Preparing sleeping pills at home

Regular lack of sleep leads to a deterioration in a person’s health and performance, especially when fatigue and lethargy become his eternal companions.

Most people suffer from the consequences of insomnia, but not everyone considers it a serious enough reason to see a doctor. If the problem is not very acute for a medical solution or there are fears regarding specialized drugs, use countless recipes to create a sleeping pill at home without compromising sleep normalization.


Herbal tinctures and teas

  • Hawthorn . 100 grams of berries are poured into a thermos with 3 glasses of hot water. Take the product after meals 2-3 times throughout the day and before going to bed. For taste and relaxation, you can add honey to the infusion. In the absence of dry berries, use a tincture of this product diluted in water. However, it contains alcohol, which should be taken into account by people driving vehicles.
  • Hops . 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 glass of hot water over the cones and leave for about 1 hour. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 2 times throughout the day, half a glass before lunch and dinner.
  • Valerian . The most famous sedative that helps with sleep disorders. 2 tbsp. l. crushed root is infused with 1 glass of hot water, then filtered and drunk 1-2 tbsp. l. 3-4 times throughout the day. To enhance the effect, you can inhale the vapors from the infusion while it is brewing. Valerian in tablets has a similar effect, which can be taken 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day for 7-10 days to normalize sleep.
  • Peony . For an alcohol tincture you will need 10 grams of peony root and 100 ml of alcohol. The elements are infused for about a month in a cool, dark place with constant shaking of the container. You need to take the tincture 20 drops per glass of water.
  • Linden color . Linden color copes well with sleep disorders. 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 glass of hot water over the flowers and leave for 30-40 minutes; you can add honey to your liking. Linden can be combined with peppermint and other herbs to enhance the effect.
  • Pharmaceutical camomile . 2 tbsp. l. flowers are poured with 1 glass of hot water and left for 20-30 minutes, then kept in a warm place for approximately 40 minutes. Take chamomile tea 2-3 times throughout the day. To improve the taste of tea, honey is added to it.
  • Melissa medicinal (lemon) . 15 grams of lemon balm are poured into 1 glass of hot water and left for 30-40 minutes. Take the remedy before going to bed.
  • Siberian elderberry . Elderberry infusion is a strong sleep aid that can be prepared at home. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. l. dry flowers, pour 1 glass of hot water, leave for 20-30 minutes. The infusion is filtered and taken at ? glasses before meals, 2-3 times throughout the day.
  • Read about why a person regularly wants to sleep in the publication

    Relaxing baths

    Take similar baths 2-3 times throughout the week. The water temperature should be about 400C, the duration of action should be 20-25 minutes.

  • Honey - 60-70 grams of honey are diluted in warm water.
  • Lavender – dissolve 5-6 drops of oil in honey or salt, then pour into warm water. You can replace the oil with an infusion of dry lavender.
  • Bulgarian rose oil has a similar relaxing effect.
  • With herbal infusions from similar herbs such as mint, chamomile, calendula, string, sage, linden, eucalyptus, valerian, pine needles, burdock, nettle, birch, etc. To prepare the infusion, 1.5 cups of dry raw materials are boiled in 2 liters of hot water, leave for 1-2 hours, filter and add to the bath. Herbal teas can be prepared without outside help by combining the ingredients and adding orange and/or lemon zest.
  • Baths with sea salt - 150-200 grams of salt are poured into the water for 1 session; mixtures that are ready for use often include essential oils to enhance the relaxation effect (rose, lavender, chamomile).


The most famous relaxing remedy among products is warm milk with honey. For a softening and healing effect, you can add natural cocoa butter to milk - a natural antibiotic and immunomodulator. It must be remembered that at an unnecessarily high temperature, the medicinal properties of honey and cocoa become less, so you must first warm up a glass of milk, and when the liquid reaches 40-450C, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey and 1/3-1/2 tsp cocoa butter After taking the product, it is best to go straight to bed. Taking a warm bath in advance will increase the effect of sleeping pills.

How to prepare sleeping pills at home

People of different ages, even completely healthy ones, sometimes experience insomnia. This is due to a busy work or study schedule, everyday problems and stress. Typically, such sleep disturbances are temporary and go away spontaneously.

But if insomnia becomes systematic, then there is a need to take sleeping pills. You can simply buy a chemical drug at the pharmacy or make a sleeping pill at home.

Such drugs do not have serious side effects, do not accumulate in the body and are not addictive.

Recipes for traditional sleeping pills

Unlike medications, which are taken from time to time, herbal infusions and teas are used for a long time and often achieve complete cure for insomnia.

Effective recipes for sedatives for insomnia:

  1. A decoction of valerian and motherwort . To prepare a collection of these plants at home, you need to take 0.5 tbsp. l. each, pour 200 ml of boiling water and steam in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, take a glass before bedtime.
  2. Tinctures and teas from mint and lemon balm. Take 1 tbsp. both herbs and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Drink it like tea in the afternoon. Melissa wine has a strong hypnotic effect. To prepare the product, take 30 grams of lemon balm per glass of white wine, keep it in a dark place for 14 days and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. The infusion relieves stress and regulates sleep.
  3. Oregano flower tea. The plant has a sedative effect and helps you fall asleep. Oregano decoction and tea are prescribed for restless, interrupted sleep and insomnia. Add 30 grams of dry crushed plant to 250 ml of boiling water, and take the prepared drink in full before bed.

For insomnia, you can use folk remedies with soothing essential oils (melissa, lavender, pine) in different combinations. Before you make a mixture of oils, you need to choose a base.

Grape seed, almond or peach oil is suitable for this. It is enough to apply 1-3 drops of soothing essential oils on a table spoon of base and lubricate the temples. Take no more than 3 different oils at the same time.

You can also add undiluted essential oils to the aroma lamp.

Homemade sleeping pills from products

Instead of sleeping pills, adults can use a homemade sleeping pill. It is known that some foods contain substances that help normalize sleep, eliminate nervous tension, and speed up falling asleep. These are the hormones serotonin and melatonin, as well as the trace element magnesium.

To treat insomnia, you can use the beneficial properties of not only herbs, but also foods that stabilize the nervous system and speed up falling asleep.

It is advisable to eat them for dinner, and before going to bed, drink a herbal decoction, milk or kefir, or chamomile flower tea. Hot, spicy foods and caffeinated drinks should be avoided at this time.

They excite the central nervous system and make sleep interrupted.

For dinner you can eat:

  1. Boiled rice with broccoli.
  2. Baked potatoes with vegetables.
  3. Corn porridge with milk.

These foods, eaten 3 hours before bedtime, will help you fall asleep quickly.

Drinking these drinks and foods just before going to bed can calm you down and help you fall asleep:

  1. A handful of almonds. Almonds contain tryptophan and magnesium, which help relax the nervous system.
  2. Chamomile tea with a spoonful of honey. The drink is an effective natural sleep aid.
  3. Banana. It contains substances that promote sleep. To relax and fall asleep, just eat half of this high-calorie fruit before bed.
  4. Kiwi. This vitamin-rich fruit also promotes restful sleep. At night, it is enough to consume 0.5-1 fruit.

In order not to complicate digestion, it is necessary to mix food in reasonable combinations. Warm milk helps better than other products because it contains tryptophan and calcium salts.

How to fall asleep without sleeping pills

Before you begin treatment, you need to evaluate your own lifestyle and diet, follow simple tips and recommendations:

  • Daytime sleep can overcome fatigue and prevent you from falling asleep in the evening.
  • You should not eat just before bed; a full stomach does not help you fall asleep. The ideal time for dinner is 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Heavy food intake (meat, fried potatoes, smoked and salty foods, intoxicating drink) should either be eliminated entirely or consumed at lunch. It is also worth removing from your diet foods that stimulate the formation of gas - cabbage, legumes, yeast baked goods, kvass, etc.
  • An evening walk in the fresh air or sleep in a well-ventilated, cool room can help you relax and fall asleep.
  • You should not do heavy physical work, exercise, or visit the gym shortly before going to bed.
  • For a sound sleep, peace and quiet and a pleasant mood should reign at home.

Sleeping pills at home

When a person suddenly begins having trouble falling asleep or waking up frequently at night, he or she may need sleeping pills. It doesn't have to be a pill; sometimes you can use over-the-counter remedies to improve your sleep.

Since ancient times, people have used medicinal plants to treat various diseases, including sleep disorders. Possessing a certain set of useful substances, the ratio of which is very difficult to reproduce artificially, they have a very mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

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As a sleeping pill prepared at home, you can use plants, the preparations from which give a quick calming and relaxing effect. Most often, they do not affect the true cause of sleep disturbance and do not affect it in any way, but they have a general strengthening effect on the body and can be used for causeless fears, rapid physical and mental fatigue, and headaches.

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The most common natural sleeping pill that can be found in almost any home medicine cabinet is valerian. Rosehip syrup, hawthorn tincture, motherwort or peony tincture - all these remedies also reduce emotional excitability, relieve tension, relieve anxiety, thus somewhat facilitating the onset of sleep.

Watch the video in which somnologist Roman Buzunov explains which sleeping pills are safe when used without medical supervision.

Among other “home” remedies for eliminating insomnia, we can recommend non-drug methods for restoring sleep.

To regain restful, restful sleep, first of all, you need to regularly perform aerobic physical activity. Never watch heavy movies or news programs before going to bed; Only entertaining stories will help you relax and forget about existing problems.

Right before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk, after melting a spoonful of honey in it - this method has been used for a very long time as a sleeping pill at home, although it does not have an independent effect on sleep. Try to avoid drinking coffee and chocolate in the afternoon, as well as evening overeating and showdowns shortly before bedtime.

If you decide to turn to medications, remember that only your doctor or somnologist (a specialist in sleep disorders) can prescribe sleeping pills. You may not need to take sleeping pills because most cases of non-organic insomnia can be restored to sleep using cognitive behavioral techniques.

Modern medicine offers non-benzodiazepine benzodiazepine receptor agonists (Z-group, for example, Sanval) as potent sleeping pills.

In case of episodic insomnia, Melaxen can be used as a mild sleeping pill.

The drug is based on the sleep hormone melatonin and is used for circadian rhythm disorders (weekend insomnia, shift work schedule, jet lag).

Due to the small number of side effects and contraindications, Melaxen can be used at home without the supervision of a specialist.

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