Wen_on_temple_how_to_get rid

Small subcutaneous lumps can occur at any age, regardless of the person’s gender. Fatty deposits on the face are benign formations that form as a result of excessive growth of adipose tissue. Seals do not pose a threat to human health and life, but are a cosmetic defect that must be removed.

Benign formations that are not harmful to health

Types of wen on the face

According to their variety, fatty deposits on the face are divided into 4 main types. Their differences are in shape, depth of formation, location, and appearance.

  1. Lipoma. A mobile formation that occurs on any part of the face, most often on the temple, on the forehead. The seal is located deep under the skin, hard to the touch, round in shape.
  2. Xanthoma. A flat formation of various shapes, capable of merging with other similar wen, forming large affected areas. The fatty tissue feels soft, and its contents move when palpated. Favorite places of localization are under the eyebrow, on the eyelids, on the eyebrows. Sizes from 5 mm to 1.5 cm.
  3. Milium. White wen have a convex shape. Small lumps are similar to pimples, but you cannot squeeze them out on your own due to the lack of a duct in them. The formations are localized on the nose (on the wings and bridge of the nose), on the forehead, cheekbones and chin. Often small white fatty deposits appear under the eyes.
  4. Xanthelasma. The compaction is yellow in color, soft to the touch, and the consistency moves. The formations themselves are small, but can grow, merging with other xanthelasmas. Localized on the eyelids, sometimes on the cheeks.

What the varieties of wen look like is shown in the photo.

A lump that is hard to the touch and can be located on any part of the face

The most common site of xanthoma is the eyes.

Small lumps that can appear on any part of the face, but most often their localization is the forehead, cheekbones

Yellow seals that can occupy a large area

Causes of formations on the face

Wen is a phenomenon that has not been fully studied by scientists. There are 4 main reasons why growths appear.

  1. Heredity. A genetic predisposition to the appearance of fatty lumps provokes their development in the majority of healthy and athletic patients without skin problems.
  2. Disturbances in metabolic processes. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperhidrosis), hormonal imbalances, problems with the liver and kidneys, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are frequent provocateurs of the formation of wen on the face.
  3. Cosmetical tools. An excess of cosmetics or its incorrect selection and application leads to compaction of subcutaneous fat, blockage of glands, causing the appearance of lipoma.
  4. Poor nutrition. A deficiency of minerals and vitamins provokes disruptions in metabolic processes, and excessive consumption of preservatives and additives, which most foods are rich in, will pollute the body, which negatively affects the condition of the facial skin.

Presumably a hereditary wen, which every third person on the planet has

By eliminating the cause of the appearance of the wen, it is possible to completely get rid of the unpleasant formations.

Methods for getting rid of lipoma

You can get rid of wen on the head using a laser.

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The specialist performs aseptic treatment of the skin, layer by layer the tissue around the affected area is opened. The contents with the capsule are peeled out. At the same time, the doctor cauterizes the vessels to stop bleeding. No hospitalization required.

During liposuction, the substance is pulled out with an electric suction through a puncture, leaving a connective tissue capsule. There is a risk of relapse.

Removal by radio waves - destruction of tissue using a radio knife. The manipulation is painless.

A radical method of elimination is surgery. The lipoma and capsule are excised.

The method is used for large sizes and deep locations.

The intervention is performed under local anesthesia and requires hospitalization.

Operative surgery has introduced a new method of treatment - needle puncture, administration of the drug Diprospan or its analogues. As a result, the fat dissolution process begins, which takes several months.

Contraindications to all types of manipulations on the head:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • changes in hemostasis;
  • diabetes mellitus with decompensation;
  • menstruation;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • heat;
  • oncology;
  • purulent rashes on the skin.

How to get rid of wen on the face?

It is possible to remove wen on the face if you approach the problem comprehensively. Based on the type of compaction, its location and size, removal occurs with the help of medications, cosmetic procedures or traditional methods.

Medical methods

Benign formations on the face are difficult to treat with medication. For small nodules, special injections and ointments are used.

Diprospan injections

Diprospan injections are used to resolve small formations. The medicine is injected into the wen and breaks down the fat cells. To completely eliminate growths, at least 3 procedures are required.

Diprospan injections can be used as treatment


  • poor blood clotting;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • pathological condition of the kidneys;
  • allergy to the drug.

The method is ineffective in the treatment of large seals (more than 3 cm).


In the treatment of lipomas, xanthelasma and milium, Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky are used. The drugs help remove the contents of the wen out, relieve inflammation and stimulate skin regeneration.

How to treat: squeeze 1-2 cm of ointment onto a cotton swab, apply to the wen, secure with a band-aid and leave overnight. The procedures are carried out for 2 days in a row with a similar break. The course of treatment is until the subcutaneous nodules disappear completely.

Removal methods in cosmetology

Cosmetology methods help to remove subcutaneous growths from the face most successfully and quickly.

Chemical facial cleansing

The procedure is based on cleansing the skin with special preparations. The method is effective for small wen, of which there are many on the face.

Chemical cleaning is carried out using specialized products


  • children under 12 years of age;
  • open skin lesions;
  • allergy;
  • inflammation and active growth of wen.

Dry cleaning allows you to free the ducts from excess sebaceous matter and prevent the appearance of lipomas and milia in the future.

Laser removal

The method is effective for wen located on the eyelids and under the eyes. The laser completely excises the fatty tissue, preventing its re-formation.

Thanks to the laser, your fatty tissue is completely excised and does not allow new fatty tissues to appear


  • herpetic on the face;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • weakened immune system;
  • suspicion of cancer.

Laser removal of subcutaneous formations on the face is the most effective method that allows you to permanently get rid of cosmetic defects.


Using a radio wave scalpel, the wen is opened and its contents are removed. The method is most effective for small milia and lipomas.


  • the presence of herpes near the lipoma;
  • suspicion of cancer;
  • blood pathologies.

Electrocoagulation is well tolerated by patients and does not cause complications.

Excision with a scalpel

You can also cut out the wen using traditional surgery. The procedure is effective for large formations. The seal is cut with a scalpel, cleaned, treated with an antiseptic and sutured. Cosmetic stitches are applied, which dissolve over time without leaving scars.

Wen of this size is often removed with a scalpel, a standard surgical procedure.


  • blood clotting disorder;
  • intolerance to anesthesia;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes.

The classical method is more traumatic than using a laser, endoscope or radio wave scalpel, but the cost of the procedure is lower compared to hardware methods.


The procedure for eliminating wen on the face is carried out using special equipment. An endoscope is inserted through a puncture next to the lump, which cuts off the contents of the growth and removes it from under the skin. The method is suitable for both small formations and large lipomas. Large subcutaneous nodes are removed in several stages.

Removing lipomas with an endoscope has virtually no contraindications. Use with caution in elderly patients with diabetes.

Thanks to the mechanical removal of fatty tissue, it is possible to take a tissue sample for histological examination for oncology. This helps to identify the disease in the early stages and take appropriate measures.

How to fight with folk remedies at home?

Single small nodules on the face can be easily treated at home. For this, effective recipes for masks, lotions, compresses, and creams are used.

Honey and onion lotions

Combine 1 tbsp. l. chopped onions, liquid honey and flour. Apply the mixture to the affected areas in a thick layer, secure with a cotton pad and band-aid. Keep the lotion on your face for 1-2 hours every day until the nodules completely disappear.

Blank for lotion

Garlic cream

Using a blender, chop the head of garlic and 100 g of lard, mix the ingredients. Rub homemade cream into the seals 2 times a day. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Rub the cream into the seals several times every day

Spot mask made of watercress

Add 20 ml of watercress juice to 50 g of melted butter and mix thoroughly. Make chiseled masks with the prepared mixture 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Compresses with Kalanchoe

Grind 3 large leaves of Kalanchoe until mushy, place on a cotton pad and attach to the wen. Secure the compress with adhesive tape and leave until the morning. Do the procedures every evening until the seal resolves.

Lotions with aloe juice

Peel a large aloe leaf, grind the pulp in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Moisten pieces of gauze, bandage and apply to the affected areas. Leave the lotions on for 2-3 hours. Steam the skin first.

Sour cream and honey mask

Mix sour cream, salt and honey in equal proportions (1 tbsp each). Apply the mask to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water or chamomile decoction. Carry out therapeutic actions 3-4 times a week.

Apply the mask only to affected areas

Traditional medicine recipes help slow down the growth of small formations or eliminate them completely. Large fatty tissues are practically not amenable to home treatment - it is better to cut them out in specialized institutions.

How not to remove wen at home?

Removing the wen yourself by opening the epidermis means increasing the risk of developing dangerous complications, blood infection and degeneration of the lipoma into a malignant tumor.

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You cannot try to remove a wen at home:

  • Squeezing out;
  • Picking;
  • Fingers or nails;
  • Syringe needles or other sharp instruments;
  • If the diameter of the lipoma exceeds 5 mm.

Some people pierce the epidermis with a needle and pry up the capsule of the wen, thereby trying to pull it out from under the skin. I would like to immediately note that such actions are unsuccessful the first time in most cases.

Therefore, by repeating all the above-described manipulations several times, a person aggravates the situation by expanding the boundaries and depth of the wounds by squeezing out.

This method threatens infection and other serious consequences, and even sepsis, which can be fatal.

If you managed to remove the wen and avoid serious complications, most likely, marks or scars will remain on the skin. This is due to the enlargement of the wound and bleeding from it during the procedure.

Features of the formation of wen on the face in children

Milia are most common in newborns. There are several reasons for this condition:

  • hereditary tendency;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weak immunity.

If subcutaneous nodules do not cause discomfort in the child and do not affect his well-being, there is no reason for treatment. Milia can disappear on their own by 1-2 years of age. Usually, wen in young children is not operated on, but observed until the age of five. If they increase or there is inflammation, the most gentle therapy is selected to eliminate the problem.

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