How to remove nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds (nasolabial folds) are two wrinkles-furrows running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

Due to the high elasticity of the skin at a young age, folds in the nasolabial triangle, as a rule, can only be seen when smiling. But after 30 years, the lines from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips become clearer and more pronounced, forming into deep wrinkle furrows.


Despite the fact that the appearance of wrinkles is considered to be a sign of age-related changes and aging of the skin, in some people, due to the anatomical structure of the face or other individual factors, nasolabial wrinkles appear at a fairly early age.

Causes of early appearance of wrinkles:

  • insufficient hydration and skin care;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • smoking;
  • high facial activity;
  • sleeping on the stomach (when a person sleeps with his face buried in the pillow).


In the framework of this article, we consider it important to note that sometimes nasolabial folds are the first bell that signals age-related changes and “sagging” of facial tissues.

If age makes itself felt too clearly, in this case we should no longer talk only about nasolabial folds - an integrated approach is required.

Taking into account all indications and contraindications, we select an individual program for quick and non-traumatic rehabilitation for you and your skin.

Previously available only to the “star” elite, the technique of non-traumatic comprehensive rejuvenation is now available to all Platinental patients.

For you - unique Antique Age protocols, a combination of surgical and laser techniques - only top and effective sets of procedures that give a guaranteed effect:

  1. contour plastic surgery of the zygomatic and chin areas after thread lifting Silhouette Lift,
  1. blepharoplasty + fractional light resurfacing on the 9th day after surgery,
  1. chin liposuction + lymphatic drainage + magnetic therapy,
  1. fractional facial resurfacing + plasma therapy with hyaluronic acid.

How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles

Correction of nasolabial folds does not have strict indications based on age. The choice of technique depends on the cause of the appearance and type of wrinkles (age-related, pronounced facial wrinkles) in the nasolabial triangle.

We offer several effective techniques for eliminating nasolabial folds.

Contour plastic. Injections based on hyaluronic acid allow you to naturally fill existing wrinkles and, if necessary, recreate the missing volume in the cheekbone area to restore facial proportions. EMC doctors work only with biodegradable drugs (that is, those that “dissolve over time”) from well-known global manufacturers, with a proven clinical history and mandatory certification.

Professional skin care treatments using microcurrent therapy. The therapeutic effect of microcurrents (ultra-small amplitude current) in combination with active concentrates restores the tone of facial muscles, promotes the activation of the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, and has a lymphatic drainage effect.

Laser rejuvenation. Fractional photothermolysis, which underlies laser rejuvenation, helps solve a number of aesthetic problems: eliminate pigmentation, even out skin texture and tone, increase skin density and elasticity and, of course, smooth out wrinkles.

Thread lifting. Self-dissolving threads inserted under the skin tighten the area of ​​the cheek-zygomatic area, forming a frame and fixing the skin in the desired position. Due to tissue reinforcement, wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle become less pronounced. A combination of fillers (hyaluronic acid injections) and threads gives a high aesthetic result and long-term effect.

Thermage rejuvenation. Deep thermolifting using monopolar radio wave energy allows you to achieve a pronounced effect of rejuvenation and elimination of wrinkles in just 1 procedure. Within six months after the procedure, new collagen fibers are synthesized, the skin becomes denser, and wrinkles become less pronounced.

Surgical lifting. Facelift and SMAS lifting are recommended for patients with pronounced age-related facial changes and sagging skin (ptosis). With surgical correction, you can eliminate deep wrinkles on the face, return tissues to the correct position, tighten the oval of the face, and correct the cervical-chin angle.

Massage against nasolabial folds

At home, massaging the nasolabial folds will not only help get rid of wrinkles, but also increase the overall tone of the skin, activate the movement of biological fluids, and strengthen the oval of the face. Some massage techniques may have contraindications: French massage is prohibited for pregnant women, and Japanese massage cannot be performed for diseases of the lymphatic system.

Classical technique

Classic facial massage from nasolabial folds is aimed at relaxing tense muscles. You can do it in the morning and evening, and before treatment, apply anti-wrinkle cream, oil or light lotion to the skin. Using the pads of the index fingers, apply pressing movements from the line of the nasolabial wrinkle to the sides and upwards. In the direction of the spasmed muscles they move from the nose. Each movement is repeated 5-6 times. The pressure should not be strong and should not cause pain. While working out, it is important to feel the muscles.

Classic massage of nasolabial folds

Then the entire face is lightly stroked. After this, the pads of the index and middle fingers are placed in the holes near the wings of the nose. Make 5-7 pressing and rubbing movements, gradually moving around the wings of the nose. The fingers are moved to the back of the nose and all the techniques are repeated, moving down and to the sides from the bridge of the nose. After this, the fingers are moved towards the temples. Apply light pressure near the temporal fossa and move towards the ears and neck. Each technique is repeated up to 3 times. The session is completed by lightly stroking the treated area and the entire face.

Integral technique

Integral massage includes several techniques: Taoist, Polynesian, Indian, French, Turkish, Tantric, etc. The formation of each of the techniques was influenced by social, medical and cultural factors. They are aimed not only at solving physical, but also psychological problems: tactile influence calms or excites the nervous system, relieves blocks, energy stagnation, fears, etc. Of all the integral massage practices, French is suitable for home use.

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Sculptural French massage

Sculptural massage for nasolabial folds at home is done as follows:

  • the fingertips pass along the line of the neck to the back of the head, making soft pressing movements;
  • intensively knead the muscles of the forearm and neck;
  • rubbing along the front surface of the neck;
  • using intense pressure, knead the area of ​​accumulation of lymph nodes on the chest, back of the head, temples, shoulders, collarbone;
  • massage the cheeks with active rotational movements;
  • pinching along the contour of the face;
  • using active pressure to knead the attachment points of the facial muscles;
  • end the session with soothing, relaxing strokes.

Sculptural massage lines

Sculptural massage does not directly affect the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, but has a strong lymphatic drainage effect, increases muscle tone and improves skin condition. As a result, not only facial wrinkles, but also deep wrinkles are smoothed out.

Classic French massage

Classic massage technique is recommended for pronounced nasolabial triangle, as well as for blurred facial contours. Before the procedure, a nourishing or moisturizing cream or oil is applied to the skin (you can use cocoa, coconut, sesame, olive, flaxseed, argan, etc. oil). Then they pass along the massage lines with light smoothing movements. Each movement starts from the forehead and extends to the neck. During the treatment, no pinching or pressing is used: the purpose of massaging is to relax muscle tissue, improve cell nutrition, activate blood flow and increase muscle tone. Massaging continues for about 15-20 minutes.

French massage for nasolabial folds

Japanese technology

Simple Japanese massage is also effective in the fight against wrinkles. The result of regular sessions is rapid skin rejuvenation, reduction of wrinkles, and improvement of complexion.

To massage you need to do the following:

  • place the tips of the index fingers and thumbs together;
  • place your fingers at the base of the nasolabial triangle in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose;
  • Pat the nasolabial grooves with smooth movements, moving from bottom to top and top to bottom;
  • Using stroking movements, gently stretch the skin so that wrinkles disappear;
  • intensively stroke the wrinkles around the mouth area, moving the fingertips from the middle point above the upper lip to the corners.

Result of massage of nasolabial folds

Each movement should take about 30 seconds. The first sessions are usually carried out faster: the skin needs time to get used to it. During the treatment, it is important to choose the correct intensity of stroking and patting. The techniques should not cause pain, but during the workout you need to feel the tension in the muscle tissue.

Point technique

Acupressure has a positive effect on a woman’s health, because... each biologically active point is a projection of organs and systems. Working out the nasolabial folds point by point allows you to start the processes responsible for the production of collagen, and regular sessions can get rid of sagging skin and its sagging, deep wrinkles, and unhealthy skin color. For a better effect, shea butter, bitter almond, olive or jojoba oil are applied to the skin before the massage.

Japanese massage for nasolabial folds

To remove nasolabial wrinkles using acupressure, you need:

  • open your mouth so that your lips are pressed tightly to your teeth;
  • Place the pads of the middle fingers at the top of the folds. This is the first point;
  • press for a few seconds, then move up 3-5 mm;
  • move down in small steps, devoting 3-5 seconds to each point;
  • massaging movements can be circular, or can be simple pressure;
  • The session ends when the last point is located near the lips on the nasolabial groove.

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If sessions are carried out daily and combined with proper care, the first positive changes will be noticeable within a week.

Massaging with ice cubes

Massage with ice cubes will relieve nasolabial wrinkles. The technique is very simple:

  • warm up the skin with a warm compress or wash with hot water;
  • rub an ice cube along the nasolabial wrinkles from bottom to top and to the sides to the temples;
  • move the ice cube in the opposite direction from the temples to the corners of the lips.

Ice massage of nasolabial folds

Repeat each movement up to 10 times. It is better to massage the folds of the nasolabial triangle in the morning, because... it has an additional stimulating effect. To make ice, you can use not only pure water, but also chamomile decoction or water mixed with parsley or kiwi juice.

Advantages of the EMC Clinic

There are no universal solutions in cosmetology, because each patient is truly individual. Therefore, an effective solution begins with a personal consultation with a doctor.

During the consultation, the doctor will help you choose a method for eliminating nasolabial folds that will give the most pronounced effect and long-lasting results, and will give recommendations regarding skin care and recommended aesthetic procedures.

Modern technologies in the capable hands of EMC doctors allow us to demonstrate amazing aesthetic results, primarily because in our work we always rely on the needs of the patient and take into account all his individual characteristics.

Gymnastics for wrinkles

Massage procedures can be combined with simple gymnastics. To increase the effectiveness of training, you need to constantly keep your jaw relaxed, because... their tightness leads to drooping of the cheeks and the entire lower part of the face. Gymnastics is also a good way to prevent wrinkles and its regular implementation will help avoid the early appearance of nasolabial folds.

First you need to puff out your cheeks and exhale sharply. Perform the exercise up to 12 times. Then they pull the lips into a tube and fix them in this position for 3-5 seconds. Relax and repeat the technique up to 15 times. The index fingers are placed on the corners of the lips and stretched to the sides by 5 mm. Hold for a few seconds and return to the original position. This exercise is repeated up to 40 times. After this, the lower jaw is pushed forward and the lips are compressed with force. Return to the starting position. Do about 10 repetitions. Then take a deep breath through the nose with relaxed lips. Pull your lips forward and exhale slowly. The gymnastics is completed with a deep breath, during which the cheeks are puffed out. Next, the breath is held and the air is pushed out through the slightly open mouth. Repeat the last two exercises 10-15 times.

For upper and lower eyelids

Regular eyelid exercises will help get rid of wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, facial wrinkles and crow's feet.

Place the pads of the index fingers on the closed upper eyelids and slowly open the eyes. Then you need to blink several times and repeat the exercise up to 3 times. After this, the middle and index fingers are spread in a V shape so that the palms are facing the inside of the face. The index fingers are fixed in the upper walls of the eyelid orbit, and the middle fingers in the lower ones. The fingers are tensed, pressing on the points under them for 2-3 seconds. Release the pressure and repeat the exercise after a few seconds. Do up to 12 repetitions in total. Without changing the position of your fingers, you should try to keep your eyes open (about 6 seconds) and squinted (about 20 seconds). At the end of the gymnastics, you need to place the pads of your thumbs on the cheekbone and rest the inner edge of your index finger on the outer edge of the eyebrow. You need to hold this position for about 30 seconds and squint. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times.

Traditional recipes for wrinkles

Massage therapists in salons use professional anti-wrinkle cosmetics for aging skin. Some of them can be found in stores and pharmacies, but handmade creams based on oils and natural decoctions are not inferior in effectiveness to salon ones.

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For homemade anti-wrinkle recipes you can use the following esters:

  • roses;
  • incense;
  • palmarosa;
  • neroli;
  • patchouli;
  • myrrh;
  • rosemary.

For the base it is better to choose the following oil:

  • avocado;
  • macadami;
  • hazelnut;
  • argan;
  • rosehip;
  • shi.

Facial compress

In addition to oil mixtures, you can use warm compresses from decoctions. They nourish the skin well, moisturize, and saturate cells with vitamins and minerals. To prepare the decoction you need:

  • grind 10 g of St. John's wort, calendula, coltsfoot;
  • pour the mixture with 250 ml of boiling water;
  • simmer the broth in a water bath for about 3 minutes under the lid;
  • leave for 25 minutes in a warm place (you can wrap the container in a towel).

Moisten any natural soft tissue with the decoction and place it on the area of ​​nasolabial wrinkles for 25-30 minutes. After this, wash with cold water and apply oil or cream.

You can also make a simple face mask, the effectiveness of which can be compared to a salon lift. For this:

  • warm water (30 ml) pour gelatin granules (20 g);
  • place the container in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved;
  • crush 3 spirulina tablets and mix with clean water until a thick porridge forms;
  • mix both masses and apply some to problem areas near the nose, lips, forehead, and around the eyes.

Wash off the mask with warm water after 30 minutes.

Spirulina face mask
Ground spirulina and spirulina in pills over black wooden background

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