The use of breast milk in cosmetology - how to use a unique product for facial skin? Methods of using breast milk in folk cosmetology. Video recipe: Homemade milk mask for skin

Naturopath and skin care specialist Nigma Talib, who consults actress Sienna Miller, makeup guru Charlotte Tilbury and other celebrities, says that just by looking at a person you can determine what they eat. “When a patient walks into my office for an appointment, I can already tell what foods they are eating and what they are overindulging in,” she says. “I often find myself “reading” random faces on the street. Sometimes you want to go up to a stranger and advise them to reduce their consumption of dairy products or flour products, since these are the foods that harm them.”

The doctor claims that for some people, it is enough to overeat grains in one day (for example, have cereal and a couple of sandwiches for breakfast, have lasagna for lunch, and eat pasta for dinner) for bloating to begin and severe swelling of the face to appear. Over the past ten years, Nygma has examined thousands of patients and is convinced that what you eat directly affects the health of your intestines, and therefore the condition of your skin.

“Many people don’t even suspect that they have intolerance to certain foods. It also happens that you eat more food than your body can digest. This causes chemical and hormonal changes that are immediately reflected on the face,” she says.

The most vulnerable parts of the face, according to the specialist, are the forehead, chin, cheeks and eyes.

“It is impossible to draw up any general set of rules - people’s reactions to certain food products differ too much. Your best friend can drink a liter of milk without any consequences, and a piece of butter you eat at breakfast can cause irritation on your chin.”

In her book on premature aging, Nigma identifies four groups of products, the consequences of which are reflected primarily on the skin. These include dairy products, foods containing sugar, alcoholic beverages and foods rich in gluten. Each of these types can cause changes in skin tone, irritation, swelling and even the appearance of premature wrinkles.


Typical symptoms: Those who drink alcohol excessively experience characteristic redness on the cheeks, nose and area between the eyebrows. There are a number of other not very pleasant symptoms: drooping eyelids, enlarged pores, dehydrated skin through which capillaries appear on the cheeks, and deepening nasolabial folds.

What is the reason? Alcohol dehydrates the skin, and lack of moisture contributes to the appearance of multiple wrinkles. The nasolabial lines suffer the most - they become deeper and more noticeable.

Don't forget that alcohol contains a lot of sugar, which destroys collagen (it is what is responsible for skin elasticity).

Alcohol is known to inhibit the action of an enzyme that our bodies need to fight inflammation in the skin, and just a couple of glasses of wine can cause your cheeks and nose to turn red. In addition, alcohol-containing drinks (as well as hot drinks and spicy foods) cause a rush of blood to the surface of the skin. If this happens frequently, the capillaries constantly expand and turn the face an unhealthy reddish color.

What to do? The doctor recommends not drinking alcohol for three weeks to allow the intestines to recover, and in the future choosing strong drinks with low sugar content, or better yet, giving them up altogether over time.


Typical symptoms: wrinkles on the forehead, bags under the eyes, acne and inflammation, thinning of the skin, grayish-pale skin tone - signs characteristic of those who cannot live without sweets.

What is the reason? Consuming large amounts of sugar-containing foods causes glycation, a process by which glucose molecules make initially elastic collagen fibers stiff and inflexible. As a result, the skin loses elasticity and sags - especially under the eyes, where it is thinnest.

According to Nygma’s research, our forehead “mirrors” digestive problems. Therefore, those with a “sugar face” are often bothered by rashes and wrinkles in this part of the face.

Even those who do not suffer from acne, but overindulge in sugar, have skin that turns pale and sallow. This is due to an increase in insulin levels, which stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol.

But one of the most curious signs of sugar addiction can be seen in... eyebrows. Insulin surges caused by sugar abuse put excessive stress on the adrenal glands, which, among other tasks, control the growth of eyebrows. Thinning or thin eyebrows may be a sign of adrenal fatigue, where the glands that control stress hormones are overworked.

What to do? Avoid cakes, cookies and concentrated fruit juices.


Typical symptoms: swollen eyelids, bags and dark circles under the eyes, acne on the chin - the person clearly does not know that dairy products are contraindicated for him.

What is the reason? Scientists' studies have proven that over the years a person gradually loses the enzymes that allow them to effectively digest lactose. That is why nutritionists do not advise people over 30 years old to overuse dairy products.

Do you add cream to your coffee or pour milk over your bowl of cereal every morning? Dr. Talib warns that this can cause complexion to deteriorate.

The enzymes in milk disrupt the balance of your hormones, particularly the so-called sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, and through complex cellular processes block your pores, trapping bacteria on your skin.

The chin area is associated with the reproductive organs. That is why, due to an imbalance of sex hormones, acne and redness appear most clearly here.

What to do? Switch to lactose-free milk, or even try to limit your consumption of dairy products for three weeks.

Interesting recipes based on milk

Mask for the face

you will need:

  • 32 ml of sour milk product;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yolk;
  • lemon:
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Dairy products should be thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous mass. To the resulting mixture you need to add 4 drops of lemon juice and 7 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply the cream to the surface of the face and rinse with running water after 30 minutes. This milk mask has an antibacterial effect, tones and gives the skin a healthy glow.

Natural products can not only clear the face of acne, but also rejuvenate the epidermis.

Whey face lotion

You can prepare it yourself at home, and the effect will be visible after just a few days of use. It is recommended to use goat's milk as a base for facial serum. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. serums;
  • 1 tbsp. l. black coffee;
  • 3 tbsp. l. fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey.

All components should be mixed together and allowed to brew for about 15 minutes. On previously cleansed skin, apply a goat milk mask evenly over the entire surface of the face, and after 30 minutes, rinse with running water.

You can wash your face with melt water; it can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared at home. To do this, freeze the ice for a day, then remove it from the refrigerator and clear the liquid of sediment.

Rejuvenating serums and creams made from honey in combination with melt water saturate the epidermis with essential microelements. It should be noted that it is from whey that you can make homemade cottage cheese or sour cream.


Typical symptoms: red spots on the forehead, swollen cheeks and age spots around the chin - it's time to say “stop” to foods containing gluten.

What is the reason? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Although quite a few people actually have celiac disease (or gluten intolerance), for many, gluten can cause minor inflammatory reactions in the body, most often manifested in the face - it becomes puffy or puffy.

Gluten also affects the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, leading to brownish spots on the chin.

What to do? Nigma warns that no amount of cosmetic methods or peelings can get rid of the symptoms of “gluten face.” There is only one way out - eliminate gluten from your diet. Drink more water, eat foods rich in fiber, and puffiness will subside and your skin tone will even out.

Nutritionist, expert of the Nutrilite brand Yulia Bastrigina believes that fear of gluten or refusal of dairy products is nothing more than a fashion trend that most blindly follow, without the slightest indication for it. Yulia cites research data according to which the appearance of dark circles under the eyes can be caused by a huge number of reasons, among which drinking milk will not be the most critical, and generally significant. Regarding gluten intolerance, if from early childhood you were not treated in hospitals for malnutrition due to celiac enteropathy, remember - you are gluten intolerant. You cannot have any “gluten face”.

How to use milk for dark circles under eyes

Use of cold milk

Take some cold milk and soak two cotton pads in it. Gently squeeze out the excess milk and place the cotton pads on your eyes so that they cover the dark circles. Leave them on for 20 minutes and then remove the cotton balls. Rinse with water and repeat thrice every day. This is the easiest way to use milk to remove dark circles.

Rose water and milk to remove dark circles

How to use?

Mix cold milk and rose water in a 1:1 ratio. Soak two cotton pads in the mixture and remove the excess. Place them over your eyes, covering any dark circles, and rest for 20 minutes. Remove the cotton pads and rinse with clean water. Repeat this process 3 times a week.

Why does this work?

The anti-inflammatory properties of rose water make it one of the best natural remedies for reducing dark circles. It gives an extremely soothing and cooling sensation to the skin under the eyes and helps in treating dark circles. Rose water has various vitamins such as vitamin A, B3, C, E as well as antioxidants that play an active role in lightening dark circles.

Aging is one of the main causes of dark circles. The nutrients present in rose water help treat aging skin and effectively prevent the appearance of dark circles. Vitamin A is known for its anti-aging properties. It increases sebum secretion and prevents dry skin under the eyes, making our skin less vulnerable to signs of aging such as wrinkles and dark circles.

Also helps stimulate new cell growth and reduce the appearance of dark circles. Vitamin B3 in rose water moisturizes the skin, making it soft and elastic. Free radical damage can cause severe dark circles. Vitamin C present in rose water is an excellent antioxidant that protects against free radicals.

Vitamin C also boosts collagen production and maintains the natural elasticity of the skin under the eyes, preventing the formation of dark circles due to loss of skin elasticity. Moreover, the vitamin E in rose water also has antioxidant properties and helps keep the skin hydrated.

Vitamin E helps prevent premature skin aging by avoiding dark circles due to aging. Hyperpigmentation can cause darkness under the eyes. Vitamin E with its anti-pigmentation properties helps lighten the darkness under the eyes.

Almond butter and milk for dark circles

Add a little almond butter to an equal amount of cold milk and mix. Dip two cotton pads into the mixture and then squeeze out the excess. Place cotton balls on your eyes so that they cover the dark circles. Relax for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Repeat this remedy every other day.

Why does this work?

Almond oil has wonderful properties when it comes to lightening dark circles under the eyes. When used in combination with milk, the results are even better. Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, which is the main reason why it works so effectively to treat dark circles under the eyes.

Vitamin E is very beneficial for our skin. It has nourishing, moisturizing and anti-pigment properties. Vitamin E moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin under the eyes and heals damage. Its antioxidant properties fight free radicals that can otherwise lead to the formation of dark circles.

Along with vitamin E, almond oil is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which are extremely beneficial for treating dark circles. Almond oil also contains vitamin K. Vitamin K is known for its ability to improve blood clotting and thereby reduce the darkness under the eyes.

The potassium present in almond oil also helps in lightening dark circles significantly. It improves the blood flow in our body and thus helps reduce the darkness under the eyes.

Prolonged, unprotected sun exposure can cause blood vessels to swell, creating the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Regular massage with almond oil helps to contract blood vessels and restore normal blood flow, thereby gradually lightening dark circles.

Additionally, almond oil contains palmitic acid and retinol, both of which help hydrate the delicate skin under the eyes and prevent dryness. Dryness can cause wrinkles and darkness under the eyes. As an emollient, almond oil can prevent moisture loss from the delicate skin under the eyes. This helps keep the skin soft, supple, hydrated and prevents dryness.

Honey, lemon and raw milk for dark circles

Take one tablespoon of raw milk and mix it with 1/4 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Once the milk has thickened, add one teaspoon of raw honey. Massage the mixture around your eyes for 3-4 minutes. Wait 10 minutes and then rinse with clean water. Repeat this process every day.

Why does this work?


Honey works great to reduce dark circles. This is one of the safest natural ingredients for the delicate skin around the eyes. The anti-inflammatory properties of honey soothe the skin under the eyes and help reduce dark circles with regular use.

The remarkable moisturizing properties of honey is another reason why it is considered an effective remedy for lightening dark circles. It provides hydration to the under-eye area and keeps the skin soft and supple. We already know that dry skin around the eyes can cause wrinkles as well as dark circles. Honey also prevents moisture loss from the delicate skin around the eyes. Thus, it rejuvenates the under-eye area and helps reduce dark circles.

Moreover, the natural whitening properties of honey also help in treating dark circles. It helps lighten the pigmentation of the skin under the eyes and reduce the appearance of dark circles. Honey is enriched with several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help regulate blood circulation and alleviate the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

The antioxidants in honey boost collagen production and maintain the natural elasticity of the skin under the eyes. We've already discussed that loss of elasticity in the skin under your eyes can cause dark circles and wrinkles. By preventing sagging skin, honey helps treat dark circles under the eyes.

The nutrients contained in honey provide nourishment to the damaged skin under the eyes and help heal it quickly, eliminating dark circles.

Lemon juice

Just like honey, lemon juice is also great for treating dark circles. It is known for its excellent whitening properties that help reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, and both of them work together to effectively eliminate dark circles.

Citric acid has a brightening effect on the skin. Helps brighten the skin around the eyes and eliminate darkness. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that fight free radicals. These free radicals are responsible for several skin damages, including dark circles. Vitamin C also helps increase collagen production and prevent sagging skin under the eyes, thereby preventing wrinkles and dark circles.

Additionally, the natural astringent properties of lemon juice help prevent dark circles under the eyes. It not only keeps the skin smooth and wrinkle-free, but also tightens blood vessels and reduces puffiness, which is one of the main causes of dark circles. Topical application of lemon juice also helps minimize puffiness under the eyes.

Lemon juice is rich in various nutrients such as calcium, proteins, phosphorus, carbohydrates, vitamin B, magnesium, etc. These nutrients help nourish the skin cells around the eyes and repair damage, thereby reducing dark circles. Along with this, the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of lemon juice ward off germs that cause illness or allergies and cause dark circles.

Potato juice and milk for dark circles

Take one medium sized raw potato, grate it and extract the juice from the grated potato. Take a teaspoon of potato juice and mix it with an equal amount of cold milk. Apply the mixture under your eyes using a cotton pad. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Repeat this remedy every day.

Why does this work?

Potato juice is an excellent natural remedy for dark circles. When used with milk to remove dark circles, the results are even better. Moisturizes skin and helps rejuvenate the under-eye area by reducing dark circles.

Potatoes have natural whitening properties for our skin. When we hold a fresh potato slice open to air, the catecholase enzyme is oxidized and then converted into benzoquinone. This benzoquinone is further converted into a chemical compound called hydroquinone. Hydroquinone has skin whitening properties. In short, this is how potatoes help lighten your skin tone and gradually reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Additionally, potatoes are a source of various vitamins and minerals that rejuvenate the skin tissue and help in treating dark circles. It contains potassium, which improves blood circulation and helps lighten dark circles.

Potatoes contain vitamin A, which has the ability to keep the skin hydrated and elastic. Thus, it prevents sagging of the skin under the eyes and also helps in avoiding dark circles. Vitamin C present in potatoes, along with starch and natural enzymes, nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes and prevents the formation of dark circles.

Prolonged and unprotected sun exposure causes blood vessels to swell and creates dark circles under the eyes. The anti-inflammatory properties of potatoes can reduce swelling of the blood vessels under the eyes and lighten dark circles. The catecholase enzyme present in potatoes is very effective in reducing dark circles under the eyes as well as puffiness.

Turmeric, tomatoes and milk to remove dark circles

Dice small tomatoes and blend them to make tomato puree. Take a teaspoon of tomato puree and add a pinch of turmeric powder to it. Add some cold milk to it and finally mix everything together. Apply the paste around the eyes thoroughly. Wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Repeat this method every other day.

Why does this work?


Turmeric is a well-known natural ingredient for removing dark circles. This actually represents a powerful skin lightening effect. The presence of curcumin must be counted for this. Curcumin is a very powerful antioxidant that helps treat various skin problems including dark circles. The antioxidant properties of turmeric help neutralize free radicals and prevent the appearance of stubborn dark circles.

Excessive amount of melanin is the main factor that can cause dark circles under the eyes. Turmeric can reduce melanin production in the skin and lightens pigmentation under the eyes, thereby reducing dark circles with regular use.

Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric also help in removing dark circles. Topical application of turmeric soothes the under-eye area and gradually reduces dark circles under the eyes.

Sun damage is another factor that can cause dark circles under the eyes. Turmeric helps fight sun damage. Excessive amounts of UV radiation can reduce the collagen content between the layers of skin and damage our skin.

Decreased collagen can cause sagging skin, and sagging skin under the eyes can lead to dark circles. Turmeric helps inhibit the production of the MMP-2 enzyme, preventing dark circles from sun exposure.

Aging is another important factor that can cause dark circles. Turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They can fight premature skin aging. Studies have shown that skin care products containing turmeric help reduce the appearance of dark circles.


Tomato juice has amazing skin lightening properties. This is primarily the reason why tomato juice is used to treat dark circles. Tomatoes contain an antioxidant compound known as lycopene . Lycopene helps reduce dark circles under the eyes by promoting new and healthy skin cells.

Moreover, tomato is enriched with vitamins like vitamins A, B, C, etc. It also contains minerals like, sulfur, potassium, calcium, iron, etc. These nutrients provide nutrition to the under-eye area and rejuvenates the skin to lighten dark circles. Tomato juice is astringent in nature, which makes the under-eye area soft, supple and prevents the appearance of dark circles caused by dryness.

Vitamin A present in tomato also helps treat dark circles due to its ability to reduce skin pigmentation. And vitamin B accelerates cell regeneration, repairing damage and restoring healthy skin.

Tomato is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps increase collagen production to keep the under-eye area firm and thus prevent the formation of dark circles caused by sagging skin.

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