What to eat to avoid getting sick? 11 products to protect against colds

First day of a cold. What to do, what medicine will help, how not to get completely sick?

You woke up in the morning, and your nose is not breathing, your throat is sore and sore, your head is cast iron, you have chills. This almost completely means that you have caught a viral infection, it has already entered the body and has begun its “dirty” business. What to do? Take action urgently!

You shouldn’t be so self-confident as to think that “it will go away on its own.”

For your information!

A viral disease goes through five stages:

— infection (the virus is introduced),

- replication (the virus multiplies),

-inflammation (the virus hijacks and kills healthy cells, continuing to multiply),

-intoxication (affected cells die and poison the body with decay products),

- recovery (the body blocks the spread of the virus, removes toxins, restores affected tissues).

The first day on which we realize that we are sick is usually the stage of replication or inflammation that has already begun. If you had managed to prevent infection the day before (for example, apply oxolinic ointment, rinse your nose with saline solution, or warm up your entire respiratory system with steam and prevent the virus from entering), the second stage might not have occurred.

If “weaving” and “coughing” have already appeared, the disease is in full swing. Now you have to go through all the stages.


A common mistake: a person immediately runs to the pharmacy and asks for “some strong, effective, efficient, best” medicine for a cold. She accepts it and, thinking that now everything will pass, rushes about her usual business: to work, to school, etc. Not so. The medicine will relieve symptoms for a while, and under its “cover” the virus will actively multiply and continue to destroy your body.

The right decision: cancel all your affairs and start treatment. It just seems that no one can get along without us and there’s no way we can “fall out” of life for a day. Can! And it is necessary! Take a day off, warn that you will “lie down” for a day.


Mistake : you should not immediately take everything that the pharmacy clerk, friend or neighbor recommends. There are no drugs that can kill the virus! Only your body can do this. All you need on the first day: miramistin or even just a regular saline solution (for rinsing the nose), vasoconstrictor drops (it is better to take a children's dosage). Pharmacy cold medicines often contain ingredients that stimulate the psyche, such as a large dose of caffeine. This will help lift your mood and improve your performance, but after 4-5 hours your condition will inevitably deteriorate.

Antibiotics are powerless against the virus. Taking them will weaken the already working in emergency mode immunity.

As for antiviral and immunostimulating drugs that are actively advertised in the media, it is worth understanding: their effectiveness has not been clinically proven. They affect everyone differently. If any arbidol/anaferon/AGRI/polyoxidonium/oscillococcinum/etc. helped your friend well (or even you personally last time) - it’s not a fact that it will have the same effect on you now.

Bed rest

Sleep is the best cure for a viral infection. A warm bed is where you should ideally spend the first day of a cold. In 90% of cases, this is enough for the active development of the disease to stop the next day. If this is not possible and you need to be “on your feet,” you should sleep at least a couple of hours during the day and go to bed in the evening as early as possible.

The most important thing: put off all outdoor activities. The following are strictly prohibited: travel, hiking, and generally staying outside (even on the balcony!).

Remember: you can’t wash yourself and, especially, wash your hair on the first day of a cold.

Garlic and other herbs and herbs

Photo: www.globallookpress.com
Why it’s useful: Garlic is a natural antiseptic, rich in phytoncides. Has pronounced antiviral activity. Contains the natural antibiotic allicin, which helps prevent not only the disease itself, but also complications after colds and flu.

Nuances: You need to eat garlic every day during cold season, but little by little, one clove a day is enough. In addition to this, you can also use some spices. Especially turmeric: it relieves inflammation and fights germs. Cloves, ginger, and cayenne pepper are also famous for their antiviral properties.


The breakdown products of the virus are excreted by the kidneys. Warm liquid activates metabolism.

It is very important to drink often and quite a lot. It would be great if it were homemade fruit drinks, compotes, tea with mint, linden, lemon and honey, green tea, ginger tea.

Remember the rule: a cup of hot drink every two hours is a must! Hot drinks are also a thermal procedure!

A few words about alcohol . Some people claim that vodka with pepper or hot beer, as well as mulled wine, help fight viruses. They lie blatantly. All this only temporarily lifts the mood and puts a strain on the liver and kidneys.

What to eat to avoid getting sick

Everyone dreams of their stomach working like a clock, their heart not acting up, and their eyesight never failing. And it's real. Just pay attention to your diet. After all, most products can protect you from illnesses just as well as medications.

5 important rules in healthy eating:

  1. You need to eat varied. There is no product in the world that contains all the necessary substances, and therefore our diet should be as varied as possible.
  2. We say no to fast food. The best food is food prepared at home. Fast food places contain a lot of trans fats and chemicals that lead to weight gain. Frozen semi-finished products are not the healthiest food, because storage conditions may not be met during transportation and while the product is on the counter.
  3. We save vitamins. It is advisable to put the bread in a dark place, as vitamin B is destroyed in the light. Consume freshly squeezed juices and vegetable salads immediately after preparation, while vitamin C is still intact. Do not cut salad leaves with a knife, but rather tear them with your hands. To preserve the vitamins in vegetables, grate them on a plastic grater.
  4. We cook wisely. It is better not to cook the oatmeal, but pour boiling water over it and steam it. Instead of frying in oil, it is better to prefer steaming or grilling.
  5. Limit sugar, salt and fat. Salt retains moisture in the body and this leads to swelling; eating sweets can cause the development of diabetes. Instead of salt, you can use various herbs, seasonings and lemon juice. If you want something sweet, it is better to eat fruit. Veal and poultry are less fatty than pork and lamb.

List of products that NORMALIZE PRESSURE:

  1. Cottage cheese. It contains large amounts of calcium, which is necessary for the walls of blood vessels to remain elastic. It is advisable to eat about 3-5 tablespoons of cottage cheese per day.
  2. Cocoa contains many flavonoids, which improve the condition of blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Cocoa has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by 10-20%. For preventive purposes, 1-2 glasses per week are enough.
  3. Green tea. Most hypertensive patients confirm that when they drink green tea, their blood pressure gradually decreases and they begin to feel better. Green tea increases blood flow. To reduce your risk of stroke, drink 2-3 cups of tea a day.
  4. Red bell pepper is a champion in vitamin C content. People who regularly consume foods with vitamin C are less likely to suffer from hypertension.
  5. Bananas are very rich in potassium. Potassium is responsible for the good functioning of the heart.
  6. Hypertensive patients simply need fish, because it contains Omega-3 fatty acids.

List of products that strengthen IMMUNITY:

  1. Garlic is a source of health and strength. It is better to eat garlic fresh. But if you are categorically against garlic, then you can finely chop 2 cloves and add them to the freshly cooked soup. The strong aroma will disappear, but the benefits will remain. Place chopped garlic cloves at your head at night.
  2. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps fight disease. When heated, vitamin C is destroyed, and therefore do not put lemon in hot tea, it is better to eat it as a bite. It is very useful for the immune system to combine lemon crushed in a blender with honey, and then eat this mixture twice a day.
  3. Honey for colds helps you recover faster. A useful combination for weakened people is honey with walnuts, cashews and dried fruits.
  4. Ginger root. It is used as a seasoning in soup, meat dishes, and porridge. Tea with ginger (1 tablespoon of grated root per cup of boiling water) has an excellent effect - it stimulates cells to fight viruses and fights infections.
  5. Rosehip contains vitamin C, essential oils, organic substances and many other useful substances that strengthen the immune system and make it almost impenetrable. Grind the rose hips in a coffee grinder, fill half a glass with the powder and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew under the lid for 5-10 minutes and take orally 3 times a day.
  6. Kefir. Kefir grains have the ability to improve digestion and support the protection of the intestines from the penetration of microbes. Thanks to calcium and vitamin D, fermented milk drink stimulates the synthesis of protective antibodies in the blood to fight viruses.


Viruses really don't like warming up. Almost all of them die already at 39-45 degrees. That is why during a cold the temperature rises, the body itself strives to kill the virus.

From the very beginning, it is important to “warm up”: warm socks (you can pour mustard powder into them, which will warm your feet like mustard plaster), warm clothes, a woolen scarf. Even if you are at home and do not leave your bed, insulate “strategically important” places: neck, legs, back and chest. Grandma's old down scarf can work wonders!

If you have a fever, you should not immediately take antipyretics. Give your body the opportunity to “fight.” Provided that the temperature is tolerated normally, without severe headaches, convulsions and confusion, it does not need to be reduced to 38 - 39 degrees. Most likely it will go down on its own in a couple of hours.

If there is no temperature, thermal procedures are required. There are many options: breathe over steam or boiled potatoes (about 10 minutes) two or three times a day, warm the sinuses with a warm boiled egg, make a semi-alcohol compress on the throat. A very effective remedy is steaming your feet. We keep our feet in a basin of hot water for 15-20 minutes, then warm ourselves up and go to bed.

Attention. Going to a bathhouse, a sauna, or sitting in a cedar barrel on the first day of a cold is absolutely not allowed. This will only fuel the virus!


Huge mistake : refusing to eat on the first day of a cold, snacking on sweets and sandwiches.

Don't forget that food is also medicine. Proper nutrition on the first day of a cold can significantly alleviate the condition and help fight the virus. Poor nutrition aggravates the disease. You need to eat often, little by little, choosing foods that are light and rich in protein.

We eat: omelet, liquid milk porridge, soups, vegetable salads, fish. Don't forget about greens, onions and garlic. Strictly prohibited: smoked, fatty, salted, fried, fast food.

By the way : chicken broth is a natural anti-inflammatory!

What to drink to prevent your child from getting a cold

In principle, it is possible to catch a cold at any time of the year, but acute viral infections are especially noticeable in the spring and autumn, since the immune system weakens due to hypothermia, lack of vitamins and because the number of infected people around increases.
Since there is nothing pleasant in treating an incipient disease, and no one can guarantee the absence of complications, the question arises about the importance of preventing ARVI. Indeed, it is much wiser to prevent the development of an infection than to then spend all your energy fighting it. But it's not enough to just eat garlic. We are talking about a whole range of measures aimed at strengthening the immune system so that the body is ready to face the virus and successfully repel its attacks.

It is better to prevent ARVI than to treat it later

Let's not get confused in terminology!

By the way, one should not confuse terms such as acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, as well as influenza.

In fact, acute respiratory infections mean infectious diseases for which the cause has not yet been determined. That is, the “culprits” can be both viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

ARVI refers to a more specific disease caused by a viral infection. In principle, the flu belongs here, but it differs from the common cold, first of all, in the severity of its occurrence.

Thanks to correctly selected and followed preventive measures, the risks of infection are significantly reduced. The following types of such events are distinguished:

  • Nonspecific - when contact with those who are already infected is limited, immune reactivity increases. This is emergency prevention associated with taking immunostimulating agents, or sanitary and hygienic, in which hygiene is maintained and hygienic masks are used.
  • Specific - usually involves vaccination that provides protection against specific types of colds. Thus, special antibodies are created in the body that fight certain bacteria and viruses.

Moreover, one should think about preventing the development of ARVI immediately before the start of the spring and autumn periods, when the risk of becoming infected increases significantly.

Preventive medications for adults and children

The virus can be transmitted to a person either by airborne droplets or through contact with another infected person or objects that the sick person has touched.

There are a number of drugs that stimulate the immune system and, thus, increase a person’s chances of not getting sick during an epidemic:

  • Remantadine is an effective tablet that, when taken, will prevent the development of influenza type A. Among the components of this drug are components that improve immunity and increase its reactivity.
  • Interferon - helps stop the development of not only influenza, but also viral rhinitis, increases local immunity due to the fact that it stimulates the synthesis of protein interferon. Thanks to it, both viral and bacterial pathogens significantly reduce their activity.
  • Arbidol - reduces the risk of colds, can be safely taken by children and adults, has an antioxidant effect, restores immunological parameters. It is no less effective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and prevents the development of complications.
  • Carmolis are drops made from medicinal herbs (such as mint, cloves, rosemary), which enhance immunity and destroy the virus at the beginning of its development.

The child’s body is more susceptible to the pathological effects of viral and bacterial infections. That is why parents should select special immunostimulating agents for their children when the seasonal exacerbation of diseases begins.

Arbidol is an effective antiviral agent that protects against colds

The effect of these drugs is milder compared to what adults take. And the risk of side effects is much less. Most often, to prevent ARVI in children, they resort to the use of the following means:

  • Reaferon - provokes the production of endogenous interferon, is used not only for preventive purposes, but also in the complex treatment of colds. Children tolerate this drug without problems and therefore doctors recommend it during the epidemiological period.
  • Immunal – contains rudbecka juice, stimulates the immune system, improves the phagocytic functionality of leukocytes.
  • Anaferon (for children) – it contains many potentiated antibodies, which not only prevents the development of colds, but also treats laryngitis, runny nose, and tracheobronchitis. If you take this remedy preventively, the risk of infection is reduced by half or even three times.

There are other drugs, but before taking them, you need to carefully read the instructions, become familiar with their effects and possible contraindications, and, if possible, consult a doctor.

A little about vaccination

According to statistical and scientific data, the most effective option for preventing colds is vaccination.

This procedure is recommended for representatives of all ages (children from six months old), provides protection against acute respiratory viral infections and, even if you do get sick, helps to avoid complications.

The vaccine can be administered as follows:

  • intramuscularly - usually such vaccines contain inactivated viruses, as well as surface antigens, due to which the human body produces specific antibodies and can successfully fight acute viral infections;
  • orally - they traditionally contain an attenuated, that is, weakened strain. With its help, the body begins to produce defender cells that fight specific pathogens.

Children in kindergarten or going to school, especially, must be protected from ARVI by all possible means, since contact with an infected person is possible in a group.

Protecting the little ones from ARVI

Prevention for young children is carried out in this way:

  • Through vaccination. At the same time, it is important that the child does not have an allergy to chicken protein (after all, most vaccines are made on its basis) and other contraindications. Children with weak immune systems are also not always vaccinated - in any case, a medical examination is first necessary.
  • With the help of vitamin therapy. Due to vitamin deficiency, the reactivity of the immune system decreases. Using vitamin and mineral complexes, it will be possible to restore the appropriate balance in the child’s body.
  • Forcing children to maintain hygiene. Teach your child to wash their hands regularly using disinfectant soap. Clothes should be changed daily, and toys should preferably be treated with antiseptic agents.
  • Through immunostimulants. In particular, we can recall Grippferon, Anaferon, Immunal and so on.

Young children are especially prone to ARVI

If it suddenly happens that the baby gets sick, do not delay treatment under any circumstances. When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to take appropriate treatment measures - it won’t hurt to show the child to the doctor.

Prevention reminder

Statistics show that ARVI occurs in children at least three times a year, and adults - twice.

It would seem that there is nothing wrong with a cold. But do not underestimate this disease. In fact, according to the same statistics, the percentage of complications in people of any age is always quite high.

Speaking about the prevention of acute viral infections, the following important reminder should be cited as an example:

  • It is necessary to limit contact with infected people.
  • During an epidemic, it is advisable to wear a gauze bandage in a group.
  • The premises should be ventilated more often.
  • Use immunostimulants to support immunity.
  • Take vitamin complexes to increase the body's reactivity.

In principle, observing all this is not so difficult. The main thing is not to be lazy and remember what troubles any cold can lead to.

At work

A separate – no less important – question: what are the features of prevention after contact with a patient with ARVI. After all, we all live in society, go to school or work, relax in company, communicate with other people. Therefore, no one can completely guarantee the absence of contact with a sick person.

But you can minimize all possible risks even after you had to be close to or even communicate with the patient.

At work, if one of your colleagues is sick, but does not go on sick leave, try to stay at least one and a half meters away from him. The main route of transmission of a viral infection is through airborne droplets, that is, when an infected person coughs and sneezes.

It is advisable to wet clean the work area in the morning and after lunch using disinfectants. Don’t forget about ventilation - as often as possible.

It is advisable to lubricate the nasal cavity with oxolinic ointment and drink antiviral agents.

If there are no objections from colleagues, it would be a good idea to light an aroma lamp running on lavender or eucalyptus oil. These substances have a fairly effective antiseptic effect.

If you are sick at home

The problem of preventing acute respiratory viral infections in contact with a patient becomes relevant when one of the household members falls ill.

A gauze bandage will protect against ARVI if one of your household members is sick

It is advisable, of course, in this case to isolate the patient so that he has his own:

  • room;
  • dishes;
  • towel;
  • other items.

Moreover, this room still needs to be ventilated more often (naturally, during ventilation, taking the patient to another room). Don't forget about the need for wet cleaning.

As for the disinfection of objects touched by the patient, such a procedure in this case turns out to be useless, since ARVI can still be transmitted by airborne droplets.

By the way, an ultraviolet lamp, the illumination of which helps reduce the number of viruses in the surrounding air, will not hurt. But when using it, do not forget about the safety rules: for example, do not use this device in rooms where there are plants, and so on.

In public transport

Many of us use public transport - perhaps not the most convenient option for getting to our destination, but often there is no alternative.

If there are too many people on the same tram, trolleybus or minibus, it will, of course, be difficult to move away from the sick person. Still, try to do it - at least one and a half meters.

After such a trip, it would be a good idea to treat the nasal cavity with a spray (Aquamaris will do).

Gauze dressings can also be worn, but, as a rule, this is not done often, since the procedure is extremely inconvenient: the dressings must be changed hourly and it becomes harder to breathe.

What to do in the company?

Even in a friendly company - for example, at someone's birthday celebration or any other party - there is a risk of catching ARVI.

If suddenly an infected person happens to be at the same table with you, you should not rush to drink alcoholic beverages. What they say about alcohol’s ability to kill viruses is an absolute myth: on the contrary, it tends to weaken the immune system, as a result of which any infection can “catch on.”

In addition, do not forget how harmful alcohol is for a variety of organs and vital systems: it affects the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and so on.

In principle, there is nothing difficult about protecting yourself from possible infection. True, it cannot be said that even a set of preventive measures guarantees 100 percent protection from ARVI. Anything can happen in life, and therefore you must always be prepared for the fact that illness will overtake you suddenly.

Alcohol does not strengthen, but, on the contrary, weakens the immune system.

But in this case, you should not despair - without delaying time, immediately begin treatment in order to quickly cope with the disease and not lead to complications.

Source: https://orvi.yarfotograf.ru/chto-pit-chtoby-ne-zabolet-prostudoj-rebenku/

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