“I really want my own apartment,” your friend sighs sadly in your kitchen. “Yes, and to Mauritius for a week,” echoes another. But, as you know, there is always little money, and even less time. And life flows on as usual, occasionally delighting with changes. But everything is in your hands - say the Chinese sages; the most important thing is to learn to live according to Feng Shui, the teaching of luck and wealth. Today we will share with you the secrets of the great Chinese monks on how to attract good luck and money to yourself according to Feng Shui.

It is generally accepted that positive vibes of success in one area of ​​life attract other areas. For example, according to Feng Shui, a successful personal life is the start for career growth and material well-being. However, you cannot fill a vessel that is already full. The first step to attract good luck is to cleanse the energy at home; you need to get rid of negative energy, making room for positive energy.

  • The front door is the connection between your home and the outside world, through which energy and charges of different nature enter it. A bagua mirror, which should be hung near the entrance, will help reflect negative energy.
  • Remember cleaning . Mess and dirt are not the best environment for positive energy. You need to regularly get rid of old things and keep even the most hidden places clean. Accumulations of trash represent a barrier to the spread of energy.
  • , water is considered to be . A house with a small body of water, such as an aquarium, attracts luck with a vengeance. The main enemy of luck is water running away into emptiness, taking happiness with it. Do you remember if the taps in your apartment are leaking? According to Feng Shui, the main places in the house are the kitchen and the bedroom.


The arrangement of the kitchen must be approached with special care. Your workspace should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. Of course, in our six-meter spaces you can’t really roam around, but you can visually increase the size of the kitchen by hanging a mirror. The kitchen door should not be located next to or opposite the front door, as this encourages the flow of wealth, which food symbolizes. It is advisable to equip the kitchen with a hood for constant air circulation. Smells from cooking should not penetrate into living rooms (if the kitchen is part of the dining room, then it would be correct to separate them from each other, at least visually), as this provokes negative energy that “feeds” on scandals and quarrels.

Feng Shui that brings good luck. How to make your home a magnet for good luckNatalia Pravdina, 2020

Basic flows of Qi energy

As we said earlier, life energy is all-encompassing and inexhaustible.

If we consider Qi from the point of view of human life and the surrounding space with which he interacts, we can conditionally further differentiate its components.

So these are the components.

• Heavenly Qi brings us streams of energy from the planets and stars that form our Universe. We do not have the power to somehow influence it, so we must meekly accept everything that the cosmos has prepared for us.

• Natural Qi concentrates the energy of all natural phenomena, and also absorbs the power that fills plants, animals and, in general, all living creatures living on Earth. Such energy flows cover our entire planet, and the paths along which they flow are called “dragon lines” in Feng Shui. It is believed that soil fertility directly depends on the distance or proximity of Qi to the surface of the earth. So, the further the energy flow, the drier and more barren the place will be. Qi flows most deeply, for example, in the Sahara Desert or Antarctica.

• Social Qi includes the energy of an individual people, nation, as well as the energy of a certain group of people. We often intuitively sense these flows, declaring the mentality of a particular social group.

• Home Qi represents energy flows circulating in our home. They permeate walls, household items, clothes, things that we use.

• The individual life energy of an individual is human Qi. It is thanks to this driving force that we do something, perform certain actions, set goals for ourselves and achieve them. Moreover, it forces all the organs and systems of our body to work, flowing along the so-called meridians that permeate our body. Even the slightest disruption of the free circulation of Qi entails health problems. And it depends on it whether we will adhere to an active position in life or succumb to apathy and pessimism.

As mentioned earlier, we cannot influence heavenly energy, it is difficult to somehow influence natural and social Qi, but we are quite capable of transforming human and household Qi.

This is where the effect of communicating vessels manifests itself. These energy flows affect us, but we, in turn, can accumulate and strengthen our energy, changing its strength and direction of influence.

Qi is not only mobile, but also capable of taking on different forms, depending on the method of circulation. It can carry a positive or negative charge, and also become generally neutral, neither giving nor taking away energy in the surrounding area. The nature of Qi, its influence on us, as well as our harmony or imbalance with the world of things depend on a large number of circumstances.

One of the most important conditions is the free flow of energy, the absence of any obstacles in its path. To a lesser extent, but also important is the location of our home relative to the cardinal points, its appearance and its contents, the materials from which objects and furniture are made, color, smell, sounds.

The more conditions do not correspond to the normal flow of energy flows, the greater the disruption of energy balance observed. As a result, this does not have the best effect on our lives, well-being, and spiritual comfort.

Qi can be influenced by several factors: direction, character, five elements, time and the Earth's magnetic field. For example, Qigong masters who know how to harmonize and accumulate a lot of Qi in themselves often demonstrate the incredible physical capabilities of our body. As mentioned earlier, Qi can accumulate in buildings and rooms where we work or live. Feng Shui is a kind of tool with which we can change the Qi flowing in the environment; As a result, we develop completely different relationships with the world. Moreover, we thereby get the opportunity to avoid unpleasant moments, and prolong successful periods and make them more meaningful.


You should also approach the arrangement of your bedroom wisely. According to Feng Shui, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the arrangement of furniture, the chosen colors and the cardinal direction in which the bedroom is located. The bed should be placed so that it is the dominant piece of furniture, read more about the bed here. For small rooms it is better to use pastel colors when choosing decor; for large bedrooms - brighter colors.

Under no circumstances should the bed be placed opposite a mirror, so that the spouses do not have a “couple”. The environment in the bedroom should be calm and peaceful.

If you have a one-room apartment, then this article will help you.

Once the situation in the house complies with the principles of Feng Shui, you can think about neutralizing negative energy and activating positive energy. For this, an amulet crystal is used, located in the northern part of the apartment in the brightest place, preferably under direct rays of natural or artificial light. To configure the crystal to work correctly, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • It is better to hang the crystal on a red ribbon or ribbon;
  • Treat him like a family member: talk, talk about your dreams and desires;
  • If possible, take the crystal with you on all trips and roads;
  • Periodically clean it with water from the accumulated concentrate of negative energy.

In addition to the crystal, the house can be ennobled with other symbols, which, according to legend, help the abodes of this house achieve good luck, success and prosperity. Each of them emits a special energy that, like a magnet, attracts positive events into your life. The capabilities of these symbols depend not only on their visual form, but also on the content that is embedded in them.

Feng Shui lifehacks

In order for money to “love” you, you need to adhere to some rules. Pay attention to your wallet. If it is shabby and old, then there will be no money in it. Only by his appearance will he attract poverty. The wallet should be beautiful and expensive. Banknotes must be folded carefully so that they do not wrinkle, always “according to seniority.” Money loves the color red. Therefore, it’s a good idea if they are stored in a red wallet. To attract wealth, they also use Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.

It is necessary to keep records of expenses and income. You can't live paycheck to paycheck. There should always be some savings in the house. After all, it is known that money attracts money. In order to know how to attract good luck and wealth

, you need to be prepared for this. You need to realize what exactly you deserve for a rich and happy life. There should be no room for even the slightest doubt. The universe is generous and it will definitely share with you.

To achieve any goal, you need luck. In order to attract good luck to your home, you need to place a red rug in front of the front door. The house must have a pleasant smell, otherwise it will run away. To do this, you need to ventilate the room more often; you can use scented candles. It’s good when there are fruits in the house - a symbol of abundance. Pets will bring positive energy into your home.

Red wallet attracts money

Talismans that attract luck and wealth

Vessel of Abundance

Various vessels are very popular in many symbols. This is a proven way to attract money to yourself at home. But among them there is one - the most effective. This is the "vessel of abundance." The science of Feng Shui does not involve very many restrictions or prohibitions, so their observance must be strict, because the whole essence of symbolism is in the little things. Thus, the vessel of abundance should be a shaped container made of valuable metal (silver, bronze, copper, gold, glass or plastic is strictly unacceptable), round or flattened (an excellent solution would be the shape of a pumpkin with a trimmed top). The neck of the vessel should be wide, not exceeding half the diameter of the bowl, that is, putting something in is easy, but taking it out is difficult. Having chosen the right vessel, it should be filled with things that will help attract good luck and money:

  1. A handful of soil or a sprig of a plant given to you by a financially secure good friend. It is extremely important that it is a gift!
  2. A red bag with a necklace consisting of 9 Chinese coins with a hole inside and strung on a red silk ribbon.
  3. A red bag with real money in the amount of 988 units. In any currency and any form, for example nine euros and 88 cents.

These are the three most important things to attract wealth. In addition to them, in order to completely fill the vessel, you can put:

  • Semi-precious stones or jewelry with them.
  • A figurine in the form of an elephant, horse, fish or lotus flower.
  • A small bowl with a symbol of the sky.

The filled vessel should be placed in the bedroom, securely hidden from prying eyes, but in such a way that the owner of the house can come into contact with it as often as possible.

Sailing ship

The next Feng Shui symbol is a sailing ship. Ideally, it should transport gold coins, bars or precious stones. When choosing a ship, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Availability of sails
  • The model should evoke images that symbolize prosperity and success.
  • The model should not be gloomy or associated with any disasters.

The ship brought home must be loaded with money and gold. Place the bow of the ship inside the apartment, thus helping to bring wealth into the house.


There must be a place in the house for a container with water - an aquarium. It is best to locate it in the southeast, but in no case on the right side of the entrance. This will provoke the head of the family into a second relationship behind his wife’s back. You need to get nine goldfish as inhabitants of the aquarium - eight red and one black.

Money Tree

To generate career growth and subsequent financial well-being, it is worth planting a money tree. A leaf from such a tree must be stealthily stolen from a strong and healthy plant. The best place for the new inhabitant of the apartment will be the southeast of the desktop. If the plant begins to fade, it is better to change it, since frailty worsens the positive energy.

Three-toed frog

The three-toed frog with coins in its mouth is another Chinese symbol for attracting wealth. She should be positioned so that she can “inspect” the living space, that is, with her back to the entrance. It is best in the living room, since in the bathroom or toilet it will be saturated with “bad” energy, in the kitchen it is hot, in the bedroom the energy of sleep will carry it along with it, and you should not expect active help from a sleepy frog. It is best to place it in the far corner to the left of the door. The more the frog figurine resembles the real one, the better. And if you are the happy owners of a private house and a frog family lives in your backyard, then, according to Chinese symbolism, this is a very good sign - the house can become rich and successful.

Laughing Buddha Figurine

Happy Buddha - Hotei - is a deity symbolizing happiness, wealth, prosperity, fun. A small figurine of him can be placed in any room of the apartment, this will help fulfill any of your wishes.

Three Chinese coins

To forget about the lack of money forever, carry three Chinese coins in your wallet with a hole in the center, tied with a red ribbon. This will awaken the energy of the Earth and Sky, which, merging with your own, will attract good luck.

Prosperity signature

Come up with a “prosperity signature” and sign important documents with it. The most important thing in such a signature is confident, ascending, long strokes.

Wish board

This is another way to attract into your life what you want more than anything else. Write down your most cherished desires on a piece of paper. Visualize them clearly down to the smallest detail. For example, if your deepest desire is to buy your own apartment, then answer yourself: how many rooms does it have, what floor is it on, what city is it in, where do the bedroom windows face, and so on. If this is a car, then what brand, color, year of manufacture. Then draw or find a picture that fully identifies your dream. Paste your dream images onto a large sheet of paper or a makeshift board. Every day, look at the collage and imagine how happy you will be if your dream comes true. And it will definitely come true!

How to attract luck and money

Man himself is the architect of his own happiness. Everything in this life happens according to the law of attraction. Everything that happens to us, we attract to ourselves. This happens with the help of thoughts. When starting practical exercises in attracting money, you need to be very careful with your thoughts. Because they can materialize. It is necessary to get rid of negative and destructive conclusions. Only by thinking about the positive, about a specific goal set for yourself, can you achieve the desired results. You need to believe in yourself, in your willingness to accept well-being. There should not be an iota of doubt. Understanding that the world is generous and willing to share with you works wonders.

Nowadays, many entrepreneurs are wondering: how to attract good luck in business? To achieve success in business, many people use Feng Shui knowledge. When placing furniture in an office or work area, it is necessary to create conditions for the free circulation of energy and a positive atmosphere for clients. The manager's office should be located in the most distant place from the front door. It must be a very favorable place. Employees should not sit with their backs to the boss and facing a long corridor. To give yourself confidence and a sense of support, you can hang a picture of a mountain behind your back. There are many talismans that help attract good luck and money. By decorating your office with them, you can achieve positive results from your activities.

On the eve of the session, students are interested in how to attract good luck in the exam. There is no single recipe for success. Everyone chooses the one that he likes the most, or that really “helps”. Let's give examples of some of them. In my opinion, the most common thing is to dream before an exam on textbooks, notes and other literature that supposedly penetrates the sleeper’s head. There is also an opinion that if you wash your hair before an exam, or, even worse, cut your hair, then all your knowledge will disappear. There are also funny, in my opinion, methods of attracting good luck - in the evening, before the exam, you need to shout out the open window: “Shara come.” This will help you get an easy ticket, or write it off.

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