The most useful autumn berries
6810 lingonberry viburnum cranberry lemongrass sea buckthorn rose hips Berries Autumn berries are natural antidepressants. AND
Do alcohol and diet go together?
Effect on humans Alcohol is already absorbed into the oral mucosa. If ingested,
How to use ginger for weight loss?
The healing properties of ginger were discovered in ancient times, when this pungent spice was equated
Is valerian safe during pregnancy?
“Can pregnant women take valerian?” - you will definitely come across such a question on every forum for
How to resist rudeness on the road?
Unfortunately, everyone has at one time or another had to deal with the rudeness and aggression of other people. Have a nice one, of course.
Useful properties and contraindications of mushrooms
Mushrooms belong to the Agaricus family, are not plants, but are used in cooking as
Rejuvenating pumpkin face mask
Pumpkin for the face. Benefit. Pumpkin face mask.
Pumpkin is not only a delicious autumn fruit and a symbol of Halloween, but also an excellent
Something is sticking out of the vagina
Causes Prolapse of the vaginal walls is provoked by stretching of the ligaments that support the internal organs, and subsequent
Burning vein on the leg photo 1
Varicose veins: how to protect yourself?
Why does the vein in my leg burn? It is difficult to answer the question why a vein in the leg burns,
Options for morning exercises (4 videos)
What is facial muscle training? Gymnastics for the face, as a new way of rejuvenation, has recently