Several ways to quickly remove swelling and bruising under the eyes

Why do bags and bruises form under the eyes?

Bruises (bags) under the eyes become visible to others due to thin skin, which is initially thinner in these areas than in other areas of the face. And due to unfavorable living conditions, the skin loses its tone and becomes even thinner. Capillaries and vessels located under the epidermis give a bluish tint to the skin.

Bruises appear:

  1. With poor nutrition, stress, lack of sleep, smoking, constant fatigue.
  2. For diseases such as: anemia, chronic problems with the kidneys, liver and heart, allergies, vitamin deficiency, helminthic infestations, viral infections and vitamin C deficiency.
  3. Hereditary factors.

Often, bruises appear in adolescents and children without mechanical damage; in this case, parents need to pay attention to the state of health of their child. You may need to have your platelets tested.

Causes of bags and bruises under the eyes

Sometimes the appearance of unsightly swollen lower eyelids is a completely normal physiological phenomenon. The appearance of swelling can be caused by:

  • Genetic predisposition
    If bags under your eyes appeared in childhood, most likely this is a feature of your appearance. Between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous tissue there is a membrane, which in some people, due to anatomical features, is very thin. Gradually, fatty tissue penetrates more and more under the skin, and a fatty pouch is formed.
  • Nutrition
    Indulgence in marinades and salty foods leads to swelling of the skin under the eyes. Excess salt retains water in the body, which is safely deposited in the fatty tissue under the eyes in the form of swelling and bruising.
  • Hormonal surges
    Some women experience swelling and bruising under the eyes during their periods due to changes in the body's hormonal levels. Estrogen levels increase, which causes fluid retention and accumulation in the body.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
    Our eyes get tired from spending a long time at the computer, overexertion, poor and insufficient sleep - all these factors do not have a good effect on our appearance.
  • Alcohol abuse
    After a wild party, we are guaranteed to see swollen eyes in the mirror in the morning. Alcohol leads to stagnation in the blood vessels, which results in an unpleasant problem.
  • Age
    As we age, the area of ​​skin under the eyes stretches and sags. Fat gradually accumulates in the excess skin layer, which leads to the appearance of bags under the eyes.
  • Pregnancy Swelling
    almost always occurs during pregnancy. As a rule, this is a normal physiological process and is caused by the retention of salt and water inside our body.

Thin and sensitive skin under the eyes often becomes an indicator of internal problems in the body. Bruises, dark circles and bags in the periorbital area are by no means the same thing, but rather different manifestations of problems in a person’s health or physical condition, and they can also be caused by hereditary factors.


Small vessels that abound in the periorbital area of ​​the face, shining through the skin, give it a bluish tint. The problem is aggravated by factors such as:

  • chronic lack of sleep,
  • age-related changes,
  • unhealthy diet
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle,
  • alcohol and smoking,
  • stress,
  • eye fatigue - for example, due to sitting at the computer for a long time.

Dark circles

Darkening under or around the eyes is a feature of facial skin pigmentation, in the vast majority of cases determined by genetics. Dark circles are quite common in dark-skinned people of the eastern type and in this case are not a sign of ill health or any problems. But pigmentation may not occur “inheritedly” or may significantly increase due to internal problems in the body, including:

  • parasitic infection,
  • intoxication of various origins,
  • bad habits,
  • lack of vitamin C,
  • low-quality decorative cosmetics.

Bags and swelling

It is necessary to distinguish between three main reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs,
  • one-time disruptions in the functioning of the body,
  • fatty hernias of the eyelids.

Why do circles appear under the eyes?

Bags under the eyes can be congenital, or caused by illness or an unhealthy lifestyle. As for the former, they begin to appear in childhood. The reason for their occurrence is that the membrane is too thin, which does not prevent the penetration of fat cells under the skin of the eyelids. This leads to the formation of circles under the eyes.

The next possible cause is diseases that cause fluid retention in the body. In this case, before using any methods or treatment with folk remedies, it is better to consult a specialist and look at reviews. Pathologies include kidney disease, heart failure, and disorders of the thyroid gland.

Viral infections can cause bags under the eyes. Allergies also cause swelling and increased lacrimation. The causes of swelling are also skin diseases, for example, dermatitis. Circles around the eyes are a consequence of sinusitis or sinusitis, which are also accompanied by a runny nose and pain in the nasopharynx.

The reasons for bruises that appear in the morning may lie in lifestyle. The following have a negative impact on the state of the body and, as a result, on appearance:

  • lack of sleep,
  • unhealthy diet
  • overwork,
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking),
  • long exposure to the sun without using protective equipment.

Having decided on the reasons that provoke the appearance of bruises around the eyes, you can begin to choose a technique to get rid of them quickly and forever.

Are bags and bruises under the eyes a sign of illness?

Sometimes swelling under the eyes is combined with fever, pain in the lumbar region, or difficulty urinating. If you observe such symptoms in yourself, then, apparently, bags and bruises under the eyes are a sign of illness:

  • Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis
    Inflammation of the kidneys, which is accompanied by lower back pain and migraines, deterioration in general well-being.
  • Sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis
    Inflammation of the sinuses. The disease is accompanied by pain in the forehead or under the eyes, nasal discharge and runny nose.
  • Allergies
    If puffiness under the eyes occurs along with sneezing, coughing, tears and difficulty breathing, most likely you are experiencing an allergic reaction to some irritant.
  • Hypothyroidism
    Disorder of the thyroid gland. Swelling is accompanied by general weakness of the body, weight gain, depression and menstrual irregularities in women are very common.
  • Heart failure
    If bags and bruises under the eyes develop gradually, increase in the evening, and are almost invisible in the morning, this may be a sign of heart problems. Heart failure is also accompanied by shortness of breath, decreased performance and fatigue.

How to get rid of them

To tidy up the skin under your eyes, you should first consult a doctor to find out and eliminate the medical causes of problems with your appearance. A variety of radical methods for correcting the periorbital zone are offered in beauty salons, but there is not always a real need for them.

Traditional methods

In folk cosmetology, there are a lot of proven recipes that make the skin under the eyes smooth and fresh, remove swelling and bruises - the following procedures are used for this purpose:

  • masks,
  • applications,
  • compresses,
  • lotions,
  • wiping.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes at home: folk remedies

When fighting bags under the eyes, all means that improve the outflow of fluid, strengthen the skin, and impart elasticity can help, thereby removing the bags.

Among cosmetic products, creams and emulsions for dark circles under the eyes with various active ingredients are popular. It is not always possible to choose your product right away; you will have to select it for yourself.

How do you feel about aromatherapy? If you like, then you can apply hazelnut, ginger and coffee oils to your problem area.

There is another method using a special ice mask, which is filled with gel. It is stored in the refrigerator and put on when needed. The effectiveness of such a mask is felt immediately after application.

It is very important to buy a good cream for the area around the eyes, since this area of ​​the face especially needs mandatory and high-quality daily moisturizing, which will give the face a healthier appearance and prevent the formation of wrinkles under the eyes in the form of cobwebs.

At home, without using cosmetics, you can visibly remove bruises. There are quite a lot of recipes and methods for this.

  1. Our mothers and grandmothers also used tea to remove dark circles under their eyes. Of course, it’s simple and convenient to take two tea bags and apply them to your lower eyelids. But it’s still better to brew loose leaf tea in a teapot and apply cotton pads for about 10 minutes. It’s better to do the procedure in the morning. For a tightening effect and skin tone after lotions, it is good to use ice cubes. Cubes made not from pure water, but from herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula, lemon balm and green tea) will be more effective.
  2. Parsley decoction. The plant needs to be chopped. Pour 1 tablespoon of parsley into 1 glass of boiled water. Leave and strain. Make lotions.
  3. Sage. Helps remove bags and puffiness under the eyes very quickly. Pour 1 teaspoon of herb into 100 g. boiling water Insist. Strain. Place half of the solution in the refrigerator or make ice cubes. And from the second part make warm lotions. It is advisable to alternate warm and cold lotions. Create contrast. It's best to do it before bed.
  4. Potatoes will help effectively remove dark circles under the eyes. Make two circles and apply to your eyes for 20 - 30 minutes. Grated potatoes will help get rid of circles from lack of sleep. Make a paste, drain the excess liquid, make cakes and apply to the lower eyelids for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash your face with water at room temperature.
  5. Another effective way to quickly get rid of bags is cottage cheese. It must be turned into a homogeneous mass and applied to the area under the eyes for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wash your face with a warm decoction of herbs or tea.
  6. Cucumber. Relieves swelling and removes bruises. The vegetable must be grated and applied to the eyelids, and milk lotions should be made on top. Lie down for 10 – 15 minutes. Wash with cool water.
  7. If bruises under your eyes are present immediately after sleep. It is necessary to lower your face into a container (basin) with cool water in the morning. In total – 3 – 5 minutes. This tones and relieves swelling.

For reference! Do not forget that certain products may cause allergies or individual intolerance.

Every woman is familiar with this phenomenon - bruises under the eyes, alas, overtake everyone! Didn't get enough sleep, overworked, ate sweets or starchy foods - all this is fraught with the appearance of the notorious bags and dark circles that can ruin our mood from the very morning. In her Instagram blog, Vera Brezhneva examined in detail the topic of bruises under the eyes and offered 5 options for solving it.

Vera Brezhneva discussed the topic of bruises and swelling under the eyes and told how to remove them

“Lots of questions about bags/bruises under the eyes . I'm no expert, but from my own experience. The bags are:

A) genetic feature - do nothing, just love yourself as such! There are quite a few famous people in the world who have bags under their eyes, and they are loved just like that) I mean people))

B) kidney and urinary tract diseases - then go straight to the doctor . With proper therapy, you can even get rid of chronic diseases, and the pouches will go away with them.

C) situational pouches (happen from time to time) - this means flaws in nutrition and fluid intake. In this case, nutrition - carbohydrates (flour, sugar, any confectionery products, bread, even porridge, etc.) retain fluid in the body. Therefore, if you have any of the above for dinner, there is a chance of waking up in the morning with swelling under your eyes. Also, if you drink a lot of liquid after 5 pm, there may be a big load on the kidneys, they cannot cope, and in the morning again - swelling in the form of bags.

It is better to drink most of the required fluid (daily requirement) before 17.00. Therefore, after 5 pm I especially watch what I consume! Then there are no bags. (tested on myself). I’m already silent about alcohol, sweets, flour and too salty foods. This is all - the virtues of swelling in the morning))) I don’t get swelling from lack of sleep)) there are only bruises, but for now let’s talk about swelling.”

Vera Brezhneva discussed the topic of bruises and swelling under the eyes and told how to remove them

According to Vera, the first and best way to remove bags under the eyes is to do exercises in the morning and also take a contrast shower, which will improve blood circulation and remove excess fluid from the body. Next on the list is a contrast facial shower:

“Alternate washing with warm and cold water. Instead of cold water, you can use an ice cube, or frozen: aloe juice/pieces, chamomile decoction, etc. Wipe your face and skin under your eyes with them. You can linger there. (as long as it’s comfortable),” advises Vera .

Another assistant in the fight against puffiness under the eyes is eye patches, which already talked about in the article: “5 types of patches that can come in handy at any time .

You can also remove bags using cold compresses and proper care:

“Chilled cucumber slices and compresses from herbal or tea bags (grandmother’s method) sometimes work)). You can even soak cotton pads in brewed chamomile and place them closed for 5 minutes! eyes. After all procedures, it is advisable to apply cream against bags/swelling under the eyes as a treatment. Lightly patting the fingertips. The effect is small, but in the overall integrated approach it can happen,” writes the star.

Vera Brezhneva discussed the topic of bruises and swelling under the eyes and told how to remove them

Now about bruises under the eyes . Vera classified them and offered her own options for “therapy” for dark circles :

“Bruises - the same. 1) genetic characteristics , 2) manifestation of the disease. 3) the appearance of fatigue. In this case, the best medicine is SLEEP!!! Then all of the above (as for swelling) and finally - concealers with a care effect against bruises under the eyes. Then there is a chance that the problem that I know about will not be visible to others.

By the way!!!! I recently discovered a massage of the eyeballs (eyes). Often the eyes get very tired, and there are many nerve endings here. Everything about massage can be found on the Internet. It's easy to do it yourself. Takes 5 minutes. But the result is noticeable! Especially if you do it every day!)) Well, the most important rule is that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and when a person is clean and happy, they shine! Be happy,” is inspiring, isn’t it? And now put your feet in your hands and massage your eyeballs, as Vera .

READ ALSO: 14 beauty secrets of the luxurious woman Vera Brezhneva

Secrets of traditional medicine

If you can’t afford a salon, or the problem has not become so serious, you should resort to folk remedies to combat bruises and bags under the eyes. They are safe and effective, because any homemade mask or lotion is based on natural ingredients. Such recipes can be used even by a teenager.

You can also make lotions and compresses. Sage has an excellent effect. To make a healing liquid, you will need 1 tsp. dry sage and 100 ml boiling water. Pour water over the herb, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, soak sponges in the liquid and place them under your eyes for 10 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. Lotions should be applied 2 times a day.

The simplest apple mask

Puffy, puffy, heavy eyelids? You can try the simplest recipe available to everyone. This is an apple mask. It is designed to refresh and tone the skin around each eye, as well as reduce swelling of the eyelids or completely eliminate swelling.

What's the easiest way to use apples for bags under your eyes?

Take one apple, chop it - you can, for example, grate it on the finest grater. After which we spread the mass into gauze scraps - 2 for each eye.

Let it sit for a quarter of an hour, then remove the gauze and wash with plain cool water.

Apply nourishing cream to the skin.


Preventing bags and dark circles under the eyes includes some methods:

  • If a person drinks a lot of liquid, it may not have time to leave the body without outside help. Therefore, many doctors advise drinking diuretics. At the stage of planning the use of various means and methods to eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes, it is necessary to check with doctors whether this phenomenon is caused by any diseases. If this is caused by a genetic (hereditary) predisposition, then diuretics can only do harm.
  • Warm milk with honey helps reduce morning swelling and help you fall asleep faster.
  • Review your diet to include carrots, citrus fruits and apricots. They make blood vessels stronger and more durable, which reduces the risk of capillary rupture.
  • Get rid of bad habits, get enough sleep and stop living in a state of constant stress.
  • If the bruises are caused by any diseases, direct all efforts to cure them.

Some lifestyle changes

To get rid of bruises in the eye area, you should pay attention to your diet and drinking regimen. Fluid retention in the body and its accumulation in the form of circles under the eyes is facilitated by the consumption of large amounts of salt. Therefore, it is preferable to remove very salty and spicy foods from the diet. To reduce dark circles, you should include more fresh vegetables in your menu and make sure that your body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals.

In the absence of water metabolism disorders, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water per day. However, you should not drink a lot of liquid immediately before bed. To get rid of unsightly circles under the eyes, eating heavily at night is also not recommended.

In order to avoid sleep deprivation, it is necessary to allocate enough time for sleep in the regime - at least 7 hours. It is worth paying attention to the position of the head. To get rid of bags under the eyes, it is better to sleep on a small, flat pillow. If you plan to go out into the bright sun, you need to take glasses with an SPF rating of at least 30. Another important factor, for both men and women, is to get rid of bad habits that contribute to the appearance of bruises around the eyes.

Healthy sleep is important for the condition of the skin around the eyes

Healthy eating and routine

Usually, bags under the eyes arise from lack of sleep, as well as due to a violation of the water-salt balance in the body. If you want to look good and enjoy life, then you will need to change your old habits and work on new ones:

  1. Adequate sleep, time to rest 7-8 hours a day, no less.
  2. During sleep, the head should be located slightly higher than the body.
  3. It is better to change your regular feather pillow to a special flat one.
  4. First of all, healthy eating: limit yourself to consuming smoked, salty and spicy foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, and it is best to completely exclude such foods from your diet. In such a situation, nuts, fruits and vegetables, and meat are useful.
  5. Do not drink a lot of fluids before going to bed, otherwise swelling will appear under the eyes with swelling.
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