dreamed of paper and iron money in a dream

What do you dream about money: 5 prophetic dreams

From time immemorial, people have been interested in the connection between dreams and reality, in particular, how what is seen in a dream affects the course of events that occur in reality. Now, based on numerous studies by somnologists and psychoanalysts, we can recognize in our night visions prophetic dreams that promise a quick strengthening of our financial situation.

Of all the material things, it is money that gives a person the greatest confidence in the future, gives a feeling of stability and security. Financial success is extremely fickle and sometimes unpredictable, but you can track its approach with a high degree of probability using your prophetic dreams.

Interpretation according to the Esoteric Dream Book

This interpreter also has many interesting interpretations about money in dreams:

  • If the coins in the dream were iron, such a vision may mean disappointment in something or someone.
  • If a person finds money (coins) in a dream, he will spend too much money to have a good rest and have fun, but this will only benefit him.
  • If you dreamed of coins worth ten rubles each, this is a symbol of the appearance in your life of an activity that will not only bring benefits, but will also bring pleasure.
  • In your nightly dreams you held metal money in your hands - in real life you will be lucky to participate in an event, as a result of which you will receive a certain benefit.
  • I happened to see expensive, collectible coins in a dream - you value the values ​​around you too little, and this vision explains that you need to appreciate them now, while they are there, and be more attentive to everything that you have to do with.

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If you dreamed about money

The surest hint that a financial flow is already rushing into your life is money in a dream. In your vision, you can find them, earn them, take them from someone, count them, or simply touch them - all this promises you success in your work and a change for the better in your financial situation as a whole.

The more money you saw in a dream, the better, especially if you realized that all of it belonged to you personally. Not only the bills or coins themselves, but also treasures, jewelry, any things that are of material value indicate that in the near future someone or something will appear in your life to help you earn money.

Examples of interpretations

Giving someone a loan means a little luck in the near future; however, the apparent success is actually false, so the dreamer may encounter unexpected difficulties. Counting other people's money predicts a person's envy of his competitor, and for women such a dream speaks of the appearance of a rival in his personal life.

Lend someone a loan

Interestingly, according to the modern dream book of the 21st century, a dream associated with calculating other people’s finances is prosperous, as it indicates an acquaintance with a rich and representative person (the exception is the vision of virtual money and electronic wallets, which are sometimes interpreted in the same way as counterfeit money - deception, illusion of success and disappointment).

The ATM is a symbol of financial stability and positive change. However, if in a dream a person stands in a long line to withdraw money, then this indicates a significant waste of energy and indicates incorrectly set goals.

Muslim dream book

Profit in a dream

Profit in a dream, an increase in wealth, as well as the recalculation of large sums foreshadow the dreamer’s addition to the family. Dirty or wrinkled paper bills speak of a person’s guilty conscience - throwing such money away (literally), as well as giving it to the poor, means forgiveness and getting rid of guilt.

The theft of other people's finances is considered a bad sign: the dreamer will face ruin, as well as a series of disasters and failures. In the near future, any business started will be ruined.

If the dreamer dreamed of money in the form of gold coins, then this indicates a close friend who will soon become rich, as a result of which he will become proud and stop communicating with the dreamer. Copper or iron coins portend hard work and troubles at work.

Seer Vanga

Image of money

The Bulgarian seer interprets the image of money and earthly riches as a sign of danger threatening the dreamer from greedy people. From Vanga’s point of view, all objects retain the energy of their former owners for a long time, therefore, according to this dream book, paper money is a harbinger of deception, betrayal, intrigue and hypocrisy, as well as serious illnesses.

The worse the condition of paper bills, the more negative events will manifest themselves in real life. New and fresh money represents a symbol of temptation. A positive sign is the distribution of debts in a dream; however, if a person helps beggars or his relatives, then this may indicate a desire to shift responsibility for his mistakes onto the shoulders of others.

Writer Aesop

It is curious that since ancient times, the image of small coins (regardless of their composition and denomination), as well as scatterings of small precious stones, have represented tears and grief that will overtake the dreamer in the near future. If in a dream a person tries to hide from creditors or even runs away from them, this indicates the person’s naivety and his tendency to make friends with a dubious reputation.

Image of small coins

Paper money represents a person's health and attitude towards his life; counting money means worry and fear for your future; seeing money lying on the street means unexpected luck or a cure for an illness. Seeing one of your relatives or friends asking the dreamer for a loan means a quarrel and conflict; running after someone in a vain attempt to repay your debt - soon the dreamer will be let down by those whom he trusts most.

Antonio Meneghetti

Burning money

Throwing away money, burning it, or distributing it to everyone indicates the dreamer’s inner desire to start his life over with a new leaf. If in a dream a person receives a lot of money as a gift, it means that the time has come for favorable changes.

Purchases that in a dream caused a person to spend a lot of money foreshadow problems with a spouse or relative. Hiding stacks of paper bills means fear of risk, fear of ruin, and also distrust of your friends. A lack of finances or a persistent search for them in a dream indicates that a person does not have enough energy or time.

Giving money to someone is a declaration of love (an image typical for men if the gift was given to a woman in a dream). Finding a treasure of money is considered a very good sign - such a symbol portends a difficult time for a person, which will be replaced by a period of prosperity and extraordinary growth in well-being. The amount of the amount is correspondingly equivalent to future financial success.

Gustav Miller

The famous American psychologist believed that money reflects a person’s inner self-confidence (or lack thereof), as well as an assessment of his mental and physical capabilities. In addition, finance is associated with the fulfillment of desires; the presence of wealth does not spoil a person, but allows him to behave as openly as possible, without hypocrisy (due to his independence from most people). Therefore, the image of money can speak about the following psychological characteristics of the dreamer:

Practicality and frugality

  • Practicality and frugality. These qualities are characteristic of those who in a dream did not disdain to pick up coins lying on the ground, and also counted or exchanged money.
  • Greed and desire for wealth. This is indicated by reckless spending and getting into debt in a dream. Many poor people have certain stereotypes about representatives of the rich class (allegedly all they do is buy and consume).
  • An obsessive desire to appear better. Counterfeit money, as well as dirty bills and worn coins, indicate the dreamer’s desire to make an exceptionally good impression on people. At the same time, there is a fear of condemnation and ridicule.
  • Infantility. Requests to lend money, as well as flight from those to whom you owe money, may indicate the dreamer’s irresponsibility and the habit of relying too much on people around him.
  • Inferiority complex. Excessive saving, accumulation of finances and prohibiting oneself from spending them - all this symbolizes not only a thrifty person, but also one who does not allow himself to relax and be as he is.

The presence of other people in a money dream indicates the dreamer’s anxiety about scammers and deceivers; Perhaps this is someone from the person’s environment. Finally, to receive a huge amount of money in an unusual way in a dream (for example, to win the lottery) - a person is accustomed to living beyond his means, which will soon affect his finances.

Sigmund Freud

Money is the personification of a person’s sexual capabilities, his energy and strength of desire. As a rule, such an image reflects a person’s promiscuity in intimate relationships , as well as the need to often change their partners (this is true for both sexes). Any waste of finances is a desire for intimate relationships.

Borrow money

Borrowing money means dissatisfaction with oneself, as well as a tendency towards self-satisfaction; paying bills is a desire for sexual release. Lack of finances or their loss means loss of strength, impotence in men and health problems in women. Counting money is a critical attitude towards yourself and your partner, a feeling of lack of love and sensual pleasures in sex.

If a man dreams of crumpled or wet paper bills, then this may indicate a desire for a variety of sexual life and homosexuality.

I dreamed about cockroaches

Oddly enough, a dream, the main “characters” of which were cockroaches, does not at all promise troubles or impending troubles, no matter how unpleasant the aftertaste it may leave behind in the morning. There is an opinion that cockroaches dream of illness, but still most somnologists and psychoanalysts claim that these insects are harbingers of large profits.

Such a dream becomes a particularly good sign for workers in the service sector, who in the near future will have a chance to attract important clients. Businessmen can also anticipate success: the possibility of concluding a very profitable contract will soon loom on the horizon.

Shopping in a dream

Buying something that you have long wanted to pamper yourself with is incredibly pleasant in reality, and in a dream, according to somnologists, it is also profitable. If in a dream you happened to buy something for which in reality there is no money yet, then you can rest assured: very soon you will have the funds for your cherished purchase.

In reality, after such a dream, you may well expect a well-deserved bonus or increase in salary on an ongoing basis. Don't slow down and keep working in the same spirit if you want to attract financial success into your life.

Question #2: What did you do with the money?

Having decided what kind of money you saw, remember what exactly you did. Sometimes, depending on whether you took the money or, on the contrary, gave it away, the meaning of a dream about money may change. Be attentive to the details of the dream:

  • if you gave away money, this promises you unexpected success and wealth.
  • receiving money means losses, anxiety and unpleasant news.
  • paying money for something is a good sign. You may be rewarded for your perseverance.
  • finding money in a dream means improving your financial condition. You will still have to work hard and devote as much time as possible to your financial affairs, but the result is worth it.
  • losing money means small failures that will haunt you not only at home, but also at work.
  • giving out a salary in a dream means failure and imminent separation from friends and loved ones.
  • receiving a salary in a dream means ingratitude on the part of others. Receiving money in a dream is usually very pleasant, but a dreamed salary promises contempt on the part of your spouse or ingratitude from your children.

It is also worth paying attention to the details associated with receiving money or losing cash:

  • counting money means minor troubles. You may miss your luck.
  • collecting money from the floor means losses, anxiety and unpleasant changes.
  • to see a bag of money in a dream means a long old age, and the larger the bag, the higher the chances of a long prosperous life.
  • seeing counterfeit money in a dream means that you will waste your energy, receive some useless thing, or become a victim of deception.
  • saving money in a dream promises comfort and wealth.
  • scattering gold in a dream means tears and sorrows.
  • counting the money you received and discovering that you were underpaid means trouble at work.
  • be very careful if in a dream you see large bills gradually disappearing from your wallet. Such a dream does not bode well - perhaps you are now being offered a business that cannot pay for itself. It is possible that a person will appear in your environment who will compete with you, or that a promising contract will fall through.
  • if in a dream you are trying to find the owner of the money and let the dog sniff the bills, then in the near future you will have to make a choice between a quiet life and money.
  • if your money was stolen in a dream, be very careful - you are in danger! Try to save money and not spend it with or without reason.

If you dreamed of water, a toad or a turtle

Since ancient times, the water element has been considered a symbol of prosperity and financial well-being. Eastern sages unequivocally indicate that the presence in a dream of clean water, a body of water, be it a fountain, pond, river or sea, is a sign that you will soon be able to turn the direction of the financial flow into your life.

The same applies to aquatic inhabitants seen in a dream, especially a toad or turtle. In the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, these animals symbolize financial well-being and prosperity, since both of them are directly related to the element of water.

Such dreams should give you confidence in your own strengths and capabilities to strengthen your own financial situation. The more positive you are about the potential financial situation in your life, the sooner you will be able to activate your financial flows and direct them in the direction you want.

Interpretation of dreams. Dreams to wealth

Greetings, dear readers!

This article is dedicated to dreams that promise wealth and prosperity. Every person at least once in his life tried to look into the future, because it is so interesting what the coming day has in store for us. Some turn to fortune tellers, others believe only in their feelings and dreams.

To correctly interpret the meaning of a dream, you need to arm yourself with some knowledge in this area. The actual question is, what dreams lead to wealth ?

Every dream tells us something, warns us, makes us think, but not all people know how to correctly interpret what they see.

Prophetic dreams

A person sees different dreams throughout his life, which are divided into groups. If you correctly determine which group a dream belongs to, you can predict your own future. Ordinary dreams that occur every day are usually not remembered. Most often they are a distorted projection of events that have happened in the near future.

If the same vision is repeated, it means there is a gnawing problem that needs to be solved urgently. It also happens that the dream is not remembered, but a feeling of joy, resentment, grief, or anger remains. Such information is not useful; most likely, these feelings dominate in real life.

Do you dream that your cherished wish has come true? Remember everything in detail, as this is a prophetic dream that prompts the right actions, or warns against possible mistakes.

Prophetic visions are always memorable, they are bright and clear. Such dreams are realistic; most often they are dreamed by people with highly developed intuition.

Dreams predicting wealth

Feces. If you dream of feces, it means that the person will receive unexpected profits or a pleasant gift. There are other interpretations of such a dream. According to some reports, a person’s dream of feces represents his desire to get rich. If you get dirty in feces, it means that you will receive significant profits in the near future.

They say that dreams are a reflection of a person’s inner world; if you often see feces in a dream, this is a reason to think about the correctness of your lifestyle. Animal feces in a dream mean problems with loved ones. A large amount of feces means accumulated problems that require immediate solutions.

Cleaning up cow feces means that luck will soon smile; the main thing is to understand all the clues of fate and not to waste your own happiness.

Pregnancy. Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means prosperity and material profit. True, not everything is so simple; the dream means possible profit, which will appear if you make every effort. The interpretation depends on the details present in the dream.

The day of the week is reflected in the reading of the interpretation. If you dreamed about your own pregnancy on Monday, it means the weather will change. I dreamed on Tuesday night about news, on Wednesday - about expenses, on Thursday - about a domestic quarrel, on Friday - about a long carefree life, on Saturday - about bustle and troubles.

Large fish. Do not rush to draw conclusions based on interpretations, because it is important to take into account the day of the week, the gender of the dreamer and other details that significantly change the essence of the vision. A woman who sees a large fish in a dream will experience changes in her life; career growth with accompanying material well-being is possible.

The human subconscious, through dreams, suggests the right decisions. If a woman caught a pike in a dream, it means that you need to pay attention to creative abilities, which in the near future will lead to material well-being.

Why do you dream about a lot of money - interpretation of sleep

much money

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

In a dream, money can be received, lost or spent.
Dreams about money imply power, control over others, and competence. Therefore, it is important for the interpretation of a dream to take a closer look at the people involved in financial relationships, as well as the role you play in them. The life of many people who see money in their dreams is dominated by the desire to get it - such people are upset by the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly seen in the “money dreams” that come to people who are stuck in debt. Losing money for no apparent reason reflects your inability to control yourself. This trait may relate to money matters, or it may indicate an inability to restrain oneself from excessively wasting emotional or other resources. How do you assess the influence of money on your life? In some families, money is taken for granted; for others, it is a symbol of influence, control, and an indicator of status. Depending on whether you have problems with money, "money dreams" can also indicate your feelings towards power, whatever that may be. It should also be noted that depending on what kind of money you see in a dream, the interpretation of the dream may be different.

So, if you see paper money, i.e. bills, or collect them, or receive them in some other way, then this dream indicates good things: profit, the ability to benefit from something, profitable contracts, etc. etc. But if you have or receive in any way metallic money, i.e. coins, then this dream can lead to both losses and frustration for some reason and to tears.

Copper money, coins, and generally small change in a dream is a harbinger of losses, minor troubles, and the fact that your work will be very poorly paid.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Many small ones - to joy and great happiness, changes; small copper coins and a few - to sadness, chagrin, silver - to tears; large sums of money - to profit; gold coins - to accomplish important things. Finding (picking up) money is a hassle, giving it away means expenses, carrying it means changes in life. If the rubles you borrowed turned out to be counterfeit in a dream, then in reality temporary financial difficulties await you, but thanks to your business skills you will easily cope with them.

If you remember that you saw money in a dream, but were unable to determine whether there was a lot of it or a little: copper money means trouble, silver money means wasted trouble, gold money means profitable and important things. Paying (not just giving) something with money is a success in business. Receiving money is another possible increase in the family. Giving out wages is a sign of failure. Losing money means experiencing unhappy moments. Counting your money and discovering a shortage means trouble with payments and debt. Stealing money is dangerous. Saving money leads to wealth and comfort. Swallowing money is selfish interest. Counting big money means there is a chance to get rich. Asking someone to lend you money means new material worries, external well-being.

Treasury (treasury) - to punishment, fine.

Chervonetsy (money) - troubles, loss.

Psychological dream book

Paper money and banknotes dream of a long journey, and an ambulance one at that. Small change, coins - to tears.

Grandma's old dream book

Small, copper - to sadness, silver - to tears, large - to profit, gold - to the accomplishment of important things; taking money is a hassle; to give - expenses; carry money - expect changes in life.

To count the treasury - unforeseen large expenses.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you found money in a dream, there are minor worries, changes and, in the end, great happiness ahead. Lost money - expect trouble both at home and at work. Paying money means failure. If your money is stolen, you are in danger. Receiving money means good prospects and family joys. Counting your money and finding a shortage is a sign of trouble. Saving money leads to wealth and comfort. Swallowing money is a sign of selfish interest.

Counting a large amount of money means prosperity and happiness. If a man dreamed that he found a wad of currency, but a young woman laid claim to it, then in real life he faces losses in business due to the intervention of a certain person. In addition, this dream can warn: you are living beyond your means! Co, in which you dream of small money - to dissatisfaction in business. Troubles at work and dissatisfaction with friends are possible due to lack of attention on your part. If you lost small money in reality, you will fail and experience slight disdain from others. If you counted coins in a dream, you will be practical and thrifty.

If you asked for a loan, new worries will appear. If you borrowed money, you will seem better to others than you really are, but you will not get joy from it.

If you spent other people's money, you will be caught in a petty deception and lose a friend. Counterfeiting money in a dream is not good. And here’s how Vanga interpreted dreams about money: If you find money in a dream, then someone around you is preparing a great evil against you. Do not take other people's things, even if they lie unattended in a remote place, for it is through them that unclean people send damage to good people.

A dream in which you receive money means that people around you see you as a generous, kind person who will always come to the rescue in difficult moments of life. Torn money is a bad omen. They symbolize robbery, poverty and hunger. You may lose all your savings as a result of a robbery.

If you dreamed that you were counting money, then in real life you are a very petty person. You need to reconsider your attitude towards money, because it will never replace human relationships. If you dreamed that you were handing money to someone, then soon you will need a lot of money to successfully complete the business you started. This is what D. Loff said about dreams about money: “In a dream, money can be lost, received or spent.

Dreams about money actually imply power, control over others, and competence. Therefore, an important element for the interpretation of a dream is a closer look at the persons taking part in commodity-money relations, as well as at the role that you play in them. After all, the life of many people who see money in their dreams is subordinated to the desire to get it. Such people are upset by the lack of money and the inability to control themselves when handling money. The latter is most clearly seen in the dreams that come to people who are stuck in debt. If you receive money in a dream, try to remember who you receive it from and under what circumstances. Perhaps this is a dream about a blessing.

Receiving money in this case indicates spiritual revival and improvement of relationships. A dream in which you have great wealth and distribute it to others may be associated with a desire to help someone. Losing money in a dream reflects your inability to control yourself. This trait may relate to the area of ​​money relations, or may indicate your excessive emotionality.”

If you receive money in large bills, you will soon have a long journey ahead, most likely unexpected; if they give you coins, expect minor troubles and even tears.

Seeing banknotes of any denomination means wealth.

Grandma's old dream book

Banker (in working with documents) - to be wary of unfavorable documents, miscalculations (as if you dream of bankruptcy, ruin).

To dream that you are emptying your pockets in search of money is a shame.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Small matters and worries.

Psychological dream book

Did you dream that you were paying with money? Temporary financial difficulties await you. A dream in which you open a cash deposit promises a large inheritance.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were investing money to expand your business, then in real life you are used to having the support of friends and relatives. You can no longer imagine your life without them. However, soon you will have to go it alone.

Slavic dream book

Copper - poverty. Silver - you will waste your money, your business will not succeed, although formally everything will work out. Gold is a good sign. Seeing a lot of gold coins means great wealth, thanks to an adventurous business. Seeing little gold means the profit will be small. Paper money - your funds will turn into dust. Seeing new coins is a sign of success. Pay - you will achieve your goal. To receive is poverty, collapse, bankruptcy.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Potential opportunities; desire to control others. Borrowing money is a new opportunity; settlement of relations; stolen money is a deception; borrow money - get help when you need it; paying money - success in business; receive a salary - satisfaction with your financial situation or yourself; revival of spiritual powers; lose money - waste it; inability to control oneself; copper - the hardships of life, especially if there are many of them; silver - futile efforts; gold - important and profitable business; spending money sparingly is a lack of freedom; lack of money - financial difficulties; opportunities not fully exploited; counterfeit money is something that has ceased to be important to you.

Jewish dream book

Exchange rubles for dollars. For a woman - a dream on Monday night reveals your desire for independence and independence; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a change in lifestyle; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - to unrealistic hopes. For a man - a dream on Monday night: you will experience doubts and indecision; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, promises a calm life; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night means: your cunning plans for getting big money are not feasible.

Exchange dollars for rubles. For a woman - a dream on Monday night means meeting a strong and decisive person; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to bustle and troubles; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - to loss of hope and disappointment in life. For a man - a dream on Monday night: your position at work and relationships with people will be shaken; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday says: you will be forced to accept an unfavorable offer; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night foretells the opportunity to earn money thanks to your determination.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Small copper money - see pennies, silver coins - for profit, paper coins - for good news. In general, the dream is favorable. Imagine filling wallets, bags and chests with money.

English dream book

Money has become an inseparable part of our lives, a source of passion, anxiety and despair for many people. Why do you dream: Lack of money may reflect your financial situation in real life. If everything is in order with your finances, but in a dream you find yourself penniless, perhaps your subconscious mind is reminding you that money is not everything; Perhaps you lack social skills or personality traits? Dreams in which you win a big cash prize are usually just a reflection of your desires!

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

It's like you found money; there are many of them, they are everywhere - you pull them out of the sand, collect them in the grass, fill your pockets with them - happy changes await you; minor troubles that cannot be avoided will not darken your joy. They give you money - enviable prospects await you in life; know how to use them and you will achieve a lot. You lost money in a dream - you will be disappointed in your family life; and when you come to work, you will encounter troubles. You count your money - your well-being is unshakable.

You discover a shortage—in effect, you discover your insolvency. It’s as if you’re asking for a loan – it seems to you that everything is fine with you, but it’s not; It will soon become clear that your position is precarious, and you will understand that you cannot do without the help of your loved ones. They loan you money - you try to look better than you are, but they know the true price; there is some uncertainty in your position: perhaps you have to cooperate with two competing companies; none of the companies like it and they set conditions for you - it’s time to choose; The best choice for you is to go to a third company.

It’s as if you are counterfeiting money - in life you often wishful thinking; you do not know how to balance your desires with your capabilities; you sometimes make promises that you cannot keep; All these qualities do not add to your authority. You dream of small money - small failures will really stick to you. If you dream about counting small money, the dream suggests that you are a practical and thrifty person; in your household, every little thing goes into use: every drop goes to the mill wheel, every sliver goes into the firebox.

You see gold coins in a dream - you skillfully conduct important matters; your skill will ensure your well-being; personal well-being is one of the foundations of your love. You dream of silver coins - if the coins are small - you will shed tears (but these could also be tears of joy, someone will touch you); if the coins are of large denomination (rubles and fifty kopecks) - expect profits. You have a handful of copper coins in your hands - the depth of your sadness will depend on the degree of your need.

Magic dream book

News of a material nature. Finding crumpled money means meeting dishonest people. Torn money is robbery. Counting money is acquisitiveness, stinginess. Giving money to others is wasteful. Lending money means troubles and worries. Saving means peace and prosperity. Seeing a lot of your money (in bundles) means getting rich quick. Find money - make a profit in the future (not earlier than in a year). Distributing small money (coins) to poor people means making temporary friends. Counting a lot of money means good earnings. Making money transactions is an increase in the family. Fake money - receive - be deceived, do - have bad intentions.

Psychoanalytic dream book

1. Money in dreams is not necessarily a freely convertible currency; much more often they talk about how much we value ourselves. This symbol, appearing in a dream, suggests that we need to reconsider this value more carefully, to realize how much we “pay” for our actions or desires. 2. Money can also represent our own personal resources - both material and spiritual - and our potential for success. In some circumstances, dreaming about money can be related to our view of our own power and sexuality. 3. Spiritual currency and also spiritual change, big or small.

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

Most analysts believe that dreams about money express the ability to give and receive from an emotional point of view. More precisely, the dream may simply reflect the use of money in real life. Money can be a symbol of generosity or, conversely, greed. Thus, a large amount of money in a dream may symbolize a generous and magnanimous person, perhaps your desire to become one, while meager amounts of money may suggest an unwillingness (or inability) to part with considerable sums. Worrying about finding or losing money in a dream can be just as important. Pleasure or joy predicts prosperity, while the need to come to terms with loss may be an indicator of current financial wealth.

Positive value

Dreaming of receiving money is traditionally considered a very good sign, especially if it is payment for honest work or diligent efforts. Dreams like these can also symbolize the flexibility of your “creative muscles.”

Negative implications

Exchanging paper notes for coins in a dream could mean problems in your financial strategy. Perhaps you are afraid that an important decision will negatively affect your financial well-being?


The ability to spend money freely in a dream indicates goodwill and personal satisfaction. If you only looked at the goods in the windows without being able to make purchases, such a dream speaks of emotional dissatisfaction or the inability to get something.

Borrowing money is a warning that you should not squander funds or participate in risky ventures. Before taking part in any financial endeavor, think carefully about the future transaction, considering it from various angles. Payment. Giving money in a dream is traditionally considered a good sign related to matters at work. Remember who you paid, how much and for what? Answering these questions can shed light on solving work-related problems. Save or invest money. A dream in which you save or invest may be a direct reflection of financial planning for the future and family life.

Russian dream book

Small - dissatisfaction in business; large bills are a profitable business; copper - trouble; silver - futile efforts; gold - important and profitable business; pay - to success; to receive - to an addition to the family, to joy; to lose - to trouble; if they steal them from you, you are in danger; find - minor worries await and great luck lies ahead.

We live in a country of supply, demand, inflation, boom and bust. We are told: “You can never be too rich or too poor,” “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” “It’s just as easy to fall in love with a poor person as with a rich one,” and “Money makes the world go round.” Many of us, as we get older, receive benefits and find out that with this money we can buy medicine.

You will never be too rich or too poor

Whether this is true or not, one could argue, but one thing is absolutely true: money as a symbol and as a real thing is very important. Although money itself can be neither bad nor good, our attitude towards it - whether we have it, whether we want it, whether we need it, whether we lose it - affects our sense of self. It can be bad or good. Therefore, when we have dreams about money, they can tell us a lot about ourselves.

Let's count

When was the last time you had a dream about money or anything valuable? Were you sure that your dream meant that you would soon receive a small fortune? Did you call into work that day to call in sick and sit at home, waiting for the Publisher's Clearinghouse van to pull up to your house?

Many people believe that dreams about money are prophetic. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on whether you earn or lose them in your dreams, your dreams rarely have a direct bearing on your well-being. Money in your dreams can be a powerful metaphor.

Money is necessary. Money is fluid

What do we mean when we say “rarely has anything to do with your well-being”? Remember, Anne Faraday says that dreams of falling can sometimes indicate a real danger (like a wobbly ladder) that you register somewhere in the back of your brain but are not actually aware of. The same applies to dreams about money. Maybe you left your wallet at the dry cleaner but didn't "notice" it. It is quite possible that you will dream of a cash flow, as huge as Niagara Falls, which floods you.

You might dream that all the diamonds on your engagement ring fall down a drain. On the other hand, you may dream that you are playing with your dog, making him bring you different things, and he delivers you a wad of money. Have you recently lost your rent receipt? This may be an unconscious indicator that leads you to a real and at the same time absent mullah. Money comes to you and goes out. They are fluid and necessary.

Mark, yen, dollar, pound sterling...

In different countries of the world, money is called differently - in its own currency language. Was the payment for your Paris apartment on the receipt lost in the dream expressed in French francs? People who speak multiple languages ​​fluently often have bilingual dreams. But for those of us for whom English is the gold standard, dreams of foreign currency may indicate our admiration (or fear) of exotic countries, customs and peoples.

And in a world where we monitor the globalization of the economy, the stability and growth of the currencies of all countries, dreams about the stock exchange or foreign currency can signal an internal, unconscious determination of the degree of risk or a desire to cooperate with someone. Has anyone seen a euro in a dream? Here is a list of money names in some countries. I wonder how many people dream about them?

Video: Why do you dream about a lot of money - interpretation of sleep

April 1, 2020 at 5:34 pm © Dream book authors

© Photo: ru.depositphotos.com

Wealth symbols

If you dreamed about how you were sorting beads in your hands, rest assured that this vision will bring you unprecedented luck and wealth.

A dream in which you see a beautiful woman or an object worthy of admiration promises good luck in business.

If you dreamed of a beaver, it means that after much effort you will become a rich man. Seeing birds flying means favorable circumstances and prosperity. A bouquet of fresh flowers or angels promise an unexpected inheritance.

Find a bracelet for significant purchases. Opening any box in a dream means material well-being, freedom and convenience.

In addition, money must be managed correctly. And in order for you to not only have them, but also to increase them, the “Master of Personal Finance” course is suitable for you. With it, you will not only save money, but also increase it.

Interpretations according to different dream books

Various dream books also paid attention to such an interesting vision as coins in a dream:

  • According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, ordinary metal money found in a dream means that negative thoughts do not allow you to live normally. You should overcome yourself and live in present events, and not yearn for what is left in the past. If the coins found turned out to be gold, thanks to the large profits received, your financial situation will improve significantly.
  • Denise Lynn's dream book explains what it means to see a lot of coins and money in a dream - such a night vision can be an omen of trips, and maybe even long journeys.
  • In the Dream Book of Health, dreaming of anniversary coins is a sign that the dreamer will have great luck in some matter. And if you had to see paper money and coins in a dream, this means that the sleeper’s thoughts are pure and good.
  • The Newest Dream Book says that coins seen in a dream symbolize your concern about unresolved matters. The anxiety will go away as soon as you complete them.
  • The combined dream book explains the situation: if you happen to count money (coins) in a dream, you will have enough strength and inspiration to carry out your plans and intentions.
  • But according to the Autumn Dream Book, counting coins in a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing minor troubles and troubles.
  • In the Wanderer's dream book, it is believed that if you give metal money to someone, in real life you will lend someone a large sum of money.
  • In the Starry Dream Book we can find an interpretation of the vision, if you happen to collect coins from the ground - this means that the money will float into your hands, without any effort on your part.
  • In the Jewish Dream Book we can find an explanation of why unusual coins appear in dreams - this is a warning that you may be deceived. You need to be as careful as possible. If you saw money from other countries in a dream, this means travel and short trips.
  • In the General Dream Book there is an interpretation of night dreams in which you saw only two coins - this dream can mean both that you and your soulmate are already together, and also that you are still looking for her.
  • In the French dream book we can read that silver money you find in a dream can most likely mean a quarrel between you and your friend.
  • Interesting interpretation in the Ancient Persian dream book. It says that coins seen in a dream are a symbol of imminent wealth, perhaps it will be a large amount of money received as an inheritance. It is believed that such a dream can occur to the chosen one of fate, who will have more than one pleasant surprise.

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Interpretations of dreams about money

Money plays an important role in the modern world. Every person strives for a good life, and without finance it is very difficult to imagine a rosy picture. Many people try to look into the future, and to do this you just need to listen to the subconscious, which, with the help of dreams, tries to convey important information to a person.

If you often dream about money, this does not mean that you will get rich; most likely, thoughts about financial disadvantage haunt you. But if you count money in a dream, it means wealth is just around the corner. If you dream that you are saving money, it means significant profits, and a lot of banknotes means you will get rich quickly.

If you dreamed that a crowd of people was running past, it means that you can achieve success in business on your own.

Well, if you dream of cockroaches, the bigger the better, the same will happen with money.

Correct interpretation of dreams helps prevent losses. If you dream about how greedily you eat fruit, it means that you may not get paid for the work done. In a dream, a burning tree means losses due to gambling. Holes in clothes promise possible debts, and an empty barrel or jar means a financial crisis.

Don’t panic if you dreamed of any of the above, most likely, the subconscious is only warning about possible difficulties, but this does not mean that a problem will happen.

Any person can solve a dream, the main thing is to use intuition and common sense. Encourage your friends to read the article on social networks, perhaps they will find useful information and use it.

I dreamed about a gold coin, what does it mean?

Much attention in the dream book from A to Z was paid to visions in which gold coins appeared:

  • If you dreamed of a chest full of gold, the dreamer’s wishes will come true.
  • In your night dreams you saw a necklace of gold coins - if you get rid of your shortcomings, then, thanks to your merits, you will be able to achieve a lot.
  • In a dream, money and gold coins were received by a lady as a gift - she will marry a wealthy but stingy man.
  • If you saw royal minted chervonets made of gold - in reality, the success that you achieve in your affairs will bring you honor and respect from others.
  • In a dream, you decided to hand over a treasure trove of jewelry to the state - in reality, you will lose the trust of people who know you well from your work.
  • If you sold coins made of precious metal, you will remain absolutely alone in old age.

We invite you to read the Dream Interpretation interpretation of putting out a fire for a married woman
. Although gold in a dream is considered a favorable sign, the interpretation of the dream in which a gold coin appeared depends on various nuances:

  • If in her night dreams a woman received a gold coin as a gift, she will successfully marry a wealthy man and be happy in her marriage.
  • If the dreamer picked up or found a gold coin, thanks to his own merits and the efforts that he will make to achieve his plans, he will be able to achieve success.
  • If a person lost money made of precious metal in a dream, he may turn out to be so imprudent and short-sighted that he may not notice an important chance that does not arise so often.
  • A man dreamed that he was melting gold money - in reality, there are people around him who spread gossip about him and discuss it among themselves. The dreamer should behave more carefully and tell less to anyone about his affairs, both in business and in his personal life.
  • If in a dream you spent gold coins, in reality your expenses may turn out to be thoughtlessly large. You need to stop in time and take care of your financial savings so as not to be left penniless.
  • The coin was light gold - expect good events; the darker it is, the more difficulties you can encounter on your path to success.
  • The gold coins turned out to be small - in reality, your level of well-being seems insufficient to you.

Holding gold money in your hands is a good sign that promises good benefits. And often such developments indicate career growth and the opportunity to start your own interesting project. There is no need to worry about financial stability.

If you happen to find a lot of iron money, especially gold, in a dream, waking events will bring true joy to the dreamer. Equally, this symbol can prophesy intense changes in life. A small gold coin appears in a dream on the eve of the birth of a child. If there were several of them, several children will be born. Ancient gold coins are a reason to prepare for an exciting journey.

The plot of spending coins is dreamed of on the eve of unpredictable and inevitable expenses. It is recommended to be careful with money, because there is a risk of becoming bankrupt.

A woman who is given gold coins in a dream is destined to become the wife of a wealthy man. It is considered a bad sign to give away money. It is worth waiting for a difficult stressful situation and stocking up on time and energy.

One of the versions of why iron money and coins are dreamed of is useful experience accumulated over the years. Someone will soon share important knowledge with the one who had the dream. It is possible that the latter himself will learn a lesson from certain events and/or receive compensation for his patience. To success in completing a task that was started before, you dream of giving away iron coins.

Do you dream about money?

What do you dream about money and wealth?
Dreams involving money itself do not necessarily predict profit; perhaps it is simply a reflection or continuation of daytime thoughts about it. But if there were no such thoughts and worries during the dream, but you still dreamed about money, you need to carefully understand the context of the dream vision. Wealth is promised by a plot during which the dreamer counts banknotes.

A quick profit is promised by the sight of a large stack of paper bills, as well as a moment reflecting the dreamer’s savings. The discovery of banknotes portends the receipt of money-related news. But a global discovery in the form of a treasure suggests that a generous donor will suddenly appear in your life.

Features and details of sleep

A key role for the correct interpretation of a dream is a person’s actions, as well as his emotional state. Despite the many possible scenarios related to finance, they can be divided into several typical situations. These include the following points:

Converting money

  • Loss or shortage. If a person lost money in a dream, it was stolen, or the dreamer collected all the change he was able to find, then this indicates a significant deterioration in his financial situation, as well as a difficult life period. A person should beware of casual acquaintances and careless people, since losing money is also a symbol of the dreamer’s carelessness.
  • Acquisition, finding. One of the luckiest signs associated with money is finding it - regardless of its amount, this predicts a profitable project for the dreamer, a gift of fate, or an increase in social status. If a person is given money, then this is a symbol of a secret admirer for women or the personification of the help of a best friend for men. However, you should know that a gift in the form of gold coins or jewelry is a harbinger of behind-the-scenes struggle and envy on the part of colleagues.
  • Recalculation, spending (payment of debts). A good symbol is to count new banknotes in a dream - the dreamer will succeed in any task easily, without extra costs. This also portends a person’s participation in a promising project; the success of the event depends more on the circumstances than on the dreamer. Obsessively spending money in boutiques and shops foreshadows the arrival of a not-so-loved relative, and paying off old debts means discord in the family.
  • Philanthropy and giving. This sign, which at first glance should be prosperous for the dreamer, is in fact a warning - there are people around a person who take advantage of his kindness for selfish purposes. In general, any decrease in the number of banknotes can be interpreted as a decrease in the dreamer’s vitality and energy.

There are also some other images - for example, a dream in which a person exchanges one currency for another speaks of forced participation in some kind of intrigue or conspiracy (usually related to finance). Changing large bills in a store means a wrong decision, which will cause many minor troubles and problems.

What else does wealth symbolize?

The tried and tested folk interpretation doesn’t sound very appetizing, but it’s “to the point” – to see in a dream, sorry, feces, manure. And the larger their volume, the more money such a dream portends. And it’s even better if the dreamer also gets into this pile: it means he will get rich steadily and for a long time.

Wealth can also be predicted by such unpleasant insects as lice and cockroaches, and the amount of financial income also depends on the number of parasites.

Some dream books call a cockroach a symbol of successful transactions, but not if you try to destroy it in a dream.

Do fleas bite you in your dreams? Just great - to big profits. This, and also success, is symbolized by the beetle.

A large sum of money is foreshadowed by the sight of a crowd of people running past. This money will be honestly earned by the dreamer, through his work in a team of like-minded people.

Such an interpretation will be valid only when the person seeing such a dream does not participate in a “jog.” If he is also among the participants, the meaning will be exactly the opposite - to ruin.

Who dreamed what?

“I dreamed that I had to pick peaches in a huge garden. Some of them are still on the trees, under which there are baskets already filled with beautiful ripe fruits. The most interesting thing is that it’s unclear where this plot came from: I’ve never done anything like this. I asked no one why such a dream could mean, no one said anything intelligible.

And a week later, a response suddenly came to the resume I sent - at that time I was looking for a more promising job... The interview was successful, and I was accepted into that company.
Maybe peaches were a sign of life changes? Almost all dream books that interpret the plots of dreams involving various fruits talk about their “monetary” decoding. So, if they grow on trees, this portends bright commercial prospects.
And the dreamer’s income will directly depend on the number of fruits on the branches. And the fruits, already placed in baskets, as in the case described, promise a change of job with a decent increase in salary.

Unexpected wealth may fall if the dreamer himself removes fruits from the trees.

The same interpretation applies to berries and mushrooms, which dream books call symbols of material wealth.

“It was not me who had a strange dream, but my friend Ira. She came running under his impression, eyes wide open, and from the doorway: can you imagine, in my dream I grew a beard, this is probably very bad! And my granny is the best dream teller, I immediately call her, and she bursts out laughing: let, she says, your friend prepare a bigger wallet - this is for money.

But it’s true! I don’t know how much time has passed when a friend comes to me with cake and champagne. It turns out that she found a cousin, a businesswoman, who had serious health problems and of her direct heirs only my Irishka, so she bequeathed to her her apartment and a pretty big bank account...”

Not entirely understandable for the fair sex, and therefore a frightening dream in which they begin to grow a beard, often plunges them into a state of panic. And in vain: the “best dream guesser” is absolutely right here.

This means quick profit - both the replenishment of the family budget and the process of property growth, including in the future the arrangement of your own home. It is also important to note how long and thick the beard was - so will the profit.

We have collected the main interpretations in the video:

What does your appearance tell you?

According to the incomprehensible logic of the forces that control dreams, it is not the most advantageous features of appearance that predict an improvement in one’s financial condition. Such “talking” signs include not only a beard. A fat belly also reports big profits – and also according to the principle “the fatter the better.”

Warts promise wealth, as the Muslim dream book interprets. Moreover, this wealth will come as a result of benefits derived from seemingly unfavorable circumstances.

According to the same interpreter, moles that suddenly appear on the body promise a reliable source of finance: the darker they are, the larger the amount the dreamer will receive.

And such “decorations” as styes on the eyelid, itchy itching and scabs with scabs clearly symbolize wealth.

As with many other “sleepy” symbols, the condition is the same - the more itching, the more money.

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