Is it possible to lose weight from skating and roller skating and how many calories are burned during such training. Fun ways to burn calories

Ice skating has become a very popular pastime for both children and adults. Why is it so exciting and what benefits does it bring to human health?

Historical injustice

Today, ice skating is available to everyone, but at the beginning of the last century only men practiced this sport. For a woman to appear on the ice was considered bad manners. Only in 1906 did women's singles skating appear. And the fair half of humanity was allowed to compete at the world championships only after 18 years. In connection with this event, a brass band was invited - beautiful skating to wonderful music! But the unexpected happened. In the severe frost, both the musical group and their instruments froze: the trumpets and trombones died down, and only the drums were able to withstand nature. The first women's figure skating competitions took place to its sounds.

Ice skating

The blade of the boot has two ribs - outer and inner. Taking a closer look at the skater's run, you can see that the sliding does not occur strictly perpendicular to the ice, but with a slight inclination - sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left. Learning the technique of sliding movements is very simple. Moving forward has two phases. First, the skater glides on one skate, the body moves forward a little, one leg is in support, and the other is bent at the knee. In this case, groups such as the quadriceps, gastrocnemius and tibia muscles are involved.

Basic terminology of elements in figure skating

  • Herringbone is a set of elementary steps for skating. The skate moves at an angle of 30°, and behind the athlete there is a trail in the form of a Christmas tree.
  • Cutting - the skater smoothly slides on his left foot, then turns 180° and he skates along the same line, but with his back.
  • Mohawk - This light movement allows you to quickly change direction. For example, a skater skates on his right foot and, at some point, changes to the other. There are two types of this element - open and closed. In the first, the free leg is in front of the supporting leg, and in the second, behind.

But, most importantly, the turns. This is more difficult, but it is simply necessary to learn it. How to do this?

For example, you need to turn right. To do this, you need to bend over a little and turn your shoulders first, and then your torso. In this case, you need to push off with your right foot, placing it on the outer edge, then move your left leg along an arc, but already on the inner edge of the blade.

But how to slow down? To do this, you need to turn 90°, perpendicular to the direction of running. It is important that the knees remain bent, otherwise a fall cannot be avoided.

Why is skiing good for you?

Cross-country skiing is an excellent way to burn extra calories and maintain muscle tone. They do this type of aerobic exercise not in a stuffy room, but in the fresh air. During training, breathing becomes uniform, a lot of oxygen enters the body, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are activated, and you burn more fat. In addition, when skiing, you repeat the same movements over and over again (skiing, like cycling, is a cyclical sport), which means that the largest muscles work: the hips and buttocks, the back and the chest. So, after training on skis, there is no need to additionally work out the muscles of the abs, arms, etc. To get the best results, practice skiing for at least 20 minutes, and preferably 40-60. In an hour of skiing, depending on the speed of movement, you can burn 300-400 kcal. For comparison: in an hour of skiing we get rid of only 270 kcal - almost a third less. Cross-country skiing is great for those who are overweight (even 10-15 kg or more). Unlike running, walking and aerobics, the movement is based on sliding, and even a beginner can do it easily. There is no shock load on the joints and spine, as in running and many types of aerobics. And on any route there are descents where you can simply slide, so willy-nilly you will also have time to rest. There are two styles of cross-country skiing: classic (traditional) and skating (free). CLASSIC: the skier moves along a track (traditional, similar to rails), placing the skis parallel to each other. This style is great for training your muscles. SPECIALIST'S COMMENT Andrey ARIKH, candidate master of sports in cross-country skiing, deputy editor-in-chief of the Skiing Sports Publishing House. Cross-country skiing is one of the most attractive types of fitness for those who want to lose weight. During training, almost all major muscle groups are loaded. And fat is burned much faster. And don’t deny yourself the pleasure of taking part in real competitions. They are very disciplined! And one more thing - you can easily find a group of like-minded people to play sports. Go for it, you will succeed! CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING On the plain, gliding at a stepless pace, you push powerfully with your arms and lightly help yourself with your legs - the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are worked out. When you switch to an alternating stroke on the rise, all the muscles of the legs work, including the thighs and buttocks. SKATE: the skier moves along the track (compacted and wide - at least 1.5 m), like a speed skater, pushing off from the snow surface with the inside of the ski. Walking in this style perfectly tidies up the thighs that have lost their tone - the muscles of the outer and inner thighs, and the gluteal muscles, banishing the notorious "breeches" and "popin' ears" from their homes. By the way, your waist is also shrinking! The upper body works in both classic and skate. And if it seems to you that only your arms are loaded, bend your knees slightly and tilt your straight leg forward. You will feel the increased work of the muscles of the chest, arms, back, shoulders, abs, at the same time increase your speed and even be able to overtake someone! Do you have the patience to do leg raises on a machine for an hour? And on the ski slopes, time flies by. Body volumes melt away imperceptibly! CALCULATION OF HEART RATE FOR FAT BURNING ZONE (FZZ) 220 – age = X LOWER LIMIT: Y = X x 0.65 UPPER LIMIT: Z = X x 0.75 FOR EXAMPLE, YOU ARE 27 YEARS OLD. 220 – 27 = 193 LOWER LIMIT OF PULSE 193 x 0.65 = 125 UPPER LIMIT OF PULSE 193 x 0.75 = 145 Your HRV is in the range of 125-145 beats per minute. LOAD Go skiing 1-3 times a week. Start with 5 kilometers (it’s better if your path runs along the plain) and pay special attention to technique. The most important thing in each style is to learn how to slide correctly, that is, after pushing off, try to move forward as far as possible. TO STAY IN GOOD SHAPE ALL YEAR ROUND, IN SPRING, SUMMER AND AUTUMN, RIDE ON THE ASPHALT ON ROLLER SKIS OR ROLLER SKATES Individual load rating table (ION) You can evaluate and change the intensity of the load yourself using the ION scale: ion LOAD YOUR FEELINGS 1-2 Very Easy You carry on a conversation without any problems 3 Easy You speak with minimal effort 4 Moderately Easy You carry on a conversation with little effort 5 Moderate It becomes more difficult for you to speak 6 Moderately High It takes a lot of effort to carry on a conversation 7 High You already have difficulty pronouncing words 8 Very high Conversation is very difficult for you 9-10 Peak You are unable to say a word After 2-3 weeks, increase the load - ride longer or simply increase the speed of movement. You can change the route (adding ups and downs) and adjust which part of the body to focus more on. To get rid of extra calories and not harm your body, monitor your heartbeat. Your heart rate should not go beyond the fat burning zone (FZZ). For example, for a thirty-year-old woman, the working heart rate interval during training is 123-142 beats per minute. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, rely on how you feel. The pace of movement should be such that you are able to pronounce a phrase of 5-6 words, that is, the load for you should be moderate or moderately light. SKI RACING EQUIPMENT • SKIS. There are classic, skating and combined ones. The latter are suitable for both styles. But it’s better to choose your own for everyone. The fact is that skate skis and classic skis are fundamentally different - both in rigidity and in appearance. Skate skis are shorter than classic skis (by about 15 cm), they have a blunter toe, and the center of gravity is shifted forward by 2.5 cm. There are many subtleties, but the main thing is that a classic ski, unlike a skate ski, should “lie” with its entire plane on ski track (“push through”) when you push off with your foot. Here is a simple example: with a weight of 70 kg, you need to use skate skis with a length of 191-192 cm, and classic skis with a length of 200 and 205 cm. By the way, if previously the height of the skier was important when choosing skis, now the length of the skis primarily depends on the weight. Each manufacturer has tables that indicate what length of what ski model corresponds to what weight. And every self-respecting sports store has these tables. For beginners, it’s better to opt for the classics. Classic skis are often equipped with a directional notch on the sliding surface under the binding: it prevents it from rolling back when pushed, and there is no need to apply ointment to it. If you don’t have it, you will have to buy a set of so-called holding ointments and apply the one that corresponds to the air temperature outside the window. • BOOTS AND BINDINGS. The choice of boots depends on what style and how you plan to cross-country ski (that is, whether you are a professional or an amateur). For classics, low-rise ones (like sneakers) with a relatively easy to bend sole are suitable. A skate boot is high (reminiscent of a ski boot) and tough, and its sole is inflexible. There are two systems of fastenings – SNS and NNN. The boots only fit one of them, so don't miss out on your purchase! Tell the dealer your system and riding style, then check to see if your boot will fit into the binding. And don’t even try to take boots a size larger the old fashioned way - modern ski boots have high-quality insulation, and they don’t require additional socks made of country wool. In an hour of skiing you can burn 300-400 kcal. Skiing - first time going out! Classic style > SIMULTANEOUS STRONG STROKE - push off with both hands at the same time without using your legs. > SIMULTANEOUS TWO-STEP STROKE – for two alternating push-offs with your legs, push off with both hands at the same time. > SIMULTANEOUS SINGLE-STEP STROKE – push off with one leg and bring both arms forward, push off with them and at the same time slide on the other leg. > ALTERNATIVE TWO-STEP STROKE – alternately push off with your arms and legs. > ALTERNATE FOUR STEP STROKE – for four alternating push-offs with your legs, perform two alternate push-offs with your arms. Skating style > YOU PUSH THE SLIDING SKI to the side at an angle to the direction of movement while simultaneously pushing off with poles (reminiscent of a speed skater’s technique). Free style > YOU CAN USE ALL MOVEMENTS OF MOVEMENT (more often skiers choose skating and simultaneous stepless skiing).

Virtuoso number

Once you understand how simple movements are performed, you can take a step forward and practice more complex elements.

In 1772, Robert Jones, a lieutenant of the English artillery and a great fan of ice skating, composed the famous “Treatise on Ice Skating.” It described the elements that were famous at that time - spirals and rotations. For a very long time this book was the best guide in this sport. But at one fine moment, Ulrich Salchow, Alois Lutz, Werner Rittberger and Axel Paulsen invented new elements, which are now called the school, or the alphabet of figure skating.

Here are some of them:

  • The Toe Loop is a fairly simple element, so professionals often perform it as the second jump in a cascade. But for those who are new to skating, it's not so easy. During the jump, you need to push off with your free foot from the ice surface and fly forward.
  • Salchov was invented by Swedish figure skater Ulrich Salchow, who was a 10-time world champion. This movement has a characteristic feature by which it is easy to distinguish it from others. The element begins with the release of the free leg and ends with a flight. Often, skaters, when performing a Salchow, make the mistake of not immediately jumping into the air, but only turning 90 degrees.
  • Rittberger (Loop) - also a jump, but without throwing out the leg and hitting the teeth of the skate on the ice surface. The athlete pushes off with his supporting leg and lands on it. This movement is performed on the right skate, the supporting leg remains bent. This is not easy to do, so often the skater stands on the ice with his free foot, and the jump begins with both feet.
  • Lutz - the element begins with a long drive backwards on the left foot. It is very important, before starting the jump, you need to lean forward a little, raise your right leg, then hit the ice with a tooth and lower yourself onto the other leg.
  • Axel is the only jump performed from the leading foot, and not from the free foot. The skater rides, jumps and, already in flight, makes a turn, after which he lands safely.

Skiing: basic rules for losing weight

To get the maximum benefit from winter sports, you need to follow some recommendations. You need to know that simply waddling on the ski track will not bring any results. This type of load is cyclical, i.e. you need to adhere to a certain heart rhythm.

It is necessary to monitor your heart rate throughout the entire workout. The easiest way to do this is to read poetry or sing. If you feel like you are out of breath or your breathing is short, slow down. You can sing the entire verse in one breath, the pace of the walk is too slow. With adequate load, you should be able to pronounce 6-7 words fluently.

Where to start ski training:

  1. At first, choose flat terrain, without sharp turns or sharp descents. Be sure to study the route.
  2. Start with 2-3 rides per week. The optimal distance for beginners will be 4-5 kilometers.
  3. Eating heavy food before a ski trip is unacceptable. The same rule applies here as for any exercise: 1.5 hours before sports and after no food.
  4. After a month, you can switch to running mode. Increase your mileage, include ups and downs in your route.
  5. Before going out on the ski slopes, do not neglect warming up.

You will burn fat only if you maintain the rhythm - 125-150 heart beats per minute.

Around its axis

Another movement that is no less exciting and impressive is rotation. Here, too, there are several types:

  • simple - elements performed on one leg to the right or left.
  • combined - when rotating, you need to change your leg and position.
  • Cog - rotational rotations while standing: the free leg is bent in front of the supporting leg, and the arms are fastened on the chest. The skater, lowering his free leg down, straightens his arms up. In addition, the speed of the rotational movements becomes more and more, and a very striking trick element is obtained.
  • The top is similar to a cog, but the movements occur in a sitting position: the leg on which the skater rests is bent, and the free leg is extended forward. The hands are parallel to the ice.

Features and benefits of skiing

Why should you choose this type of winter hobby? What makes it different from snowboarding or Nordic walking? Let's consider the main advantages:

  1. Such training can replace visiting the gym. The result will surprise your expectations.
  2. Only you choose the load. Depending on the goal, you can change skiing tactics and routes. Downhill, running or classic sliding allows you to lose weight at different intensities.
  3. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, injuries), all loads that involve the complete lifting of the foot from the ground are prohibited. In this case, doctors recommend skiing. The step gives the necessary load on the joints without injuring them.
  4. Training takes place on a ski slope, park or forest, which saturates the lungs with oxygen. This increases metabolism, which promotes weight loss and strengthens the immune system.
  5. Having excess weight of more than 10 kg is not a contraindication to exercise.
  6. Calorie consumption on skis is much more efficient. At the same time, there are no exhausting workouts, severe fatigue, and the release of the pleasure hormone into the blood gives a good mood and cheerful well-being.

A skier should not adhere to a strict diet. The calorie content of dishes will not interfere with the burning of excess weight. The winter menu should be complete and include healthy fats. Calorie-burning winter drinks include ginger tea with lemon, mulled wine made from dry wine and spices, and masala (tea with Indian spices).

All or nothing

It is important to overcome your fear when skating for the first time. Set a goal, believe in yourself and go ahead! Squat, spring on your feet, and then the ice will seem more stable. And when you feel confident on skates, you can try to master more complex movements. To start, do a half-turn jump: you need to ride on your left foot, and then jump over to your right. Absolutely anyone can do this. The main thing is to avoid making the most terrible mistake of beginners - falling headfirst. It is very dangerous. To avoid such a fall, it is necessary to carry out training at home: correct grouping and falling to the floor. And when you go out on the ice, you need to keep your body slightly tilted forward.

What types of muscles are trained and how many calories are consumed?

During classes, almost all muscle groups are worked out - buttocks, shoulders, chest, back, hips and legs. Even the most “lazy” ones are involved, who are difficult to succumb to the load in the gym. Regular skiing makes the muscles elastic and prominent. The overall endurance of the body increases, strength in the hands increases. The abdominal muscles become stronger and sexy abs appear.

To work the muscles of your legs and ankles, you should ski instead of walking. You can enhance the effect by changing the mountain route. Add in a couple of uphills and downhills, and your leg muscles and hips will get the maximum workout. Beautiful posture and a straight back will be a bonus to a trained body. To avoid pain and injury, you should gradually increase your mileage.

I wonder how many calories skiing burns per hour at an average workout intensity? Average figures range from 350 to 800 kcal. If you cycle for an hour, you spend an average of 200-500 kcal. During water training, up to 500 kcal is lost. You don't need a calculator to understand that skiing allows you to lose excess weight much faster. Moreover, energy costs increase if you exclude a trip on a ski lift.

Spectacle or sport?

At first, after exercising on ice, your whole body will ache, and you will feel discomfort in your ankle joints. But this is not surprising. After all, when skating, all muscle groups are involved, but the main part of the load falls on the legs. Therefore, in addition to being interesting and exciting fun, it is also a sport that helps you maintain good athletic shape and a slim figure. How many calories are burned when skating? Just an hour on ice, and 400 kcal was gone. Figure skating also develops coordination of movements and perfectly increases the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. And the air! It seems to be ringing from frost. And there is much more oxygen in it in winter than in summer.

And remember, you need to have fun riding!

Skis for weight loss

When you walk or run on skis, all muscle groups are used, and therefore weight is lost faster than during regular running. Another advantage is that, unlike running and walking, there is no shock load on the joints, so walking and skiing are very suitable for those who want to lose weight, but cannot run due to joint problems. Skiing, on the contrary, improves the condition of the joints, since with measured, smooth movement on the snow, synovial fluid begins to be more actively produced in them. Winter walks in the snow are also useful because they allow you to get rid of stress: the production of “joy hormones” increases, and you no longer feel the urge to “eat stress.”

Weight loss occurs with any type of skiing. You can simply walk or ski on flat terrain, or on rough terrain, or downhill: all this helps reduce the “orange peel area” and fat reserves. Winter equipment also helps with this: warm shoes and clothes have weight and create additional stress on the muscles.

Best skates

Leather or plastic, which one should you prefer?

A few years ago it would have been plastic - then very fashionable, but rather uncomfortable shoes. Today, the classics are regaining their position again. Leather boots with long laces securely fix the ankle and foot. In addition, they have special warm fleece covers to prevent your feet from freezing. Place the covers directly on the shoes. You need to buy shoes at least half a size larger to wear them with wool socks.

It doesn’t matter which skates you choose, the main thing is that they are comfortable, otherwise skating will not be a pleasure, but a burden.

The seventh way to burn calories: vigorous walking

A leisurely walk with a friend is pleasant and healthy, but you won't burn many calories. But walking with the dog will be more “fat burning”. To lose more, walk not on the road, but on virgin soil with bumps, depressions, and mounds.

Take small but frequent steps, keep your body straight, swing your arms. Alternate very fast walking with walking at a moderate pace. Watch your breathing.

Calorie burning during vigorous walking: at least 300-340 kcal per hour

Remember that a good one-hour warm-up increases your metabolism for the whole day.


the number of calories burned is an approximate figure based on the calculation that a person weighing 70 kg is engaged in one or another activity for exactly an hour without a single pause. If the weight is a little less, and there are pauses during exercise, then the number of calories lost is reduced.

Losing weight and not worrying is everyone’s dream! Why bother if we still sweat when we ride! So maybe we can combine it?? :))

Let's start???

How to “roll out” a kilogram

For every kilogram of weight you want to lose, you will need to “burn” approximately 7,000 calories. According to the calorie chart published by RollerBlade, a 70-kilogram person at a speed of 18 km/h burns approximately 10 calories per minute. This means that a 70 kg person would have to ride for 12 hours to lose 1 kg (7000 calories/10 calories=700 minutes. 700 minutes/60 minutes per hour=12 hours of riding)

How to “roll out” 9 kilograms

If you ride enough to lose 800 calories a day, you'll lose 20 pounds in about 3 months. If you give yourself 6 months to lose 20 pounds, you only need to burn out 400 calories a day. The riding time required to burn 800 calories varies widely depending on the individual's weight and riding speed.

How these calorie burn rates were determined

In order to lose 9 kilograms, you will need to burn a total of an extra 70,000 calories during the weight loss period (7777 calories * 9 kilograms). There are 13 weeks in a typical 3 month period. 70,000 calories divided by 13 weeks = approximately 5,400 calories per week. Divide this by 7 days a week, and you will see that you will need to burn 800 extra calories per day to lose 20 pounds without changing your eating habits (but, of course, without increasing the amount of food you consume, otherwise you “want to eat so much”) !").

3 month plan to lose 9 kg

(skating time per day)

6 month plan to lose 9 kg

(skating time per day)

So, you see that, without adhering to any diets, but also without indulging in delicacies beyond your usual norm, riding just half an hour a day every day at a speed of 19 km/h, you will lose your 9 kg in six months.

Those who want to lose weight and indulge in gluttony at the same time can contact our consultants to draw up individual plans. Presentation of a printed photograph in A4 format guarantees a 5% discount on the skating speed recommended by your consultants or the provision of one day off from skating a month;-)))

For those who were unlucky enough to be among the chosen ones, whose weight coincides with that given in the tables above, but who still want to transfer plans for losing it to themselves, there is an expanded table for burning calories.

Calories burned per minute/hour of riding

Weight 13 km/h 15 km/h 16 km/h 18 km/h 19 km/h 21 km/h 23 km/h 24 km/h 25 km/h
10,5 12,1 13,8 15,2 16,8
12,5 14,1 15,7 17,2
11,4 14,6 16,1 17,7
10,4 11,9 13,9 15,5 16,7 18,2
1002 1092
10,8 12,4 13,9 15,5 17,1 18,6
1026 1116
11,3 12,8 14,4 17,6 19,1
1056 1146
10,2 11,7 13,3 14,9 16,4 19,6

Do you want to lose a few pounds, but sweating in a stuffy gym is not for you? Skates in your hands! More precisely, get on your feet and run into the fresh air.


Figure skating or roller skating trains more muscles than running or walking. An athletic figure, enviable flexibility, beautiful skin without cellulite, oxygenated blood, excellent immunity and an incomparable mood are guaranteed at any time of the year.

Are you filled with optimism? Then let's go!

How to store?

There are two types of covers - hard and soft. The first ones are needed when leaving the ice, and the second ones are needed to protect the skates throughout the year. Soft cases are made from fabric that absorbs moisture well and protects the blades from rust. There is another way to protect the runners during the off-season - varnish the heel. However, this is a less effective method: the sole may begin to crack and eventually fall apart. Therefore, the best solution would be to lubricate the heel with a special solution, and the runners with technical petroleum jelly or grease, which are sold in shoe shops. Until the next season, skates must be stored in a dry, dark place.

Exercise machine as an alternative to skiing

A regular exercise machine, for example, a treadmill or an exercise bike, cannot be a complete replacement for training on the ski track. Since only the leg muscles are worked here, the arms do not receive any load.

But there is a way out here too. For off-season activities, a simulator was invented that completely replicates skiing. It's called a ski simulator. It is often used by athletes when weather conditions do not allow training on the track.

We looked at how useful and effective skiing is, how many calories are burned during regular exercise, but can a simulator at home do the same? If you approach the choice of device responsibly: take into account weight, height, step length, then there is not much difference.

Here you can also adjust the load; the muscles of the lower and upper extremities, buttocks and abs are included in the work. Approved for use by people who have 1-2 degrees of obesity.

Accurate calorie consumption data

On roller skates, slow movement without additional recreational exercises burns 420 kcal/hour. Any additional load results in the following energy loss:

  • calm roller skating with small jumps - 700 kcal/h;
  • fast roller skating without jumping - 900 kcal/h;
  • slow movement on skates with runners - 300 kcal/h;
  • ice skating with runners - 990 kcal/hour.

You should protect yourself from falls and injuries by wearing a protective kit (knee pads, elbow pads). You also need to be able to brake, because the risk of falling depends on this. It is advisable to shift the center of gravity a little forward. Accelerations should be smooth, and exercises should be learned at low speed. As an insurance policy for your first ride, it is better to go with friends or your family.

We all have days when we don't have time to get to the gym. So, we wondered: Which cardio-active fat burners close to home work faster?

No miracles. Here are the TOP 7 fat and calorie burners from Los Angeles from celebrity trainer Ramon Braganza, who has helped create the stunning bodies of stars such as Jessica Alba, Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway.

Try any of them and you'll boost your metabolism throughout the next day. One small workout, one giant win.

  1. Roller Skating (Burns 425 calories in 30 minutes)

    Surprised? Roller skating can be a lot of fun, you just forget it's actually working! This is "number 1" on our list when we talk about fat and calorie burners.

    The Big Burn occurs when you move your hips and butt side to side (it requires more of your body than our #2 exercise, running). And your heart becomes involved in a big way to maintain your balance.

    What's more, you get all these benefits without putting too much stress on your knees and other joints. Ride at a vigorous, steady pace. Don't forget your helmet, wrist and knee protectors, and elbow pads.

    Enhance the effect: Alternate a minute of powerful skating with one minute of skating at a moderate pace.

    Don't know how to ride? Sign up to see a professional. The path to a healthy body and slim figure without unnecessary bruises and injuries!

  2. Running (Burns 374 calories in 30 minutes)

    The typical shape of runners is lean and toned, and that's why their core muscles - legs, butt and heart - are simply designed to be your body's biggest calorie- and fat-burners.

    To get the most out of each step, cross your arms close to your body, don't lean forward, and keep your feet as close to the ground as possible. To reduce the negative impact, step on the middle of your foot, then roll onto your toes.

    Enhance the effect: Alternate between fast and slow tempos or head to the mountains.

  3. Jumping rope (Burns 340 calories in 30 minutes)

    You knew this workout had to be at the top of the list. After all, it is one of the favorite warm-ups of professional boxers.

    To get the most out of each jump, use jump ropes with handles that only reach your armpits when you stand in the middle of them, follow our tips: spread your legs slightly, keep your body upright and jump as low to the ground as possible. No jump ropes? You will get the same effect by doing these exercises without a jump rope.

    Intensify the effect: change your pace (slow, fast) and style (jumping on one leg, then two legs) often, or jump while jogging.

  4. Hula Hoop (Burns 300 calories in 30 minutes)

    The reason Marisa Tomei and Beyoncé hula hoop to keep their bodies looking great is because it is a major fat and calorie burner. For practice, use an adult Hula Hoop (they are larger and heavier than children's hula hoops, making them easier to spin), and the correct size will be if it reaches your chest when you place it on the ground in front of you.

    No fancy moves required. Just rotate it around your waist. First, place one foot in front of the other and shift your weight back and forth (option: in a circle). And don't worry if you don't get perfect right away, you'll still be losing a lot of calories, and you'll make progress each time.

    Boost the effect: Check out advanced instructions and fun workouts at

  5. Tennis (Burns 272 calories in 30 minutes)

    Don't think that you have to run around looking for a partner or a court until you sweat with a racket in your hand. (Although if you have a buddy and a net nearby, you'll burn the same calories.) Simply find a flat area near a wall or garage door for the ball to bounce off of.

    Alternate strikes with both hands, count how many throws in a row you can make without rest. Standing 10 to 25 feet away will force you to hit harder. Even just practicing serves will put your body into calorie-burning mode as you have to run and bend over to collect your missed balls.

    Boost the effect: Try hitting 50 or 100 times in a row without dropping the ball. “A goal will make you work harder to achieve it,” says Braganza.

  6. Dancing (Burns 221 calories in 30 minutes)

    Dancing may not be the biggest calorie burner among other things, but it is a great—and fun—metabolism booster. (Just look at Kelly Osbourne, who kicked off her amazing 42-pound (19 kg) weight loss on Dancing with the Stars.)

    The key to keeping the tempo high is to choose rhythmic songs, such as Latin or Bollywood. Don't rest between songs.

    Try Braganza's favorite trick: download workouts with your favorite tunes. Start with an upbeat, inspirational song like "Just Dance" by Lady Gaga, then move on to tunes that increase in tempo. Slow down towards the end to cool down.

    Enhance the effect: Use your hands! Lift them into the air and move them to the beat.

  7. Brisk walking (Burns 170 calories in 30 minutes)

    Walking completes our list. Full disclosure though, walking with a friend won't complete it. You have to walk quite quickly, and it is very difficult to carry on a conversation while walking quickly.

    To get the most out of your major calorie-burning muscles—your legs, butt, and heart—take short, quick steps, keep your torso upright, and swing your arms back and forth (not side to side) in time with your walk. With each step, step on your heel and roll onto your toes.

    Enhance the effect: Alternate 2 minutes of fast pace with 1 minute of the fastest_pace_you_can (or running).

  8. Mountaineering (Rock Climbing)

    Try these plyometric exercises that burn mega calories and strengthen your core, hips, and thighs.

Translation of the article - (c) 2010, original - The 7 best fat-blasters (c) Copyright Health Magazine 2010.

PS Yes, they don’t say that in Russian, but I wanted to preserve the style of the original article and make a translation, and not a retelling close to the text.

Ice skating has become a very popular pastime for both children and adults. Why is it so exciting and what benefits does it bring to human health?

Historical injustice

Today, ice skating is available to everyone, but at the beginning of the last century only men practiced this sport. For a woman to appear on the ice was considered bad manners. Only in 1906 did women's singles skating appear. And the fair half of humanity was allowed to compete at the world championships only after 18 years. In connection with this event, a brass band was invited - beautiful skating to wonderful music! But the unexpected happened. In the severe frost, both the musical group and their instruments froze: the trumpets and trombones died down, and only the drums were able to withstand nature. The first women's figure skating competitions took place to its sounds.

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