How stress affects male potency

The effect of stress on male potency

Stress causes the release of cortisol and adrenaline. These are hormones whose task is to maintain the body in times of danger. Adrenaline causes breathing and heart rate to increase, and blood pressure to rise. Cortisol suppresses the immune system, speeds up metabolic processes, and increases blood sugar levels. From a physiological point of view, one-time bursts are not dangerous for the body. However, if this happens on a regular basis, the functioning of many systems is disrupted. Main signs of chronic stress:

  • Constant headaches;
  • Discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, since cortisol provokes ulceration of the mucous membranes;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Apathy and depression.

During stress, the pituitary gland also releases prolactin, a hormone that also suppresses reproductive function, and testosterone levels drop. This is a kind of protective mechanism, a way to save energy that will be required to overcome a difficult period. The result of prolonged or frequent stress is a decrease in libido and worsening erection.

How stress affects the body

Chronic stress leads to vasospasm. Due to their constant compression, the elasticity of the walls decreases, blood circulation is disrupted, which worsens erectile function. Increased pressure during stress wears out the heart as it has to forcefully push blood through. Pumping function is also reduced. As a result, even in the presence of sexual arousal, an erection will no longer reach its maximum due to a lack of blood supply to the cavernous bodies.

Diabetes mellitus often develops from the constant active release of glucose into the blood against the background of chronic stress. This disease is almost always accompanied by erectile dysfunction.

Read how diabetes affects male potency.

The psychological state also contributes to the lack of sexual desire. A one-time strong shock can lead to a deterioration in potency. This could be an event that has nothing to do with sex, but which for some time disrupted the usual perception of the world, for example, an accident, loss of a job, the death of a loved one.

The body copes with life-threatening stress much faster and more painlessly than with those that arise against the background of self-analysis. It is deep convictions, moral and ethical experiences and anxiety that lead to psychosomatic pathologies.

Urologist Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Makarova on the effect of stress on a man’s sex life

The effect of depression on potency

Depression is a type of mental disorder characterized by constant depressed mood, low self-esteem, and the development of fears. Men often fall into depression during a midlife crisis. Depression can occur for no reason, simply against the backdrop of reassessment of values, fear of aging, or “burnout” at work. Main signs of depression:

  1. Lack of joy and satisfaction from everything that previously brought pleasure.
  2. Suicidal thoughts.
  3. Lack of energy for physical activity, feeling exhausted.
  4. Eating disorders: overeating or starvation.
  5. Increased irritability, outbursts of aggression.
  6. Pain that does not respond to conventional treatment.
  7. Reckless behavior.

Depression is not related to cortisol, which is produced during chronic stress. The level of this hormone increases as a consequence and is not the root cause. The main provoking factor of depression is the increased activity of the pituitary-adrenal system, which is forced to work in an enhanced mode. This can happen not only due to excessive soul-searching, but also, for example, due to a low-carb diet. In depressed men, sex may be present periodically, but it is not enjoyable, which makes it even more annoying.

Can sex help relieve stress?

Can sex help relieve stress?

Do you feel like stress is affecting your sex life? Many couples experience problems in different ways. Experts are sure that it all depends on how you are trying to improve the relationship. Here are some tips for managing sexual relationships during stressful times:

1. High rating. It is necessary, at every opportunity, to show attention to your partner and give compliments so that your loved one understands that he is loved and appreciated.

2. Communication. Talking over dinner or before going to bed will help improve communication. Show your loved one that you are interested in everything that happens to him.

3. Positive. In any situation, remain in a good mood. If you feel like complaining, try to put aside all the dark thoughts and don't complicate the situation with unpleasant emotions.

4. Future. Make plans for the future together. Uncertainty about the future will only worsen the mood in the relationship.

5. Help. Try to deal with all problems together. This will help you gain a sense of confidence that you are one.

6. Relaxation. Create an atmosphere of comfort in your home with your favorite scents, dim lighting and pleasant music. Prepare your favorite dishes.

7. Creative sex. Experiment with new positions or simply give each other a relaxing massage. Choose an unusual place for sex or buy an interesting toy from a sex shop.

How compatible are stress and sex?

Can sex be used to relieve stress? In order to answer this question, attention should be paid to the relationship between these phenomena. The influence of nervous tension leads to a decrease in the level of sexual desire in representatives of the stronger sex.

In this matter, the presence of passion for the other half is of secondary importance, since anxiety and internal conflicts cause problems with erection. In order to reduce tension, you should engage in meditation and other relaxing techniques.

Nervous disorders can also cause a loss of attraction to a partner. In this case, psychologists recommend that men and women be more tolerant towards their significant other. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you should seek the help of a doctor.

According to psychologists, the intimate sphere is important for the proper functioning of the body and emotional state. Even if a woman fails to reach the “peak of pleasure,” the very fact of sexual intercourse can improve her mood. In addition, the very presence of sexual relations increases libido, and can cause a desire to continue love games. Thus, the connection between mood and sexuality is two-way.

During the peak of sexual intercourse, the human body produces endorphins - hormones responsible for a good mood. Thanks to this, the internal state of a person improves. It is important to understand that during times of stress, sexual desire is absent and a certain degree of effort must be made to create it. It is important to find the strength to take the first step towards your partner. In family relationships, sexual intercourse is not one of the components of marital duty. Making love helps two people detach themselves from worries, anxieties and other negative components of the world around them.

You should tune in to a positive perception and pay as much attention to your partner as possible. Diversity and ingenuity in the intimate sphere will increase your resistance to negative emotions, stress and anxiety. An active sex life allows you to normalize your mental and physical health. Therefore, sex is one of the best and most accessible methods of relieving nervous tension.

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Restoring potency after stress and depression

Potency will restore itself if a man can cope with his condition and wants to look for a way out of it. It can be very difficult to do this on your own, but there is always a way out and help from specialists.

Who to contact: if potency decreases due to stress and depression, contact a sexologist or psychologist. For your initial appointment, it is advisable to go to an andrologist or endocrinologist to check your hormone levels. Below are the doctor's advice to a man with stress-induced decreased potency.

From the forum

Based on the level of hormones and blood sugar, the doctor will get an approximate idea of ​​the nature of the potency disorder. If the triggering factors are stress or depression, the patient will be referred to a psychologist.


Psychotherapists and sexologists use various methods of stress relief, which they choose depending on the patient’s condition. The most commonly used form is an individual conversation. This is not talking with friends, but working on yourself. There will be no ready-made solutions, but a psychologist will help you find the root of the problem and suggest ways to solve it.

The method of suggestion works well on emotional men. Installations are given to the patient in reality or in a state of hypnotic sleep. There is also a method of psychoanalysis, during which the psychologist draws conclusions based on a study of associations and dreams of his client.

Airat Akhmadullovich Zaripov, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, clearly shows how to work with stress


If potency is impaired due to stress or depression, antidepressants, sedatives, vitamins, and PDE-5 inhibitors are used. Of the latter, sildenafil and tadalafil are most often recommended. These drugs help strengthen and maintain an erection in cases of failure anticipation syndrome, stress due to a scandal with a partner, as well as in situations where the penis falls during sex.

Nootropics are prescribed to improve brain activity and increase concentration. The most common and safe drug is glycine, which is included in many dietary supplements, for example, “Ginkgo biloba with glycine and vitamin B.”

The anxiolytic Afobazol is sold without a prescription. The drug helps reduce the level of chronic stress. After 2-4 weeks, increased anxiety goes away, sleep normalizes, and attacks of aggression disappear.

'A drug
Price of the sedative drug “Afobazol” from 367 rubles

Supplements with chamomile, sage, valerian, and motherwort help reduce stress. Herbal adaptogens: tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus contribute to increased vitality and physical activity. Bee tincture has the same effect. The effect is achieved only with a course of treatment, at least 21 days.

In severe cases, antidepressants and antipsychotics are prescribed. These drugs are prescription drugs. The selection of antidepressants is based on the results of the intake. During treatment, the doctor, if necessary, changes or combines them with others. Neuroleptics have an inhibitory effect and have a number of side effects.


Physical activity

Physical exercise helps normalize hormonal levels, improve mood, relieve muscle tension and spasms. However, it is important not to introduce new stress to the body, this time physical, otherwise the level of cortisol will only increase. No to long, exhausting cardio marathons and working with heavy weights, yes to moderate, feasible exercise. Team sports are good stress relievers, as well as swimming, brisk walking, and yoga.

Healthy sleep

Insomnia provokes lack of sleep, which means inevitable hormonal imbalance, increased irritability, decreased concentration and libido. Ideally, a person should sleep 8 hours: from 23 to 7 am. During this period, all phases of sleep are realized, the necessary hormones are produced, cell regeneration occurs, including brain cells, and stress levels decrease.

Rules for healthy sleep

SPA treatments

Various types of massage, baths, and aromatherapy effectively help cope with stress. The brain receives a signal of pleasure and begins to produce corresponding hormones. The more pleasant procedures there are, the stronger the tendency to reduce stress.

Acupuncture is an effective anti-stress treatment.


When you are stressed and depressed, it is important to give up alcohol and nicotine, which make it difficult to look at the situation objectively. It is better to replace energy drinks, strong tea and coffee with herbal teas and cocoa. The nervous system does not need harsh stimulation.

You should include more foods with magnesium, potassium, and B vitamins in your diet. They will help stabilize the nervous system by regulating biochemical processes. Bananas, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, pumpkin seeds, legumes, fatty fish, dark chocolate are healthy.

Foods rich in magnesium

↑ How stress affects a man's sex life

Previously, there was an opinion that difficulties with potency in men appeared after 40 years. But statistics show: today, erectile dysfunction occurs after 30 years. The reason for this is constant and frequent mental experiences caused by the modern rhythm of life. Thus, the same “vicious circle” is formed when, due to professional stress, a man’s potency deteriorates, this provokes even greater unrest, as a result, testosterone levels decrease, and sexual attraction to women becomes minimal. This gives rise to thoughts about one’s own inferiority, which becomes the cause of psychological impotence.

The mechanism of the effect of sexual stress on men

Any girl who shows off her charms is a danger to a man. Unless, of course, it's his wife and they're about to make love!

It's simple. When looking at a naked female body, a healthy heterosexual man has a natural reaction of arousal. If sexual desire not satisfied too often (and this is exactly what happens!), a lot of androgens (groups of steroid male sex hormones) accumulate in the body.

Excess androgens in a man’s blood are not safe for cancer! Hence all the “male” diseases, including the very common ones:

  • impotence,
  • adenoma and prostate cancer.

Unconsciously, a man feels rejected by all the women to whom he was attracted, but did not have sexual intercourse. This is how the complex of “ sexual rejection ” is formed.

This mechanism works precisely at the conscious, instinctive, animal level of the psyche. It is extremely difficult to control.

What can I say! Modern men are so accustomed to seeing a naked female body that they have ceased to even realize the fact that they are attracted to it.

The older a man is, the more he forgets how to track the arousal reaction. And the basic instinct of the average city dweller is triggered 100-200 times a day! And every time - refusal. Indirect, of course, but the brain perceives it as direct . After all, nature intended that arousal must necessarily lead to intercourse.

In the animal world, if females do not allow a male to approach them, he is unfit, not the best, and will not have the opportunity to give birth to offspring. Part of human nature is also animal. All the mechanisms that work for our smaller brothers also work for us.

Sexual stress in women

Women experience sexual stress just like men, and they also get sick from it. But the essence and mechanism of the impact of such stress on the female body is fundamentally different from that in men.

In countries that are commonly called developed and civilized (and in fact, in countries where the cult of consumption dominates), a woman has turned into a “ commodity ”. She needs to “sell” herself Moreover, the more expensive, the better.

Cosmetics, hairstyle, manicure, and, of course, a revealing outfit. The brighter the clothes and the less of them, the more “males” you will be able to attract, and among them there must be the best one - the strongest, most beautiful and rich.

The consequences of embellishing oneself for the sake of “selling” can go on for hours. Let's focus on sexual stress.

By exposing her body, a woman exposes her soul. Its energy weakens under the influence of the powerful flow of information that flows from the outside world. But this is not only sexual desire and signals from men. This includes envy, anger, irritation, contempt and a host of other negative emotions directed towards her from people.

Often the slightest external provoking factor (for example, low air temperature - hypothermia) is enough for the problem to emerge and manifest itself in the body. Hence women's diseases from thrush to infertility and the same oncology.

But that’s not even the main thing!

Having successfully “sold” herself, the woman enters into sexual relations with a man. As a rule, the couple is protected from conceiving a child. But! It is not natural for a woman to have sex for a long time and often without conceiving a child!

The absence of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding in a sexually active woman is the main cause of sexual stress.

Natural selection defines such women as “defective”, that is, not producing offspring, but only needlessly sexually exploiting men.

How to relieve stress and nervous tension without drugs: 20 ways to calm your nerves

The modern rhythm of life often makes a person feel stressed. Stress gives us life and it also takes it away. To be healthy, you need to get rid of unnecessary worries in time.

How to relieve nervous tension and stress? What can a person do for himself to worry and worry less?

In this article, you will learn about ways to help you relax and prevent a stressful situation.

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