Woman's Desire
Female hormones, types and their role in the body
Did you know that women and men have the same set of hormones? Nice
Caesarean section: what can be the consequences and complications after the operation and is there any harm to the mother and child?
Children after cesarean section, is there a difference?
Consequences for the mother and child in the future Complications can arise not only in the postoperative
Feeling of warmth in the abdomen during pregnancy
Unpleasant sensations and pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are quite common. Exists
Pregnancy and childbirth: My birth story
The funniest story about childbirth
My birth story Hello girls! I apologize immediately for the mistakes, I wrote from my phone on one
How to find a common language with someone else's child: 7 tips for modern mothers
How to get along with someone else's child In Russia, the number of divorces for more than 10 years has been based on
Tears during childbirth
The birth process itself is divided into several stages: from preparatory contractions to the release of the placenta.
refusal of hospitalization during pregnancy
When is hospitalization necessary for a pregnant woman? During planned hospitalization of a pregnant woman, the antenatal clinic doctor writes a referral to
Life after childbirth. Board book for a young motherText
Life of a young mother Life of a young mother (harsh reality) About the image Slender beauties depicted in magazines
How often are ovulation tests wrong?
Are you planning a pregnancy and want to calculate the most favorable days for conception? Then you just need
I cum in my sleep
Why do men get erections at night?
Probably every sexually mature male representative has woken up in the middle of the night at least once in his life.