Feijoa - benefits with taste

Description of feijoa

The fruits grow on the feijoa tree, which has a large crown and low height - the trunk length does not exceed 4 m. Flowering depends on the place of growth:

  • in the equatorial zone - all year round;
  • in the Southern Hemisphere, the first buds appear at the end of the year;
  • in the Northern Hemisphere - in May.

After pollination, an ovary is formed, from which a dark green, oval-shaped fruit grows. In appearance it resembles a chicken egg. The outside of the berries is covered with a dense skin of rich green color with a reddish-yellow blush.

Inside contains seeds enclosed in colorless pulp. It is translucent and in cross section resembles a four-leaf clover. The pulp is pierced by white veins through which moisture circulates.

The inner part of the fruit, depending on the variety, can be:

  • oily;
  • smooth;
  • juicy;
  • coarse-grained.

This diversity is due to the crossing of feijoa with other fruits and berries. As a result of selection, it was possible to obtain hybrids that differ in ripening speed, yield, taste and pulp.

The fruits taste like a fruit mix of pineapple, papaya, strawberries and peppermint leaves. Thanks to this unusual combination, feijoa received an alternative name - pineapple guava.

The thick peel is tart and astringent to the tongue. The pulp is juicy, but contains a large number of seeds. They are easy to chew, so they do not have a negative effect on tooth enamel. Feijoa fruits are consumed with the peel, as it is saturated with a vitamin-mineral complex. The pulp contains mainly water with vitamins dissolved in it. The peel can be removed and dried in the sun to then make tea from it.

The berries are harvested from mid to late autumn, so trees are preferred to be grown on an industrial scale in countries with temperate climates.

The berries are picked while they are still unripe because their skin remains thick enough to allow the juicy fruit to be easily transported. Before buying, you need to feel them, pressing lightly. Fruits should be elastic and soft, without any damage on the surface. You can also buy hard fruits, but they will need to be left in a place with good ventilation at a temperature of +20...+23°C. This will allow them to ripen naturally within a week.

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The quality of the berries is determined by cutting. Ripe fruits have transparent flesh, while unripe ones have white flesh. In spoiled ones, the oxidation process begins, due to which the contents become brown and then dark in color. To prevent spoilage of the product, it is stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. During this period, the fruits lose a large amount of moisture, simple carbohydrates in the pulp are concentrated, which is why the fruits become sweet. Thanks to this effect, they are used to make jam for the winter.

How to choose a ripe fruit

The feijoa fruit is oval-shaped, with a smooth surface of the peel and the remainder of the inflorescence at the end of the berry. Feijoa color is green, without dark spots or inclusions. The pulp of the berry is almost transparent. To select a ripe fruit, you need to look at the skin of the berry. Ripe feijoa has smooth skin, without spots of a foreign color. In ripe fruits, the skin is most often slightly flaccid, and upon tactile contact the fruit will appear soft.

Signs of an unripe fetus:

  • The skin of the berry is smooth, the color is uniformly green, the surface has a glossy sheen;
  • If you take the berry in your hands, the fruit will be dense and hard;
  • When cut, the flesh will be white.

If the above signs are observed in a fruit, then this fruit is not yet ready for consumption and has not acquired its full taste. But the advantage of feijoas is that they ripen quickly and a day or two is enough for the berries to ripen at home.

If, when purchased from the fruit, the skin has dark spots and the flesh of the berry is brown, then this product is overripe. The taste of an overripe berry is significantly inferior in quality to a well-ripened fruit.

Where does it grow?

Feijoas were found in the subtropical zone of South America, which covers parts of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and northern Argentina. Because of this habitat, the trees cannot be cultivated in areas with a tropical climate. There are hybrids that are resistant to drought and high humidity; they grow in the equatorial zone and often bear fruit.

In 1890, green berries were brought to France, and 10 years later exotic plants were transported to Yalta and Sukhumi.

Then feijoa came to the state of California, where it quickly gained popularity and began to be grown on a large scale. In 1913, fruit trees were transported to Italy and Mediterranean countries. The plant has adapted well to the cold climate of the northern regions, which is why it is grown on the Crimean Peninsula, where frost reaches -11°C.

In 2020, the major suppliers of feijoa were:

  • Russia, Krasnodar region;
  • Georgia;
  • Azerbaijan.

Fruit trees do not require careful care and large financial costs, so every amateur can grow them in their summer cottage or at home. The plant rarely reaches a height of 4 m, so it is cultivated in apartments. The trees will bear fruit and become a good decorative element thanks to their silvery leaves and exotic buds.

Description and properties of feijoa

If we touch on the description of the feijoa fruit, then it is a large, green, fleshy, juicy berry that has an elongated oval, spherical shape. The length of the fruit is from 2 to 7 cm, the diameter is 1.5-4 cm, the weight varies between 15-60 g. The aroma and taste of feijoa is similar to strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. The pulp of the fruit is protected by a lumpy green peel.

The most valuable thing about feijoa is its high percentage of iodine. 100 grams of pulp contains up to 40 grams of easily digestible iodine compounds. People suffering from thyroid diseases should definitely include this fruit in their diet. In addition, the beneficial properties of the feijoa fruit include a high concentration of vitamin C in the pulp. Thanks to this, this product simply must be consumed for such ailments as:

  • anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • weak immune system;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

An interesting fact is that the beneficial properties of the feijoa fruit are contained both in the pulp and in the skin. It is in the peel that a lot of pectin and various beneficial antioxidant substances are concentrated, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis. In total, feijoa fruits contain 93 useful elements, including even amino acids and essential oils.

These tasty berries can boost immunity and stop bacterial attacks at the initial stage.

It should be noted that the feijoa fruit has harmful properties and not everyone can eat these fruits. Some people are allergic to feijoa. These are isolated cases, but they exist. Individual intolerance to the fruit occurs. For those who suffer from diabetes, feijoa is contraindicated because the fruit contains sugar. If you are obese, you should also not abuse these berries.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should first consult a doctor and only then include feijoa in their diet. When planning to give your child feijoa berries for the first time, it also wouldn’t hurt to consult a pediatrician or nurse.

Feijoa species

For the first time, Europeans encountered the Brazilian feijoa variety, brought to France by researcher Andre Edouard. He planted a tree on the Riviera. After 7 years, the first berries were collected. As a result, this variety was named Andre (in honor of its discoverer). It sells well in the US and Mediterranean countries.

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In California, breeders managed to develop 3 more varieties of exotic plants:

  1. Choiceana. Early ripening, with berries up to 7 cm in size.
  2. Superba. Unlike other species, it has a round or ovoid shape, the fruits weigh up to 85 g.
  3. Coolidge. Large juicy fruits with a sweet and sour taste.

In southern India, they prefer to grow the Besson variety. It bears fruit with small oval green-red berries.

Plant hybrids were bred in Russia:

  • Firstborn;
  • Light;
  • Nikitsky is lumpy and aromatic;
  • Early Crimean.


Wednesday, November 07, 2012 1:20 pm + in lorine's

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Beneficial features. Treatment. These are amazing healing fruits.
There are several types of feijoa. With a red barrel - a peach variety, there is a rounder one, a green one - this is an apple variety, oblong, like a cucumber - cucumber varieties. How is feijoa useful?
•Contains vitamin C. •Very useful for thyroid diseases.
Feijoa contains a high amount of iodine. In terms of the amount of iodine, feijoa can easily compete with seafood. •For all core patients, this is simply a godsend. •Strengthens the immune system. •Improves memory. •Used for anemia. •Cleanses the blood, improves its formula. •Prevents depression. •Contains pectin. •Reduce cholesterol levels. •Suppress tumor growth. •Feijoa has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. •Useful for cerebral atherosclerosis. •Useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and pyelonephritis. •Feijoa contains a lot of fiber. It is good for the intestines. •For all hypertensive patients, this is a natural medicine. •Feijoa fruits are low in calories, so it is great to take them as part of your diet. •Used in cooking. They make compotes, jams, preserves. •Almost never causes allergic reactions, even in small children. What do you need to know when choosing feijoa? The larger the feijoa, the more useful it is. More sugar, more vitamins. The most useful fruit is up to 10 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter. If you see spots, this means that the fruit has been a little over-aged and the vitamin content there is reduced. It should be evenly colored and have a sweetish aroma. The smell and taste of feijoa.
This is a mixture of kiwi, strawberry and pineapple flavors.
Very nice. The pulp is very juicy. The most mature feijoa fruit has absolutely transparent flesh. It is best eaten by scraping out the pulp with a spoon. You can buy slightly unripe fruits and let them sit at home for just a couple of days. Feijoa calories.
The fruits are low in calories.
24.5 kcal per 100 grams. How to store feijoa?
The shelf life is not very good.
Keeps in the refrigerator for about a week. How to eat feijoa? Recipes.
It is best to buy a little at a time and eat it fresh.
This is the most useful recipe. Cut the feijoa in half and eat. Raw feijoa jam.
You can mince feijoa and eat it with sugar.
First, the feijoa is washed. Then dry. Only the tail of the feijoa is cut off. Next you need to grind the feijoa through a meat grinder, add granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Mix everything, put it in a jar and store in the refrigerator. This raw jam is very useful for the immune system and for our blood vessels. Eat a teaspoon 3 times a day. Some people add walnuts or hazelnuts to this jam. Proportions 1:10. Also very tasty and healthy. And if you add orange here, believe me, it’s very tasty. The orange can be peeled, put in a blender or meat grinder, or together with the peel (or half the orange with the peel, and half without it). Many people don't eat the peel. In order not to throw it away, it is very useful to dry it and simply add it to tea. Feijoa Treatment.
For hypertension. To strengthen the immune system. For cerebral vessels. General improvement of the body. Eat 5-6 feijoa fruits daily.
For anyone who has thyroid problems, I highly recommend just eating these fruits. Not everyone likes seaweed, but this is just a godsend - it’s sweet, tasty, and gives a good effect. For all healthy people - eat 2 fruits a day, and your health will only please you further. Feijoa dessert.
Mix mashed feijoa fruits with sour cream.
Just grate it together with the skin. Tasty and a little unusual. Salads with feijoa. Beet salad.
Add 200 grams of feijoa fruits (wash and cut) and some walnuts to the boiled beets.
Season with vegetable oil, salt or add seasoning. You can add feta cheese to this salad and season with sesame seeds. Fruit salads with feijoa.
Wonderful, easy, useful and creative. Here you can do everything according to your choice and taste. For example, this combination of products: oranges, tangerines, feijoa slices, some nuts, some raisins. You can add lemon to this. Or lemon juice. For dressing, freshly squeezed orange juice is good or you can add sour cream. Garnish with fruit slices. You can make a feijoa tincture with vodka. Add cranberries to it too. Source

Categories:Benefits of foods/fruits Traditional medicine/health improvement

health, healthy recipes

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Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about the exotic plant:

  1. The scientist Berg Otto, who discovered the plant, named it in honor of Silva Feijó. In the vastness of South America, this fruit grows in Uruguay, Argentine and Brazilian regions.
  2. Thanks to its unusual taste, reminiscent of kiwi to some, pineapple or strawberry to others, feijoa is often used to make natural food additives or flavorings. The berries are not used as a seasoning, only for making confectionery and fresh desserts.
  3. Despite the fact that the fruit grows on evergreen trees, it is considered a large juicy berry.
  4. If you plan to eat the small green feijoa fruit raw, you need to cut it in half and scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon.

When heat treated, the fruits become too soft - before becoming familiar with the methods of preparing them, it is recommended to carefully study recipes that include these sweet and sour berries.

With the right approach, feijoa can be stuffed with fish, added vegetable juice to tender fillets, or used to make cheesecakes. The fruits impart a sweet taste to pork and go well with lamb and turkey. You can learn more about the methods of preparing feijoa from the video.

How to eat feijoa

Feijoa is a unique berry. With a good degree of ripeness, even the skin of the fruit acts as an edible part. Together with the skin, the ripe fruit is added to fruit or meat salads.

If the berry is eaten as a separate dessert, then simply cut it in half and eat it with a spoon, leaving the skin untouched. Also, without the peel, the berry is added to desserts.

When canning homemade sweet preparations, the fruit is ground together with the peel. But it is worth considering that the peel has a specific taste, giving off a slight bitterness. And, before adding the top layer of the fruit, you should try it so as not to deteriorate the taste of the preservation.

The use of feijoa is quite wide. However, it is not boiled, but consumed raw. But this in no way detracts from its taste, on the contrary.

Feijoa berries are widely used in cocktails or fresh juices with other fruits or berries. Also, the pleasant and unusual taste of the fruit brightly and interestingly dilutes the variety of salads that can be prepared by adding feijoa berries to them.

Children will enjoy preparing a pie or cake with feijoa and will add a healthy product to their diet that will help support a young body with vitamins.

In what form can feijoa be consumed and how is it recommended to process it?

Only if you do not clean the product can you get the maximum benefit from it. Those who find the taste of the peel too specific can only eat the jelly-like pulp, but do not throw away the peel. It is better to dry it and add it to tea. The taste of the drink will not change, but the benefits in the form of antioxidants and aroma will be added.

feijoa compotes and jams

In addition, feijoa can be consumed in one of the following ways:

  • Salads. Can be fruity or unsweetened. The ingredient only needs to be washed, especially dense areas on the poles removed and cut into arbitrary slices. This option is suitable only for those who like to eat the berry with the skin; the pulp alone in the dish will not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  • Sauces. Feijoa, crushed in a blender, with the addition of sour cream, vegetable oil or your favorite spices, will be an excellent addition to any meat dish.
  • Garnish. Even when boiled, the product retains its beneficial properties and delicate taste. It goes well with boiled vegetables and can be an addition to rice.
  • Beverages. The aromatic fruit, which combines the notes of several beloved fruits at once, can become an excellent basis for lemonade, tea, fortified juice, healing tincture or compote. It is infused, boiled, evaporated, sautéed, used in pure form or combined with other ingredients.
  • Dessert component. Feijoa can be used not only as a filling for pies, puff pastries and cakes; the ground pulp of the product is often added directly to the dough, giving familiar dishes an exotic and pleasant taste.
  • A stand-alone dessert. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, you need to chop fresh berries, sprinkle them with sugar and serve them as a snack for tea. Grinded fruits make an excellent gravy for ice cream.

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feijoa jam

We can’t help but remember feijoa jam. Contrary to popular belief, there are many options for preparing the product. It doesn’t even have to be boiled; without heat treatment, the jam will retain the maximum amount of vitamins and antioxidants, however, the shelf life of such a product does not exceed 2 months. Candied fruits made from exotic berries have an unusual taste. They are just the right amount of sweet, flavorful, and textured, making a great addition to any dessert.

Feijoa. Treatment

How much feijoa fruit can you eat per day? You can eat 5 pieces to get the maximum benefit from the fruit. Feijoa can be eaten either on its own or added to fruit salads made from oranges, bananas, kiwis and other fruits; you can optionally add walnuts and honey to such salads.

Feijoa fruits are good for the functioning of the brain, for blood vessels, and perfectly strengthen our immune system, which is important especially in winter. It is useful to eat feijoa for the overall health of the body.

Feijoa should be eaten by people suffering from constipation, since feijoa contains fiber and pectins, the fruits normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Feijoas are very rich in iodine; in terms of iodine content, feijoa fruits are not inferior to seafood. Therefore, the benefits of feijoa are enormous; eating the fruit improves brain function. For thyroid diseases associated with iodine deficiency, use a natural product - feijoa.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for prevention, drink every day a tablespoon of feijoa juice diluted in half a glass of water. You can also treat yourself with lemon; you can find the recipes here.

For hypertension and atherosclerosis, grind feijoa fruits into a meat grinder, mix with sugar 2:1 and consume a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This is an excellent and natural medicine for health. Store the mixture in glass jars in the refrigerator.

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