Do alcohol and diet go together?

Impact on humans

Alcohol is already absorbed into the mucous membrane of the mouth. When ingested, 20% is absorbed through the gastric mucosa. 70% is not broken down and enters unchanged into the small intestine. It is then distributed through the blood to the internal organs along with oxygen. 5% is destroyed by enzymes in the stomach, and another 5% of alcohol leaves the body along with waste products.

Indeed, excessive consumption of wine will be harmful and cause serious illness. Stimulation of appetite when consumed on an empty stomach, diuretic effect with leaching of water, and with it useful minerals and vitamins, and allergies (contains allergens) - a minimal “bouquet” of excessive libation with an intoxicating drink. With frequent exposure there will be a narcotic effect on a person.

Rapid elimination from the body, improved well-being, compatibility with various dishes and an overall positive effect are guaranteed with moderate consumption. No alcoholic drink can compete with it in terms of the degree of beneficial effect. This applies in particular to dry red wine. It includes the optimal content of nutrients for the human body.

Dry wine may well be the first alcoholic drink that a person tried. It is reliably known that people began to breed and grow vines as soon as they learned to cultivate the land. Since they did not interfere with the fermentation of wines for thousands of years, for quite a long time it was obtained with a low natural sugar content.

Medicinal properties

Contrary to the prevailing opinion, moderation in the use of dry red wine provides more benefits for humans. It contains many substances that provide benefits. They do not survive digestion in the stomach, but are absorbed and enter the brain and liver.

  • the risk of heart disease is reduced;
  • the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus decreases;
  • the level of aging of body cells decreases;
  • there is an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • help blood formation, improve immunity and tone;
  • cancer development slows down;
  • antibacterial and anti-stress effects are maintained;
  • normalizes metabolism, helps lose weight.

Dry wine for weight loss contains vitamins B2, B1, C, P, iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine, manganese. In small doses, the drink promotes and releases endorphins - pleasure hormones. Scientists from Canada have discovered another unusual feature of wine. The polyphenols that are included in the composition have a therapeutic effect on gum disease. Our American brothers have succeeded in another matter - a small amount of red wine reduces the likelihood of kidney stones and helps in the fight against their formation.

Benefits for weight loss

Thanks to the diuretic properties of wine, it is possible to remove excess fluid and salts from the body. To avoid the effect of dehydration, it is recommended to remember to drink enough fluid between doses. The drink also contains choleretic substances. They adjust the amount of insulin, the increased content of which leads to strong appetite, increase the secretions of the endocrine glands and promote the natural content of stomach acidity.

Resveratrol, a naturally occurring substance, is found in red wine. In addition to its beneficial properties, it also helps with weight loss and burns calories. The substance activates the production of adrenaline simultaneously with the function of prolonging cell life. This causes the conversion of white adipose tissue into beneficial brown adipose tissue. Experimenters gave bees a solution of resveratrol, after which their craving for sweets decreased. According to scientists, the same effect of reducing appetite is observed in humans. In an experiment on mice, after consuming resveratrol, the percentage of fat in the latter decreased. Another 40% of adipose tissue was converted into beneficial brown adipose tissue. Resveratrol affects the body only with constant use, since it is found in wine in small doses.

Read also: Does vodka help with sore throat?

Wine for weight loss

Scientists have long proven that red wine is beneficial for weight loss. The French drink this drink in quite large quantities. When eating an “unhealthy” diet with a large amount of fatty food, people get sick less and have a slimmer physique. Drinking a glass of wine during their lunch break while working is absolutely normal for them. Do you know what the main method of combating excess weight is used by ballerinas? They liked the wine diet the most - dry red wine with fruit or a piece of cheese. And judging by their slender forms, they were right.

According to nutritionists, red wine for weight loss brings maximum benefits when it is drunk with meals. The main rule when drinking the drink is moderation. The opinion based on experiments carried out in Denmark enjoys great authority on this matter. According to it, nutritionists recommend that women drink no more than 1 glass per day when eating. It is recommended to do this at dinner, although it is not critical during the day or morning meals. The main condition is systematic use.

Wine express diet

If you decide to use the wine diet, do not forget that it is limited to 3-5 days. During this time you can lose up to 5 kg in weight. Continued use without interruption will most likely cause harm to health, because the body will experience a lack of nutrients. Two months is the minimum break for this short-term mono-diet. It is important, when following the regime, to leave intervals of at least 2 hours between morning meals. During the day and evening they are equal to 3 hours. So you can eat at intervals at a comfortable time. It is also foreseen to avoid carbohydrates and salt; instead of sugar, you can use a substitute; and drink non-mineral and non-carbonated water without restrictions.

Eat in a day:

  • cheese or cottage cheese, the latter is preferable, 200 g;
  • eggs, preferably quail, 1 or 2 in the second case;
  • vegetables and/or fruits, 3 per day will be enough;
  • and of course, a glass of good quality dry red wine.

The list of advantages of the diet is huge, but the main advantage of this diet is the ability to carry it out during the holidays. After all, it is during the holidays that excess weight gain occurs. And if you follow it, you will also lose weight.

Dry red wine is characterized by a positive effect on human nutrition and lifestyle. In this case, drinking more than 300 g of the drink per day immediately leads to the opposite effect. It is worth remembering that drinking wine, even in small quantities, can cause serious harm to people who already have health problems. It must be used wisely and in moderation. Alcohol is also contraindicated for adolescents due to the formation of the brain. Only absolutely genuine, high-quality wine has healing qualities. Counterfeits do not have the properties described above.

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