Folk sedatives. The effectiveness of medicinal plants that are used by people has been proven by research and testing over many centuries and millennia. More and more often they can be found in modern pharmaceutical preparations. In this article you can learn about traditional medicine recipes that are used to combat irritability, nervousness, insomnia, and fear in the human body.

Herbal teas with mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort, lavender, oregano, chamomile, fireweed, thyme, linden blossom, jasmine, dandelion root and currant leaf will help quickly banish anxiety. Anti-stress infusions will relieve nervous tension, headaches and rapid heartbeat, improve sleep and mood, relax muscles, and lift your spirits. Simply make a healing composition from these plants and pour boiling water over the mixture in a porcelain teapot. Folk remedies to calm the nervous system are exactly what you need.

How to relieve stress for a woman at home

It is impossible to completely eliminate “nerves” from our lives, and not every woman is ready to go to a psychotherapist mentally – and often due to lack of time and money. Therefore, the problem of how to relieve stress for a woman at home is very relevant.

So what can you do if you find yourself in a stressful situation?

  1. Become your own psychotherapist. Put everything “on the shelves”. Analyze whether everything is really as terrible as it seems, because often this is absolutely not the case. Very often people tend to take things personally that don't really apply to them. For example, the boss suddenly shouted, undeservedly criticized the work done. The natural reaction to this is both resentment and anxiety for the future. But in fact, most likely, the reason for this behavior of the boss is not anger at a specific subordinate, but that the boss has a toothache, he had a fight with his wife, or his car was scratched.

    Put everything into pieces
    It's another matter if he always behaves this way. Or the husband behaves like this. In this case, you need to choose, evaluate the pros and cons of whether it is worth continuing to remain in a stressful situation. If the advantages outweigh, then you need to develop stress tolerance: remind yourself more often that difficulties make us stronger; that you have to put up with certain negativity in order to obtain benefits that are important to you; that there are also a lot of positive things in your life and think about them in stressful moments. And that a person who spoils the nerves of others or tries to assert himself at their expense is simply not worthy of worrying about him.

  2. Use relaxing and calming techniques such as autogenic training, meditation or Jacobson's relaxation. A detailed description of these methods can be easily found on the Internet. There is no difficulty in learning it on your own. In order to calm down, such elementary tactics as calm deep breathing with a smooth inhalation and a slow exhalation, exceeding the duration of the inhalation three times, can also help.

    Relaxation or meditation

  3. Exercising is a sure way to relieve stress. A person not only calms down - during physical training, endogenous endorphins are produced, popularly called “hormones of joy.” In this way, negative emotions are transformed into positive ones.
  4. Taking a walk in nature, breathing in fresh air, enjoying the beauty of the world around you, listening to birdsong is a sure way to put your nervous system in order. After all, man is a child of nature, although lately we are increasingly forgetting about this - and the noise of the big city, the bustle, the hustle and bustle, to which we seem to be so accustomed, do not allow our already tense nerves to fully relax.


  5. Another answer to the question of how to relieve stress for a woman at home is to pamper yourself. A woman is a woman to love herself and enjoy many small joys. Buy yourself a beautiful dress or seductive underwear, take a bath with aromatic oils, go to the cinema, read, treat yourself to something delicious - all this is so simple and at the same time so pleasant, and reliably relieves stress.
  6. And, of course, a method considered purely feminine, but no less effective for relieving nervous tension, is tears. There is no need to be ashamed of tears or try to hold them back once again. Women's tears are not a sign of weakness, but of greater emotionality than in men. So cry your heart out. Just for health. What is not cried out will remain inside and can later result in illness.

    Tears relieve tension
    A woman's life is full of stress and it cannot be avoided. But don't let stress take over you and only let you enjoy being a representative of the fair sex.

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