Plastic surgery: benefits and harms

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is on everyone’s lips, and it owes its popularity more to celebrities than to its own results. In no way do I want to downplay the achievements of plastic surgery , but the fact remains that the results of the work of plastic surgeons become famous precisely thanks to the figures of cinema, theater and music who are transforming day by day. Most people, observing such a picture, only dream of such a radical change in appearance. But before making this important decision, it is necessary to objectively present all the advantages and disadvantages of modern plastic surgery.

A brief excursion into history

We owe the rapid development of plastic surgery not to Hollywood, but to the harsh necessity that arose in the post-war years in Europe. Thousands of people after World War II suffered severe injuries, which also manifested themselves in appearance. There is an urgent need for such operations that would help people return to a normal lifestyle. Plastic surgery, which received a strong impetus in those days, continues to actively develop today. Now all plastic surgeries are divided into two types: restorative and aesthetic.

History of plastic surgery

In fact, plastic surgery is far from a modern invention. They were made in ancient times - Egypt, India and China before our era already took care of the aesthetic component of operations. For example, in India around 800 BC. Nose correction surgery was common. Skin was taken from the forehead or cheeks. Chinese doctors have gone even further - they have learned to shape the figure and correct the “cleft lip”. During the Renaissance, “beauty surgery” (as it was then called) was also very popular. The advent of anesthesia and antiseptics accelerated the development of plastic surgery. The methods and possibilities of tissue transplantation were improved, and new means for correcting appearance appeared (silicone began to be used in the 60s in America).

Complications are a minus

Any operation is a risk. In some cases, while in the operating room, a person risks never leaving it again. That's why you should think carefully before turning to a plastic surgeon. The fact is that operations to eliminate various defects in appearance are often carried out at an early age, which reduces the risk of complications. In case of injuries, plastic surgery is not only necessary for aesthetic purposes, but is also useful for tissue restoration and functionality.


Let's start with the benefits of this type of service. What problems can plastic surgery help solve?

  1. Correction of defects received from birth. Many people are tormented by appearance problems all their lives; they not only cause aesthetic dissatisfaction, but also interfere with their normal life. There are frequent cases of children being born with six fingers on the hand; cleft lip has become a common congenital disease and such defects can only be eliminated with the help of plastic surgery.
  2. Elimination of consequences after accidents. In an extreme moment, a person thinks only about saving his life. But what to do when the scary moments are behind you, and the scars remind you of what happened? For help, you should contact an experienced specialist.
  3. Changing acquired defects. Women's bodies often take on new shapes after childbirth. And not everyone is satisfied with such shapes, so in many cases girls resort to operations. Another serious problem is the consequences of acne. It is common not only among women; many males also have a similar problem. Cosmetology can cope with minor defects, but only surgeons will help in the fight against more serious scars. It is not surprising that people try to eliminate defects from the face, because it occupies a large place in communication with others.
  4. Getting rid of complexes. Big nose, thin lips, protruding ears. How many people are ridiculed because of the “imperfect” parts of their body. And not only self-confidence courses, but also modern surgery can help in such situations.
  5. Maintaining youth. As women age, they approach mirrors less and less, so as not to remind themselves once again about the appearance of wrinkles. All people age, but many want to slow down the process. And this is possible, you just need to seek plastic surgery from an experienced doctor.

New gentle techniques are a plus

New minimally invasive techniques can reduce the likelihood of complications. Thus, wrinkle correction is now carried out in such a way that, firstly, the feeling of “tightness” disappears, and secondly, surgical interventions are carried out more precisely, which allows you to preserve natural facial expressions. In particular, many operations today are performed not with a scalpel, but with laser and ultrasound. However, each operation has its own indications. For example, liposuction should be performed only if other techniques do not help reduce weight.

Stress is a minus

Some people experience serious mental problems after cosmetic surgery and often become depressed. The fact is that the feeling of a certain artificiality of your new face and body often leads to rejection of the image created by the surgeon. It is worth noting that the aging process in our body affects all organs and systems. This is the contradiction of plastic surgery - by changing appearance, we, alas, cannot stop the aging of the entire body. In other words, if you feel like you're 50 but look like you're 30, plastic surgery won't bring you much joy. Moreover, scars from this type of operation remain on the body; repeated interventions must be carried out periodically, otherwise a person risks losing not only the effect obtained from cosmetic surgery, but also aggravating the existing problem.

What does the doctor say?

Maxillofacial surgeon at the hospital. Pirogov, Vinnitsa Ivan Afanasievich Munlatov advises carefully studying the contract when performing plastic surgery in a private clinic or medical center. The clinic’s warranty obligations in case of complications or unsuccessful course of the operation must be clearly stated there. Plus, he believes that it is one thing to remove a scar or mole on the face, and quite another to perform plastic surgery on a healthy woman. By the way, many women who go for this are completely healthy and it’s difficult to convince them. Moreover, competition in the market leads to the fact that the refusal of one doctor does not stop such a woman at all, but only leads her to another clinic. “This is very sad,” says Ivan Afanasievich, “probably if most people who really needed plastic surgery came to us, the results of such operations would be much better.”

Plastic surgery: pros and cons.

Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts...A. P. Chekhov

I really wanted to write a post, probably inspired by the energy of the evil war of commentators on various posts.

For several years now, or rather 3.5 years, I have been thinking about plastic surgery.:D My mother had blepharoplasty in 2012 and after that I was either burning with the desire to change my eyelids, or cooling down. Over the next few years to this day, I think about plastic surgery, but on a larger scale - changing my eyelids to European ones (they will never become them, but at least bringing them a little closer to the ideal), rhinoplasty - my nose is quite ordinary, not a potato, but when I look at the stars, I understand that a thin and snub nose makes the face much more attractive, remove the cheeks - well, I’m a hamster, yes, it’s a family tradition among us Kazakhs to pout the lips - just a little, so that the jaw closes when laughing)))

You probably imagined me as a terrible Grinch, but my appearance is quite ordinary, very Kazakh (well, so Kazakh already AFTER the Dzungar invasion), standard, so to speak. Just what stops me from doing all these bloody delights with a scalpel? First of all, it won’t be me anymore. These will not be my eyes with epicanthus, not my cheeks, not my funny lips, it will be someone else’s face, adjusted to the “standard”. What is meant by standard? Caucasian race. That's why none of the Europeans dream of plastic surgery to puff out their cheeks, change the color of their facial skin, or want to sew a piece of skin onto their eyelid to appear like an oriental person? They just think that they are already perfect, while the rest of the races on earth strive to become Europeans, and mind you, no one wants to become black or Asian.

When did the propaganda of racial preference spread through us?! After all, the majority of people in the world are representatives of “non-ideal” races - Mongoloid and Afroid.

Secondly, if everything is fine, then why go under the knife? After all, every operation is anesthesia, anesthesia, which can have consequences. Plastic surgery is needed when a person has a deformity and no matter how he accepts himself - it’s somehow uncomfortable to approach an ugly person, people try not to look in the face so as not to show disgust, not to look at the ugliness. And to remove such an awkward barrier, plastic surgery exists. I don’t know for sure, but something tells me that plastic surgery was originally invented by doctors purely for such NECESSARY reasons, otherwise why did people need to go under the knife before? Exception: do not confuse ugliness with zest. Ugliness is when things are really bad, and the zest is some kind of separate detail that is not on the list of the standard of beauty, but nevertheless the person who has it looks charming. An ardent example is Renee Zellweger and her charming, elegant eyes. True, with blepharoplasty she made herself unrecognizable. These eyelids, which are not typical for the Asian type, were her calling card for a Caucasian woman. And now there is no card, no individuality, because she has become similar in appearance to the average Hollywood actress.

Thirdly, plastic is like a drug. You do one operation, you see the result (in six months), then you think that it’s possible to rebuild your whole body, if only you had the money. And when there is nothing left to cut and everything is perfect, what then? Again? Or can you turn into a different person? In plastic there is both strength, that is, the possibility of transformation, and weakness - it becomes an addiction.

In my opinion, the indications for plastic surgery are: as I said earlier, physical flaws, defects and old age. Old age is not a joy, and wrinkles are certainly not a joy. There are opponents of plastic surgery at this age, they say you need to be able to accept old age. But if you want to look younger, what’s so reprehensible about that? It's good to look young! Please note that I say to look not “beautiful”, but “young”, because youth in itself is beautiful. After blepharoplasty, my mother’s face became very rejuvenated, but the matter was not limited to blepharoplasty - she sometimes does some procedures, I don’t remember what they’re called, but the point is to take blood from a vein, clean it and prick the scalp and face, the goal is hair growth and facial rejuvenation.

There is also a controversial point regarding the indications for plastic surgery.

Recently I saw a blog of either a Kazakh or a Korean woman, she was telling how she had an operation to remove the epicanthus, she was very happy and explained everything in detail why/why/for how much. She described her operation as a big step towards self-confidence, because she was very complex and advised to have surgery if life without a double eyelid is not life for you. I’ll just add on my own behalf - it seems to me that a person with complexes only needs one step to accomplish more. And if you're just one step away from fulfillment, why not take it to give yourself more confidence? This will give more determination in future matters, not “plastic” ones))

Well, it’s probably also worth saying that if you decide to undergo facial or body plastic surgery, you should still go to a psychologist, maybe he will show you what you don’t see, maybe you don’t actually need to change your appearance, but just work above yourself, above your inner world.

You need to decide - either you want your individuality or self-confidence. Although you can be confident with narrow eyes or a big nose. Example: who did not resort to plastic surgery, although she should have - Barbra Streisand, such a noob! Mount Ararat! But he lives! And she was even once a sex symbol back in the 80s.

In general, the only thing stopping me from plastic surgery is the deprivation of my individuality. And by the way, beauty should be inside, no matter how trite it may sound, it’s easy to change your appearance - just go under the knife, but your character - oh, these are years of training in an attempt to change yourself, which is much harder. And now I’m coming to the conclusion that I want to be perceived as a person, and not a beautiful wrapper. Why have something that many people can have? It’s better to have your own merit? It's better to learn something and be proud of yourself for it.

PS: I often think while I’m writing.:D I came to the conclusion that I’m nothing like that, well, I don’t know where this self-love comes from, because I’ve gained three kilos since the new year, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me, which is very unlike me)) I just thought that in There is no longer me like me in the world with epicanthus, cheeks, a double chin and a dazzling smile))

And finally, I’ll show you my ideal, it was love at first sight (mine, of course, because mon amour doesn’t even know about my existence).

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