Several rules for the correct transfer of money in debt
In order to avoid trouble, you need to follow safety rules. For example, the transfer of money should be carried out on a waxing, not on a waning moon.
There is no need to give away funds at sunset. Old people say that twilight has a negative impact on money energy. Finance loves light. Therefore, evening is the time when you should not lend money. This is considered to be a bad omen.
The concept of debt in magic
Money is energy. If you find yourself in a situation where your funds are not enough and there is a need to quickly raise funds without personal energy costs, it means that you have incorrectly distributed the cash flows of entry and exit in your space.
Money that you take from the hands of strangers for a while carries a certain energy and may not always bring positive results from spending it on personal needs.
For example, an elderly person set aside funds for his own funeral, but agreed to help you in difficult times and gave them away. In fact, we cannot know about this in advance, and here we have to rely on personal luck.
It is advisable to borrow funds from wealthy people who are not experiencing financial difficulties. Money from the hands of these people has the energy of success and prosperity. When you take them into your own hands, you thus slightly bring your financial level up to the level of this person.
If you gave a loan to a person who has a constant failure in life in this matter, that is, your debtor is constantly interrupted and lives from paycheck to paycheck, then the money that he will return to you will carry the energy of poverty and misery.
A person tears these funds from his heart and gives away the last. If your financial life is not entirely stable, this kind of money can shake it even more. Rich, wealthy people can lend money to each other without fear.
In this case, there will be an equivalent exchange of energies, removing congestion and stagnation in finances. If both parties to a debt relationship have a business, both will make progress.
If you have to give money in the evening or at night: what should you do?
Of course, the ideal option is to reschedule the loan issuance to the morning or the next day. But it happens that this is not possible. If you have to transfer money at night or in the evening, it is recommended to symbolically light a night light, lamp or regular candle next to you.
This simple trick will help you avoid problems even in the evening, when you cannot lend money. Signs related to finances help to avoid negative influences and not lose money luck in life.
Rules for repayment of monetary debt
You should not return the money after sunset. There is an opinion that in this case, finances may be lost for a long time, and obtaining new funds will be problematic.
This can be expressed in a delay in salary, loss on bets, deprivation of a bonus, loss of a wallet, etc. It is not advisable to return funds in the evening. Since ancient times, it has been generally accepted that returning money on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday is prohibited by the law of magic. These days are considered financially unfavorable.
If you have gathered or need to repay a debt in the evening, do not give money into your hands. Place them on any higher surface.
How to transfer money to a borrower correctly?
When transferring money in the evening or at night, you do not need to hand over the banknotes in person. It is best to transfer them to some surface, for example, a table, tray, chair. In a word, so that money does not come into contact with your personal energy. That is why you cannot lend money by passing it from hand to hand.
According to legend, if the person borrowing from you is much poorer than you, then there is a risk of giving him your financial well-being. For this reason, hand contact is not advisable. However, this only applies to finances. When you meet, you can, of course, shake your friend’s hand.
Important signs about money
Which hand should you take/give money with? Before discussing this issue in detail, I would like to mention some signs related to finance. In the hands of a person almost every day there is money, large or small denomination, new and older pieces of paper and small change - in retail outlets and markets, in transport and in banks, money is always in circulation. Everywhere a person pays a bill, and it is worth understanding that this must be done correctly, although many do not think about how exactly this should be done.
In life, there are a lot of signs regarding money - you shouldn’t keep your own purse, a wallet without money, you should always leave at least something inside - either paper money or small change. Also remember: don't waste your money by making purchases the same day you receive them, let them sleep at home, as they say. The bills themselves also need to be treated with a certain amount of attention and respect - when you put them in your wallet, straighten them out, don’t crumple them, keep change and banknotes separate. At the same time, you should not open your wallet wide - do not display to everyone how much “wealth” you have in it. In this case, the principle of bankers applies - money loves silence.
Of course, try to follow certain recommendations when dealing with money, while taking into account the following rules - small, but time-tested and very effective.
- According to popular wisdom, money borrowed on Monday may not return to its owners, and a person who borrows money on Tuesday risks becoming not a creditor, but a debtor.
- When repaying a debt, banknotes should not be passed from hand to hand - place them on the table, or even better, on a special stand. Our ancestors believed that a banknote passed from hand to hand conveys energy and a charge of poverty, while banknotes transferred through the described method do not carry such negativity.
- Agree in advance that the person will repay the borrowed money with bills of the same denomination and denomination that he took. At the same time, when accepting a debt from the debtor (so that you and your wealth are not jinxed), twist the fig with your left hand, having previously hidden your palm in your left pocket.
Which hand should you give and take money with?
When lending a certain amount, you must do it with a certain hand. So, they say that the right hand is the one that takes energy. It symbolizes the masculine principle or the “Yang” energy. And here is the left hand, which gives energy and symbolizes the feminine principle “Yin”.
However, these are not exact signs. Why can’t you lend money with your right hand and take it with your left hand? There are many opinions on this topic. Some people believe that the sequence of taking and giving should be the opposite. That is: you need to take with your left and give with your right. How to be? And how to choose the right hand to give and take away?
When choosing a hand, it is best to take into account the individual characteristics of your body. Pay attention to how your body reacts when you receive money. For some, the right hand may itch, while for others, the left hand may itch. Therefore, the hand that combs first will be considered the taking one.
You can also test your giving and receiving hand by briefly rubbing your palm against your palm. They say that the giving hand should be warmer than the receiving hand. And if you have already managed to identify the giving and receiving hand, consider another important feature. In particular, you need to know on what days you cannot lend money.
The most unfavorable dates for financial transactions
Which hand should you take money with, which should you give it? On what days can you make important financial transactions? This is all the knowledge that you need to master if you want to achieve financial well-being. But that is not all. It is also important to know about those days when it is extremely undesirable to make any financial transactions. Speaking about the most unfavorable dates when you should not borrow, it should be noted that many astrologers consider the 1st, 6th, 1st and 23rd days of the lunar calendar to be such. Moreover, the 15th day, according to the lunar cycle, is the most dangerous and unfavorable date in relation to managing your own finances. It is on this day that it is undesirable to lend money - emotions will prevail over common sense, and the money will not stay in the house for long.
With all this, many knowledgeable people and magicians do not advise lending your money to anyone on Tuesday - this will lead to the formation of new debts and financial bondage. In addition, modern astrologers and astrologers do not advise lending money on days of the lunar calendar such as 9, 19 and 20 - these are very unfavorable dates, not only for a loan, but also for its repayment.
Why can't you lend money in the evening?
In addition to the above reasons associated with the unwanted transfer of money on loan in the evening, there are others. For example, there is a certain superstition that after sunset, powerful negative energy wakes up.
Some also talk about evil spirits that become active in the evening and at night. They say that when transferring money at such a time, you risk losing not only your own financial luck, but also losing your health and vitality.
This is especially true if the person taking your money has stronger energy than you. Now you know when not to lend money. Whether these are signs or unspoken rules that should be followed unquestioningly is up to you to decide.
What funds cannot be given to others?
You cannot lend money you have just received. For example, if your debt is returned. Or you received a salary. This also includes happy accidents, such as winning the lottery. Such funds should not be transferred to other people. It is believed that in this way you scare away good luck.
Plus, the funds you just received should be saturated with your energy. They bring positivity. Therefore, giving them away is tantamount to voluntarily giving up your financial success.
Several interesting signs for financial well-being
There are a lot of different signs related to finance. For example, to avoid money transfers in your family, never spend every last penny. Always leave change or small denomination bills in your pockets.
The same rule applies to warm clothes, which are usually put away in the closet until the next cold season. Place a few coins in your fur coat pockets. Believe me, they will attract an endless financial flow into your life. It is believed that one such coin is capable of attracting another. And this way the money in your house will never be transferred.
If you watched the cartoon "DuckTales", you probably remember the wealthy drake Scrooge McDuck. He kept his first gold coin, which attracted other financial resources to him.
Moreover, he regularly counted his coins. As you know, money loves counting. For this reason, count your savings more often. Write down the number of certain bills. Control expenses and income.
Parting with money doesn't have to be painful.
Money was invented to increase trade turnover. Therefore, they should always be in circulation. Therefore, parting with finances should be easy. Shop with joy. And don’t regret every bill you spend. And then they will come back to you again.
It is extremely important to give funds to a good cause. Donate regularly. But do it with all your heart. Many celebrities and stars do exactly this.
In addition, it is best to lend more often than to borrow. This is how you, as it were, program the flow of monetary energy to your wave. And the money you spent will be returned to you regularly.
And, of course, if you have already managed to save a certain amount of money, try to invest it in a suitable business or idea. Financial energy must develop and accumulate. But when should you not give funds to the borrower? We'll talk about signs when you shouldn't lend money.
How to borrow and pay back money correctly
Try to borrow money from others more often, and borrow less often yourself. By lending money to someone else, you are asking for the money to be returned. It is always better to repay your debts in smaller bills than you took out. You should not lend on Monday - otherwise your money will melt away all week. And you shouldn’t pay for large purchases on this day – for the same reason. But it is not advisable to repay the loan on Friday. Avoid borrowing on Tuesday - it is believed that in this case there is a chance to spend your whole life in debt. To believe in omens or not to believe is up to you. It is believed that for everyone exactly what he believes in will come true. However, there is a completely reasonable explanation for this: after all, expecting failure (or, conversely, profit), you seem to subconsciously attract it to yourself. So, perhaps the wisest thing to do is to believe only in good omens - and most importantly, do not lend money to unreliable people!
When is borrowing money not recommended?
Sometimes borrowing funds is not recommended at all. For example, you don’t need to do this if you don’t like the borrower himself. You should not do this in the following cases:
- When a potential borrower experiences regular need (he constantly borrows money from everyone he knows).
- If a person is envious, angry and has pronounced negative energy.
- An overly gambling person.
- A person who has a disrespectful attitude towards finances (for example, he often makes thoughtless purchases and ends up without money).
There is no need to lend funds to someone to whom you have any obligations. Often such debts are not repaid. It is not recommended to lend money to relatives and friends. Most often, such debts can drag on for years, and all parties involved in such a transaction risk quarreling.
Now you know all about the signs when you should not lend money.