A little about herpes. Where does it come from

It is possible to quickly cure herpes with the help of the latest developments in drugs containing antiviral substances. The drugs are available in tablets and soft dosage form. Before starting therapy, it is important to consider existing contraindications for use and the risk of side effects.

It is possible to quickly cure herpes with the help of the latest developments in drugs containing antiviral substances
It is possible to quickly cure herpes with the help of the latest developments in drugs containing antiviral substances.

How to treat herpes

The localization of the characteristic rash on different parts of the skin and mucous membrane of organs depends on the herpes virus.

The pathology is incurable, but it is possible to reduce the intensity of painful symptoms and shorten the recovery time during the period of repeated exacerbation with the help of medications.

On the face

For the labial form of a viral infection, it is sufficient to use an ointment containing acyclovir for external treatment of the vesicles.

Traditional medicine, the therapeutic effect of which is to cauterize the blisters, will help get rid of the symptoms.

To avoid secondary infection, water-based antiseptics are used.

With frequent relapses of the disease against the background of a short remission, doctors recommend strengthening the immune system. In most cases, the use of vitamins B and C is necessary. Taking immunomodulators is allowed.

In the labial form of a viral infection, it is sufficient to use an ointment containing acyclovir for external treatment of vesicles
For the labial form of a viral infection, it is sufficient to use an ointment containing acyclovir for external treatment of the vesicles.

On the body

It is necessary to prevent the spread of infection to unprotected areas of the skin. For this purpose, agents with a bactericidal effect are prescribed.

Taking antiviral tablets is optional in this case.

If we are talking about herpes zoster, then doctors can prescribe medications that have an analgesic effect, since the pathology is accompanied by intense pain.

Additionally, it is important to follow the principles of dietary nutrition, which will speed up the healing process.

Genital organs

When treating a viral infection in the intimate area, it is important to exclude the presence of concomitant sexually transmitted diseases.

You should fight the virus at the cellular level (use tablets), and also lubricate the rash with antiherpetic ointment.

For frequent relapses, immunomodulators should be taken.

Sometimes a consultation with a psychotherapist is required, since repeated exacerbation can provoke excessive nervous tension. In this case, the doctor prescribes sedatives.

Vesicles on the mucous membrane should not be treated to avoid burns.

Where does the herpes virus come from?

Herpes is a terribly contagious infection: 90% of the population is carriers. The virus is transmitted through saliva. One tasty kiss with a person who has a “cold” on the lip is usually enough to cause infection.

Household items. For example, don’t even think about sipping tea from a mug that a friend with herpetic rashes has just sipped on.

In addition, herpes can be transmitted through personal hygiene items - toothbrushes, washcloths, towels, razors.

And, of course, sexual intercourse. It goes without saying that you should not “allow” a partner whose genital herpes is blooming wildly to your body.

But it is also risky to have sex with a lover who has herpes on the lips. The virus is especially active and contagious during the period of external manifestations.

And no one, by the way, will undertake to predict where the harmful disease will “pop up” next time...


Treatment of herpes should be comprehensive. The causes of a blistering rash are in most cases a weakened immune system.

Therefore, taking antiviral drugs is not enough to achieve a long-term therapeutic effect.

It is necessary to fight the infection after consulting a doctor, who takes into account the patient’s age and the severity of the inflammatory process in the body.

In adults

First aid consists of using medications at the initial stage of development of the disease. For extensive skin lesions, ozone therapy is recommended.

For extensive skin lesions with herpes, ozone therapy is recommended
For extensive lesions of the skin with herpes, ozone therapy is recommended.

Taking pills for herpes requires the use of drugs containing lactobacilli to restore healthy intestinal microflora. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude organic intolerance to the active substances.

If the virus cells are highly resistant to acyclovir, it is recommended to use medications that contain valacyclovir or penciclovir.

In case of liver failure and renal dysfunction, antiviral tablets should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

It is important to abstain from sexual intercourse during the period of herpes therapy, especially if we are talking about the genital form. Women are recommended to use lactobacilli-based suppositories for intravaginal use to avoid bacterial vaginosis, since this pathology often develops against the background of activation of genital herpes.

In children

There are a number of such features:

  • the dose of the antiviral drug is determined at the rate of 10 mg of active substance per 1 kg of child’s body weight;
  • in most cases, topical ointments are used, since the risk of unwanted reactions of the body is minimal.

It will be possible to remove the symptoms of herpes in a pregnant woman with the help of ointments
It will be possible to remove the symptoms of herpes in a pregnant woman with the help of ointments.

In pregnant women

Symptoms can be relieved with ointments. The use of tablets is allowed only in the 3rd trimester if the benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

It is not always enough to apply antiherpetic cream to the affected area. Therefore, if complications arise, the doctor may recommend hyperbaric oxygenation, which consists of increasing the amount of oxygen in the tissues when filling with gas in a pressure chamber.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, it is recommended to drink tea based on mint and chamomile.

Where does herpes not occur?

Almost all infected people or those simply interested ask the question “where can herpes be?” and “where doesn’t it happen?” The doctors' answer is not reassuring, since it is always the same - the herpes virus can be anywhere, and there is no place that it cannot infect. Infection and the presence of certain conditions allow the pathogen to spread unhindered throughout the body, entering the bloodstream and many organs, including the nervous system and even the brain.

The manifestation of each type of herpes, the chances of its recurrence and the development of complications largely depend on the state of the immune system. After all, if the body weakens, it loses the ability to control herpes, and it, in turn, begins to exhibit all the negative properties. Therefore, every person must take care of their immunity so that the virus remains in a latent form all the time and does not cause any inconvenience.

Many people quite often see ugly pimples on their lips called herpes. This problem is quite unpleasant, since these pimples cause a burning sensation and itching, look very unsightly, and are almost impossible to disguise with the help of cosmetics.

If you don’t figure out where herpes comes from in time, it will appear more and more often. Why does herpes appear on the lips? And how to get rid of this problem once and for all?

How to treat

It is possible to eliminate painful symptoms with the help of both medications and traditional medicine. But the frequency, exact dosage and duration of the therapeutic effect are determined by the doctor.

Antiviral drugs

Effective treatment of herpes is carried out using the following medications:

  • Acyclovir (Gerpevir and Zovirax) destroys the membrane of viral cells, inhibiting the growth of their number. In most cases, the use of the drug does not cause negative consequences.
  • Vivorax is recommended for patients with severe forms of the disease.
  • Valtrex has better absorption, which allows for positive dynamics of clinical symptoms to be achieved in a shorter time compared to Acyclovir.
  • Famvir is a highly toxic medication and is therefore prescribed with great caution.

Famvir is a highly toxic medicine, therefore it is prescribed with great caution to people who want to overcome herpes
Famvir is a highly toxic medication, so it is prescribed with great caution to people who want to overcome herpes.


These include the following drugs:

  • Betadine 10% solution. Useful for chicken pox. The product is used for external treatment of blistering rash. The solution can be used undiluted.
  • Furacilin solution. Has a bactericidal effect. Prescribed for purulent forms of chickenpox in children.


Modern treatment methods involve taking medications that increase the body’s natural resistance:

  • Cycloferon. The medicine will help if you start therapy at the stage of itching sensations appearing at the site of future rashes.
  • Amiksin. This remedy fights colds of viral etiology. Used for herpesvirus that affects the lips and oral mucosa.
  • Immunal. The medicine is made on the basis of plant components. Before starting to take the tablets, organic intolerance to echinacea should be ruled out.

Cycloferon will help if you start therapy at the stage of itching sensations at the site of future rashes
Cycloferon will help if you start therapy at the stage of itching sensations at the site of future rashes.

Folk remedies

There are the following standards for treating the disease at home:

  • Using toothpaste for labial herpes. The disease goes away within 2-3 days.
  • Kalanchoe juice has an antiviral effect. They are recommended to lubricate the vesicles even in the genital mucosa area.
  • Aloe juice is recommended to relieve severe itching.
  • Crushed garlic should be used to treat blistering rashes only in the lip area. To speed up tissue regeneration processes, it is allowed to add 5 g of honey to the garlic pulp.

A little about herpes. Where does it come from

970 2018-07-15

Herpes is a terribly contagious infection: 90% of the population is carriers. The virus is transmitted through saliva. One savory kiss with a person who has a “ cold ” on the lip is usually enough to cause infection.

Household items. For example, don’t even think about sipping tea from a mug that a friend with herpetic rashes has just sipped on.

In addition, herpes can be transmitted through personal hygiene items - toothbrushes , washcloths, towels, razors.

And, of course, sexual intercourse. It goes without saying that you should not “allow” a partner whose genital herpes .

But it is also risky to have sex with a lover who has herpes on the lips. The virus is especially active and contagious during the period of external manifestations.

And no one, by the way, will undertake to predict where the harmful disease will “pop up” next time...

How the herpes virus travels through the body

The herpes virus, after a person has caught it, can hide in nerve cells without causing concern to its “host”.

The virus enters the body through mucous membranes or areas of damaged skin. It begins to actively multiply in epithelial cells, but there may be no external symptoms. Then the infection makes its way into the nerve cells.

In a calm state, herpes viruses prefer to “nest” in the nerve cells of the spinal column - the intervertebral ganglia. For the virus, this is a very convenient and safe home: the protective antibodies will not find it in the nervous system and will not kill it off.

And as soon as you bring your body to the desired condition, the viruses will immediately rush back to the surface of the skin, break through and form disgusting bubbles.

What does frequent manifestation indicate?

About weakening of the immune system . At best, this is vitamin deficiency.

If there is no “reason” for herpetic manifestations (in the form of influenza , for example), the “sores” themselves occupy an increasingly larger area, heal slowly, rashes occur frequently (once or more a month), perhaps the cause is a serious systemic disease.

You need to take a general and biochemical blood test and preferably undergo a hormone test. It would be a good idea to get tested for hepatitis .

And why should we actually be afraid of him?

Of course, there is no horror in the fact that once a year during a flu epidemic you get a “cold” on your lips. Anogenetic herpes is of particular concern to doctors. If left untreated or treated incorrectly, it often causes very serious complications, including:

Is it possible to defeat him?

It is necessary to treat herpes. This should be done during the period of its exacerbation, that is, when there are external manifestations.

According to experts, it is not yet possible to completely kill the herpes virus once and for all, but with the help of modern medications it can be “curbed.” There are groups of drugs that suppress the activity of the herpes virus.

But virology experts believe that the future lies with new agents that operate on a different principle: they strengthen the membranes of the cells of the human body - a carrier of herpes - and do not allow the virus to penetrate them. With the help of such drugs, it is possible to ensure that the virus attacks much less frequently and less intensely.

How to quickly get rid of bubbles on lips?

Blisters on the lips are more of an aesthetic problem for most people. Therefore, the main task is to get rid of them as soon as possible. It makes no sense to pick them off, they will appear again, and besides, there will be a scar. But you can speed up death in the following ways:

  • acyclovir- based ointment . If there is no ointment at hand, then folk remedies will come to the rescue - apply a tampon soaked in iced tea or coffee ;
  • Vodka helps - not internally, but again in the form of lotions. Lotions with valerian or Corvalol are also good.


Herpes “gives in” to a strong immune system, but immediately goes on the offensive if the body’s defenses are weakened. Exacerbation of herpes virus infection is provoked by:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheating;
  • neuropsychic overexcitation;
  • herpes loves to enter into “conspiracy” with other viruses and infections, and therefore often accompanies ARVI , influenza, and sore throat.

Good news

Will herpes help kill cancer?

Scientists have long been struggling with how to tame the herpes virus and make it work for humans.

Experts from Ohio State University claim that a genetically modified herpes simplex virus will destroy cancer cells. Moreover, the virus can not only kill cancer cells, but also prevent the development of tumors. Three years of experiments on experimental mice were successful.

On a note

There are 7 types of herpes viruses found in humans.

Herpes simplex type I is the most common cause of nasolabial rash.

Herpes simplex type II - in most cases causes genital problems.

The chickenpox and herpes zoster virus is a type III virus.

Epstein Barr virus , a type IV virus, causes the disease infectious mononucleosis.

Cytomegalovirus – type V.

The meaning of types VI and VII is not entirely clear. They are believed to play a role in chronic fatigue syndrome, the sudden onset of rashes. There are even suggestions about the role of herpes in the development of schizophrenia .

What virus exactly attacked you?

Pain in the eye, burning, stinging, blurred vision are manifestations of ocular herpes. Often infection occurs from a “cold” on the lips. Therefore, you should not touch your eyes if you have previously touched the bubbles on your face.

– Unlike nasolabial herpes, the course of ocular herpes is more severe and can lead to serious complications. A herpetic infection affects the cornea of ​​the eye (herpetic keratitis).

The combination of five main signs - sore throat , enlarged liver and spleen, temperature, enlarged lymph nodes and a specific blood test - speak of infectious mononucleosis.

– It is caused by the herpes virus type IV. Mostly young and middle-aged people are affected. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. After recovery, stable immunity is formed.

Bubbles appeared on the genitals. It causes itching , burning, redness. With an active process, the lymph nodes may become enlarged. In women, herpes causes inflammatory diseases of the vagina, appendages, and uterus.

– Genital herpes is mainly caused by a type II virus. The virus persists in the cervix in women, and in the genitourinary tract in men. By the way, bubbles are a common but not obligatory manifestation. There may simply be itching, burning, swelling .

White itchy blisters appear on the lips or around the mouth. If you pick them off, they only grow larger and fill up again. They usually go away within a few days.

– This is “simple” herpes. Usually occurs against the background of reduced immunity: with a cold, hypothermia or, conversely, with overheating, stress and fatigue. That is, as soon as the body gives up before infections, the virus manifests itself in the form of blisters and ulcers.

The “childhood” disease chickenpox is also herpes. Mostly children under 7 years of age get sick, adults very rarely. The main symptom is a red rash . First, spots appear, then they turn into bubbles, then dry out.

– Chickenpox in children is easy. Adults are more likely to have a high body temperature and a general deterioration in their condition. After recovery, as a rule, no marks remain on the skin.

On the body - on the sides and in the chest area - bubbles appeared, which are located in a strip or row, repeating the course of large nerves. Before the blisters, there may be a tugging pain and heaviness in this area.

– This shingles, or herpes zoster, occurs only in those who have had chickenpox. A virus dormant in the body can become active after the flu, for example, and give such manifestations many years after chickenpox.

A little about herpes. Where does it come from – ZDRAVBUD.NET ZDRAVBUD.NET

Source: https://zdravbud.net/new/nemnogo-o-gerpese-otkuda-on-beretsya



  • exclude fatty and spicy foods from the diet;
  • give up confectionery and sweet carbonated water;
  • strengthen the drinking regime;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, but the amount of citrus fruits you consume must be limited.

For a speedy recovery, you should strengthen your drinking regime.
For a speedy recovery, you should strengthen your drinking regime.


It is impossible to cure herpes forever, but there are ways to prevent infection or re-exacerbation of the disease:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • follow a sleep and nutrition schedule;
  • avoid casual sex;
  • do not use other people's hygiene products;
  • diversify the menu with fermented milk products;
  • do not overcool or overheat in the sun;
  • promptly treat concomitant chronic diseases;
  • reduce the number of sources of stress.

Do not self-medicate to avoid complications.

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