Female hormones, types and their role in the body

Did you know that women and men have the same set of hormones?

It's nice to understand that you control your mood, well-being, weight, skin condition - and not your hormones. But it also happens the other way around, and then I want to know why this is so.

The Village Belarus had a lot of questions about hormones, and we went to see a specialist. Irina Tretyak is an endocrinologist at a private medical center in Minsk, who has been practicing since 1994. This conversation turned out to be a most interesting, almost popular science lecture - it even contains information about PMS and sexaholics, contraceptives and young “hypochondriacs”.

Irina Tretyak is an endocrinologist, a doctor of the first category and. Work experience - since 1994

Hormones, mood and well-being

- Let's start with the most exciting thing. How are hormones related to our mood? How do you know if you're just not in the mood or if hormones are to blame?

— When a woman’s mood is disturbed, it is most often premenstrual syndrome. There is a lot of the hormone progesterone, which causes fluid retention in the body and changes your mood. Some people do not experience PMS: some tissues are more sensitive, while others are completely insensitive.

— So, this is not a far-fetched problem?

- This is not a far-fetched problem. And this needs to be treated, medications prescribed. And if we are talking about the influence of other hormones, it could be thyrotoxicosis, which we will talk about later. But the picture there is very bright, it’s not just irritability. Sex hormones also affect mood: their decrease causes both bad mood and muscle weakness - in both men and women.

— What can cause a decrease in the production of sex hormones?

- From diseases of the genital organs that change their structure. There is also an indirect effect of other hormones. In addition, chronic fatigue and chronic stress can affect the production of sex hormones.

— What comes first: hormones cause disruptions in mood, or mood and external causes influence hormones?

“It’s kind of like the egg and chicken riddle.”

— Can hormones cause depression?

— Depression can be caused by a decrease in sex hormones, thyroid hormones - that is, everything that causes disturbances in well-being, discomfort and disruption of the usual lifestyle. Dissatisfaction with one's condition, a feeling of inferiority.

— There is such a rude expression that men often throw at women: “it’s hormones,” when you’re irritated, for example. Or even worse: “You don’t have enough sex.” Can such a statement be medically justified? And can a lack of sex provoke irritability? Hormones are also involved here, right?

— Here the pleasure hormone dopamine is more involved.


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This hormone helps form serotonin and protects you from irritability and anxiety, keeping your mood stable.

Estrogen levels drop during menopause, and habits such as smoking or intense exercise can reduce them.

An imbalance of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone in premenopause also negatively affects mood.

Estrogen levels can be balanced by learning how to manage stress, as the stress hormone cortisol often interferes with the production and function of this hormone.

How to produce estrogen

  • Increase your estrogen levels reducing stress

    . Do yoga, meditation, or take a hot, relaxing bath. Choose an activity that suits you best.

  • Knitting or listening to your favorite music

    also effective in combating stress.

Lack of sex does not reduce the level of sex hormones and other hormones

— How big is the influence of sexual life on hormonal levels?

- I think not much, if the lack of a constant sex life does not cause much stress. With a negative emotional background, stress cortisol and prolactin can increase - which can lead, if this is a constant history, to disruption of the production of sex hormones, to problems with the menstrual cycle. Everything is tightly interconnected.

— Thyroid and adrenal hormones, as you explained, are responsible for all types of metabolism. So, it happens that a person limits himself, but cannot lose weight precisely because of hormonal problems - and not because he eats a lot?

— Weight gain can occur with a decrease in the functioning of the thyroid gland, with the appearance of insensitivity to your own insulin. In this case, hormonal tests are carried out and treatment is prescribed.

— Hormonal treatment has somehow become fixed in the mind as associated with side effects - in the form of weight gain. Are these justified fears?

— When we prescribe hormonal drugs, we take into account the absolute necessity of their use. When there is no normal life without prescription of a drug. Young people have practically no side effects - youth wins. And in general, in most cases in endocrinology, hormones are prescribed for replacement purposes - instead of what is missing, and here, as a rule, an overdose does not happen. That is, we see practically no side effects.

— How often does weight increase from hormone treatment?

- Steroid anabolic hormones can increase weight. These include birth control and the adrenal hormone prednisolone. Thyroid hormones do not increase weight.

— Contraceptives are probably the most well-known hormonal drugs. I recently came across the opinion that this is simply evil in the flesh. How do you feel about these drugs?

- They can be prescribed as testosterone-lowering drugs in women, as replacement treatment - if the functioning of the ovaries is impaired, and for the intended purpose. There are certain contraindications for use: a predisposition to tumors in the mammary gland, ovaries or uterus. Therefore, in each individual case it is necessary to carefully consider the issue of their purpose.

— Many people like the positive side effects of birth control: improved skin condition, for example. And after stopping birth control, girls complain of acne. How it works?

— When taking contraceptives, the amount of estrogens—female sex hormones—increases, and the amount of androgens—male sex hormones—decreases. This affects the condition of the skin.

Hormones released during sex

There are certain biologically active substances that are more actively produced in the body during the act of intercourse.

These hormones include:


Each of the listed connections affects the specific sensations of partners before, during and after intercourse.

For reference! Some substances, depending on the concentrations in the male or female body, can have diametrically opposite effects on sexual desire. The key to sexual attraction is a hormonal ratio without disturbances.


Estrogen is the key female sex hormone. Physiologically, it is present in the male body in modest concentrations.

Estrogen has the following effects on the female body:

  • affects the condition of the mammary glands,
  • maintains a woman's youth,
  • prepares a woman for future motherhood,
  • affects the intensity of sexual attraction,
  • activates the process of producing vaginal lubrication,
  • regulates the severity of orgasm.

During the aging process, blood estrogen concentrations decrease, which is one of the factors in the onset of menopause.

Also, due to decreased production, a woman’s sexual desire decreases with age.

Woman's Desire

In men, estrogen has a less pronounced effect, but the intensity of sexual attraction also depends on its concentrations, although to a lesser extent than testosterone.

However, excessive estrogen content in the male body negatively affects sex life.


Testosterone is a male hormone and is classified as an androgen. It is one of the most active hormones in the human body that affect the quality of sex.

Excess, as well as insufficiency of testosterone, specifically in the male body, negatively affects sexual desire.

When concentrations are low, desire is minimal, but when concentrations are high, a man, on the contrary, is unable to feel full pleasure from intercourse and may develop infertility.

In the female body, testosterone concentrations are normally low. But even so, the hormone affects the intensity of desire.

At increased concentrations in the female body, this substance also reduces the degree of desire, but the effect is not as negative as in men, due to the fact that estrogens are largely responsible for the quality of orgasm.


Endorphin is a substance that is responsible for positive emotions in humans.

An excess of this biologically active compound does not harm either the male or female body.

Endorphin is also involved in the process of creating pleasure from sexual intercourse. The highest concentrations of this substance are present in the human body in the first 2 months of falling in love.

After this period of time, its concentrations gradually decline, but it is still present.

Egdorphin is intensively produced by the body during intercourse. Its effect is that a person begins to feel the following:

  • happiness,
  • satisfaction,
  • carefree relaxation.

The number of sexual acts in a couple is directly dependent on the concentration of endorphin in the blood.


For reference! The process of decreasing endophin concentrations is initiated by the onset of habit formation.

Vasopressin and desire

Vasopressin has a special effect on male bodies. This biologically active substance is also called the “sex” hormone.

Vasopressin affects erectile function in men. It is the concentrations of vasopressin that determine a man’s commitment to frequent changes of sexual partners.

Studies have confirmed that with an artificial increase in vasopressin concentrations in the male body, a man’s tendency to quickly change partners decreases.

Under its influence, a man formed an attachment to a particular woman and the male became more monogamous. Otherwise, vasopressin is also called the “fidelity” hormone.

Other compounds that affect sexual attraction

Estrogen and testosterone are not the only active compounds that affect desire and the quality of sex.

Adrenaline, produced by the adrenal glands and which is the hormone of “fear”, otherwise known as “stress”, is produced in high concentrations during sexual intercourse.

In particular, its influence is great before the onset of orgasm or when looking at a partner. The rush of adrenaline into the blood is expressed in the following sensations:

  • inspiration,
  • euphoria,
  • increased arousal.

Oxytocin has some differences from adrenaline and largely determines attachment to a partner. Otherwise it is called the “love” hormone.

The substance contributes to the emergence and strengthening of fidelity and trust between partners.

For reference! Oxytocin is a hormone that causes men and women to form a feeling of attachment to their own children.

Dopamine has a significant impact on sex life. The connection is synthesized during the period of falling in love.

But its production decreases with a long absence of contact with the partner you like.

Also, it affects the degree of desire by “reminding” a person about the past sexual intercourse and the pleasure received from it.

For reference! People who have not experienced sexual intercourse do not experience a feeling of inferiority in the absence of a constant sex life precisely because of the less pronounced effects of dopamine.

Prolactin, synthesized by the pituitary region of the brain, is produced in moments of stress. Significant concentrations of it are observed in the blood during sexual intercourse.

Also, it directly affects the condition of a woman’s mammary glands and, together with other biologically active compounds, provokes their “excited” state.


Serotonin is considered to be a mood hormone. It is present in high concentrations in the blood when a person has a positive attitude.

Also, it is actively released by the glands in the presence of desire. It is the main substance that forms excitation.

Top 5 Most Influential Hormones

— Are there hormones that are found only in the body of men or only in women?

- There are no such. All are common, only their relationships are different.

— Let's name 5 hormones that are well-known: what is their role and what happens in the body if something is wrong with them.

- You cannot say that some hormones are more influential, others less. All hormones are interconnected and the loss of the role of one hormone leads to a chain of failures in the body. The functioning of the thyroid gland is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone. It is produced in the brain, in the pituitary gland. And it forces the thyroid gland to work - in particular, to produce the hormone thyroxine.

If the thyroid gland produces little of it, then the metabolism slows down, fluid is retained in the tissues, the heart rate slows down, and lethargy appears. Lethargy is a nonspecific symptom that can also occur with chronic fatigue, for example. But it could also be hypothyroidism. And its cause may be that the thyroid tissue is affected by autoimmune processes and becomes inoperative and cannot produce the required amount of thyroxine.

It may also be the other way around: other antibodies constantly stimulate the production of thyroxine, resulting in its excess in the blood. Then the metabolism increases, the person loses weight, sweats, the heartbeat quickens, trembling occurs, blood pressure may increase, irritability appears - this is thyrotoxicosis. An experienced endocrinologist sees it even without tests. The skin is hot and damp. For example, with vegetative-vascular dysfunction, with chronic fatigue or with neuroses, the skin is cold and wet.

— You said that we all have the same set of hormones, but the ratio is different. Which is considered one of the most important for women?

— The hormone prolactin is also produced by the pituitary gland and is needed for the mammary glands to secrete milk. Prolactin can also be secreted pathologically: in the presence of a formation in the pituitary gland or when the thyroid gland is depressed. And then the menstrual cycle is disrupted, amenorrhea or ovarian dysfunction may occur.

When prolactin increases greatly, completely full milk is released in nulliparous women, menstruation is absent and thyroid function is reduced.

Female hormones, types and their role in the body

We have previously written a lot about women’s health, as well as about vitamins and minerals for women’s health, now it’s our turn to touch on female hormones.

female hormones


Hormones Thyroxine

(T4) and
(T3) are responsible for the overall energy of the body. They are responsible for the synthesis of proteins from nutrients, due to which our body receives the necessary vital energy. If you have received the energy in the required quantity, then you will have enough strength. If this does not happen, then you will be haunted by fatigue and despondency all the time. The body will begin to warm up slightly, a feeling of increased temperature and sweating will appear. You will begin to worry about little things and fuss. This behavior of the body is called thyrotoxicosis.

How to regulate

In order for the gland to function properly and secrete the required amount of hormones, iodine comes to the rescue. It is useful to give up meat products and add fish to your diet. In winter, it is recommended to eat seaweed and persimmon, and during the summer season, eat seafood. It should be taken into account that large fish, such as tuna, contain solid metals that can accumulate in the human body, which will adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is worth giving up plastic utensils and trying not to drink hot drinks from them, because when heated, plastic begins to release toxins that destroy the T4 hormone.


Hormones that are responsible for the feeling of hunger and satiety Ghrelin

. There is a constant struggle between them, which forces them to refuse dessert for lunch or forces them to get up in the middle of the night to get to the refrigerator.

Ghrelin is responsible for the feeling of hunger and is produced by the pancreas and stomach. Leptin gives a person a feeling of fullness and is produced by fat cells.

Ghrelin affects areas of the brain that are responsible for memory, so it is better to prepare for tests on an empty stomach. Leptin can reduce anxiety levels, so before an important event it is recommended to eat heavily, but not overeat.

How to regulate

It is recommended to reduce your consumption of sugary foods. Although sweets contain calories, they are “empty” and do not provide energy or beneficial elements. The body will quickly react to such deception and begin to demand normal food from you and begin to release Ghrelin abundantly. This is where gluttony begins.

Female hormones

Adrenal glands

The female body also produces male sex hormones Androgens.

They are mainly produced by the adrenal cortex. They are responsible for the manifestation of masculine qualities in a woman:

  • Logical thinking;
  • The desire to insist on one's beliefs;
  • Thirst to earn big money.

Excess testosterone in a woman’s blood can cause gynecological and cosmetic problems in the body, being the main cause of acne.

How to regulate

It is worth giving up ambitions to take on male responsibilities, which require the presence of appropriate hormones. You should reduce your consumption of red meat and increase the number of sexual acts with your partner at least three times a week. Moreover, sex always has a positive effect on the body, including hormones. Just don’t forget to periodically check with a gynecologist.

Female hormones

Adrenaline and Norepinephrine

Perhaps the most ancient hormones of the body, which are responsible for the feeling of danger. Due to them, the body responds to the situation: muscle tension occurs, the pupils begin to dilate, the heart begins to beat a frantic rhythm, which means you are ready to fight or flee. In addition, vasoconstriction occurs, thus protecting the body from excessive blood loss if fighting becomes your choice. However, the era of great battles has already ended, and hormones amuse themselves by making the heart beat at the slightest trouble. As a result, a person begins to experience neurosis and tachycardia.

How to regulate

Doctors recommend putting stress on the body from time to time. In this case, doing at least three hours of cardio exercise per week is great. Or you can exercise for 40 minutes every day, or even better, test the load for 5 minutes every hour. Squat, bend over, walk up the stairs - this normalizes the level of ancient hubbub in the blood.

Adrenaline and Norepinephrine


Female sex hormones Estrogen

constantly change their levels in the blood during the menstrual period. If one of them begins to be produced intensively, then the level of the second decreases. They regulate the onset of menstruation, make it possible to get pregnant and are responsible for the painless course of PMS. However, the whole system can collapse if you are constantly stressed and are losing or gaining weight quickly. The worst option for this imbalance is infertility.

There is such a genetic “Superman” syndrome

But this syndrome does not make a man feel bad. In general, there is no cure for it. But further examination is required, including from a urologist: increased testosterone in men may be a genetic feature, or it may also be a disease. I myself have not encountered such cases, but urologists and andrologists told me that they often come to them with this problem. Elevated testosterone in women can be the result of dysfunction of the ovaries or adrenal glands.

— What causes a lack of testosterone?

— Lack of testosterone in men can be congenital, or may arise due to dysfunction of the reproductive system due to inflammatory diseases, neoplasms, obesity, overwork, or as a result of exposure to other pathologically elevated hormones, for example, prolactin.

Cortisol is a stress hormone. It is secreted in the adrenal glands and its production is also regulated by the pituitary gland. Cortisol performs many functions: for example, it affects stress resistance - that is, it protects the body. During stress, it is released more. A lot of cortisol can become pathological with tumors of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland.

— How do external events and stress affect cortisol levels? They yelled at you - did you get promoted?

- Certainly. Adrenaline is immediately released - this is also an adrenal hormone, and it starts the process of releasing a number of hormones along the chain. And we see external manifestations: heartbeat, increased blood pressure, palms sweat, face turns red, and so on.

— If this happens often, what is the risk?

“If this chain is endlessly triggered and it happens in difficult, stressful life circumstances, adrenal insufficiency may even occur.

— Serotonin (“hormone of joy”), dopamine (“hormone of pleasure”), endorphin (“hormone of happiness”), oxytocin (“hormone of trust”) - how much does our state, our mood depend on them?

- Their significance is great, of course, since they bind to other hormones. Very important mechanisms for increasing the production of these hormones are food and exercise. The very first reflex is food, and we will never get away from it - we should enjoy food. Both daylight and communication with others play a role here - a state of stress or not stress.

— So there won’t be any life hacks on how to legally stimulate the production of these hormones?

— Reliable ways to influence these hormones are to eat healthy, tasty, varied, move a lot, love yourself, your loved ones, your life, not have bad habits and enjoy every day.

Hormonal problems in women's health

Hormonal problems in women's healthwomen's health, photo: social networks From a biological point of view, women depend on hormones much more than men. Hormones are responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the state of the endocrine system, which in turn regulates the main function of the female body - reproductive. What determine hormonal disorders and early menopause, as well as “healthy aging” in the material “AN”.

Estrogen and progesterone are the most important hormones for the female body. If their number is normal, the body will work like clockwork, but health can deteriorate significantly due to cyclical hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to disorders of both the menstrual cycle and the endocrine system. It is responsible for the functioning of a huge number of systems in our body.

“It is important to understand that the female menstrual cycle does not have to be 28 days,” says the director of the Institute of Reproductive Medicine of the National Medical Research Center for Endocrinology of the Russian Ministry of Health, head of the department of endocrine gynecology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category, Professor Elena Andreeva.

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– A normal cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, but you need to know that the post-ovulation phase should be at least 14 days. It is precisely this duration of the second phase of the cycle that provides the resource necessary for the full implementation of the reproductive function of women. This requires a certain level of progesterone. If it is not there, then women begin to have problems with disruption of the ovaries and uterus, which leads to infertility. Gynecologists have to add drugs containing progesterone to equalize the balance of hormones and help a woman become pregnant or eliminate cycle disorders.”

And if during reproductive age the levels of estrogen and progesterone are a priori balanced, with age the level of the second hormone decreases.

This is where various gynecological diseases appear (ovarian cysts, growth of uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplastic processes). Then estrogen levels decrease and menopause occurs.

“The average age for women to go through menopause is 51 years old, but everything ultimately depends on lifestyle,” noted Elena Andreeva. One good stress or sudden weight loss can trigger menopause much earlier. But this too can be dealt with.

Menopausal hormone therapy makes it possible for those who do not use it to live longer and better lives. This method stops the development of dementia caused by hormone deficiency. The use of so-called natural therapy - microdoses of hormones (estrogens) similar to natural ones - allows a woman to age qualitatively. “Healthy aging is made up of mental and physical health, muscle tissue, sexual function and levels of sex hormones that should accompany both men and women throughout their lives.”

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About suspicious youth

— An endocrinologist is not at all the doctor we go to periodically. And it is necessary?

— Most people come to us through referrals from ophthalmologists, dermatologists, and gynecologists. The same diabetes is often detected by doctors of other specialties based on various indirect signs. Young people also go to the endocrinologist because they read a lot and know everything from the Internet. Treat nonspecific complaints: those that are common to many conditions. Fatigue, irritability, mood changes, weight gain or loss. The endocrinologist asks about life, about other diseases, looks and in advance it is already clear how specific this condition is for endocrinological diseases. And prescribes the scope of examinations.

— It has somehow become fashionable to check your hormones. I recently read a discussion under someone’s post about nutrition: “Have you been tested for cortisol?” Should everyone get these tests?

- Under no circumstances is it worth it. Because if we talk about the hormone norms that each laboratory indicates, then the norm is the most common indication in a large population of those examined. The norm is different for everyone and depends on the clinical manifestations, because we treat not laboratory tests, but the patient himself. The levels of many hormones change in response to different life circumstances: stress, chronic fatigue, inflammation. These circumstances must be assessed every time.

When a person sees an altered hormone, he runs to an endocrinologist, having found a certain picture based on test results, Internet data and complaints. And very often there is nothing there. Healthy. And he goes home disappointed.

- And does this happen often?

- Of course, often. Especially among young people. It can be very difficult to dissuade. And very often such patients require treatment where it does not need to be carried out.

— Returning to those very symptoms of chronic fatigue with which young people so often come to you. Where is actually the best place to go with this?

— This is more a question for psychotherapists, probably. The hormonal picture does not change dramatically with chronic fatigue.

The influence of hormones on men's lives

Everyone knows that the process of ovulation occurs in a woman’s body every month; mood swings are not uncommon these days . But did you know that male hormones also affect the mood of the stronger sex? If you want to better understand your chosen one, you need to take a closer look at the secret life of male hormones.

Just like in the female body, cyclical processes occur in the male body, only in this case there are several of them. One of them is associated with the maturation of sperm, sometimes this process lasts about 74 days. Doctors compare another with the monthly cycle in women: at this time, men also experience strong mood swings, sometimes they can rage over little things or get offended by us. This happens due to hormonal fluctuations.

There is an opinion that the phases of the moon also influence a man’s well-being and sexual desire. So, for example, during the period of the new moon and full moon, an irrepressible sexual desire awakens in him.

Just as a woman’s body is not capable of normal existence without male hormones, a man’s body cannot do without female hormones. For example, the hormone estradiol, which is produced in women in the adrenal glands and ovaries, is also present in the male body, produced in the testicles, peripheral tissues and adrenal glands. This hormone is quite important for a man: the ability to have healthy offspring directly depends on its quantity, and the hormone is also responsible for the strength of bone tissue.

There is an opinion that the more testosterone hormone a man has in his body, the stronger and more muscular he should be. In reality, this hormone has no effect on the mass of muscle tissue, but primarily on the strength of sexual desire of the stronger sex. Therefore, a strong, muscular man is unlikely to be able to boast of his achievements in bed, but puny-looking representatives of the stronger sex make their partners tremble with pleasure. The thing is that powerful muscles, broad shoulders and a heavy jaw are only secondary sexual characteristics. Heredity often influences a man’s figure, so a large dad most often gives birth to equally strong and muscular sons.

Testosterone is not produced constantly in a man’s body, but in certain cycles, so depending on the time of day, the level of the hormone can vary greatly. Testosterone peaks in men between two o'clock in the morning and six in the morning, which explains a man's constant desire to have sex in the morning. The lowest level of testosterone in the blood is around 1 p.m.

If a woman wants to remain desirable to her man, she will have to adapt to all the changes occurring in his body.
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About the hormones contained in both sexes of humans

The importance of male and female sex hormones for humans is enormous. Estrogen, as well as the hormones prolactin, progesterone and oxytocin, are present in the body of both men and women. The difference is that in women these hormones are responsible for controlling reproductive functions, supporting the female body during pregnancy, and promoting breast growth. Representatives of the fair half of humanity contain more of them than men.

Athletic build

In order for the male body to function normally, it must contain small amounts of female hormones. In women, these hormones are produced by the ovaries. Since the strong half of humanity does not have this organ, the synthesis of these hormones is carried out by the adrenal glands. For men, female hormones are responsible for completely different areas of the body’s activity.

The influence of female hormones on the male body is manifested in the following:

  • they increase bone strength;
  • protect against prostate cancer;
  • regulate sugar in the body and are responsible for its fluid balance;
  • stimulate the functioning of the brain;
  • ensure normal sexual activity and erection;
  • the action of oxytocin has a calming effect. In addition, it has a lowering effect on testosterone, due to which softness appears in the male character, irritability is eliminated, libido is slightly reduced, and attachment is stimulated.

But at the same time, in men, female hormones must be normal, otherwise this can lead to a malfunction of the entire body. For the stronger half the norm:

  • estrogen ranges from 3 to 70 pg/ml;
  • progesterone - from 0.5 to 6.0 nmol/l;
  • prolactin should be from 53 to 360 mU/l;
  • Oxytocin should be contained in very small quantities.

In women, all these hormones are contained in larger quantities in their bodies.

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