quality of whose products you can trust on all grounds.
In order for the hair follicles to strengthen and remain in this state stably, you must take vitamins internally. Also pay attention to the fact that your menu must include proteins (pure proteins). In fact, they are the main components for the normal construction of hair cells. Hair is made up of protein compounds. Therefore, you must consume proteins in sufficient quantities.
List of products that will strengthen hair follicles
Please pay attention to the fact that the normal growth and functioning of our curls is impossible without the introduction of unsaturated fatty acids into the diet. They are concentrated in first (cold) pressed vegetable oils, fish (mainly sea or oceanic), and nuts.
Your daily diet should include:
- Vegetables and fruits (seasonal);
- Leafy greens (they hold the record for the content of folic acid, which is extremely important for healthy curls);
- Nuts;
- Vegetable oil (preferably olive or flaxseed; options in which these products are subjected to heat treatment are excluded, since in this case the oils are deprived of all their nutritional value);
- Meat and offal;
- Fish and seafood;
- Whole grains.
If you have real problems with hypovitaminosis, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialized specialist and choose the appropriate medications for yourself. Multivitamin complexes can be selected and taken independently, as maintenance and preventive therapy.
But this must be done strictly according to the prescribed course, so as not to provoke hypervitaminosis. For example, the most famous vitamins “Supradin” are taken for two or three months in a row, after which a short break is taken. Try not to deviate from the tactics recommended by the drug manufacturers themselves.
Second secret. Homemade masks
Now we have no time to think about what detergents our grandmothers used at a time when there was no trace of shampoos. But it’s impossible not to notice what kind of braids they grew: long, thick, and shiny.
One of the popular remedies of those times was an ordinary egg yolk, which was used as soap foam. The instructions are simple: beat the yolk well, apply to damp hair and rub into the scalp. Then they rinsed. Just like with shampoo. The only negative is that the eggs have a specific smell.
Despite this minor drawback, the yolk mask can be successfully used in modern conditions - the egg contains a lot of useful vitamins that help strengthen hair.
You can neutralize egg amber using table vinegar - this will add shine to the freshness.
There are several recipes for effective masks based on egg yolk.
With butter, vodka and yolk (to stimulate growth)
Two tablespoons of sunflower oil and vodka, 2 yolks. It is advisable to take eggs bought from grandmothers at the market - they do not contain additives.
Cooking method:
Mix all components thoroughly.
Rub into the roots of the hair, then along the entire length. Keep warm for 40 minutes - under polyethylene and a towel. Rinse.
With castor oil (for hair loss)
2 yolks, 1 tablespoon castor oil.
Cooking method:
Mix the ingredients.
Start rubbing into the hair roots to strengthen, then distribute the mask over the entire length. Wait an hour. Rinse off with warm water. The mask will give your hair strength and moisturize it well.
How else to strengthen hair follicles: homemade recipes
To achieve lasting strengthening of your hair follicles, you need to provide them with proper and regular care. This is the only way you can achieve truly pronounced and prolonged results. It should be noted that it is important to approach solving this problem comprehensively. That is, local remedies should be combined with internal healing without fail.
Usually, taking vitamins to strengthen hair follicles is a sufficient measure to get rid of hair loss. To this it is worth adding just the correction of constant care and from time to time the use of some topical products. And you are guaranteed to get results. It may not be as stunning as you might expect, but your hair will stop falling out, at least as much.
If this doesn't help, try this interesting scheme:
- Rub burdock oil into pre-exfoliated scalp at least three times a week (if desired, you can use castor oil, it has a similar effect);
- Drink a special decoction of stinging nettle. To prepare it, take ten leaves and roots of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water and steam in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Remove from heat, cool and strain, then take a tablespoon daily before meals. Using the same recipe, only with more ingredients, you can prepare a strengthening hair rinse;
- Apply concentrated aloe or Kalanchoe pinnate juice into the pores of the scalp once a week;
- Try making masks based on colorless henna (it can be supplemented with other nutritional ingredients at your personal discretion);
- Make compresses from onion juice (and don’t worry about the unpleasant odor - it can be easily neutralized by rinsing with a strong parsley decoction);
- Carry out regular self-massage sessions (in particular, using alcohol tinctures, cognac, nicotinic acid solution or essential oils);
- Practice aroma combing, and the more often the better (ethereal concentrates of coniferous and citrus fruits are ideal for this purpose);
- Buy yourself specialized care ampoules from a professional store and use them according to the instructions for the drug.
If after this you are still wondering how and with what to strengthen your hair follicles, you are guaranteed to need an in-person consultation with a qualified trichologist. It is possible that only injection or hardware stimulation therapy is suitable for you. It is also worth visiting an endocrinologist and making sure that there is no hormonal imbalance in your body. Unfortunately, very often it becomes the reason for thinning and hair loss.
Video: strengthening hair - advice from professionals. Folk hair care products
Caring for a long mane requires more attention. Other procedures also help strengthen the bulbs. For example, you can rub a paste of several crushed cloves of garlic into your scalp once a week. This will help give your hair a really healthy look. Many women also strengthen their hair using a certain mixture, the preparation of which is not difficult. You need to brew 10-20 grams in one. crushed dry burdock roots, keep the composition on low heat for a quarter of an hour, let it brew, strain and rub them into the roots.
Decoctions and mixtures for strengthening
- Photo – Wrapped head
Mix 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe juice with the same amount of honey and a teaspoon of garlic juice. Add the yolk to the mixture and stir. Apply to the scalp, distribute along the length and, using a comb, wrap for a quarter of an hour.
- Pour 1 tablespoon of hops into a glass of water. Boil the mixture for half an hour, then cool, strain and rub into the roots.
- Pour a liter of boiling water into equal parts of oak bark and onion peel, keep the mixture on low heat for an hour, and cool. Gently moisten your hair with the liquid, then warm it for an hour or two.
Improper diet, bad habits, neglecting the need to take vitamins in winter, nervous stress and improper hair care are the main reasons for hair loss and fragility. Do not forget that when the original sources of all troubles are eliminated, the question of how to strengthen your hair disappears in itself.
Water temperature
As you know, there is nothing good in extremes - too hot water inevitably leads to destruction of the hair structure and can damage its bulb. Because of this, various complications arise in the future in the form of dandruff and hair loss, and their strengthening becomes more problematic. The contrast shower, which is very popular today, also has a negative effect on their condition. In order to strengthen your hair with folk remedies as quickly and easily as possible, you need to wash your hair with moderately warm water.
Strengthen and dry hair correctly
Every woman who makes every effort to strengthen her hair will agree that the drying procedure is of great importance. Proper drying helps maintain its healthy and, accordingly, beautiful appearance. Natural drying without the use of any devices is optimal. When time is short and you need to dry your hair with a hair dryer, it is better to try to direct the air flow to the ends from the roots. This mode is more gentle, the strands do not dry out too much, and their shine is preserved. Girls who occasionally use keratin hair straightening should avoid this procedure for the duration of treatment.
All kinds of harmful substances found in coffee and cigarettes often disrupt the natural functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head. And this, in turn, leads to hair weakness and increased oiliness. Not only that, people who smoke are at much greater risk of losing their hair than others, they can also be susceptible to early baldness.
Every person's hair needs constant care. After washing your hair, you should comb your hair. When going for a walk and upon returning home, you need to do the same. This way they will be strengthened and, therefore, less susceptible to increased mechanical damage. A head massage performed while combing helps improve blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. In addition, neatly combed hair makes it much easier to give hair volume and shape to any desired hairstyle.
Hair dyeing
The process of direct dyeing is by no means natural. For this reason, the use of even coloring compositions created on a natural basis is not conducive to their strengthening. Moreover, their health will be “undermined”, which means that their volume and growth rate will decrease. It is better to try to dye your hair only when absolutely necessary in order to preserve its beauty for a long time.
Helps strengthen hair:
- Photo – Balanced nutrition strengthens hair
balanced nutrition, enriched with the necessary minimum of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Don't forget about the health benefits of nuts, fruits and vegetables;
The main rule is that if you decide to engage in treatment, then follow through with all your actions!
How can you strengthen your hair against hair loss at home, oily?
Causes of hair loss
Surely, you know that constant hair loss in the amount of 50 to 120 pieces is considered normal. And regardless of the season. But if you notice that you are losing much more hair, then it’s time to think about the reasons and possible options for eliminating them.
Experienced trichologists and hairdressers unanimously say that if you have a persistent problem of hair loss, then first of all pay attention to the digestive organs. Especially on the stomach and intestines. They are the first to reflect the current situation by changing the state of the curls.
In addition, hair loss can be caused by:
- Hormonal changes. Have you noticed how hair falls out after childbirth or during breastfeeding? This organism changes its background again. You should also think about hormones if you have problems with the thyroid gland or adrenal glands.
- Regular stress. Constant nervous tension provokes spasm of the blood vessels of the scalp. As a result, hair follicles do not receive enough nutrition. They weaken and fall out along with the hair over time.
- Physical activity at an intense pace and wearing a headdress. Excessive sweating of the scalp also provokes the problem of hair loss.
- Keeping hair in constant cold. Walking without a hat in the cold also leads to spasms of blood vessels.
- Aggressive exposure to sun and water. And not only sea, but also water supply. Especially when it comes to highly chlorinated water or high temperature water.
- Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Poor nutrition. It leads to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and microelements in the body, which are responsible for the strength of hair follicles.
Well, don’t forget about improper hair care at home (wrong cosmetics, comb, drying regimen, etc.).
Interesting: Salvation for hair - argan oil