Life without intimacy. Why sexual abstinence is harmful and beneficial for women

Abstinence from sex

Although most doctors report that abstinence from sex is harmful for both men and women, there are at least six reasons that indicate its benefits. This is how people who practice complete renunciation of sex (celibacy) cope with their desire and, one might even say, lust, which, in their opinion, physically weakens the body.

This is exactly the point of view of a centenarian living in Hong Kong. Celebrating his 107th birthday, he quite sincerely stated that he would not have lived so many years if he had not abstained from sex. Once a person wins this struggle, he becomes much stronger.

The benefits of abstaining from intimate relationships are known to all professional athletes. Quite often they are forced to completely exclude sexual contacts before competitions that are important for their career. This greatly increases their chances of winning.

German skier Ronnie Ackermann, silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, also thinks so. By the way, there is one significant trend in sports that distinguishes men and women. If in the first case abstinence is beneficial, then for women, a vibrant sex life on the eve of the competition, on the contrary, helps them win.

Self-control 2

Here it all starts with teaching yourself your loved one (beloved) to restrain sexual impulses. And only then, having learned to control one of the most ancient instincts - the instinct of procreation, does a person gain complete control over all his actions and deeds.

The emergence of such strong control is quite naturally followed by an increased sense of responsibility, endurance and consciousness. All these qualities can directly contribute to both career growth and the growth of one’s own personality.

what is abstinence from sex

How to deal with back pain

Some men, at the first appearance of pain in the back or spine, begin to mindlessly absorb painkillers. This is absolutely impossible to do, because these medications only relieve pain and do not treat its original source. With constant pain relief with such tablets, the patient may provoke chronicity of the inflammatory process or the development of complications in the form of concomitant pathologies.

Treatment of prostatic pain is aimed primarily at eliminating pathogens and increasing immune status, eliminating pelvic and prostatic congestion, improving blood supply and normalizing urinary processes. Therapy is necessarily comprehensive, including several treatment methods, which are prescribed only by a doctor and taking into account contraindications.


If the pathology is of bacterial origin, patients are prescribed antibiotics, if it is fungal, antifungal medications are prescribed, and if it is viral, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators are indicated. To improve immune status, taking vitamin complexes is indicated. To facilitate urination, you need to take α-blockers.

For severe lumbar and perineal pain, painkillers will help. They reduce or stop pain in the area of ​​inflammation and adjacent areas, including in the lower back. After taking the drugs, patients feel noticeable relief. Additionally, you can use pain-relieving rectal suppositories.

Drugs like Analgin cope well with painful attacks - it stops inflammation and relieves pain. Also, Novocain and Diphenhydramine, Nimesil are used to quickly eliminate pain symptoms. The latter has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and additionally relieves pain. The specific choice of drug is made by the doctor after an appropriate examination.


Physiotherapeutic procedures, which are combined with drug therapy, also help to cope with pain symptoms. This combination allows you to enhance the effect of the therapy, which ensures rapid elimination of pathological symptoms, elimination of pain and prevention of prostatic complications. Especially for prostatic inflammation, procedures like:

  1. Massage sessions that significantly improve blood supply to the prostate and pelvic structures in general, and also enhance the removal of stagnant prostatic juice.
  2. Hirudotherapy, which involves treating prostatic inflammation with leeches. Such treatment also helps restore pelvic circulation, enhance lymphatic drainage and increase immune defense.
  3. Laser therapy, which helps strengthen the body's protective factors and accelerate the regeneration of affected prostatic tissues.
  4. Magnetic therapy, which helps increase blood circulation and also relieve inflammation.

If physical therapy is carried out regularly, recovery occurs much faster, and painful attacks stop after the first or second procedure.


There are many traditional medicine recipes that also help patients quickly cope with painful lumbar sensations. Experts recommend taking a decoction of asparagus, which itself is considered a natural analgesic. To prepare, take 2 large spoons of chopped asparagus and add 2 liters of water, bring the mixture to a boil and leave covered for half an hour. You should take half a glass of the decoction three times a day.

Valerian tincture also helps to cope with lumbar attacks of prostatic pain. Take the product up to 4 times a day with a dessert spoon. This tincture helps to quickly cope with pain and swelling of the gland. Arnica, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, is also useful for prostatitis. Two large spoons of arnica are poured into a liter of boiling water and drunk as regular tea throughout the day. There are quite a few folk remedies for relieving prostatitis, but before using them you should definitely consult a doctor.

No risk3

Sex addiction in some cases can be simply invincible. This is what can sometimes cause a person to harm his own health. How? Yes, it’s very simple, if there is no permanent partner, and the body is simply bursting with lust, the person begins an urgent search for a “partner” (tsy) for a sexual marathon.

The consequence is a casual partner and a high risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease. Moreover, this applies equally to overly sexually active men and women. The difference is that women have an additional risk factor – unwanted pregnancy. After all, a pack of condoms that is so necessary at this very moment will not always be at hand.


In some cases, sexual abstinence may become necessary, for example, in the absence of a permanent partner, or when preparing for serious projects or competitions, or if you want to remain faithful to your other half from whom you are separated.

Here are some simple tips to help you get through this difficult initial period:

  • Include active sports in your daily routine, so you can lose excess energy,
  • Practice meditation or breathing exercises, this helps to relax both the body and the brain,
  • Find something to do that excites you, whether it's a hobby, a work project, or a new sport, so you can forget about your sexual appetite.

In general, I think that the conclusions are obvious - you shouldn’t turn your life into a race for sexual satisfaction, and temporary abstinence from sex will only benefit your body, your health, your business or work, and even your relationships.

Strengthening immunity 4

Contrary to the opinion of the majority, there is a directly opposite theory that sex does not strengthen, but, on the contrary, reduces immunity. Accordingly, abstaining from sex helps to increase the body's protective functions.

Abstinence from sex

According to this judgment, a person who refuses intimate pleasures will even get sick with the flu less often. Other studies suggest that when people give up sex, they get better memory in return.

Sexual abstinence is very common in family life; for example, a banal quarrel can lead to a protracted sexual war until one of the opponents gives up and makes concessions to his other half. Or your partner has a lot of work, he is very tired and does not want intimacy. Is abstinence dangerous for a married couple? Doesn't it have negative consequences?

Men suffer physically when abstaining. Women - psychological.

With a long break from sex, a man has problems with erection and ejaculation. At different ages, men experience the consequences of abstinence differently. At the age of 25, long-term abstinence has almost no effect on a guy’s health; at 30-35, a break can lead to deterioration of erection and rapid ejaculation; at 40, serious problems begin to arise that require treatment from a sex therapist; at the age of 50 , abstinence for a couple of months or more can cause the cessation of intimate life forever.

How long can a woman abstain from sex without health consequences? For girls, the consequences of abstinence are very different; at first it leads to more passionate desire, but after a couple of months, the desire disappears completely. When intimate life resumes, sex can cause the girl pain and discomfort; this happens because the body has stopped producing the required amount of lubricant. A woman will be aroused for a long time, but orgasm after a long break may be absent for several months. Therefore, it is better not to allow abstinence for more than two months.

When resuming intimate life, it is necessary to devote more time to caresses and pleasant words. A woman needs about 15 minutes to awaken erogenous and sensitive zones, with long-term abstinence of 30 minutes or more. A man may also have some problems with continence, so you shouldn’t dwell on them, but rather spend more time on affection or diversify your sex life with something new.

Ideally, you should only have sex when you really want to. Regular sex is a good prevention for prostatitis for men, and for women it is a good prevention of various gynecological diseases. If intimate life occurs rarely, this can lead to hormonal imbalance in both partners and then constant quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided. Articles by Yaroslav Samoylov, available at the link, will help you solve problems in your intimate life. Here you can read about how you can solve even the most difficult issues together with your partner.

Effect of age11

In addition, the age of a man deprived of intimate pleasure also influences the harm of sexual abstinence. If this happens in youth, they, even experiencing temporary discomfort, can subsequently return to Big Sex without any problems. But if you have to abstain already in adulthood, the consequences can be disastrous.

cons of abstinence

Moreover, the older a man is, the worse the consequences await him. If at the age of forty everything can end with premature ejaculation, then at the age of 50 the experimenter can expect complete impotence.

As for the weaker sex, for women, abstinence often leads to neuroses associated with a subconscious feeling of one’s own uselessness. Often it was abstinence that caused loneliness and, as a consequence, the grumpiness and grumpiness of old maids, about which jokes are usually made.

So, you shouldn’t deliberately refuse sexual relations. The harmony of intimate relationships has been and remains an integral part of the personal life of every person.

Are there any benefits to sexual abstinence?

The benefits of sexual abstinence are demonstrated by obvious facts and examples from the lives of remarkable people:

  • Dante wrote the Divine Comedy while in exile
  • Don Quixote was written by Cervantes while serving a prison sentence.
  • Milton wrote Paradise Lost to a blind man who had long ago given up the pleasures of sex,
  • Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton remained mentally active until the age of 80 thanks to sexual abstinence for many years.

It’s probably worth mentioning separately the negative consequences of not only sexual intercourse, but also masturbation:

  • Problems with concentration and memory,
  • Decreased overall energy level (difficulty getting up in the morning, needing more rest),
  • Decrease in testosterone levels,

  • Lack of desire for changes in life,
  • Aggression in communication with loved ones,
  • Risks of impotence, since unsatisfied arousal can lead to blood stagnation,
  • The aging process in the body accelerates, while behavior is characterized by infantility,
  • Unpleasant odor from sweating
  • The quality of sperm decreases, which can lead to developmental abnormalities in future children,
  • Risks of serious perversions (including necrophilia or pedophilia).

Benefits of abstinence:

  • Unlocking abilities for creativity, creativity, entrepreneurship, unspent sexual energy results in increased performance and a surge of inspiration,
  • The emergence of a new vision of the world, faith in the future,
  • Development of physical abilities,
  • Rejuvenation of the body (smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion, sparkling eyes),
  • Life expectancy increases (monks, as a rule, live 10-15 years longer than ordinary people),
  • The emotional state stabilizes, calmness and balance appear, relationships with others improve,
  • Increasing testosterone levels.

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