Growing coriander seeds and green cilantro

green sauceThe taste of red fish, baked meat or diet porridge will effectively complement the green sauce.
It is served in prestigious restaurants and prepared in home kitchens by experienced chefs. The main ingredient of the delicacy is various fresh herbs. It can be purchased at the supermarket or grown in your summer cottage. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing a delicious addition to main dishes. Let's look at the most popular options shared by experienced chefs. On this topic:

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One of the most popular representatives of green mass in our country, on average, every Russian eats almost one and a half kilograms of dill per year. The calorie content, as well as the fat and carbohydrate content in it, is almost zero. Dill also does not oxalates, found in other green foods, which contribute to the formation of kidney stones. But dill is very rich in flavonoids (natural antioxidants that protect blood vessels from atherosclerosis and old age) and monoterpenes (neutralizers of carcinogens contained in fried meat, kebabs and other products). That is why it is always recommended to serve greens and, in particular, dill with shish kebab and any meat dish, in order to smooth out all the consequences of the unhealthy, but beloved shish kebab.

The royal couple of all time

green dill and parsley sauce
For centuries, dill and parsley have been considered the most popular herbs. When fresh, they are used to prepare salads, hot dishes, meat and fish. Often, greens are served directly on the plate as a vitamin-rich snack.

Experienced chefs offer a recipe for dill and parsley sauce in a blender, which includes simple ingredients:

  • soy sauce;
  • sunflower oil;
  • dill branches;
  • parsley;
  • salt;
  • garlic.

puree the greens in a blender
The prepared products are washed and placed on a paper towel. The greens are thoroughly sorted, removing coarse stems or yellowed leaves. Garlic, dill and parsley are chopped in the usual way. Place in a blender and start the unit. Soy sauce, sunflower oil and salt are added to the mass. The product is mixed to obtain a uniform texture.

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You can diversify the taste of green pasta by adding basil, mint or cilantro.

The sauce is served with meat products, potatoes and simply spread on a piece of bread. Store in the refrigerator for approximately 1 week.


This weed is the most popular all over the world.
It, like its brother, dill, contains the same beneficial substances, flavonoids, monoterpentes and vitamins. In terms of the content of vitamin K, which helps blood clotting, parsley surpassed dill and only 10 grams of it (2-3 branches) contain two daily norms of this vitamin. Vitamin C in parsley is more than 20% of the norm and more than 15% of vitamin A.

Volatile aroma oils of parsley contain myristic, limonene, eugenol and other antioxidants with a powerful anti-carcinogenic effect.

Eating parsley has a wonderful effect on the skin, giving it a velvety, smooth and healthy appearance.

Edita Piekha, the Soviet pop icon, especially loved parsley, which may be why the singer looks so wonderful to this day.


This spicy herb is not so popular among us for its very rich aroma, which is not for everyone. However, it, like the aromatic herbs listed above, is very beneficial for the body and contains all the same substances, vitamins (C and K), antioxidants and flavonoids.

There are two varieties of this plant: green and burgundy basil. So the second one is the most useful thanks to anthocyanins, which color it burgundy, which neutralize free radicals and provide protection against various diseases and even cancer. Basil essential oils are a powerful antibacterial agent. By adding basil to dishes without heat treatment, we make them safe, as it kills many harmful bacteria.

General information about cilantro and parsley

Cilantro was originally used only medicinally . Then cooks began to actively use it in cooking . The plant looks like parsley, but due to its specific smell it cannot be confused with anything else. Not many people eat fresh leaves, as they have a bitter taste. Therefore, dried ones are most often used. The seeds of this plant are called coriander, but few people know that these are completely different spices. However, he has many admirers and haters. Some believe that the product has woody cognac notes in its taste, while others compare it to bedbugs. Accordingly, the product is not for everybody.

Parsley quickly gained popularity as a spice in many countries . But this is not the only area in which it is used. It has also proven itself well in folk medicine and cosmetology. Healers claim that if you use parsley correctly, you can get rid of many diseases forever. In order not to mislead yourself and your loved ones, it is necessary to analyze the beneficial properties of each spice.

Green onions

What's a salad without green onions? The smell of onions is created by the sulfur compounds it contains, which are beneficial for the body in that they reduce the level of bad cholesterol, blood pressure levels and give elasticity to blood vessels, eliminating atherosclerosis.

Onions are an excellent protection against viruses and bacteria and even fungi! Carotene and lutein from green onions are true friends of vision; they also protect blood vessels from aging and even fight cancer cells.

Onions are also useful, but still inferior in their healing properties to their green brother.

The table below shows the ratio of vitamins in green and onions as a percentage of the daily value:

Vitamins Green onions, % Onions, %

from daily value from daily value

IN 153
AT 282


There are two types of salad: green and red, similar in composition and both are very healthy.

Despite the fact that lettuce contains almost 95% water, it is also a valuable source of nutrients and nutrients. In terms of the content of vitamins E and B, it is a record holder among vegetables.

It contains proteins that are completely absorbed in the body, microelements: magnesium, potassium, manganese. Rich in vitamins A, PP, rutin, and in terms of vitamin C content it is next to lemons. The iodine, calcium, iron, fluorine and especially silicon , together with vitamins, make this green extremely useful for those who suffer from diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, and on a raw food diet. In terms of iron content, lettuce is second only to spinach.

Lettuce leaves contain a substance such as lactucin , which has a positive effect on the nervous system and ensures good sleep.

The salad has a calming, diuretic, mild hypnotic and even analgesic effect. Salad is indispensable for weight loss, cleansing the body of toxins, and strengthening the immune system.

Dried herbs and spices benefits

Not only fresh herbs, but also dried ones have incredible benefits. And as it turned out during the research, sometimes even greater benefits. The fact is that when drying, water evaporates and the concentration of beneficial substances in aromatic herbs increases. Thus, parsley, dill, and cilantro increase the content of the element potassium, which the body really needs. Potassium displaces sodium in the blood, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, dried herbs are recommended in the diet of hypertensive patients, 2 teaspoons daily. So little, but what a healing effect.

dried greens

Greenery colors our lives green

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