Vacation with a child under one year old: flights, clothes, food, toys, choosing a hotel (personal experience)

At what age can a child go to the resort?

There are plenty of stories on the Internet from parents about traveling with very young children, even infants. But pediatricians do not advise children under one year old to suddenly change the climate, so it is better to spend a vacation with such a baby within your own climate zone.

After a year, the child’s stronger body can more easily endure long-distance travel. But be sure to take into account the time for acclimatization. The average adaptation time for a child under three years of age is about 7 days. Therefore, a week-long vacation with children at sea may not only not improve the health of the children, but even harm their health. The duration of such rest recommended by doctors is at least two, and preferably three weeks.

In children over three years of age, acclimatization occurs faster and they can more easily endure travel. Moreover, at this age they are already interested in travel experiences. But you should give the child time to adapt. When changing time zones, try to change your daily routine gradually, gradually introduce new activities (swimming, sunbathing, etc.), and do not allow sudden changes in the children's menu.

Vacation with a child under one year old: flights, clothes, food, toys, choosing a hotel (personal experience)

Good afternoon My name is Valeria, I am the administrator of a children's store and the mother of the girl Anya. We go on vacation with the whole family every year. The first time we flew with a child when she was 7 months old. We flew to Turkey. We really love all-inclusive and hamster holidays :). We are flying during the high season - mid/late September (extending the summer, short flight and not so hot in Turkey). It's very convenient with a child.

In this article I will tell you: what is important to consider when choosing a vacation, what toys to take with you, what to take on the road, food on the road and at the hotel, how much clothing to take and what kind. I am sharing my personal experience, so do not judge strictly - everyone may have their own preferences, experience and circumstances.


We flew (40 minutes drive to the airport and then a plane, then transfer to the hotel).

  • If the flight is at night , then I advise you to put the child to bed as usual, but dressed to wrap him up and carry him into the car (he may not even wake up)
  • with you on the plane : 2 diapers (not just one, we managed to poop 2 times during the trip (sorry for being frank)));
  • food: drink your luggage by hand (the size of the bottle is allowed for the flight), suck on a dryer or whatever the child likes. We were on GW, it was a blessing. At takeoff, she gave her boobs and she went to sleep. My ears weren’t even blocked;
  • a change of clothes for the child (it is possible that the child will burp, or will get motion sickness or vomit);
  • You can take an inflatable pillow for yourself, because... at this age, the child flies without his own seat and you will have to hold him in your arms the entire flight; it is very problematic to find a comfortable position for sleeping.


What is important to take with you on vacation at this age (up to one year):

  • diapers for the entire vacation (you can, of course, buy them on the spot, but I prefer to take my own, because I know that they suit my daughter);
  • complementary foods You shouldn’t count on food in hotels, even if they have a children’s kitchen, blender, etc. What if hotel food is not suitable for your child, what will you do? we were on breastfeeding + took dry cereals, meat in cans (one can for 2 days, because it is stored for 24 hours in the refrigerator after opening), vegetables in cans and fruit-nanny in the form of bags with a dispenser (like ketchup) with the calculation 1 piece per day. Of course, this is the weight during the flight... But back there is an empty bag for gifts and goodies));
  • a lot of clothes . A child gets dirty easily and quickly, so there can never be too many MAEKs. At the same time, I tried to take more T-shirts that cover the shoulders so that they don’t burn. I always take comfortable clothes, neglecting the formal weekend. I don’t like to wash it on vacation, and it takes a long time to dry. That’s why I take a lot of T-shirts or sundresses for my daughter. A couple of replacement sets for the evening (it doesn’t get too dirty in the evening). There are not many shorts, because... often she was just in a diaper and a T-shirt (at that age it’s still possible)))) Take several hats too, because They can easily get wet when swimming, but you can’t wear a wet Panama hat. I didn’t take swimsuits, she’s still too small, in my opinion. You can wear a T-shirt with a diaper or undress altogether);
  • a kangaroo carrier when the baby is facing forward (if you're good about it). In the evening it’s very convenient to walk along the pier, at the airport if you have to wait, and in general it’s a convenient thing;
  • sunscreen is a must , preferably 50+, but definitely not lower than 30, special for kids;
  • first aid kit I will write about it separately in another article, because... It’s big, although we didn’t need it for the child)). Only my husband needed a patch and iodine, because... cut himself;
  • definitely a stroller , but I think this goes without saying);



  • Be sure to take an inflatable ring with support for your butt . You can buy it there, but at exorbitant prices. Now there is a large selection of different circles, with holes for the legs - the child sits like in a high chair;
  • small pool , optional. We took it, but in the end we didn’t use it. It is extremely inconvenient to inflate/deflate it and carry it around;
  • toys as such took almost nothing (2 books for travel, a favorite music console or another very favorite toy, and that’s all). At 7 months, they are not yet poking around in the sandbox, so they did not take a spatula or molds


When choosing a vacation (I do this in our family), the main criteria were:

  • hotel size . I was looking for the largest possible one, Why? So that there is somewhere to walk with the stroller, rock the child to sleep, and there is a place somewhere in the distance where the child can sleep in the stroller in silence in the fresh air during the day
  • proximity to the airport (a long transfer with a small child is a challenge for me, so I was looking for a hotel no more than 50 km away)
  • nature and trees - a child at this age still sleeps a lot, and I was looking for nature and the child to sleep in the fresh air, that’s why we chose Kemer, where there are mountains and very cool air

What you should NOT overpay for if you are flying with such a baby:

  • Children's kitchen (you don't actually use it)
  • Children's entertainment (trampolines, amusement park, children's mini club, etc.)
  • Children's water park (even better if there isn't one, because it makes a lot of noise)
  • Sand beach. For a child of this age, this does not matter much: he does not play in the sand, does not walk along the shore (you can easily carry him into the water yourself). Yes, it would not be bad if there was sand and not pebbles, but this criterion is not as important as those that I listed above. In addition, where the stones are, the sea is crystal clear, because... sand does not rise from the bottom)


Everyone has different attitudes towards vacationing with children at such an early age. I am for it. We flew when she was 7 months old, 1.7 and 2.7, now I can say that the coolest vacation is when the child is not yet walking and sleeps a lot, i.e. from 4 months to 10 maximum :))) Well, or with grandparents. And if you are also breastfeeding, then vacation is a fairy tale!

Where to go with children?

When choosing a place for your children's summer vacation, pay attention to the doctor's recommendation - not to radically change the season. A short trip in the middle of winter to the sunny Maldives is, of course, a holiday. But a sharp change in climate twice in a few days can weaken even an adult’s body, let alone children’s health? It is better to choose gentle options - in winter to ski resorts, and in summer - to a sunny beach.

If you are planning a trip to another country, be sure to research the climate. The rainy season, peak summer heat, unfavorable epidemiological situation - these factors make the trip unsuitable for children.

If the conditions of the resort suit you, you can choose a hotel. Do not hesitate to ask the tour operator meticulous questions, answering them is his job.

Here's what you might be interested in:

  • availability of an extra bed in the room,
  • depth of the sea off the coast,
  • purity of sea water,
  • work of children's animators,
  • restrictions for smokers,
  • children's menu,
  • presence of a refrigerator and microwave in the room,
  • availability of an elevator.

Think through and figure out every little detail.

What to take with you

Vacationing with a baby greatly complicates the task of packing suitcases, especially if it is a vacation with a child under one year old. The rule of inverse proportionality is that the smaller the child, the more things there are.

with a small child at the sea

First of all, check the documents - international passport, consent for the child to leave, etc. Check the list of required documents with the tour operator, on specialized websites, etc.

Experienced travelers advise not to stuff your suitcases completely. Surely on vacation you will buy souvenirs, new toys, some new things - reserve a place for them in advance so that you don’t have to worry about a bunch of additional bags later. And most importantly, the suitcase must be liftable.

If you are planning to travel by air, find out the weight restrictions for free luggage in advance so that you do not have to urgently repack your suitcases right at the airport. But even when traveling by train or bus, it is advisable to have suitcases of reasonable weight and dimensions.

Don’t forget to put the most necessary things in a separate bag or backpack - wet disinfectant wipes, drinking water, a change of clothes for the child, travel toys, hygiene items, etc. By the way, some things can easily fit into a child’s backpack, and the baby will proudly carry his things himself.

When determining what to take your child on vacation, be sure to think about how you will entertain your child on the road and on vacation. Small children are not inclined to philosophically look at the landscapes outside the window. And those around you do not have to endure the crying and whims of your wonderful baby.

Take with you your favorite toys, coloring books and pencils, books with colorful pictures, download cartoons and toys to your tablet - who, if not the parents, knows what will captivate your precious child for a long time. And be prepared to engage with your child on the road - play with him, read books, tell fairy tales, etc.

The supply of food depends on the duration of the trip and the age of the child. In any case, perishable dairy and meat products are excluded. Canned food for children, dry cereals, fruits, and cookies are very convenient.

You can always find boiling water from the conductor or at the station, you just need to take a thermos with you. Disposable tableware is convenient on the road. And you shouldn’t risk buying food from random roadside sellers.

But take a minimum of things for yourself. Bulky luggage, especially when traveling with a child, will destroy all the pleasure of your vacation. If you are going on vacation with a child, then attending social events is unlikely to be in your plans. This means you can safely leave evening dresses, tuxedos and stilettos at home. Shoes and clothes should be comfortable so that you can keep up with your nimble baby.

How to pack children's luggage correctly?

A baby needs many different things. When creating a wardrobe, you should follow certain rules:

  • In first place in terms of quantity are underwear items, since they have to be changed most often;
  • The less clothing weighs, the better. If you have a choice between a heavy denim jacket and a windbreaker, prefer the second option as it is universal;
  • Don't forget warm shoes and clothes. Of course, it all depends on the season and the place of your vacation, however, a warm blouse may not hurt on a summer evening;
  • When choosing clothes for travel, inquire about the possibility of using a washing machine, because washing makes it possible to reduce the amount of things you pack.

On vacation by the sea, you need to have a light, light shirt with long sleeves to protect the baby from the scorching sun, as well as comfortable shoes if the baby can already walk.

In addition, you will need a whole arsenal of things:

If after collecting the necessary things in the suitcase there is still some free space, grab a bucket, cake molds and a spatula.

What do we put in the first aid kit?

Let’s make a reservation right away – you don’t need to fill half your suitcase with medications. If, God forbid, something serious happens, you should immediately consult a doctor and follow his recommendations, including those regarding medications. And you need to take first aid medications with you. General recommendations for the composition of a first aid kit:

  • thermometer;
  • means for treating wounds: iodine, bandage, plaster, cotton wool;
  • antiseptics;
  • drugs for intestinal infections;
  • antiallergic;
  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • ear and eye drops;
  • throat spray and nasal drops - if the child is prone to colds;
  • motion sickness remedies;
  • sunscreen for beach holidays.

To choose specific medications, it is useful to consult with your pediatrician, especially if you have chronic diseases - he will give recommendations taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s health.

When traveling abroad with a child, make sure you have health insurance. And useful advice from experienced travelers: if a pharmacy in another country doesn’t have the usual medicine, tell the pharmacist the main active ingredient (write down its Latin name on a piece of paper), and he will select an analogue for you.

How to get there

Long-distance travel involves transportation. Your task is to make it as comfortable as possible for yourself and the child. What can (and should) be done?

Remember that any train station or airport has a “Mother and Child Room”. At a minimum, you will be provided with a toilet, washbasin and crib with clean linen. This is especially convenient if you have to wait for a transfer.


When traveling by plane with a small child, ask for a bassinet. The crib, designed for a child weighing up to 11 kg, will allow you not to hold your baby in your arms for the entire flight.

on a plane with a child

Experienced mothers advise purchasing vasoconstrictor nasal drops. If you drop one or two drops into the nose 15-20 minutes before takeoff and landing, your baby’s ears will not be blocked.

Swallowing movements also help relieve pressure in the ears. Therefore, you can give the baby a bottle, and buy a lollipop for an older child. Do not forget about restrictions on the carriage of liquids - containers of no more than 100 ml are allowed in hand luggage.


Traveling on a train frightens mothers with the possibility of their baby falling off the shelf. You can ask the conductor for special safety belts. An even more reliable and convenient means is a special train playpen. This compact folding design is secured to the shelf using straps so that the baby ends up in a four-walled playpen. However, experienced travelers make do with an ordinary sheet, to which strings are sewn at four corners.


Bus travel, especially long ones, can be difficult for a child. Choose seats closer to the front door - there is less motion sickness there. Be sure to stock up on anti-nausea pills. For drinks, give preference to plain water.

Grab socks so that the child can take off his shoes - it will be easier for his feet. On a long trip, a light massage will be useful to relieve tension from prolonged sitting. And think about what you will do with your child.


A trip in a family car is comfortable because you can get comfortable without worrying about those around you. A car seat for a small child is a must, and a folding one at that. The route should be planned taking into account overnight stays in hotels, where you can relax, get yourself in order, and have a hot meal. But daytime stops, according to experienced parents, are mandatory - the child should have the opportunity to warm up. And again, the child needs to be occupied with something.

Holidays with a backpack

If you prefer to spend your holidays in nature, then a small child is quite capable of sharing it with you. There are enough thematic sites on the Internet where experienced parents talk about their outdoor recreation with their children. And you don’t have to go far; you can organize a wonderful vacation with your children in the Moscow region.

on the train with a child

Of course, the presence of children on a hike imposes restrictions on the speed of movement, the complexity of the route, and the distance of travel. Nevertheless, they go rafting down rivers with children, go on cycling routes, go on forest hikes and even to the mountains. But the presence of experienced tourists and increased attention to the safety of children on such trips is mandatory!

Additional documents

For traveling with a child, one passport is not enough. You need to take your birth certificate. If the certificate is lost or you cannot take it with you for one reason or another, provide a notarized copy of the document. In some cases, you may be required to provide a document translated into English.

A notarized copy of the birth certificate is also required if the minor child and the parent who accompanies him on the trip have different last names. Unfortunately, in practice there were cases when this was the reason for a ban on crossing the border.

We should also not forget that if a child goes on a trip with his grandparents, he must provide his consent to this. The same situation occurs if the parents are divorced and only one of them takes the child with them on a trip. If the second parent writes to the migration service about his disagreement with the removal of the child, you will not be allowed to leave the country.

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