So that jeans don't get dyed

Is it possible to return jeans back to the store if they are dyed?

By law, any item can be returned within 14 days. Very often there is a note on the labels of jeans that indicates that the jeans can be dyed. There is also a warning that such clothing should not be worn in the rain. Therefore, if there is such a mark, then it is unlikely that your product will be accepted back. If there is no mark, and the clothing certificate contains a note about dye fastness, then you can return the product. Just hurry, you only have 14 days from the date of purchase.

Even some well-known manufacturers make a note that jeans can stain and fade in the first few washes. This is due to the naturalness of the dye.

Is it possible to return jeans back to the store if they are dyed?

What needs to be done to prevent dyeing jeans, trousers, and trousers, and how to fix the dye?

There are several ways to fix paint. Initially, jeans must be washed properly. To do this, pour some warm water into a bowl and immerse the product. After this, let the jeans soak in water. Drain the water and add a little powder. Wash your new item by hand. Now lay your jeans in the bathroom and straighten them. Wash off the paint from the waistband to the legs. After this, gently wring out and dry the clothes by attaching them to the rope at the waist.

Ways to fix paint:

  • Salt. Prepare a saline solution. To do this, dilute 50 g of ordinary salt in 3 liters of water. After washing by machine or by hand, soak the jeans in the solution and let sit in it for 15 minutes. There is no need to wash after this.
  • Vinegar essence. It is necessary to dilute a glass of table vinegar in 5 liters of warm water. Immerse clothing in liquid for 25 minutes. Let the solution drain and do not twist. Hang on a line and let dry.
  • Lime. This method will not only get rid of shedding, but also slightly lighten the denim. To do this, fill the bathroom with some water and add half a glass of lime. Immerse the jeans in the solution and let them sit in it for 25 minutes. Drain the solution and rinse the denim thoroughly.

What needs to be done to prevent dyeing jeans, trousers, and trousers, and how to fix the dye?

Features of drying jeans

Jeans must be subjected not only to high-quality washing in order to retain their color while removing excess dye, but also to dry properly. Drying your pants improperly can cause additional creases and fading.

Denim items are not recommended for drying in a special machine, because... mechanical drying harms the fabric structure. After this treatment, items are difficult to iron and become narrower than when purchased.

Therefore, after washing the jeans in the machine, you need to take them out in a wet state and stretch them. After which it is better to dry your pants in the fresh air. If it is not possible to dry the item on the street or on an open balcony, then a well-ventilated room can be an alternative.

Denim fabric does not like direct sunlight: it is subject to fading and shrinkage.

If you overexpose the material on the rope, then the fabric may become stiffer and unpleasant to the touch. If there is a risk of clothes drying out, you can remove them slightly damp and iron them without steam. The jeans will not “shrink” and dry completely. But in this case, you should take into account the recommendations indicated on the label.

How to properly soak black and blue jeans in vinegar without staining them?

The soaking process will avoid staining your feet and laundry in the future. This procedure allows you to wash out excess dye. To do this, pour some water into a bowl and submerge the jeans. It is necessary that they lie in the water for 30 minutes. After this, add a couple of tablespoons of powder. Make sure that there are no bleaching ingredients in the washing powder.


  • After washing and rinsing, the final step is vinegar water.
  • Pour cool water into a bowl. It should be 5 liters
  • Pour 50 ml of vinegar with a concentration of 9% into this water
  • Immerse the denim for 20-30 minutes and let the solution drain
  • Wring out a little and hang the clothes on the lines

How to properly soak black and blue jeans in vinegar without staining them?

Wash jeans in a washing machine after the first wear to avoid dyeing.

A cold wash and vinegar will help you quickly and easily deal with the problem of jeans staining after the first wear:

  • Place the jeans in the washing machine, and there should be no other items in the drum of the appliance.
  • Add 5 tablespoons of vinegar to the conditioner compartment;

You don’t need to add anything else to the washing machine except vinegar - neither powder nor rinse aid.

  • Turn on the cold washing mode on the machine so that the water temperature is no more than 30 degrees.
  • After washing, hang the jeans to dry, but not on the radiator, but on the balcony or home dryer.


Before soaking, turn your jeans inside out and be sure to fasten all buttons and zippers. Pour warm water into the basin, adding a spoonful of table salt for each liter of water. Jeans should be left in this solution for 30-40 minutes, but no more, otherwise the saline solution will damage the structure of the fabric, and the jeans may “shrink” or, conversely, stretch. If it is a stretch, then it may stop stretching.


After soaking, the jeans should be wrung out, but do not twist the fabric. Next take the following steps:

  • Change the water in the basin to new one. It is important that the water in the basin is warm, but not hot, otherwise the product will begin to shed even more intensely.
  • Add regular laundry detergent to the basin, making sure it does not contain bleaching ingredients. The best alternative to powder is baby shampoo or laundry soap.
  • It is recommended to wash jeans not with your hands, but with a brush, without allowing strong friction, so as not to damage the fabric and completely wash out the color.


Rinsing should not be skipped, since it is this that allows the detergents to be completely washed out of the fabric. It is best to fill the bathtub with water and dip your jeans in it, quickly taking them back out. Do this several times or use the shower, watering the jeans using strong pressure. To rinse your jeans thoroughly, you need to rinse them on one side and the other.

When rinsing, it is recommended to use warm water first, and then gradually lower the temperature of the water until it finally becomes cold. It is better to carry out the last splashing of the product in a bowl of cold water, adding a tablespoon of vinegar there to fix the color of the jeans.

After rinsing, the jeans are wrung out, but not twisted. If there is a special device above the bathtub for hanging things to dry, then you need to use it. The fact is that you can’t squeeze your jeans too hard, otherwise water will flow out of them intensely. Perhaps this water will be a little more blue in color. If this is not possible, then the product should be hung on the balcony, and a basin should be placed on the floor so that the water flows into it and cannot spoil the floor covering.

Jeans should be dried in the same form in which they were washed, that is, on the wrong side. Jeans are attached with clothespins only to the waistband and nothing else, because, for example, if you fasten a pant leg with clothespins, the area where the clothespin was may be lighter or darker.

You can check whether you have solved the problem of staining your jeans in a well-known way: rub a white piece of fabric on the product. If the fabric is dyed again, then the procedure should be repeated, since sometimes one wash is not enough to completely remove the coloring pigment.

Sometimes there is too much excess dye in denim, and hand washing alone, even such a “multi-stage” one, is not enough to remove it. When, after manual processing, the desired effect could not be achieved, and new jeans are dyed, what should you do?

There is a solution: you can try to deal with them using a washing machine. However, automatic washing sometimes leads to discoloration of the fabric.

  1. Before loading the trousers into the drum, you need to turn them inside out, freeing the pockets from various small items and handkerchiefs, which can also fade and leave stains on the denim.
  2. The process program must be selected correctly: “delicate” or “hand wash”. Some models also have a special mode “for denim”. The temperature of the water should be between 30 and 40 degrees, the speed should not exceed 800. You cannot spin the product, but if it is impossible to completely turn off the spin, set the regulator to minimum.
  3. Do not soak pants before machine processing.
  4. The detergent should not contain bleaches or alkalis. It is better if it is not powdered, but liquid, or in capsules. To protect against discoloration, it is recommended to use a color stabilizer.
  5. Women's denim trousers often have various decorations on them, so it is better to put them in a special bag to preserve the decor.

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Dry the washed item at natural temperatures, avoiding sunlight. Thus, by studying the recommendations given, you can get detailed answers to the question of what to do if your jeans stain when worn.

After soaking, remove the jeans from the basin, wring them lightly and pour out the colored water. Dissolve powder that does not contain bleach in clean water (be sure to check this by reading the label). If you don’t have the required powder on hand, regular laundry soap is a great alternative.

Those who like to use hotter water for washing should remember: if things are dyed, this is strictly not recommended! Fading clothes should only be washed in cool water. As with soaking, you can add a glass of salt to the washing water to set the paint.

If new jeans are dyed, what to do?

When the water is ready, gently wash your clothes in it using your hands or a brush. If you use a brush, make sure that the bristles are not too stiff and will not damage the fabric.

To prevent jeans from staining, you need to wash the products properly. Blue or black denim trousers should not be washed with white or light-colored items, otherwise the latter will stain. It will be impossible to return the previous color. During the first procedures, it is better to wash denim separately from any other items.

Experts advise choosing to wash by hand. Use warm water with a temperature of up to 40 degrees and a mild detergent without bleaching ingredients or a soap solution made from laundry soap. To speed up washing and remove excess paint, and effectively get rid of stains and dirt, add a glass of table salt to the water.

Before each wash, be sure to turn your jeans inside out, fasten the buttons and zipper! If the label on the product allows you to wash it in a washing machine, choose a delicate cycle with a temperature of 30-40 degrees without spinning. It is recommended to wash it no more than once every five wears.

What should you not do to prevent dyeing jeans, trousers, or trousers?

There are rules that you should follow if you don’t want your jeans to stain or fade.


  • Do not soak clothes in too hot water. This contributes to the deterioration of the dye's fastness.
  • Do not use powder with bleach. To wash such items, use special detergents for jeans or colored clothes.
  • You should not wash jeans with other things at first. This will cause them to stain. You risk ruining not only your jeans, but also your blouses.
  • Before purchasing, you can check the degree of dyeing of the fabric. Just wet the match and run it across your panties. If it stains, your jeans will fade.
  • A similar test can be done with a damp cloth. It is also carried out on the inside of the jeans.
  • It is worth remembering that jeans should be washed only after soaking. Dry on a line in a vertical position. Do not dry near a radiator or fireplace.

What should you not do to prevent dyeing jeans, trousers, or trousers?

As you can see, the shedding of jeans is a completely normal process, which indicates the naturalness of the dye. So don’t worry, just wash your jeans properly.

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