Is crying beneficial or harmful for men and women?

Is it good to cry?

Coming into this world, we first learn to cry, and only then laugh. Our first tears become a mechanism of influence on the adults around us. It is with the help of tears that we notify them that we are hungry, tired or want to sleep. And, sometimes, we manipulate with tears and achieve that we, small children, are picked up. We get older, mature, and we already have other ways of expressing feelings and desires. Oh, tears? We begin to be ashamed of them and cry less and less. In the adult world, such a manifestation of feelings is called weakness. Therefore, by pushing emotions inside, we learn to control ourselves. But there are also tears of joy, in special and touching moments of life...

Today we will talk about tears, what tears are, what they are like, and we will try to answer the most important question - is it useful or harmful to express your feelings in such a “tearful” way...

What types of tears are there?

Do you know that you can also cry in different ways? Scientists divide tears into two types: reflexive (mechanical) and emotional. Now we will look at each of these types in more detail.

Reflex tears - this type of tears is quite functional, as it moisturizes the mucous surface of the eye, cleanses it, protects it from friction and irritation, and from environmental influences - dust, litter, wind. Remember, a cold autumn day, the wind blowing on your face - tears come to your eyes, but not at all because you are so imbued with the autumn landscape. It is noteworthy that this type of tears is also found in animals. One of the main biological features of the lacrimal glands and ducts is their ability, when a pain signal enters the human brain, to release active substances along with tears, which accelerate the healing processes of bruises and wounds. So, if you hurt yourself, don’t be ashamed of your tears, but start recovery programs in your body. In addition, scientists have already officially proven that people who give vent to tears are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases . But the trouble is, the older we get, the less often our eyes are moistened with such reflexive tears. With age, this ability to secrete mechanical tears gradually disappears, which is why the eyes of old people look dull and seem to have lost their color pigment.

Emotional tears are already the result of our experiences. It is interesting that such a reaction to positive or negative incidents is characteristic only of humans. In psychology there is even a special term - “adaptation”. So, emotional tears help a person adapt to the situation, accept what happened, and cope with stress more easily. Such tears help to cope not only with mental but also physical pain; they have a special bactericidal property and can stimulate the production of breast milk in a nursing mother. These tears contain a lot of protein. According to psychologists, and who, if not them, knows everything about the nature of this phenomenon - most often people cry out of grief, less often out of happiness . But other emotions do not cause such manifestations of feelings in people.

What is included in the composition of our tears?

Ninety-nine percent of tears consist of water, and one percent consists of inorganic substances such as sodium chloride and carbonate, magnesium, calcium phosphate and sulfate and protein.

Scientists have already proven the fact that during crying, along with tears, harmful chemicals and so-called stress stimulants - catecholamines - are removed from our body in such an original way. Catecholamines pose a particular danger to young and growing organisms. This is why both children and teenagers cry so often - they not only give vent to their emotions, but also trigger natural defense mechanisms that help protect both physical and psychological health. The human body produces a whole glass of tears every day!

Now we have come to the moment when we can already answer our main question - is crying harmful or beneficial for health? It turns out that it all depends on what you're crying about! Let's start with reflex tears - this physiological feature has a beneficial effect on our eyes and protects the delicate surface of the mucous membrane of the eye from damage. In addition, another feature of our body is that after tears, we breathe deeper and more evenly, and our body is in a relaxed state. What about emotional tears? Most psychologists are inclined to think that crying is possible and necessary . Such tears help to cope with a stressful situation and literally quench the pain. As a rule, after such tears comes emotional relief. In addition, while crying you get rid of harmful chemicals and your blood pressure normalizes. So, holding back your tears is not a rewarding task. People who do this are prone to mental and nervous disorders.

Another explanation why women live longer than men is their emotionality and ability to cry. Men push their emotions deeper, because someone said that men don’t cry, such constant tension undermines their health and leads to early death. And, here, women who cry five times more often, giving vent to feelings, emotions and tears, live an average of six to eight years longer than restrained men. But, don’t rush to cry for no reason. In addition to the fact that those around you may simply misunderstand you, you can subject your nervous system to severe stress and it can all end in a real nervous breakdown. Well, even crying won’t help you there.

In addition, scientists claim that such a concept as the benefits and harms of tears is purely individual for each person - tears help some people, and they really feel better, while others, on the contrary, feel emotional devastation after tears. But for those who are categorically contraindicated, emotional tears are people with an unbalanced psyche and those suffering from anxiety syndrome.

Another feature of tears is that if we are sympathized with while crying, we shed tears longer, but we usually feel better after such tear therapy...

Yes, indeed, you can forget the one with whom you laughed, but never forget the one with whom you cried... Let there be tears in your life only for happy reasons and for joy, and after such tears your soul becomes light and light.

Shevtsova Olga.>

Tears to cleanse the body

Scientists have proven that at the moment of crying, the human body is freed from harmful chemicals.

, which stimulate stress - catecholamines.

These substances pose the greatest danger to a growing body, so it is not surprising that children and adolescents cry much more often than adults.

In fact, it is not in vain that, especially in childhood, nature gave people this unusual cleansing mechanism - crying, and also wisely endowed them with an appropriate character.

Physiology of crying

At the moment when a person experiences stress, a focus of irritation appears in the cerebral cortex, which activates various functions of the body: breathing, movements, the activity of the endocrine and exocrine glands change, the smooth muscles of the urethra and rectum receive relaxation.

That is why, often in moments of severe fear, a person experiences involuntary urination or irritable bowel syndrome.

If a person is overcome by strong emotions that carry emotional pain, then he begins to cry, sob, and break into a scream, thereby reducing the excitation of the cerebral cortex and protecting him.

The function of the physiology of crying is protective: it protects the eyes from external contaminants and foreign objects. The upper eyelids blink constantly, distributing tears across the surface of the eye, from the upper to the lower eyelid.

Tear fluid moistens the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva, removing excess from them. The tear flows to the recess located in the inner corner of the eye along the upper and lower lacrimal canals, ending up in the so-called lacrimal sac.

In addition to protecting the eye, tear fluid nourishes the cornea, which lacks blood vessels. Due to the fact that tears fill small defects located on the surface of the cornea, vision is significantly improved.

Why do people cry when stressed?

People cry for two reasons: experiencing either physiological pain or emotional distress. Scientists have proven that crying plays a very important role in maintaining human health, both physical and psychological.

Anyone knows: tears relax you emotionally and help you cope with stress more easily.
However, not everyone knows that tear fluid is an excellent means of removing waste and toxins from the body
, which are usually excreted in urine and sweat.

When we are under stress, the body produces very harmful substances, leucine-enkephalin and prolactin, which only tears can remove


Stress involves tension throughout the nervous system. Thus, by giving free rein to tears, a person significantly reduces nervous tension. Therefore, most psychologists are unanimous that tears are a powerful anti-stress agent.

Crying heals

But you need to cry easily, without hysterics and strain, feeling the relief and benefits of therapeutic crying, and without bringing the nervous system to exhaustion. There is an opinion among psychologists that people who can easily burst into tears when reading a sad book or when watching a movie with a heartbreaking scene, in real life, endure critical situations more courageously than those who are usually stingy with tears.

Any psychologist will confirm that crying heals psychologically and promotes liberation from anger, resentment, helplessness, at a time when a person is no longer able to control himself.

If there are no tears at all, then you should be examined by a doctor, as this is an indicator of mental illness. Naturally, this does not apply to those who force themselves to hold back tears.

But such self-control will not bring anything good, because the person himself suppresses his strong emotions. Unshed tears will subsequently make the body of its owner cry, which will manifest itself in the form of allergies, runny nose and other diseases.

By the way, from a psychological point of view, crying is very useful, because such an insidious disease as cancer arises due to the suppression of one’s emotions, that is, tears


Is crying harmful????


At first glance, tears are an ordinary transparent liquid with a salty taste. In fact, it is a whole chemical plant. Inside tears are water, proteins and carbohydrates. And a thick, greasy film covers it... if tears are dripping from the eyes, this is clearly no coincidence. They moisturize the surface of the eyes, serve as a response to irritation and are necessary for normal vision. Psychologists unanimously say that crying is healthy. Tears normalize blood pressure and have an anti-stress effect. But doctors consider people who are not prone to sentimental tears to be unhappy. So watching melodramas can be considered a prevention against all misfortunes. Crying is useful - tears cleanse the eyes, they become clean and trusting. Scientists from Moscow State University once proved that tears help relieve injuries. In experimental rats that were artificially forced to cry by irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes, the wounds healed twice as fast.

Valentina Vdovina

A little useful - a reset of the emotional state, a kind of discharge, and therefore, greater self-confidence! But crying a lot is contraindicated for women - the condition of the skin around the eyes worsens, wrinkles and dark circles appear... And they are of no use!!!

Crying as a psychophysiological phenomenon

Crying is a psychophysiological reaction of the body in which the secretion of the lacrimal glands is released from the eyes. When a person cries, his breathing slows down and his blood pressure rises. The facial muscles around the eyes and eyebrows involuntarily contract, and the neck muscles tense.

Crying is caused by strong emotional experiences or prolonged mental stress. Small children often cry when they are in pain. This is a reflex reaction of the body that goes away as we grow older.

Crying does not always occur after experiencing negative emotions. There are times when a person cries with joy. This reaction to positive events is typical of emotional people.

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Is it true that crying is good for you?


Why do tears sometimes well up for no reason, even if everything is fine? How does a blind rain of tears turn into a downpour? This happens because the body senses the need for a little stress; crying, we pat our nervous system on the cheeks, numb in inaction. The lacrimal mechanism was formed in humans during the process of natural selection. Those who cried survived. From the first days of life, a person uses crying as an opportunity to tell others that he feels bad, that he is missing something. The ability to cry does not appear in a person immediately, but at 5...12 weeks after birth. That is, much earlier than laughter, which occurs at about five months. Studies have shown that children with conditions that make it difficult for them to produce tears when crying are often unable to cope with emotional stress. By crying, the child trains the lungs, strengthens the protective properties of the membranes (tear glands secrete the enzyme lysozyme and moisten them) and also puts the nervous system in order. Scientists have long been studying the “tear” phenomenon. They found that up to the age of 12, all children cry, and after that, mainly girls. And it’s not just that women often use tears as a weapon, a means of diplomacy and a final argument in trying to achieve what they want. The main culprits are hormones. In men, the level of hormones is little subject to fluctuations, but in women it changes all the time, which is reflected in the physical and mental state. So what are tears? Tears are not an ordinary clear liquid with a salty taste, but one of the very important functional elements of our body. Our body produces about half a liter of tears per year. Tears can be physiological - reflex tears necessary to moisturize and cleanse the eyes, and emotional - tears that arise as a reaction to emotional shock. Tears contain not only water, but also proteins and carbohydrates, and in order not to linger on the surface of the skin, they are covered with a thick, oily film. Reflex tears moisturize the surface of the eyes, serve as a reaction to irritation and are necessary for normal vision. A person secretes one milliliter of beneficial tear fluid per day. Moreover, the secretion of the eye gland contains psychotropic drugs that reduce feelings of tension and anxiety. It is for this reason that when we feel overworked, angry or afraid, we sometimes prefer to feel sorry for ourselves and cry a little. As a result, we feel much better. But you should not abuse this means of relaxation - regular sobs will make your loved ones feel uncomfortable, moreover, such promiscuity can lead to complex nervous diseases. Statistics show that women live longer than men - they are less vain, more emotional, and their bodies tolerate stress better. Strength of character is instilled in men from childhood; they are taught that crying is a shame. As a result, restraining themselves and accumulating negative emotions, men suffer from gastrointestinal ulcers, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases ten times more than women. So, a woman cries 5 milliliters of tears at a time, and a man only three. In addition, the accumulation of negative emotions leads to severe disorders of the nervous system and depressive states, the solution to which some seek in suicide. As a result, statistics note that in all age categories there are much more suicides among men. Objectively, tears have many more advantages than disadvantages. In response to stress, the body produces very harmful substances - leucine enkephalin and prolactin. They have a destructive effect on the body, and can only leave it with tears. With tears, waste is removed from the body. Tears normalize blood pressure, have anti-stress and antibacterial effects, and promote the healing of injuries. Thanks to tears, the skin under the eyes remains young longer.

Is crying harmful (adults)


Benefits of Emotional Tears Emotional tears are triggered by a variety of strong emotions. Most psychologists believe that crying is good for health.

This means only real emotional tears, and not artificially caused ones. It has been proven that tears are a pain reliever to some extent. When a person experiences severe shocks, many “stress hormones” are produced in his body. In a difficult situation, a person usually only has enough strength to cry. But this is precisely what brings him psychological relief.

In addition, by crying, the human body gets rid of harmful substances that could cause harm to it.

Tears can also normalize blood pressure and have an anti-stress effect. Scientists have discovered that tears even help heal small wounds on the skin. This property helps the skin under the eyes not to age for a long time. Tears prolong life Tears contribute to prolong life to some extent. The opportunity to cry properly gives the body a strong psychological release. We can say that, in this way, crying helps us effectively deal with stress.

As you know, women live longer than men. This is due to several factors at once. One of them is the emotional restraint of men. Men do not cry, thereby preventing their emotions from breaking out. Negative emotions accumulate inside, gradually undermining your health. Women, on the contrary, tend to give vent to their emotions and tears. Crying is also beneficial from a physiological point of view. It leads to relaxation and slowing of breathing, and has a calming effect.

The harm of tears However, tears can sometimes be harmful. For example, scientists from Holland do not recommend crying too intensely. This can overwhelm some people's nervous systems. You need to learn to cry in a way that brings relief, and not the other way around. One could even say that the benefits of crying depend mainly on the circumstances and individual characteristics of each individual person.

Scientific research has been conducted on this matter. Thus, American volunteers were offered special tests by psychologists. They had to describe how they felt after crying. For this purpose, more than 3 thousand people were examined and interviewed.

Most of the test takers felt a sense of relief. However, about a third of those surveyed said that they experienced absolutely no relief. And 10% of participants generally said that after crying they only felt worse.

As a result, scientists have concluded that there is a certain category of people for whom crying is contraindicated. These people have various emotional disorders and suffer from increased anxiety. After crying, they only feel aggravated internal state. Experts also noticed that it becomes easier after crying, especially for those who managed to evoke the sympathy of others.

But it should also be noted that in laboratory conditions it is quite difficult to study the emotional nature of tears. After all, the volunteers being studied feel additional stress from the knowledge that they are being watched. Benefits of Emotional Tears Emotional tears are triggered by a variety of strong emotions. Most psychologists believe that crying is good for health.

This means only real emotional tears, and not artificially caused ones. It has been proven that tears are a pain reliever to some extent. When a person experiences severe shocks, many “stress hormones” are produced in his body. In a difficult situation, a person usually only has enough strength to cry. But this is precisely what brings him psychological relief.

In addition, by crying, the human body gets rid of harmful substances that could cause harm to it.

Tears can also normalize blood pressure and have an anti-stress effect. Scientists have discovered that tears even help heal the palate

Is it bad for your psyche to cry a lot?

Yulia Lukashenko

Holding back (tears, anger, rage, any emotions) is more harmful. But in the eyes of others you will be a “strong person”, and the fact that you suffer from a stroke at the age of 40 does not concern them, these others.

Nadezhda Matveeva

Psychologists believe that it is harmful. Usually a person cries a lot from grief, resentment, sadness, sadness... - negatively colored emotions. I think that people who cry a lot are insecure. What's good for the psyche in all this?

Irina Cherykaeva

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4) - says the Holy Scripture, meaning repentant contrition and spiritual consolation by the grace of the Holy Spirit of repentant Christians. This sadness is useful to them and pleasing to God, for “A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; You will not despise a broken and humble heart, O God” (Ps. 50:19). Every Christian needs such sadness, for with such sadness the corrupted nature is corrected and renewed. Crying is an internal state of the soul, and tears are only its external manifestation. According to the teachings of St. Fathers, there are also sinful tears - tears shed for sinful motives. “When you have lost wealth, honor, glory, you cannot return them with sadness. When you are separated from your wife or father, mother, brother or friend and you are sad about it, this too cannot be returned by sadness. You see that the sadness of this world is useless. Only sorrow for God is useful, because it is soul-saving, because it cleanses the soul from sins.” \Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk. \People cry from envy and hatred. These passions must be overcome within yourself. They cause only harm. Is it healthy to cry a lot? If it’s about your sins, then it’s useful: such crying will bring joy.

Is crying harmful or beneficial?


Crying is good Scientists divide tears into two types - the first, these are reflex tears, their task is to moisturize the eyes and clean them, and also protect them from friction, from the external environment (dust, litter, wind...). Tears of this type are also found in animals. A person learns to cry earlier than to laugh. Babies shed their first tears at the age of 6-10 weeks. By the way, one of the main tasks of the lacrimal glands is that, upon a pain signal, they begin to secrete biologically active substances that accelerate the healing of wounds or bruises. In addition, people who cry frequently are less susceptible to cardiovascular disease. The second type is emotional tears, born of some kind of experience. Tears, as a reaction to positive or negative emotions, are a feature inherent only to humans. Psychologists call them an adaptation reaction. Analyzes have shown that emotional tears consist of several chemical substances: some kill pain and stress, improve well-being and appearance, others have bactericidal properties, and others stimulate milk production in nursing mothers. In addition, these tears contain more protein. The most common cause of emotional tears is grief, followed by its opposite – happiness. Other emotions make people cry much less often. It is also believed that one of the reasons that women live on average 6-8 years longer than men is because of tears: women cry 5 times more often than the stronger sex


Useful, just not before leaving the house (when your makeup is already done). Tears contain many benefits for the skin. So, cry at night and then wash your face - this is instead of a moisturizing mask.

Vitaly Okorokov

Well, it depends on how you look at it... On the one hand, it’s useful because you get rid of unnecessary emotions and worries, and you sleep better, but on the other hand, if you cry a lot, you’ll have to go to the toilet less, and therefore contribute to an excessive percentage of salt deposits in the body... There are other justifications, but they are all twofold...

Anastasia Teteryuk

Tears not only cleanse the eyes of dust and foreign small bodies, but also contain a sedative. That is, when you cry you relieve stress and thereby avoid cardiovascular and neurological diseases (psychosis, neuroses, neurasthenia...) crying is useful, but not often. DON'T CONTINUE YOURSELF. Better laugh more.

Physiology and emotions

Sometimes a person's eyes become moist on their own, but sometimes there is a good reason for this. Understanding this issue in detail, scientists have identified three types of tears:

Emotional tears

  1. Basal (invisible) . A small amount of tear fluid is constantly produced by the glands, but a person does not even notice their appearance, since after getting into the eye they are immediately washed off through drainage tubes specially designed for this purpose. Basal tears protect the eye from drying out and help fight dust.
  2. Reflex (physiological) . They are produced to protect against natural influences and moisturize the eyeball. For example, reflex tears are released when cutting an onion or when a foreign object enters the eye.
  3. Emotional . Appear due to experiences (both sad and joyful). An example would be tears caused by a wedding, funeral, declaration of love, or breakup.

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Interestingly, the types of tears differ not only in the reason for their appearance, but also in their chemical composition. Biochemist W. Frey conducted a number of studies, which revealed that emotional tears contain more protein than reflex tears. The scientist suggests that in this way the body gets rid of certain chemicals, thereby reducing overall stress levels.

Is it harmful to cry often?


In principle, it is not harmful, getting rid of excess serotonin is even useful, but if this happens often, then you need to pay attention to the nervous system and take a course of mild antidepressants

Natalia Doronina

All emotions. including negative ones. must be dosed. If this happens too often, then of course it is harmful, but you should not hold back your tears. You just need to eliminate, if possible, or get used to the cause of their occurrence...

LiSok)) ^^

I don't think crying often is harmful. Scientists have proven that tears help us release our emotions and not keep everything inside. Tears provide emotional release. From a purely physiological point of view, tears do not harm health in any way. Cry for your health.


If crying were harmful, there would be no one to write this answer... Since I can cry even while watching an advertisement... I remember, I was watching TV, an advertising block came on: “Rastishka” from “Danone” (like a little boy being woken up by his grandmother, he pulls himself up, yawns and says: “Grandma, I flew in a dream...”, and she told him: “You’re the one growing up, granddaughters... "). As soon as I saw it, I burst into tears (from emotion)…. And this is above the advertisement (!), you can imagine what happens to me when something more serious happens...

Olga Mironova

You can cry, but think about it, in the morning you will wake up and your eyes will be swollen. If you use cosmetics, then it’s generally a nuclear mixture. So calm down, the new year is coming. Buy yourself a gift and be happy!

Analgesic effect

Emotional tears help reduce pain. Crying acts as a natural analgesic. The analgesic effect is achieved due to the release of endorphins and oxytocin.

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Often people are embarrassed to cry, even if tears come. However, research has proven that constantly suppressing crying is very harmful to health. If a person keeps his emotions inside, this can cause pain and psychosomatic pathologies.

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