Why does I sweat between my legs in the groin?

When sweating occurs between the legs, the deviation causes both men and women a lot of inconvenience. If excessive sweating in the armpits can be dealt with with the help of antiperspirants, then in cases in which the intimate area sweats, things are more complicated. This pathology can be caused by a number of factors, including certain diseases. That is why, when it develops, it is important to contact a medical institution, where diagnostics will be carried out and the correct diagnosis will be made.

Why does perineal sweating occur?

If both men and women sweat in the groin, the following factors can trigger it:

  • excessive body weight;
  • disruptions in the activity of the endocrine system;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • head injuries;
  • diabetes;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infectious diseases.

In addition, excessive sweating, which is medically called hyperhidrosis, can occur on its own. The following external reasons can provoke this disease:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • wearing underwear made from non-natural fabrics;
  • hot climate;
  • poor nutrition;
  • strong physical activity.

Anatomy of the perineal muscles

Perineum view

Muscle fibers form deep and superficial layers.

Layers of the diaphragm next to the genitourinary system:

1. Superficial: spongiobulbous, cavernosciatic, transverse superficial.

2. Deep: transverse-deep, closing the urinary canal.

The spongy-bulbous layers have a paired structure and close the lower lateral part and the spongy area. Spliced ​​with the same layers on the reverse side. Together they form a longitudinal seam. Main function: compression of the urinary canal to remove urine or seminal fluid. In women, they are divided into two parts, which narrow the vagina.

The cavernosciatic fibers come from both tuberosities of the ischium. Attached to the corpus cavernosum. Main function: compression of the venous passages of the clitoris or penis; thickening of the penis and its elevation as the corpus cavernosum fills with blood.

Cross-surface layers are paired structures that lie between two diaphragms. They start from the tuberosities of the seat on both sides. Directed towards the center of the tendons for strengthening purposes.

The transverse deep muscle is a flat fibrous structure that envelops the membranes of the urinary canal. It goes from the tuberosities of the ischium and the bottom of the bony apparatus of the ischium to the middle to form the tendon suture. Attaches the diaphragm of the genitourinary system. Contains a channel for the emission of urine, as well as a vagina. At the site of the urination channel, muscle fibers ring it, forming a kind of closure. It serves as the valve of the urethra.

Perineal muscles

Diagnostic measures

If the perineum sweats and there is an unpleasant odor in the groin, it is important to immediately visit a specialist. First, the doctor will ask the patient about how long ago the pathology appeared and what additional symptoms are present. Then a visual inspection of the patient and the stains that sweat leaves on clothes is carried out. The size of the spot indicates what stage of hyperhidrosis is observed. There are 3 degrees:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

In addition, the doctor pays attention to the psycho-emotional state of the patient, because if sweating is severe, and the groin area is constantly humming and stinking, this can have a detrimental effect on the emotional background and cause depression.

Gravimetry is often used, which shows the rate and volume of sweat secretion. Despite the fact that this procedure is quite effective, it is not used often because it takes a lot of time. During the manipulation, special paper is applied to the patient's groin, which absorbs sweat. After an hour, it is weighed to determine the amount of liquid that has been released.

What to do if rejected?

Conservative treatment

The treatment is comprehensive and correct so as not to aggravate the problem.
When there is an unpleasant odor in the groin of men, doctors prescribe medicinal creams that have a healing and drying effect. Salicylic ointment and Clotrimazole are mainly used for these purposes. In addition, if you experience night sweats in the scrotum or sweat between your toes, it is recommended to use antiseptic medications that help remove pathogenic microorganisms in problem areas of the skin. If we are talking about cosmetics, then with their help it is possible to get rid of bad odor. Medicines that contain formalin are used to block the sweat glands, which subsequently results in less sweat production and a less pungent odor.

Doctors recommend taking a bath. It is permissible to add sea salt or vinegar to the water. With the help of such baths it is possible to reduce sweating, prevent diaper rash and skin irritation, and get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat. In addition, baths will help the patient relax and relieve tension. Medicinal plants are also added:

  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark;
  • St. John's wort;
  • series.

Using Botox

If the patient’s intimate area is painful and conservative therapy does not give the required effect, experts recommend resorting to injections. To get rid of sweating between the legs, you will need to undergo several sessions, after which the excessive sweating will disappear. The disadvantage of this procedure is the short duration of action. Getting rid of sweat will last no more than 6 months, after which you will need to go back to the session and get a Botox injection.

Surgical intervention

With each subsequent procedure, the effect lasts longer.
To get rid of excessive sweating, sympathectomy is used, during which the nerve trunks are crossed or blocked. The intervention is often used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis, for example in the armpits. As for increased sweating between the legs, doctors do not recommend surgery. This is due to the fact that during surgery there is a risk of damage to the nerves that go to the genitals and urinary cavity, so if you are sweating in the intimate area, it is better to resort to Botox injections.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Modern medicine has many methods for treating foot hyperhidrosis. These are procedures, injections, tablets, ointments and creams. Patients can use folk remedies - baths with medicinal herbs, solar treatments, wraps.

smelly feet what to do

In the presence of stressful conditions, the doctor recommends:

  • undergo a course of treatment with restorative and psychotropic drugs;
  • in this case, hypnosis helps;
  • contrast shower on the feet;
  • medicinal hot baths with decoctions of cleansing herbs - string, calendula, oak bark;
  • treating the skin of the feet with baby antiseptic powders, solutions of tannin, alum, zinc ointments, formaldehyde solution.

Important! Formalin dries the skin, so it should be used no longer than 10 days and the treatment should be alternated with the use of nourishing creams and ointments to soften and moisturize.

Physiotherapeutic treatment helps in the treatment of external hyperhidrosis.

Types of physiotherapeutic treatment

  • Iontophoresis . This procedure involves blocking the sweat glands. Add baking soda or a medicinal preparation to the bath of water. The feet are dipped into the solution, and the apparatus is turned on to generate weak currents. The ionizing substance penetrates the subcutaneous layer and closes the sebaceous glands. This is an effective method of getting rid of sweating, but it has contraindications for pregnant women, patients with implants and pacemakers. It is impossible to treat with iontophoresis for epilepsy and serious cardiovascular diseases. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.
  • Botox . Botulinum toxin, a purified natural protein, is injected under the skin by injection. The injection contains the poison botulinum, which blocks the production of sweat. It decomposes quickly and completely and does not cause allergic reactions. The effect of the injection lasts 6-12 months.

The procedure should be carried out in a medical or cosmetology institution with completely sterile instruments. It lasts about an hour. A thin needle is used to inject Botox into the collection of sweat glands. After 3-4 days, sweating is significantly reduced. After the procedure, you should not massage the injection sites or move intensively, take painkillers and antibiotics, steam in a sauna or sunbathe, or take hot baths. You can go about your daily activities or get behind the wheel.

Botox should not be administered to people with myasthenia gravis, nervous disorders, hemophilia, lung and liver diseases. This procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and is incompatible with taking certain medications. The video shows how the procedure is performed:

  • Endoscopic sympathectomy is a surgical procedure that stops sweating in a certain part permanently. This method is used in extremely severe cases.

Endoscopic sympathectomy

The surgeon cuts the nerve fibers or compresses them with microscopic clips. The impulses do not reach the sebaceous gland, and it does not work. In rare cases, hyperhidrosis occurs elsewhere after surgery. This is a side effect. In case of severe diseases - tuberculosis, diabetes, cardiac pathologies, endoscopic sympathectomy is impossible.

  • Laser therapy is a procedure during which a neodymium laser kills sweat gland cells. Sessions of this treatment are carried out under local anesthesia in a medical facility. The laser does not leave burns or bruises on the skin and does not spoil the appearance. After the procedure, you can immediately return to normal activities. 70% of sebaceous gland cells are destroyed. This means that pathological sweating can be avoided. The effect lasts for a long time.

External treatments

There are a large number of ointments and creams that reduce sweating. Formaldehyde, which underlies many of them, has a detrimental effect on foot bacteria. After using ointments, the unpleasant odor disappears, and the sweat glands narrow.

This is an effective and quite aggressive remedy. Therefore, only a dermatologist can prescribe it for treatment. Inexpensive Teymurov ointment is widely used. It disinfects the skin, has a pleasant aroma, and is used for preventive purposes and in complex therapy against hyperhidrosis.

There are special deodorants for feet. Doctors advise using them to treat the thin skin between the toes.

Drug treatment of hyperhidrosis

Medicines can be divided into 3 subgroups:

  1. Tranquilizers that relieve nervous tension: Amitriptyline and Clonazepam. Sweating decreases, but in some cases adverse reactions appear - impaired attention, slow reactions, dry mouth. Driving in this condition is dangerous.
  2. Atropine-containing drugs are effective in reducing sweat production. But due to dilation of the pupils, vision temporarily deteriorates. You must wait out this period and not leave the room.
  3. Drugs used to block calcium channels.

Home remedies for treating leg hyperhidrosis

Traditional medicine is based on the use of natural remedies, proven by time and experience. Medicinal herbs and home remedies have no side effects and do not cause allergies. They do not add health problems. The only negative aspect of home treatment is its slow effect, since the composition contains a low concentration of medicinal substances. It is constantly necessary to prepare fresh decoctions and infusions.

In addition to applying the procedures, it is useful to fill your socks with oat straw or oak bark powder at night. Rubbing the feet with decoctions of rosehip fruits and leaves helps. This gets rid of the bad smell.

feet sweat

Traditional medicine recipes

1. Decoction of oak bark. Boil half a liter of water and add 0.5 cups of crushed oak bark (it is sold at the pharmacy). Cook the medicine over low heat for 20-25 minutes, then let it brew for 2-3 hours. The infusion is diluted in warm water.

The bath should be done at night. First, wash your feet well with warm water and soap. Then immerse in a bath with oak bark decoction for 25 - 30 minutes. The procedures must be carried out every evening for 2 weeks. This will help get rid of the foul odor and reduce the release of moisture.

Similarly, you can use a decoction of birch buds. In order not to prepare a fresh decoction every evening, you can make a tincture from this raw material and add it to the baths. For this, 5 tbsp. dry birch buds are placed in a glass jar and filled with alcohol or high-quality vodka. Place the dishes in a dark place for 10 days. Add 1 tbsp to each 3 liters of hot water bath. tinctures.

2. Application of acid. Apple cider vinegar is considered one of the most effective remedies in the fight against sweating and unpleasant odor. In the morning and afternoon, you should wipe the skin of your feet with 9% apple cider vinegar. If the skin between the fingers turns red and peels, then you should not rub these places. In the evenings, you can make warm foot baths with vinegar. Add 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of warm water.

Vinegar can be replaced with lemon. If you rub a slice of lemon on your feet, you can stop the sweating process for 10-12 hours. But this method is not suitable as a radical treatment.

Additional Information! Homemade apple cider vinegar will be of great benefit. It can be made from apple pulp that remains after juice production.

3. Baking soda. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 glass of boiled water. baking soda, soak a piece of gauze in this solution and wrap it around your foot. Keep the compress for at least 1 hour. During the procedure, a feeling of warmth and burning occurs. This is a normal reaction of skin receptors to irritation.

4. Beer baths. The yeast found in beer has nutritional properties for the skin. They eliminate the smell of sweat and normalize moisture exchange processes. The course of treatment is 21 days. Every evening, take a warm foot bath in a ratio of beer to water 1:4.

What is the danger?

With hyperhidrosis, diaper rash often appears between the legs, which appears as red spots localized in the folds of the groin area. In the first stages, the patient practically does not feel symptoms, however, if timely treatment is not carried out, discomfort, burning and pain are noted. If these symptoms are accompanied by itching, this indicates a fungal infection. It is mainly expressed in the form of thrush, which is often complicated by hyperhidrosis, localized between the legs.

Why is pain in the perineum dangerous?

The perineum of people of different ages and genders can hurt for many reasons. The most “harmless” prerequisites for the occurrence of discomfort are external causes - prolonged exposure to low temperatures, poor diet, and insufficient physical activity. The perineum may hurt after sexual intercourse, when the partners' organs are injured. It is these factors that can provoke the development of pathological processes and dangerous diseases .

Pain in the perineum indicates inflammatory processes in the genital and urinary organs, intestines, and tissues that form this part of the body. The symptom is often associated with the development of neoplasms - cysts, cancerous tumors, metastases. If you ignore such diseases and do not perform the necessary diagnostic and treatment procedures at the moment when the perineal area begins to hurt, the consequences can be negative - a significant deterioration in well-being, the death of a person.

Preventative measures for sweating between the legs in men and women

The first thing that is important for patients suffering from hyperhidrosis of the intimate area is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. You will need to shower 2 times a day, and then put on clean underwear that has been previously ironed. The use of an iron is mandatory, since under the influence of hot temperature it is possible to kill all pathogenic microorganisms that could remain during washing. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics and not too tight. Experts also recommend resorting to depilation of hair in the perineum.

You should not sit for a long time on interior items that are made of synthetic materials or leatherette.

It is important not to use other people's personal hygiene items, such as towels or washcloths. They resort to the help of special media that are designed to combat excessive sweating. You can buy such medicines at the pharmacy; they are presented in the form of deodorants, creams, and sprays. With their help, it is possible to reduce sweat production and get rid of unpleasant odors. The patient will also need to eat a properly balanced diet. It is important to avoid spicy, salty and spicy foods. Doctors recommend eliminating bad habits, including drinking alcohol and smoking. You need to be outdoors more often and do physical activity, but not overload the body, so as not to cause even more sweat between your legs.

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