How to develop femininity in yourself?

The purpose of the fair half of humanity

In the modern rhythm, many women have forgotten about their natural purpose. It seems that each of us is doing ordinary things that are familiar to everyone: building a career, doing housework, making plans with her husband for a joint summer vacation. But a moment comes when, in pursuit of equality, we begin to understand how much work, everyday life, and children exhaust us. But the problem is the lack of femininity, which needs to be developed. In this article I will try to cover this topic as much as possible. Implement techniques for its implementation in real life.

The basis of the basics is to accept yourself as a woman - a perfect creation.

After all, without awareness of your natural purpose, all exercises and techniques for developing sensuality will be a failure in advance.

First steps

First you need to love yourself, your body, the image in the mirror. Try to emphasize the fact that you are a woman in the most accessible ways.

Dress yourself in beautiful dresses and favorite shoes as often as possible, and don’t go out without makeup or hair styling.

Reading these lines, you probably think that there is simply no time for such things as femininity and its improvement. The fact is that this state is inherent for a woman by nature, it just needs to be awakened.

Do not hurry

Try to learn to live without constant rush, enjoying the process of life itself.

Why it is very important not to rush!

Simply because when we do everything in a hurry, we begin to involuntarily develop masculine qualities, and this is completely contrary to the natural feminine nature. Let overcoming problems and obstacles remain with the strong half of humanity, and let us girls begin to learn to develop the feminine principle in ourselves. The main thing to remember is that at the behest of a magic wand this will not happen overnight.

This process is long and labor-intensive, but how exciting it will be depends directly on you.

Exercises to develop femininity

A woman's strength is in her weakness

To develop femininity and become more attractive, do not forget to be weak and show that you need care. Men really like to feel like protectors. Let the man open the door for you or pull up a chair. Let him offer you his help, and you accept it.

If you are used to doing many things yourself, then call your friend or husband next time when you need to do something that is not entirely feminine - for example, move a chair or hang a new picture on the wall. A feminine girl gratefully accepts a man’s help, while an unfeminine one says: “No need, I’ll do it myself!”

By allowing a man to help you and giving him the opportunity to make you happy, you are sending him a message that you are worthy of love, admiration and protection simply because you are a real woman who can appreciate all the positive qualities of her man. This is the most important sign of femininity!

It would be possible to talk about other qualities that would be wise to develop in order to become more attractive. As you know, there is no limit to perfection! But what was said above is quite enough to understand how to develop femininity in yourself.

Exercises to develop femininity

Every female representative has the inherent nature of perceiving the world through sensations and emotions. Therefore, it is very important for the fair half of humanity to develop these senses. This is facilitated by regularly performing the following exercises. By performing any simple gymnastics routine, each of you will discover the true woman within you and will be able to build strong, trusting relationships with yourself and the people around you.

It’s better to start revealing your femininity in the morning.

We are used to jumping out of bed when the alarm clock rings, rushing headlong around the apartment getting ready for work or school. You should start your morning with words of gratitude directed to the universe for the fact that you see the sun, breathe the air, live in this world.

Try to slowly get out of bed, go to the mirror, and smile wholeheartedly at your image in the mirror.

Don't skimp on compliments or words of admiration.

Love yourself, your appearance. She will respond with gratitude to this.

Then do morning exercises, which will wake up the muscles, joints, and disperse the blood.


The following exercises will follow affirmations for female self-improvement. Affirmations are the realization of the fruits of our imagination in real life. The power of our thoughts is enormous and cannot be underestimated. Each of us has probably noticed that if we really want something, if we live a dream, then it will miraculously come true. Therefore, it is most important to visualize the object of your desire with a feeling of joy and happiness. Same with femininity - the main thing

present yourself clearly and clearly as the most seductive, desirable woman in the world.

The main thing is to make this visualization detailed, thinking through every little detail, down to how you dress, what you do, how you speak, what gestures you convey emotions.

Exercises on affirmations are simply necessary to consolidate positive thinking in the mind, because we are what we think about, do not forget this.

Getting rid of negative thinking

Getting rid of negative thinking

The next exercise to develop the feminine principle is to get rid of negative thinking. A feminine person embodies calmness, tenderness, and caring.

“But what to do if your soul is filled with resentment, anger, and bitterness?”

, you might think. Of course, screaming and breaking dishes is not befitting a true lady, but keeping everything to yourself is not a way out. A very good option is to release all the accumulated negativity in the absence of the offender himself. An alternative is to place a pillow in front of you, mentally imagining that the offender is in front of you, and express everything that you think about him. You can even give free rein to your fists, kick her well, thereby step by step approaching a state of calm and tranquility. If at the moment of “communication with the pillow” tears roll up, do not hold them back, let your heart be freed from accumulated bitterness and remembered grievances. After completing this exercise, you will feel clear relief, liberation from negativity.

exercise to develop sensuality

Feminine flower

Another good exercise to improve sensuality is a technique called “Feminine Flower”. An exercise that should be performed in complete solitude will help you discover your inner potential for developing your own inherent femininity. I think each of us has a favorite nook at home. Create a relaxing atmosphere in this place: turn on light music, light scented candles, and lie down on the floor. The body should be completely relaxed, thoughts freed from all unnecessary and negative things. You need to imagine that you are a beautiful little, fragile flower. This beautiful flower will be your femininity. Give him care and attention, because he needs it so much. Feel for yourself all its value and importance for yourself.

It is necessary to feel with every cell of the soul how this small flower begins to gradually sprout, penetrating the neck, chest, arms, gradually spreading throughout the body.

The whole body begins to fill with a mysterious light that breaks out, trying to illuminate the space around you with feminine energy and boundless love.

Dance in the development of the feminine

Dance in the development of the feminine

You can maintain femininity at the required level with the help of a variety of dances, including oriental ones.

Diagnostics of internal signals

Let's try to put things aside right now and do one effective exercise that won't take much time. Concentrate on your body, listen to the sensations, slowly inhaling and exhaling air through your stomach. Realize that the body will never deceive you, you just need to learn to understand it.

If you receive alarming signals during the exercise, then something is wrong with it.

Pleasure from the process

Reading these lines, you are probably wondering how to unlock your potential in dance? Of course, techniques in the art of dance take first place, but the fundamental role lies in the ability to enjoy the process. To be honest, it is very rare to meet a dancer who would not worry about how good he looks on the dance floor. There are few people who know how to dance as if they are alone in this world, without worrying about the opinions of others. It is this tightness that does not allow us to open up to our natural, energetic power during the dance process.

Remember that movements should not be perfectly honed or soullessly executed.

They should come from the heart with pleasure in everything that surrounds you at that moment: partner, music, atmosphere. Any dance will become delightful, unforgettable if you perform it not only with your body, but also with your soul, catching the pleasure of every movement of your body.

Dealing with tension

Remember, femininity is given to us by nature, we just need to give it the opportunity to manifest itself and break out in full. As long as tension reigns in our body, a constant struggle with the inner world, dance movements will never be able to become graceful and feminine. Therefore, if you ignore these points, then no teacher will be able to teach you how to dance well. Relaxation in everything, including dancing, is the first step towards achieving grace and attractiveness.

The next stage is to enjoy everything you do and with whom you communicate.

Just remember, each of you probably had moments in your life when you easily achieved the most unattainable things, but no great efforts were made. This rule works in any area of ​​life

Modern ways to activate energy

How to develop femininity in yourself?

Being born a girl does not mean fully embodying the idea of ​​femininity. There are no strict rules on this matter, but we all intuitively feel and are drawn to precisely those people who correspond to the idea of ​​an ideal representative of their gender. Therefore, girls are taught from childhood to be kind, calm and sophisticated - in a word, feminine. They are dressed up in dresses with pink frills and given cute baby dolls in order to prepare them for the upcoming role of wife and mother.

But the scope of true femininity is much broader than a list of such formal attributes.
And in the modern world they also have to be included in the realities of life, which are not conducive to gentleness of character. So this is a paradox: young or even fairly mature women suddenly realize that among all the wonderful qualities in their character and behavior, it is femininity that is missing! And they begin to look for and use any ways to develop femininity. What is femininity, or what kind of women do men like
? Femininity is not added to the set of chromosomes as a mandatory gender attribute; it is not a gender characteristic or a character trait. You can learn femininity in childhood from your mother, or later you can cultivate this quality in yourself. And, despite the widespread and popularity of this concept itself, many interpret it differently. For some people, femininity is the ability to put on bright makeup and walk in heels, for others it is the ability to create comfort in the house and deliciously feed guests home-made pies. Between these two extremes there are still many intermediate options and combinations of features that, to one degree or another, can be called feminine. To some extent, this concept can be called philosophical - its boundaries are so blurred and variable. And if so, theorists were able to identify the following areas of understanding the idea of ​​femininity:

  • From a biological point of view
    , femininity is a set of qualities characteristic of a female representative. These are physiological and psycho-emotional characteristics that were formed during the process of evolution and allow us to distinguish representatives of different sexes. They include primary and secondary sexual characteristics, mainly anatomical and equally inherent in all women in the world. However, they are not enough to fully define the role of a woman in society, her image in culture and the expression of the concept of femininity.
  • From a cultural point of view
    , femininity is social stereotypes that describe attitudes towards women in different cultures. For example, in Antiquity, in the Middle Ages and in our modern world, these stereotypes are very different, so each of these concepts separately cannot be decisive. In Western and Eastern countries, in different religions, femininity is interpreted in its own way, special features are attributed to it and various symbols correspond to it. All this does not make it possible to come to a single and general definition of femininity, which would be inherent to all women in the world.

Only one thing is obvious and indisputable: femininity is the opposite of masculinity, that is, aggressiveness, firmness and toughness (even cruelty). This view is especially relevant now, when girls from their youth take on many of the responsibilities that belong to the male role in society. Modern young ladies try to be decisive, strong (mentally and physically), courageous and responsible. All this is required of them by objective living conditions, and all this greatly distances their behavior, worldview and appearance from the classical understanding of femininity. The situation is aggravated by the fashion for a specific male appearance and demeanor, softening of masculinity, rejection of brutality, etc. There are fewer and fewer differences between femininity and masculinity... “The boy in the girl” or how male behavior spoils a woman

Since childhood, girls have kept up with boys: they watch cartoons based on comic books, know all the superheroes, and pass the standards in physical education lessons with “excellent marks.” At the board and in exams, they try to answer no worse, and often study even better than their male classmates. Girls become the best specialists in their field, build a career, win competitions, train their muscles in gyms... And then they are surprised and indignant that men do not carry them in their arms and have generally “forgot how” to behave like men. It is so interconnected and so deeply ingrained in our way of life that it is difficult to find cause and effect of this reversal of roles. But in any case, it is impossible to become feminine as long as there are traits in your character and behavior that contradict femininity and interfere with its manifestation:

  1. Social activity.
    Most girls today spend their energy on achieving goals that lie outside their inner world and even at home. As a result, they have no free energy left that could be channeled into self-improvement in understanding people, awareness of their own feelings, creating a comfortable atmosphere, culinary art and other traditionally “feminine” practices. But in social activities, politics, and self-affirmation, women strive to surpass men, which fundamentally violates the rules of both female and male nature.
  2. Work and socialize outside the home.
    They take up energy and time, and interfere with household chores. Especially if a woman occupies a leadership position and has men subordinate to her. Another undesirable option is a job that you don’t like, but you have to do it for the sake of a good salary. As for communication, femininity is lost when energy is directed primarily at pleasing strangers. Those who see a girl on the street, in a work group, on social networks, instead of focusing their efforts on meeting the needs of one beloved man. A striking illustration of this situation: the attitude of Eastern women to their beauty. They hide it from others, revealing it only to their husband. In Western society, women do exactly the opposite.
  3. Short hair
    is comfortable, stylish, practical... But not feminine! A girl, even with the most fashionable and appropriate, but short haircut, is subconsciously perceived as “the guy”, cheerful, funny, sometimes sophisticated, but not feminine or gentle. Most men admit that they like women with long hair. Although, by and large, femininity is violated not by the short length of the hair, but by the very approach to the hairstyle. Most ladies with short hair have many masculine traits in their character and choose their hairstyle based on convenience, ease of care, speed of styling, etc. Whereas a true woman should not be lazy to take care of her appearance.
  4. Pants, shirts, no jewelry or makeup.
    A man's suit looks attractive as long as the woman plays a certain role, no matter whether it happens in the office or in the bedroom. But as soon as there are more pants in her wardrobe than dresses, the game ceases to be fun. A woman’s clothes are a reflection of her inner world, mood, attitude towards herself and the external world. Trousers, laconic shirts, a minimum of decor reveal a desire for convenience, speed, determination - that is, masculinity. Flowing hemlines that slightly restrict movement and outline the curves of the body, heels, thin stockings, stylish jewelry and neat makeup emphasize and embody femininity in its external manifestations.
  5. Emotional stiffness.
    Closedness, reluctance to communicate or show your real mood block femininity. A woman is emotional by nature, and her feelings cover a much wider range than those of the vast majority of men. Femininity is emotional, while masculinity is rational, and they should not change places. In addition, a woman should be able to show her true feelings and not hold them back. Hysterics and nervous breakdowns are a consequence of just such inability. A man needs to communicate his feelings, and share his experiences with his friends. Communication in a women's group is simply necessary to reveal and maintain feminine vibrations.
  6. Men's responsibilities instead of women's.
    This could be professional activity, heavy household work, or repairs. The main thing is that these are things not intended for women and require physical strength and dexterity. Modern women often have to deal with planning a budget, paying off a loan, tightening screws, screwing in light bulbs and hanging wallpaper. The more such activities are performed, the less space and time remains for femininity.
  7. Conflicts and competition.
    When entering into confrontation, especially with men, a woman becomes rougher and stronger and loses her femininity. The same thing happens when trying to lead: a team, events, circumstances... A woman’s nature is softer and more pliable, she should not move ahead, but go around and find her own path. Direct competition is for men. Just like the need to prove your superiority. Femininity encourages self-love and healthy egoism, that is, the absence of competition with others.
  8. Pride and independence
    , which are manifested in the independence of a woman. A feminine girl gratefully accepts a man’s help, while an unfeminine one says: “No need, I’ll do it myself!” She shows strength and controls the situation, not wanting to let her out of her hands and trust the man. She persistently achieves her goals, but loses her femininity. Pride in this case is the unwillingness to be “humiliated” by asking for help and the confidence that she herself will complete the task better than someone else.
  9. Men's sports.
    Barbells, dumbbells, and heavy exercise equipment develop strength and endurance, but suppress femininity. Aerobics, shaping and cycling also do not contribute to it as much as yoga, dancing, exercises for developing flexibility and breathing do. The muscular, toned female body is now in fashion, but it destroys the true idea of ​​femininity. In ancient times, it was believed that visible, external muscles were an attribute of courage, and internal, hidden muscles were an attribute of femininity.
  10. Overwork.
    Vanity, lack of relaxation and proper sleep interfere with the manifestations of femininity. If a woman does not feel satisfied and rested, then as a result she even unwittingly makes the mistakes described in the previous nine points. On the contrary: a woman who is in the sphere of her comfort (physical and moral) shows femininity effortlessly, as it is inherent in her by nature.

Understanding these mistakes, “crimes against femininity,” reveals another truth: femininity goes hand in hand with masculinity. They accompany, support, show each other. But they should not be mixed and confused - because this is when the problems of self-identification, behavior and the harmonious development of femininity begin. Development of femininity: rules and secrets

To express femininity, a contrast of masculinity is necessary, but to develop femininity in oneself, a man is not necessarily needed. On the contrary: a real man will appear in your life, attracted by the aura of femininity with which you surround yourself. True femininity begins from the inside, and it will manifest itself externally when you begin to follow these steps:

  1. Wardrobe.
    In short: take off your pants and put on a skirt. Of course, we do not suggest that you throw away high-quality trousers with a perfect fit, but we strongly recommend buying at least a couple of dresses. Ideally, you should have more of them than pants, or at least no less. This addition to your wardrobe will certainly encourage you to wear heels and feminine blouses and accessories more often.
  2. Face and body.
    Do makeup that is not war paint or camouflage, but rather highlights the best features of your face. Take care of your skin down to your heels to keep it smooth and soft. Enjoy both the process and the results of cosmetic procedures.
  3. Attitude to work.
    An ideal job for a woman brings not only money, but also the joy of self-realization. It is not physically or mentally exhausting and results in a useful result. A good example: educator, teacher, nurse, cook. If you are not ready to exchange your office chair for a cafe-patisserie, then at least try not to conflict with colleagues and treat your subordinates more gently.
  4. Housekeeping
    and attitude towards it shows how oriented a woman is towards traditional and family values. Make sure that your home is comfortable for both your household and guests. Make cleaning and cooking not a chore, but a creative pleasure. Find your favorite recipes, detergent scents and don’t take it as a burden in life. Be glad that you have a home and those who share it with you.
  5. Communication.
    Even if you are used to being friends with boys since childhood, make girlfriends. Communication with “your own kind” is necessary for the exchange of feminine energy. In addition, this is an opportunity to discuss something that a man will not understand or that may violate his masculinity. It is advisable that your social circle should not consist of militant feminists, but of adequate and intelligent like-minded women. And don’t discuss men’s shortcomings at bachelorette parties – instead, share other, positive experiences.
  6. Physical activity
    should be aimed at making your body soft but not loose, flexible but not skinny, elastic but not dry. You can remain feminine in the gym, if this type of exercise really suits you. Because the main thing is to play sports with pleasure, and not through force. Each workout should give you a boost of energy, and not force you to fight with your body and mood.
  7. Leisure
    is the most important time to feel, realize and realize your femininity. It is best if you devote your free time to a hobby. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of activity it is, but it must be loved. Drawing, dancing, embroidery, gardening or baking cupcakes - all this is your creativity that helps you open up. A complete lack of creativity in life threatens degradation, what kind of femininity is that!
  8. Love for life in all its manifestations
    is what real femininity is. A woman must put love into everything she does, then love will fill her again. Automatic, insensitive performance of duties is strictly prohibited for anyone who wants to develop femininity.

To become feminine, you need to make all this your life rules. Your minimum program: achieve compliance with the external attributes of femininity, that is, dress femininely, carry yourself, communicate and spend time. The maximum program is to learn to enjoy and sincerely rejoice in the fact that you were born a woman and can (and should!) embody femininity by your own example. Start with small steps, and gradually you will notice changes not only in yourself, but also in the attitude of others towards you. It will be changed not only by men, but also by women. And you will be comfortable with representatives of both sexes, because femininity is a special type of strength, calmness and beauty.

Modern ways to activate energy

It's no secret that any man next to a gentle, sensual woman begins to demonstrate his masculine qualities to the maximum.

After all, the strong half of humanity is naturally designed to protect and protect their chosen one. I would like to invite you to consider the basic techniques for developing female sexuality and grace. In my life I had a wonderful opportunity to meet and communicate with one very interesting woman who fascinated me at first sight. She simply radiated crazy energy, which manifested itself in every movement, captivating everyone around her. The most interesting thing is that my friend was also amazed by the energy of this fascinating person. Then he admitted to me that thoughts about her haunted him for several days. To be honest, I was simply amazed how much the energy of the opposite sex can influence a man! After this incident, I seriously began studying that issue. I offer several really working techniques that I have tested in practice.

Techniques for developing femininity


Try to stay on the move as much as possible. Physical stagnation leads to energy clamps. Therefore, no matter how circumstances change, try to stay in an active state for as much time as possible.

Refusal of men's clothing

Give preference to feminine silhouettes in your wardrobe, wear less of such a masculine attribute as trousers. Make it possible for wind energy to touch your body freely without any restrictions. Do a little experiment. Give up your favorite jeans for a month. Observe your feelings at this time, you will understand how much trousers can limit the movement of energy flows.

Have an orgasm

Aim to have an orgasm with every sexual intercourse. If men lose energy during ovulation, women, on the contrary, accumulate energy, which gives us a visible advantage in this regard.

Chat with other women

Take time to connect with other women. After all, through emotional conversations, women's channels are also opened. The beautiful half of humanity simply needs to be given the opportunity to speak out.

Pamper yourself

Don't forget to pamper yourself, your loved one. Try to get real pleasure from eating your favorite food. Go shopping, touch the soft fabric of the dress you like. Try on the shoe model you like. Try to switch your brain impulses to the sensation of your body.

Get creative

Feminine energy has a creative nature, aimed at creation. To activate this energy channel, start drawing, writing poems or composing a cute song. Do everything that can relieve you of the burden of everyday life.

Education in role-playing games

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A simple and clear explanation in this video by Dmitry Trotsky. Watch the video to the end, it turned out to be a big introduction to the topic, but an important introduction...

We also recommend watching other videos of Dmitry Trotsky:

✔ WHAT IS THE PURPOSE AND MEANING OF LIFE AND HOW TO UNDERSTAND YOUR PURPOSE? - extremely important information! A universal, simple and practically applicable algorithm for improving and solving situations in any area of ​​life, for transforming destiny. This information is suitable for any person, regardless of gender, age, social status, worldview, religion, etc.:

✔ “WHY HAVEN’T I YET... (substitute your own: not healthy, not happy, not married, haven’t paid off debts, haven’t achieved financial well-being, haven’t understood my purpose, etc.)?” – a very useful and practical seminar that provides a simple and universal algorithm for solving various life problems and situations:

And now about external things that will help you become more sensual, feel like a woman, feminine...

Let's say you make up your mind. You want to change. Want to delve deeper into a woman's journey. Become more feminine. And where to start?

I love ordered guidelines for action (the long “male” past takes its toll). In fact, it’s really important to see a step-by-step plan, to understand where to strive, what and how. Understand what's stopping you and what's ahead.

If we are talking about steps towards the goal, then:

1. The first is to give up trousers. Because it changes a lot. Your attitude towards yourself, your image, the flow of energy, the attitude of other people. It often seems like nonsense, but it works. And it’s been working for me for almost 3 years (can you imagine? Almost 3 years without pants!). And the girls who were afraid at first, and then threw everything away and switched to dresses. And how many letters come from men who are delighted with such changes! Even those whose wives were otherwise perfect but wore jeans go crazy with happiness when their wife switches to dresses and skirts. So this is the first step. Minimize wearing trousers. At least wear beautiful floor-length sundresses at home...




GIRLS AND WOMEN, WHY AND HOW DO WE CHOOSE CLOTHES? If you want to be Loved, why do you dress so that they just want you? WHY SHOULD A WOMAN HIDE HER BEAUTY:

2. Moving further along the course “Look like a woman.” And here it’s worth thinking about the little details of a woman’s image - accessories, jewelry, scarves (and how beautiful a lady looks with a scarf on her head instead of a hat in winter!). Recently, my husband became interested in Instagram - this is a network where people post their photos. So recently we saw a photo of Tina Kandelaki, a famous woman who came to Grozny. And they invited her on one condition. She should have worn a headscarf. You should have seen the number of “likes” under these photos, how many nice words they said to her! And how stylish and mysterious she looked in a scarf! Not only has it not lost its beauty, but it has also acquired a special charm. Therefore, think about what is not enough in your life - facial care, accessories, shoes?



3. When we already look like a woman, it’s time to start acting like a woman. Skirts will partly help us slow down, Because we won’t be able to run like that anymore. But it’s also important to consciously add fluidity to our lives. Slow down. Reduce speed. Start eating, walking, living more slowly. Stop rushing and being late. It’s difficult, especially in big cities. But probably. If you understand that it is impossible to do everything. And what is important is to do the most important thing first. Everything unnecessary will fall away on its own. There is a time for everything - in nature and in life. If we run very fast, it will not bring us closer to the goal faster. Sometimes women grab knowledge about femininity wholesale - they listen to ten lectures a day, but nothing changes. Because speed does not solve problems. You need smoothness, immersion. Like a woman. How fast do you speak? Are you often in a hurry? Do you eat while running? Do you drink coffee on the way to work? Do you run after buses? Just stop doing it. You will see - the world will not fall apart. And by the way, if food in the house is prepared on the run, then relationships develop the same way - quickly and poorly.

4. And then what’s important is proper communication. Find yourself like-minded girls. This can be done, for example, on a women's forum. Communication with women is an exchange of feminine energy. This is always important and valuable. And don’t talk about what a bastard your husband is. And about eternity, knowledge, love. About how to become better. Sometimes cry. Sometimes to cheer someone up. What female friendship can give you cannot be replaced by anything.

5. Find yourself half an hour a day. Every day, spend half an hour doing what you like, what makes you happy. Baths, masks, self-care, books, drawings, dancing, songs, handicrafts - there are many such activities. As many as 85! And it is important to do this every day, increasing your resources.


These are the first five steps towards female happiness. The first five. Only the first ones - but very important ones.

What can hinder us on this path?

1. Incorrect communication. If all your friends are angry feminists, it will be difficult for you. If you share, you'll get hit on the head. If you don’t share it, where else should you take it? The worst thing for a woman who grows the flower of femininity within herself is to invite pests into the garden. The worst pests are unfortunate women. Not out of malice. They are just unhappy - which means they can only share this - anger, bile and so on. We give the world only what we have. This does not mean that everyone should be abandoned and replaced. Just chat with them on neutral topics. And for close communication, look for like-minded people!


2. Generic scenarios. How much I talk about this - that until we see our ancestral ties, it is difficult to change. And when we see that the women in the family became strong after the grandmother lost her husband in the war, we can already forgive, let go and begin Our Life.



The ancient art of problem solving and resolution of difficult situations, helping to remove, neutralize and erase destructive programs to become one with Divine consciousness:

BOOK BY MARK BUCKNER “TRAINING ON THE ECKHART TOLLE SYSTEM. AWAKEN THE POWER OF THE PRESENT! A way out of suffering into the world of Harmony and Happiness":

3. Excessive desire for achievement. When we try to do everything ourselves. When we chase money, career and connections. This is practically incompatible with feminine qualities. Alas and ah. A woman in this life can get everything through her husband. If she is feminine, she will learn to love and serve. Like a woman. No manipulation.





4. Misinterpretation. For example - “A man is an unfinished woman” - I often hear this from those who have begun to develop femininity. Since we make them, then without us they are nothing without a stick! We are queens and men are servants! The most incorrect of all possible interpretations. This kills relationships, which means femininity is not real. A real woman deepens and strengthens relationships. Because he sees that we are different. No better, no worse. She does not manipulate, but learns to love herself.

5. Irresponsibility. Would you say that responsibility is a masculine quality? Yes, when we talk about being responsible for others. But each of us is responsible for ourselves. For your actions, thoughts, reactions, relationships. And often we slip into “I don’t want to decide anything. I’m a girl and I want a dress!” This is all nice and somewhat true. But remembering that true femininity is maturity and wisdom is important. We are responsible for what we do to ourselves and our loved ones. For doing your duty. For what we give to other people, how we treat them.

These are the five main obstacles. Not all. These are the ones we most often run into. And we break...

To prevent this from happening, forewarned is forearmed. You now have a small map of your first steps. What will you do with it? You decide.

Text author: Olga Valyaeva, source

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