How to strengthen eyelashes at home?

Eyelashes are created by nature not for beauty, but to protect the eyes. Women have learned to use these hairs to emphasize their attractiveness, but at the same time, not always thinking that decorative cosmetics and extensions harm their eyelashes. As a result, the fragile villi weaken and fall out. The article describes in detail how to strengthen eyelashes with oils and herbs, provides rules for their use and recipes for homemade masks made from natural products. An overview of popular commercial cosmetics aimed at restoring eyelashes is also presented.

Causes of eyelash loss and depletion

The life of each eyelash is not eternal, so they are constantly renewed - some grow, others fall out, and this is a normal process. However, sometimes they may become weaker and fall out more than usual.

The reasons for the deterioration of eyelashes may be:

  • Constant stress and overwork;
  • Chronic diseases in the body;
  • Violation of the body's hormonal levels;
  • Poor nutrition (strict diets or too fatty foods);
  • Lack of vitamins, microelements and minerals in the body;
  • Using low-quality cosmetics.

Before you begin treating eyelashes (with folk or professional remedies), you need to eliminate the reasons for the deterioration of their condition; most often they lie inside our body.

Is it possible to speed up eyelash growth?

The thickness and length of eyelashes depend on genetics, but they can be influenced. If the condition has worsened over time, before there were more hairs, they fall out, become thinner, then it is necessary to take measures, change your diet, take a course of vitamins. It is very important to start proper care.

Of course, it will not be possible to increase the length, which is on average about one centimeter, by two or three times; in this case, only extensions will help. But adding a few millimeters is quite possible even at home. The first positive results can be seen within a month.

Why do eyelashes fall out?

Of course, no woman will be happy that her eyelashes have started to fall out. It is worth noting that eyelashes, like regular hair, fall out from time to time, and this is normal. An exchange of hairs occurs, new ones grow in place of the lost ones, this process is continuous and almost unnoticeable. But it happens that it becomes impossible to somehow hide and disguise this problem and this seriously complicates a woman’s life.

Such problems can be caused by a number of reasons. First of all, this can happen due to improper eyelash care and the use of low-quality cosmetics. In addition, eyelashes can fall out due to any diseases, lack of vitamins or poor nutrition. Stress also affects the condition of eyelashes.

In this case, the woman needs to consult a doctor. After all, everyone knows that health problems are reflected primarily in nails, hair and eyelashes. If your health is normal, then you can restore your eyelashes with proper care. Moreover, this must be done regularly.

How to care for eyelashes at home?

Castor, olive, burdock or almond oils are perfect for these purposes. A small amount of oil is applied to the eyelash brush and distributed along their entire length. Oils nourish eyelashes, heal them and help accelerate their growth. Almond oil has a positive effect on eyelash growth. Rose oil can slow down the aging process and relieve irritation of the eyelid skin. Burdock and castor oils have a positive effect on eyelash growth, improve their structure and stop hair loss.

This procedure must be carried out at least once a day. If you do this more often, the positive effect will not take long to arrive.

How to strengthen your eyelashes at home? You can use more than one type of oil, but several at once, mixing them with each other.

Proper care is the basic rule

The most important thing is to choose the right decorative cosmetics, in particular mascara. You should not use cheap products that perform a purely decorative function, and even then a very conditional one (such mascara usually crumbles, runs, and irritates the eye). The composition of the mascara should include, first of all, vitamins, especially A and E, as well as lanolin or glycerin (moisturizing components), biotin and keratin, and vegetable oils.

It is also important to choose the right makeup remover.

Never go to bed with mascara on. At any opportunity, wash it off, it is better to apply it again later if necessary. The fact is that mascara packs the eyelash in a chemical case and does not allow it to breathe. Cleansing milk is good for removing mascara. Apply it to a cotton swab and apply it to your closed eyelid. Hold for a few minutes, then gently, without excessive friction, wipe the eyelid along with the eyelashes along their growth line.

Do not overuse eyelash extensions, lamination, bio-curling or dyeing.


Massage is one of the best and always available means for strengthening eyelashes. While working with the skin, blood flow increases, which improves nutrition. Massage can be combined with any homemade or purchased products; it will contribute to their better penetration. Do it in the evening to avoid applying decorative cosmetics after the procedure.

Massage technique:

  1. Apply any cosmetic oil to the skin along the eyelash line.
  2. Using the ring fingers of both hands, lightly pat the entire skin with light pressing movements, first from above, then from below.
  3. Iron the eyelids with light pressure from the inner to the outer corner of the eye from the bottom and top 20 times.
  4. Complete the massage by patting the eyelids and skin under the eyes with the tips of all fingers.

The first results can be seen within a few weeks, but it is better to accustom yourself to massage daily for several months in a row. It will prevent any problems with eyelashes, make them long, beautiful, and have a beneficial effect on the skin of the eyelids.

Oils for strengthening eyelashes

Despite the variety of modern cosmetic products for strengthening eyelashes, according to cosmetologists, nothing more effective than natural oils has been invented for caring and therapeutic procedures. Vegetable oily liquids are an ingredient that has been tested and proven for centuries.

In order to improve the condition of hairs around the eyes, the following oils are suitable:

  • Burdock . It contains minerals, vitamin complex, palmitic acid, proteins and minerals. All these components stimulate the growth and strengthening of each eyelash, making them fluffy and elastic. This oil is considered one of the most effective;
  • Castor . The active substances of this product nourish hairs, help accelerate their growth and strengthen. “Castor oil” not only restores the internal strength of the eyelashes, but also makes the villi darker and shinier;
  • Peach . The oily liquid from peach seeds is enriched with potassium, phosphorus, iron, organic acids and almost all known vitamins. The effect of using this oil is obvious: the hairs are strong and elastic. Experts advise using peach oil to care for eyelashes after using extensions;
  • Almond . Exotic oil with a nutty aroma provides eyelashes with complete nutrition, hydration, and activates their restoration. Thanks to this, young eyelashes grow faster, they become stronger and brighter;
  • Camphor . The oil extracted from Japanese laurel is so powerful that it is not recommended to be used in its pure form. By mixing the product with other, “softer” oils, for example, coconut, olive, apricot, it is applied to the eyelashes to prevent their fragility and loss. The fragrant oil protects the villi from negative external factors;
  • Jojoba . This product is used for medicinal purposes to restore eyelashes after excessive and prolonged exposure to mascara. This oil quickly makes hair thick and strong, eliminating dryness, brittleness and splitting;
  • Coconut . It contains polyphenols, minerals, vitamins (especially “K”, “A”, “E”), which are necessary for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. The properties of these components of coconut oil are aimed at nourishing, moisturizing, and protecting hair;
  • Avocado . Regular treatments with avocado oil will help make eyelashes thicker and stronger. And this is all thanks to the active components of the natural product, including folic acid, lecithin, vitamins “D”, “E”, “B”;
  • Sea buckthorn . Inexpensive, but very healthy oil effectively affects each hair, giving it elasticity, strength and shine. More often, sea buckthorn oily product is used specifically for medicinal purposes, to strengthen weakened eyelashes after cosmetic procedures, extensions, perms, chemical dyeing, as well as to get rid of infectious diseases that often affect hair follicles on the eyelids;
  • From wheat germ . The oil is incredibly rich in vitamin “E”, which is not for nothing called the “beauty vitamin”. This name is justified in this case: after using the oil, the eyelashes look gorgeous, they are fluffy, smooth, and stop breaking and bristling in different directions;
  • Olive . The usual oil used by every housewife is incredibly beneficial for eyelashes. Fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, polyphenols - these ingredients from the oil composition have a beneficial effect on hairs, nourish them from the inside, stimulate growth, prevent hair loss and fragility;
  • Linen . Flax seed oil brings its life-giving power not only to hairs, but also to their bulbs, activates regeneration processes, “solders” split ends, moisturizes and retains moisture inside for a long time;
  • From grape seeds . Delicate, delicate grape seed oil is rich in linoleic acid, minerals and vitamins. These components ensure intensive growth of eyelashes and their hydration.

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Rules for using oils

In order for eyelash treatments using oils to be effective, there are several simple, but at the same time mandatory rules for their implementation:

  1. Eyelashes and eyelid skin must be thoroughly cleaned and all makeup removed.
  2. Give a light massage to the skin in the eye area, this will activate blood flow, warm up the epidermis and enhance the effect of nutrients.
  3. You can apply oil to your hair with a mascara brush, a cotton swab or an eyebrow brush. All these “tools” must be clean.
  4. Carefully, slowly, making sure that the oily liquid does not get into the eyes, lubricate the eyelashes with a useful product. The oil should envelop each hair, so they are carefully “painted” along the entire length from roots to tips.
  5. After a couple of minutes, light touches of a clean paper napkin can remove excess oil from the eyelids and bases of the eyelashes. There is no need to remove the product from the villi themselves.
  6. Carry out the procedures daily, preferably in the evenings, and leave the oil on the eyelashes until the morning.
  7. The course of restorative procedures is quite long, it can take several months, and the first positive results become noticeable after 2-3 weeks.

Recipes for masks with various oils

All of the oils listed above can be used to strengthen eyelashes in their pure form, that is, as a separate independent product. You can also mix them together, based on personal preferences.

For ease of storage and application, the oil or mixture (mask) is placed in a separate small bottle made of dark glass; a bottle of mascara is also used, having previously washed and boiled it.

There is no need to prepare the mixture in large quantities; eyelash oil is used very sparingly and, as a rule, the brasmatic is enough for an entire course.

The most popular oil mixtures for eyelash restoration:

  • Recipe 1. Mix burdock and castor oil in equal quantities (0.5 teaspoons each). Before application, warm up slightly by holding the bottle in hot water.
  • Recipe 2. Enrich 0.5 teaspoons of coconut oil with 3-5 drops of jojoba and almond oils, mix. Before the procedure, be sure to warm it up, as the coconut product hardens quickly.
  • Recipe 3. Take any oil mentioned above that is beneficial for eyelashes as a base. Add literally 1 drop of essential oil to 1 teaspoon of oily liquid. The best esters for such purposes: from rose hips, calendula, rosemary, orchids.
  • Recipe 4. Basic vegetable oil (or a mixture of oils) is mixed with a few drops of freshly squeezed juice from aloe leaves. The main thing here is not to overdo it so that the mask does not turn out too liquid.
  • Recipe 5. Take 1 capsule of liquid vitamins “A” and “E”, release the contents and add vegetable oil to it in the same volume, mix well.
  • Recipe 6. To prepare the mixture you will need any vegetable oil and fresh strong brew of black tea. Both liquids are mixed in equal amounts.
  • Recipe 7. Add 10 drops of carrot juice to sea buckthorn oil (1 teaspoon). The product has a wonderful effect on eyelashes, but it should be borne in mind that this mixture can color the eyelids yellow-orange.
  • Recipe 8. Burdock or castor oil is mixed in equal parts with cognac. This product should be especially carefully applied to the villi so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the eyes. But the risk from using a specific mixture is justified; the effect of the procedure is noticeable after 3-4 days.

Natural remedies – natural beauty


Eyelash extensions look very impressive, but they do not solve the problem of weakened and sparse eyelashes

First of all, we would like to note that strengthening and growing eyelashes at home does not give instant results - these are not miraculous procedures that will transform eyelashes in an instant. Therefore, if you want to get an instant result, then go to a beauty salon for extensions, which will cost a pretty penny, because the price for some types of such procedures is very steep.

But know that this will not solve the problem of weakened eyelashes. So it’s better to take good care of your natural hairs and be patient for this.

Note! It will take at least one month to see the first results after regular eyelash care at home.

It will take about a month to achieve the first results

How do natural remedies work? The fact is that the active substances that make up a particular product penetrate into the eyelid bulbs and gradually affect the cells, due to which the latter begin to fully function.

Soon you will notice the first changes:

  • Blood flow in the hair follicles is improved, due to which the cells are fully saturated with oxygen and nutrients. As a result, the hairs become strong and healthy.
  • In addition to strengthening, hairs accelerate their growth and increase in length.
  • Due to complete and regular nutrition, the appearance of the hairs noticeably improves - they become thick, fluffy and voluminous.
  • The health of the hairs is strengthened from the inside, so the eyelashes cease to be brittle and fragile.

Natural Recipes

So, how to strengthen eyelashes at home? To do this, there are many products that you can prepare with your own hands and do not require a lot of effort and time. In addition, compared to store-bought products, which contain almost the entire periodic table, they are absolutely safe for health.

If you ask what you can do to strengthen your eyelashes at home, even experts will answer you - natural oils.

In order to make the villi thick, lush and prevent their loss and fragility, you can use the following oils:

Using oils is the easiest way to improve eyelash health

  • Burdock – nourishes, strengthens, prevents fragility and loss.
  • Castor oil - prevents hair loss, strengthens and saturates hair with useful substances.
  • Almond – makes eyelashes strong.

These are the most popular oils. But you can also use sea buckthorn, peach, olive, camphor, argan, nut, flaxseed and other oils. All of them have the best effect on the condition of the eyelashes.

Advice! Apply oils exclusively to eyelashes, as some types of mixtures cause severe burning.

Photo: Use an old mascara brush to thoroughly work each strand with oil.

To apply oils you will need a clean old mascara brush and a container. Work through the lint with a brush and leave the oil on for 15 minutes. Then wipe everything off with a dry cotton pad. It is better to warm the oil a little before applying.

Another effective remedy for strengthening eyelashes at home is herbal decoctions.

The following plants are suitable:

Compresses with freshly prepared herbal decoction have an excellent effect on the condition of hairs.

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • cornflower;
  • calendula.

Daily compresses from infusions give amazing results. Several herbs can be used to prepare a decoction.

You can also prepare special masks. Recipes are in the table below.

Brewing black tea is the most common way to strengthen eyelashes.

NameInstructions for preparation and use
Oil-vitamin compositionMix one tablespoon each of sea buckthorn, castor and rosehip oil.
Add a few drops of carrot juice and 5-6 drops of vitamin A oil. Apply the mixture to the eyelashes and hold for 15 minutes. Do not over-expose the mixture, as carrot juice together with sea buckthorn oil can stain the skin of the eyelids.
Tea maskWomen have long been using strong brewed black tea to strengthen their eyelashes.
Compresses perfectly tone the skin and nourish the villi. You can mix freshly brewed tea with any oil in a 1:1 ratio and apply it to your eyelashes - the result will be excellent. In addition, thanks to tea, the eyelashes will become darker.
Rum maskNot all beauties take the risk of using such a product.
But those who tried it did not regret it at all, because the result is worth it. Mix castor or burdock oil at room temperature with good quality rum in equal proportions. Many claim that the effect after using this composition was noticeable already on the fourth day.
Mask for express eyelash strengtheningIf the eyelashes need to be transformed urgently, then you can use a mask made from a mixture of cosmetic oils.
Thanks to this combination, after 7 days of regular use, hair loss will decrease and the eyelashes will become thicker. Mix warm castor, unrefined olive and burdock oil in equal proportions. It is better to prepare a fresh composition daily - this way its effectiveness is much higher.
Oil compositionThanks to the use of several types of oils, the composition has a comprehensive effect on the hairs.
To prepare it, you will need to mix flaxseed, rose, almond, wheat germ and grape seed oil. If one or another type of oil is not at hand, then replace it with some other one, for example, burdock or olive.

Note! Before using this or that composition, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

Herbs and medicinal plants that will strengthen eyelashes

The next most popular folk remedy for restoring eyelashes is infusions and decoctions made from plant materials. You can buy a ready-made mixture at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself in the summer. For hair strengthening procedures you will need the following herbs and medicinal plants:

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  • Pharmaceutical camomile. Has a general strengthening and antimicrobial effect;
  • Calendula . Eliminates infectious lesions, moisturizes, adds brightness and elasticity;
  • Cuff . Strengthens the structure of eyelashes from roots to tips;
  • Nettle . Makes hair silky and shiny;
  • Sage . Gives eyelashes softness and silkiness;
  • Cornflower . Returns shine and dark color to hair;
  • Dog-rose fruit . Thanks to natural antioxidants, they protect the villi from aging and negative external influences;
  • Oak bark . Strengthens eyelashes, makes them elastic and manageable.

Rules for the use of medicinal herbs

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants, which are used in the form of lotions and compresses. Many women prefer this method of strengthening eyelashes, because after it there is no feeling of grease on the skin of the eyelids. The herbal liquid, even if it gets into the eyes, does not cause discomfort. On the contrary, in addition to their direct purpose (hair restoration), decoctions relieve fatigue, tone, and refresh.

The rules for using medicinal plants are simple:

  • The broth should be fresh, at a comfortable (warm) temperature;
  • Before the procedure, you need to wash your face and remove makeup from your eyelids and eyelashes;
  • For lotions and compresses, clean textile napkins, gauze, and cotton pads are used; they are moistened in the broth and placed on the eyelids. You can also use frozen herbal infusions (ice cubes);
  • For masks, a mixture of healthy products is prepared, which is wrapped in 2 gauze bags and applied to the eyes;
  • Procedures are carried out at any convenient time, preferably in the mornings and evenings;
  • The session must last at least 10 minutes;
  • There is no course framework; caring actions can be carried out over a long period of time or until visible improvement appears.

Recipes for how to strengthen eyelashes at home

Lanolin is a good folk remedy for removing makeup. This is a natural wax that is obtained from sheep's wool. Apply three drops of lanolin to a cotton pad and remove any remaining mascara. Using this product will not only help clean your eyelashes, but also protect them from frost and sun.


You can accelerate the growth of eyelashes with the help of rosehip oil and vitamin A. Ingredients: 100 g of rose hips, 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and 3 drops of vitamin A. The berries need to be washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder into powder. Then mix a tablespoon of the finished powder with oil in a small vessel, close tightly and leave for a week in a dark place.

After the time has passed, pour the rosehip oil into a shallow container and bring to a boil. Strain the cooled product and pour into a vessel. Add vitamin there, shake and apply to eyelashes.


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An ointment made from tannin powder, castor oil and petroleum jelly will help turn eyelashes into thick and long ones. Tannin is extracted from many plants: cocoa, oak nuts, persimmon, spruce. Its addition to the ointment makes it an astringent with tanning properties.

To prepare the ointment, you will need to mix a teaspoon of castor oil with 2 teaspoons of Vaseline. Then add the powder at the tip of a knife and mix again. The ointment can be transferred to a mascara tube and applied to the eyelashes using a brush. It is best if the brush has sparse silicone teeth.

It is important to remember that any product must be applied carefully, avoiding contact with the edges of the eyelids, and moving from roots to ends.


Burdock oil can strengthen not only your hair, but also your eyelashes at home. And if you mix it with Vaseline, the eyelashes will gain deep color and thickness. To prepare the product, you need to take equal quantities of each of the components and mix well.


Using herbal lotions is good for eyelash growth. To prepare them, you can use various herbs to which you are not allergic: calendula, chamomile, cornflowers. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared infusion and hold it on your eyelids for 20 minutes.


You can prevent eyelash loss using birch decoction. You need to take birch buds, dry them and peel the grains into a small container. Then boil 10 g of grains in 200 ml. boiling water for 15 minutes. Rinse eyelashes with cooled birch decoction in the morning and evening. After a week of using this method, changes will already be visible.


To prepare the following strengthening mixture, you will need to mix a teaspoon of each ingredient: almond, Provençal and burdock oils, vitamin E and fish oil. Apply the prepared mixture to wet eyelashes.

Eyelash lotions

To improve the appearance of eyelashes, lotions are very useful. You can do the procedure at home using lotions, which require very simple ingredients.

Lotions with tea leaves

For lotions, simple brewing of black tea is also suitable - brew a tea bag in a glass of water, and let the brew cool. Soak cotton pads in the liquid, then apply warm ones to the eyes and hold for 15 minutes. This will restore freshness to the eyelid skin and promote the growth of beautiful eyelashes.

You can add herbs to black tea - cornflower, nettle, chamomile, calendula, rose hips, coltsfoot. Make a decoction from a mixture of dried herbs and leave for half an hour. Apply cotton pads soaked in it to your eyes for twenty minutes, periodically re-wetting them.

Lotions for eyelash growth with aloe juice

Take 1 tablespoon each of aloe juice and jojoba oil (or flaxseed oil), a teaspoon of strong chamomile tea.

Mix all ingredients and apply to eyelashes twice a day. If you use mascara, keep the lotion on your eyelashes for 15 minutes, then rinse and apply mascara as usual. This product conditions and nourishes eyelashes very well, and also protects them from fragility and accelerates growth.

Green tea lotions

Brew natural green tea and cool to room temperature. Using a cotton swab, gently apply the tea to your eyelashes for 10 minutes twice a day. Green tea will make your eyelashes thick and dark.

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Contrast compress

Prepare a decoction of any of the above medicinal herbs. When the liquid is infused, pour it into 2 containers. In one bowl the broth should be acceptable hot, in the other it should be cold. Cotton pads are moistened in turn in one decoction, then in another and applied to the eyelashes for 1 minute.

How to get long eyelashes using home remedies

In addition to nutrition, you can make long and thick eyelashes using special products and simple procedures performed at home.

Regular castor oil has a positive effect on hair condition. It should be applied once or twice a day to the eyelashes for 15-20 minutes. Some leave beneficial oils on the hairs all night. However, the best option is to apply the nutritional composition two hours before bedtime, and before going to bed, the mixture must be removed with dry cotton wool. Grape oil, which contains a large amount of vitamin E, is also very beneficial for hair.

This vitamin-oil cocktail won positive reviews: mix vitamins A and E in capsules with burdock, almond, and olive oils and apply with a brush or massage movements.

Other proven remedies that are easy to prepare at home are all kinds of herbal compresses. A decoction of cornflower and chamomile has proven itself well. In order to make it, you need to take a tablespoon of dry herbs and brew them in a glass of hot water. Next day it should be infused, and then strained. To make eyelashes thicker, you need to apply cotton pads with a decoction to your eyelids for 20 minutes. Such a compress will not only improve the condition of the hairs, but also relieve fatigue from the eyes. A decoction of calendula, green tea and cornflower is considered a good compress.

Different types of nuts

To make eyelashes thicker, it is useful not only to use products made at home, but also to perform a special massage. Why is it important to do it periodically to achieve the desired effect? Because massage promotes better cell respiration and blood circulation, which awakens hairs and generates their growth. Take any composition recommended for hair growth and gently massage your eyelids, rubbing the product in the direction of eyelash growth.

If you carry out all the above procedures regularly, with special emphasis on nutrition, you will soon achieve the desired effect, increasing the thickness and length of your hair. Don't forget to wash off your eye makeup every day. Eyelashes that have been curled and dyed deserve special care.

Homemade cream

You can make your own cream from natural ingredients. We use regular Vaseline (50 g) as a moisturizing base. In addition, you will need the following components:

  • 10 drops of essential oil (rosemary, cinnamon, tea tree, etc.);
  • 1 teaspoon of hop infusion or burdock root;
  • 10 ml aloe juice.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to eyelashes before bed. For convenience, you can use a clean brush from used mascara.

This eyelash strengthener is an effective drug that acts in several directions at once. It nourishes, moisturizes and prevents hair loss. But do not forget that you need to use it regularly and in combination with other products.

How to strengthen eyelashes after extensions

Sometimes problems may appear after wearing eyelash extensions for a long time. You can strengthen your own hair with the help of aloe and parsley, which contain many biologically active ingredients.

You can also use an oil-vegetable mixture.


  • castor oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • burdock oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • rose hips – 15-20 pcs.

Preparation and use:

Grind the rose hips, combine with oils and place in a dark place for ten days. After straining, apply the composition to the eyelashes daily for a month.

Recipes for strengthening eyelashes:

  1. The most effective and well-known remedy is castor oil. It is widely used for the production of decorative cosmetics, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Due to its beneficial properties, daily application of castor oil at night will strengthen and significantly improve eyelashes after 2 weeks of use.
  2. A complex of vitamins A, B, C and E, purchased at a pharmacy, is used both internally and externally. The capsule is opened and a small amount is applied directly to the eyelids and eyelashes with your fingertips. This complex takes care of the growth of new eyelashes.
  3. Along with castor oil, oils such as almond, rose, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, burdock, and grape seed oil are widely used to strengthen and grow eyelashes. They are mixed together and made into oil mixes. The oils themselves are very healthy and full of beneficial active substances, so to avoid allergic reactions, be careful when mixing oils with each other. When used separately, they will be no less effective.
  4. Do not forget to promptly check the expiration dates of both oils, cleansers and decorative cosmetics.
  5. An eyelid compress made from herbs: chamomile, calendula and cornflowers will have a soothing and restorative effect. Place cotton pads on your eyelids and rest for 15 minutes.

Don’t forget to carry out caring procedures with natural oils and herbs, give them a vitamin boost and you will definitely see the result - your eyelashes will be fluffy, silky and thick.

Purchased firming cosmetics

If for some reason treatment with oils and herbs does not bring the expected result, or you do not want to prepare strengthening mixtures yourself, you can use purchased cosmetics for your eyelashes:

"Mirra Lux"

A balm with a wide spectrum of action: it not only strengthens eyelashes and softens the skin of the eyelids, but also “erases” signs of fatigue and dark circles under the eyes. The product contains oils: ylang-ylang, jojoba, jasmine;


The medicinal drug, its main active ingredient bimatoprost, actively penetrates the root bulbs, nourishes them, awakens them, thereby stimulating the growth of new strong cilia;


A gel containing amino acids, oils and red clover extract actively nourishes and moisturizes follicles and hairs, increasing their length and thickness;

"FEG Evelash Enhancer"

Serum for strengthening eyelashes and stimulating their growth acts very gently, does not cause allergies, as it contains only natural ingredients, without alcohol, perfume additives and hormones;

"Magic Glance"

In addition to orchid oil, the product contains sea minerals, arginine, keratin, and vitamins. The cosmetic product was originally created for professional models who expose their eyelashes to excessive exposure to cosmetics and frequent gluing of artificial hairs. Gradually it came out “to the people” and now any girl has the opportunity to try its healing properties.

Budget products for eyelash and eyebrow growth (video):

Strengthening products

Castor, coconut, peach or almond oil will help strengthen them. Using a small brush, carefully so as not to get into your eye, apply it along the entire length of your eyelashes. For prevention, this procedure is recommended to be performed once a day before bedtime. For medicinal purposes or to strengthen severely falling hairs, you need to lubricate them 2-3 times a day. Fish oil and lanolin are also very useful. Instead of natural oils, you can use special strengthening gels for eyelashes and eyebrows. They contain extracts of the same oils, vitamins and extracts from medicinal herbs. Eyelashes, like the hair on your head, need to be combed daily, but only with a soft brush. It's best to do this before bed. You can add a drop of natural oil, such as almond oil, to the brush to provide additional nourishment.


Eyelashes constantly need vitamins and microelements that support their health from the inside. Vitamins can also be added to homemade eyelash masks. From the pharmacy arsenal, the following are often used to care for eyelashes:

  • Vitamin A - takes part in the formation of keratin, prevents eyelash loss, accelerates growth and increases the elasticity and flexibility of eyelashes.
  • Vitamin E - also takes part in the formation of keratin, is essential for healthy eyelashes, prevents hair loss, strengthens eyelashes, makes them less brittle and fragile.
  • Vitamin D - eyelashes need it for shine and elasticity; if you regularly make a mask based on it, then as a result you will get strong, strong and healthy eyelashes.

However, if eyelashes have become dull and brittle, this does not mean that you urgently need to swallow various vitamin complexes by the handful. The diagnosis of “vitaminosis” can only be made by a doctor, who also prescribes the necessary medications and determines the duration of the course. The condition of eyelashes can be damaged by wearing false hairs, poor-quality cosmetics and untimely care.

As for nutrition, it is necessary to monitor its diversity. The menu should include foods containing natural vitamins: vegetables, berries, fruits, sea fish, lean meat, grains.

You should also follow a drinking regime, consume at least 2 liters of liquid daily, this will ensure hydration of the whole body, including eyelashes.

Recipes for home remedies to strengthen eyelashes (video):

What not to do

A girl who cares not only about the beauty of her eyelashes, but also about their health, knows what not to do:

  • Go to bed with makeup on your eyes. This not only weighs down the eyelashes, but also threatens the appearance of swelling in the morning;
  • Constantly apply perm and chemical coloring of eyelashes;
  • Wear false eyelashes (extensions) for a long time. Hair needs rest, time to recover and resume its life cycle.

5 simple ways to quickly grow eyebrows and eyelashes (video):

If, however, the condition of the eyelashes has worsened and they need help, then you can choose the most appropriate method to strengthen the hairs. And each beauty decides for herself which option to use: natural oils, medicinal herbs, purchased products, or alternate them and use them in the system. The main thing is not to forget that eyelashes, created by nature to protect the eyes, themselves need care.

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