How often do you need to have sex to conceive?

Tip No. 1. Examination before conception

7 tips for speedy conception

Before making your first attempts, undergo a medical examination. If the examination confirms any health problems, the expectant mother should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Experts advise taking a cycle of vitamins before trying to conceive a child. Prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid are effective in this case. They will help reduce your child's risk of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.

Doctors advise trying to conceive not on the expected day of ovulation, but 2-3 days before it. This is when many women have the highest chance of getting pregnant. But, of course, there are also individual characteristics of the body.


If a couple is interested in how much sex they need to have to get pregnant, then the first thing they need to understand is that the most important thing in the process of conception is not the frequency of coitus, but the state of the body of the man and woman.

It happens that conception occurs after the first sexual intercourse; in others, even with daily sexual intercourse, pregnancy does not occur for years. And all because for successful fertilization of the egg and its implantation into the uterus, the following conditions must be met:

  • Ovulation must occur. If a woman’s cycle is disrupted and ovulation does not occur, then pregnancy will not happen either.
  • Sperm must be inside a woman's body on the day of ovulation. The egg dies within a day. If sperm do not reach her during this time, then pregnancy will not occur in the current cycle.
  • A woman must have patent fallopian tubes, normal hormonal levels and a healthy uterus. If there are adhesions, tumors, or a hormonal imbalance occurs, then most likely conception will not occur.
  • A man’s sperm must be of high quality and his gametes must be mobile, otherwise they will not reach the egg.

If all conditions are met, then it is quite possible that pregnancy will occur the first time. To increase the chances of conception, it is better to have sex before ovulation and on the day of ovulation, and during pregnancy planning, undergo an examination to exclude pathologies of the reproductive system.

Tip #2: Stick to your cycle

The few days before the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation) are considered ideal for sex in order to conceive. Ovulation occurs only once a month; it can be tracked using special tests or by changes in basal temperature.

Determining ovulation by changes in basal temperatureDetermining ovulation by changes in basal temperature
Once in the female genital tract, sperm retain the ability to fertilize for up to 120 hours, while an unfertilized egg lives no more than 24 hours. Thus, if sex happened 1 to 4 days before ovulation, pregnancy is more likely than from intercourse during the release of the egg or slightly later.

The period of ovulation is the most favorable time for conception. In women with a 28-day cycle, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day.

Abstinence and gender of the child

In conceiving a boy or girl, the sperm plays the main role. Inside the egg contains half the set of chromosomes, the second part comes from the father of the unborn child. A sperm can carry an X (girl) or a Y (boy) chromosome. It would seem that the moment of ovulation does not in any way affect the gender of the unborn baby. However, scientists have proven that the length of the interval between sexual intercourse and the release of the egg from the ovary affects the sex of the child.

During abstinence, a man's sperm concentration increases. This process may be accompanied by the formation of antibodies that are more aggressive towards the Y chromosomes. It turns out that the likelihood of having a girl increases. There is another assumption.

Sperm carrying the Y chromosome are more active, lighter and more mobile. They reach their goal faster, but have a short life span. Sperm with an X chromosome, on the contrary, are heavy and less active. However, they can exist longer in the female body cavity. Therefore, sex on fertile days of the cycle, as close as possible to the moment of ovulation, increases the likelihood of having a boy. If intercourse takes place long before ovulation (4-5 days), then most likely the result will be a girl.

The life span of sperm, their activity and characteristics have not yet been thoroughly studied. Therefore, it is impossible to plan the gender of the child with high accuracy using this method.

Tip #3: There are no wrong poses

The main rule when choosing a position for sex: sperm should not leak out. Thus, all positions in which the woman is on top are immediately excluded.

The choice of position should also be aimed at shortening the sperm path as much as possible. Most often, conception occurs in the following positions: “woman from below” and “man from behind”.

It cannot be said that one sex position is successful for conception and another is not. It very rarely happens that a woman's cervix is ​​in an unusual position during sex in a certain position. The only thing you can consider when having sex is the law of gravity. In some positions, the sperm flow slows down.

There are no wrong positions for conception

What herb to drink to get pregnant

It is not necessary to give up alcohol completely, but you should still not drink wine in bottles, limit yourself to a glass. Research shows that small amounts of alcohol do not affect conception or fetal development, but the precise line is constantly changing. It's better not to take risks.

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A cup a day is okay. Studies have shown that if you drink more, fertility is halved.

If you have problems conceiving, consult a gynecologist and only after that use the advice of alternative medicine. It is dangerous to drink decoctions or infusions on your own, because not all herbs help, and some can even be harmful - leading to miscarriage. Most herbs and infusions are safe, but be sure to check that the herbs are hypoallergenic.

Women who want to get pregnant pay attention not only to forbidden herbs, but also to fruits

Men should avoid cinnamon, ginkgo, and large amounts of licorice root.

Herbs that support fertility may work differently for each person. Some have a very strong effect, while others have an almost imperceptible effect. Herbs are taken only during pregnancy planning, and after pregnancy, the use of herbs is immediately stopped.

For a successful pregnancy, women have always been advised to use natural supplements from Mother Nature. The healing properties of herbs help to achieve pregnancy:

  1. Wheat grain juice
  2. Collecting herbs with coltsfoot
  3. Folk remedies to get pregnant

  4. Adam's root tincture
  5. Adonis tincture
  6. Tincture of boron uterus
  7. Folk remedies to get pregnant

  8. Sage seed tincture
  9. Folk remedies to get pregnant

  10. Decoction of knotweed (goose grass)
  11. One-sided ortilia decoction

For the strong half of humanity, our great-grandmothers reserved a separate recipe from nature-healer. According to them, it is beneficial for men to consume

Other Important Factors

Couples experiencing difficulties with fertilization take into account all factors that can affect the process. To conceive a child, you should pay attention to minor points that can both increase and decrease the likelihood of success.

Women's cycle day

The average woman's menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The release of a mature egg occurs on days 14-16. The favorable time for conception will be from 10 to 16.

It is not a deviation if a woman’s cycle varies in one direction or another for up to 7 days. At the same time, the fertile period also shifts. It is important that sexual intercourse takes place during the period of ovulation or as close to it as possible.


In a healthy couple, position during sexual intercourse does not affect the process of conception.

If a woman has a posterior bend of the uterus, then the “man from behind” position will be optimal. If the uterus is tilted forward, you should have sex in the missionary position. If the conditions are met, the volume of sperm penetrating the cervix will be maximum.


It is not recommended to use lubricant when planning pregnancy. All lubricants are assumed to have a negative effect on sperm. Some have a destructive effect to a greater extent, while others have a lesser effect. Either way, it's not worth the risk. If partners have been unable to conceive a child for a long time, then the use of lubricants will definitely not help. There is also evidence that lubricants can distort sperm DNA.

How to behave after PA?

It is believed that after sex, a woman needs to remain in a horizontal position for at least half an hour. At this time, the sperm liquefies, and the germ cells rush to their target. To increase the likelihood of successful conception, some sources recommend placing a pillow under the pelvis or.

Gynecologists are skeptical about such techniques. Of course, if you lie down after sex, it won’t do any harm, but it won’t increase the likelihood of success by much. Sperm consists of a liquid fraction and spermatozoa. After entering the vagina, male cells use cervical mucus as a transport channel. Therefore, the duration of preservation of the liquid fraction in the vagina does not play a decisive role for them.

You should know exactly the day of your ovulation. As a rule, in women it falls 12-14 days after the first day of the cycle. However, 7 days before ovulation, as well as 7 days after it. Some are completely sure that only on the days of ovulation, but this opinion is not entirely true. Some people manage to conceive a child during menstruation.

You can recognize ovulation by some signs: a few days before it, you feel heaviness in the lower abdomen, sexual desire increases, and daily discharge becomes clear or disappears. You can also determine the onset of ovulation using a test. Currently, many pharmacies sell such a test.

For conception to occur, the microflora of intimate places must be favorable. It is necessary for some time not to use deodorants for the intimate area, artificial lubricants, scented pads, and also not. Such drugs can disrupt the natural PH balance, as a result of which the likelihood of conception will significantly decrease.

To achieve this, it is best to have sex no more than 3 times a week, since it is not always possible to determine the exact day of ovulation, and sperm are viable for 3 to 7 days. But with daily sex, the quality of sperm changes. Long-term abstinence, which exceeds 7 days, also affects sperm, worsening their quality. It is advisable to have sex before ovulation and start on the 7th day of the cycle.

There are various poses for those who want. These positions allow sperm to penetrate deeper into the vagina and stay longer. The best position is the traditional (missionary) position, but this can be improved by placing a pillow under the woman's buttocks. But in the “Cowgirl” position, when the woman is on top, it is not recommended to have sex for conception, since in this case the sperm leaks out and does not have time to reach its destination.

To get pregnant, after sex, lie down with your legs elevated for about 30 minutes, and take a shower later. If you can get into Candlestick pose, this can be a great help. The point of such acrobatic tricks is to keep sperm in the vagina for as long as possible.

Many married couples think about how to have sex and make every effort to achieve the desired goal - conception. However, they often forget about pleasure and pleasure, and therefore the process of their sexual intercourse is more reminiscent of mechanical movements than sex of people who love each other. You shouldn’t get hung up on this, because this will only reduce your chances of conceiving a child. Relax and try to give each other pleasure from this process.

Scientists have been able to prove that a strong and vibrant male orgasm has a great impact on the quality of sperm. The female orgasm also plays a big role in the baby, although this is still only an assumption and not a scientific fact. Love each other, and may the happiest and most beautiful child be born from your love.

The process of conception is a complex process that requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions. If at least something goes wrong, then fertilization will not occur, or the embryo will not take root, and pregnancy will not occur.

Many couples are interested in how often they need to have sex to get pregnant, and whether they need to do it every day. There is an opinion among patients that the more often they have sexual intercourse, the better. Let's see if this is actually true.

Is it possible to have sex to conceive every day?

To conceive, you need to have sex every day during a special period: 4 days before ovulation and 1 – 2 days after it. On the remaining days of the cycle, you can have sex as much as your partners want.

If the quality or quantity of sperm is below normal, to conceive you need to have sex every other day during ovulation. During the time when there is no sexual intercourse, the quality of sperm improves somewhat and the chance of getting pregnant increases.

You can have sex every day to get pregnant
You can have sex every day to get pregnant

Immediately after sex, a woman should lie on her back and place a soft cushion or pillow under her buttocks. This will be enough to prevent sperm from leaking out. Those who are confident in their physical abilities and don’t mind experimenting can do “Berezka” after sexual intercourse.

In general, all a woman’s actions after sex should be aimed at raising her hips higher.

Once in the vagina, most of the sperm enter the uterus within 3 to 5 minutes. To give sperm a chance to safely travel a long way, a woman after sex should lie quietly on her back for 15 to 30 minutes.

Pregnancy is impossible without ovulation. If there are no problems with the quality and quantity of sperm, and regular sex ensures that there are viable sperm inside the uterus, pregnancy can occur as soon as the sperm reaches the egg.

Since calculating ovulation can be difficult, pregnancy can occur 3 to 5 days after sex, since sperm remain alive all this time.

You can get pregnant within an hour after sex
You can get pregnant within an hour after sex

The most important condition when planning a pregnancy is the mutual desire of a man and woman to become parents and give the world a baby. Regardless of the position, time of day and number of sexual acts, a man and a woman should enjoy each other, and then the fruit of their love, sooner or later, will definitely be born.

When a couple decides to have a child, many believe that they need to have sex as often as possible. In fact, some men even experience a decrease in their sperm count if they indulge in carnal pleasures every day. So relax and have fun - literally.

How should you make love to get pregnant?

Not all couples who are thinking about how to get pregnant quickly know that the course of sexual intercourse largely determines your chances. The optimal frequency is every other day. If you have sex more often, the quality of each individual portion of sperm will be reduced, and if you have sex less often, you may miss the period favorable for conception.

The likelihood of conception at the next intimacy decreases significantly starting from the 5th day of abstinence. The optimal number of sexual acts per week is 4.

Conception can be accomplished in any position. However, if you have been unable to get pregnant for some time, then it is possible that the shape of your uterus has some characteristics in which the position during ejaculation is of great importance. Maximum contact of sperm with the cervix is ​​ensured if the woman lies on her back and presses her legs to her stomach. If you have a tilted uterus, then you are more likely to get pregnant quickly if your partner is behind you during sex.

After ejaculation, it is better to rest for 10-15 minutes. You can place a pillow under your hips or make a “birch tree” to ensure maximum contact of the ejaculate with the cervix.

Tip #5: Don't overdo it

To increase your chances of conceiving a child, you don't need to wear each other out with sex during ovulation. The fact is that the quality of male sperm decreases with frequent ejaculation. To double your chances of getting pregnant, just have sex once a day.

To make sperm more viable and active, a man should not wear tight-fitting clothes. Frequent visits to the sauna and the habit of carrying a mobile phone on your belt also have a bad effect on sperm quality.

Tip No. 7. Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle does not mean fanatical exercise. In our case, this will even cause a lack of ovulation. You need to reduce your level of physical activity if your workouts last 45-50 minutes every day.

Half an hour of aerobics or walking, a healthy diet - this is what will really help you conceive a child.

Get rid of bad habits (this also applies to men), primarily smoking and drinking alcohol.

Most women manage to get pregnant in the first year of trying. If this does not happen, you need to seek help from a doctor. A woman over 35 should consult a specialist after six months of attempts.

When to have sex: morning or evening to get pregnant?

Pregnancy can occur both after morning and evening sex. However, the likelihood of fertilizing an egg increases slightly if you have sex in the afternoon. During this period, sperm activity increases to its maximum.

To achieve pregnancy, you can have sex in the morning and evening
To achieve pregnancy, you can have sex in the morning and evening

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