Pregnant woman with a cigarette
What are the dangers of smoking before pregnancy?
Alcohol during pregnancy: safe or not? A glass of wine or a puff on a cigarette is essential
bad behavior of a child
Why does the child behave badly? What to do with an uncontrollable child?
The most common reasons for a child’s bad behavior When communicating with children every day, parents do not even suspect
How to restore self-confidence if your parents criticized you as a child
Child and criticism. article on the topic How to teach a child to respond correctly to criticism. IN
In first grade with a speech therapist. Why do children swallow letters and why touch them?
What should parents do if their 4-year-old child speaks poorly? If there is any doubt
how to determine the gender of the unborn child
How to find out the gender of your unborn child without an ultrasound. How to plan the gender of the unborn child, by the date of conception, by the blood type of the parents, by signs, by the date of birth of the parents. Planning the gender of the child according to the table
How to determine the gender of the unborn child Of course, every parent is interested in the question of who will be born: a boy
swimming for children health benefits
Synchronized swimming for children: what you need to know
Swimming is one of the earliest sports that has virtually no contraindications. In section
how labor begins
Easy childbirth: how to set yourself up correctly
The first stage of labor Stage I - the longest - dilation of the cervix. In that
Is it possible to measure basal temperature in the mouth?
How to measure basal temperature correctly To the basic rules that must be followed when measuring basal temperature
Pregnancy test reagent. Photo, what it is, how to distinguish it, what it looks like
Should you trust pregnancy tests?
Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of home rapid pregnancy tests that allow you to find out about your pregnancy status.
Does changing a surname affect a person's destiny?
Is it possible to change one’s destiny by changing one’s first and/or last name? The influence of first and last names