Meal plan to maintain normal weight

What is proper nutrition

People turn to the principles of proper nutrition to not only lose weight, but also to keep fit and look attractive. This lifestyle implies having a healthy and balanced diet that will give the body energy for the whole day and enrich it with vitamins and minerals.

A healthy diet for the week. Recipe table, sample menu for women, men

Nutrients will be completely spent on the functioning of the body and will not be able to be deposited in the form of extra pounds. Losing weight is 80% dependent on nutrition and only 20% is physical activity. The weight will come off, but not quickly. It is not the volume that is important, but the person’s well-being. Eating healthy foods improves the condition of your skin and hair.

Diet menu for the year

It is necessary to exclude seasonings, semi-finished products, confectionery products, canned foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks from the diet. Eat foods stewed, boiled or raw. Pickled and smoked products are allowed to be consumed from 5 to 10 times a year (3, 7, 9 and 11 months).

You should feed 5 times a day. Be sure to consume the following foods:

  • Chicken fillet (100 g);
  • Boiled fish (150 g);
  • Rye bread (2 slices);
  • Low-fat fermented milk product (glass);
  • Greens and vegetables (unlimited quantity);
  • Fruits (plum, orange, grapefruit, banana, kiwi, apple);
  • Dried fruits and nuts;
  • Liquid in large quantities (compote, green tea, still mineral water).

Alternate cottage cheese and boiled eggs daily. In every second month of the year, increase the amount of fluid to 2 liters per day. In addition, it is necessary to consume 2 glasses of fresh or frozen berries, seafood, a handful of nuts, rice, honey and cereals every day (2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months). For best results, a balanced diet and exercise should complement each other. Daily exercise will strengthen the body, improve the condition of the skin and normalize the psychological state.

The summer diet for the year should be supplemented with a significant amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. A number of protein products can be replaced with berries, nuts, olives, plenty of greens, salads, vegetable stews, and vinaigrette. Use lemon juice or olive oil as a salad dressing. Rye bread is allowed to be eaten only in the morning.

Basic principles of healthy eating

Proper nutrition does not mean fasting or a strict diet. This is a long process that needs to be followed all the time. You can create your own meal plan for the week or look at a ready-made menu on the Internet. Over time, a person will get used to proper nutrition, and the choice of foods and dishes will happen automatically.

A healthy diet for the week. Recipe table, sample menu for women, men

Proper nutrition is based on several important principles:

  • You need to drink enough water per day so that metabolic processes can function normally. The norm for females is 30 ml per 1 kg. For men, a little more: 35 ml per 1 kg.
  • The diet should include a lot of vegetables and fruits, excluding prohibited ones.
  • You need to eat 3-3.5 hours before bedtime. Food should be easy to digest.
  • The serving weight should be 200-250 g.
  • Don't skip breakfast.
  • Fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet and the consumption of foods with a high glycemic index should be reduced.
  • Reduce or eliminate alcohol altogether.
  • Reduce salt intake, and sugar can be replaced with other options (sweetener or stevia).
  • You should not fast or sharply reduce the number of calories you consume per day.
  • It is best to keep a nutrition notebook where you can track the weight and volume of food eaten.

About proper nutrition and digestion:

Any change in diet is not comfortable for a person. To avoid breakdowns, it is permissible to allow yourself to indulge in foods from the prohibited list once a week or less often. This will also help reduce psychological pressure.

Principles of nutrition

The daily diet does not have a specific duration. A person losing weight sticks to this diet for as long as he wants, until he considers that his weight has reached the required level, and another two weeks after that to consolidate the result.

If a person experiences acute attacks of hunger in between meals, then he can drink a glass (200 ml) of low-fat or 1% fat kefir or yogurt, and he is also allowed to eat any fruit.

During your daily diet, you need to drink plenty of fluid, about 1.5-2 liters per day. If desired, you can drink still mineral water, weak black and green tea, compote, fruit drink, and freshly squeezed juice. A larger volume of liquid should be drunk in the first half of the day, this will avoid the formation of edema. It is strictly forbidden to drink strong alcoholic drinks, low-alcohol drinks, or sweet carbonated drinks during the diet. In exceptional cases, you can afford 50-100 ml of dry red or white wine.

In order for the effect obtained from a daily diet to last as long as possible, when leaving this diet, it is necessary to gradually and little by little introduce previously prohibited foods into the diet. It is advisable to forever give up sausages, semi-finished products, fatty, fried, smoked foods.

Meal frequency

A healthy diet for a week should include at least 4 meals daily. This will help saturate the body and avoid overeating. Too short pauses between meals are also undesirable, since the body needs time to digest food.

A healthy diet for the week. Recipe table, sample menu for women, men
To lose weight, you need to reduce the number of calories you eat, not the number of meals you eat. Breakfast and lunch must be included. You shouldn't give up dinner, but it should be light. If a person does not feel hungry during the day, then you can sacrifice one snack, but you should not eliminate it completely.


Eating meals at the same time plays an important role in proper nutrition. The uniform distribution of nutrients depends on this. Meal times are different for each person. It depends on the time of rise and work schedule.

A healthy diet for the week. Recipe table, sample menu for women, men

There are several general rules that will help you properly distribute meals:

  • Breakfast should begin no earlier than 60 minutes later. after getting up. First you need to drink a glass of water, and after a while you can go have breakfast.
  • 1 snack should be taken about 2.5-3 hours after breakfast.
  • Lunch should be hearty and balanced and take place from 12 to 15 hours.
  • 2nd snack must be organized 2-2.5 hours after lunch.
  • And a light dinner should be consumed about 3 hours before bedtime.

Proper nutrition to maintain normal weight. The essence of a weight maintenance diet

There is a special balanced and nutritious diet that helps you not gain back lost pounds. The essence of this diet is to consume no more than 1600 kcal per day. At the same time, you need to devote time to sports (any activity will do).

It is important that there is an optimal balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure. If the diet is too poor, the body begins to work incorrectly (it stores fats) and physical activity cannot always help. If there is more nutrition than required, then weight is added due to calories, and in this case you will have to exercise more often. Therefore balance is important.

During this diet you need to eat 5-6 times a day. Portions should be small. It is advisable to eat at the same time. Products should be varied; you cannot refuse meat, fish or eggs. Food must be prepared by boiling, stewing and baking.

In the morning on an empty stomach, you should drink a glass of clean water, maybe with the addition of a slice of lemon. This will help speed up your metabolism. And during the day it is advisable to drink more water, especially before meals, this will reduce your appetite. In the evening, you should not eat heavy food: a light dinner four hours before bedtime will satisfy your hunger and prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

During a diet to maintain weight, you need to choose the right snacks. It should not be hamburgers, sweets and buns, but nuts, dark chocolate, yogurt, fruits, smoothies, cottage cheese, a sandwich made from whole grain bread, cheese and herbs. These snacks will help you avoid overeating during your main meal, so you shouldn’t ignore them.

Every day you should do light exercise or go for a run. This will help burn extra calories.

And one more secret of the diet. Once a week you can eat something tasty and not very healthy. For example, a cake or French fries. This will help avoid breakdowns.


Every person needs a certain amount of calories per day.

This figure is influenced by the following factors:

  • floor;
  • age;
  • body mass;
  • presence or absence of physical activity.

The number of calories may also depend on your goal. If a person decides to lose weight, then he needs to subtract 10-20% from his norm.

You can calculate the required calorie intake per day using a calorie counter or yourself using the formula:

  • For girls: (weight in kg x 9.99 + height in cm x 6.25 + number of completed years x 4.92).
  • For guys: (weight in kg x 9.99 + height in cm x 6.25 + number of completed years x 4.92 + 5).

Next, multiply this result by the value based on physical fitness:

  • 1.2 lack of classes;
  • 1,375 sports 3 times every 7 days;
  • 1.46 people practice 4-5 times;
  • 1.55 sports 5-6 times;
  • 1.72 every day;
  • 1.9 for professional athletes.

Menu for weight loss

Diet food for weight loss is balanced because it includes the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their norm in the diet:

  • 40–45% proteins;
  • 15–20% fat;
  • 30–40% carbohydrates.

Vegetable salad

Before calculating the amount of BJU in the diet in grams, it is necessary to calculate the daily calorie content for weight loss. General instructions for performing these calculations and an example menu:

Stage number Calculation stage Formulas
1 Calculation of basal metabolism.
  • For men: 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) – (6.76 x age).
  • For women: 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age).

*for example, let’s assume that according to the formula for a woman, the value is 1435 kcal.

2 Determining the increasing coefficient based on your activity level.
  • inactive lifestyle – 1.2;
  • sedentary with light exercise 1–3 times a week – 1.375;
  • medium (average load up to 3-5 times every week) – 1.55;
  • very active (workouts up to 6–7 times a week) – 1.72;
  • hyperactive (physical work or exercise 7 days a week) – 1.9.
3 Daily calorie intake (DAC). Basal metabolic rate x activity factor – 500 kcal for weight loss:
  • 1435 x 1.375 (for example) – 500 = 1473 kcal.
4 Determining the upper and lower caloric limits so as not to push yourself into strict limits.
  • SNK – 250 = lower limit.
  • SNK + 100 = upper limit.

For example it turns out:

  • 1473 – 250 = 1223 kcal/day.
  • 1473+100 = 1573 kcal/day.

That is, the daily diet for weight loss, following the example, should be in the range of 1223–1573 kcal.

5 Calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nutritional value of 1 g of proteins – 4 kcal, 1 g of fats and carbohydrates – 9 kcal. Taking into account the percentage of BJU in the diet, it turns out:
  • Proteins: lower limit = (1223 x 0.40)/4 = 122.3, upper limit = (1573 x 0.45)/4 = 177.
  • Fat: lower limit = (1223 x 0.15)/9 = 20, upper limit = (1573 x 0.20)/9 = 35.
  • lower limit = (1223 x 0.30)/9 = 41, upper limit = (1573 x 0.40)/9 = 70.

As a result, following the example, it turns out that to lose weight you need 122.3–177 g of protein, 20–35 g of fat, 41–70 g of carbohydrates.

6 Sample menu for the day
  • Breakfast: 76 g radish, 24 g sour cream 10%, 40 g buckwheat, soft-boiled egg (13.4/8.5/30.7; 265 kcal).
  • Lunch: 30 g prunes, Activia with prunes 125 g (5.6/3.6/38.2; 207 kcal).
  • Lunch: 150 g chicken broth, 110 g boiled chicken, 45 g bread, 60 g cucumbers, 3 g olive oil, 10 g sour cream 10% (38.2/14.2/21.4; 368 kcal).
  • Afternoon snack: 120 g pear, 80 g bananas (1.7/0/30.7; 129 kcal).
  • Dinner: 20 g bread, 190 g beets with cheese, 80 g Dubki Premium sausages with cheese (21.5/44.4/22.5; 578).

Total: BJU – 84.6/78.5/187.4, calorie content – ​​1799 kcal.

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A proper weekly diet should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is important to take them in the right quantity. The best combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates: 30%-20%-50%.

A healthy diet for the week. Recipe table, sample menu for women, men

It is better to consume complex carbohydrates. They are lower in calories, but satiate the body for a long time and give it the necessary energy. And eliminate fast carbohydrates altogether or limit consumption.

The protein norm can be found from the formula: body weight x 2. If you consume more protein, this will lead to gaining kilograms. If the norm is reduced, health problems may arise. Fats must also be present in the diet. About 70% of the total norm should be of plant origin. And only 30% is animal fats.

Your daily diet should include vegetables and fruits, which are a source of fiber.

Dietary food for weight loss

Healthy eating is suitable for almost everyone; it does not force those who are losing weight into strict limits, allowing them to think through their own menu. It is important to adhere to the following principles:

  • Frequent meals. If you have 3 main meals and 2 snacks throughout the day, this eliminates hunger and overeating.
  • Light food. Fatty, fried, sweet, smoked, fast food - all this is harmful to the stomach and the body as a whole due to its high calorie content, abundance of fats and carbohydrates.
  • Small portions. With separate meals up to 5-6 times a day, you won’t want to eat a lot, because hunger will stop bothering you.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits as the basis of the diet. They contain healthy fiber, which not only normalizes digestion, but also helps you lose weight.
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Dietary products include those that are low in calories. They are the basis of proper nutrition. Weight decreases due to the fact that when eating such food, the body spends more energy on digesting it than it receives. List of dietary products:

Product group Products Calorie content per 100 g, kcal
Fruits Apricot 46
Orange 38
Apple 46
Lemon 19
Grapefruit 31
Watermelon 28
Melon 36
A pineapple 47
Pear 43
Plum 43
Mandarin 38
Kiwi 47
Milk and dairy products Ryazhenka 1% fat 42
Milk 1.5% fat 46
Milk 0.5% fat 37
Adyghe cheese 285
Kefir 1% fat 41
Kefir 0% 32
Kefir 3.2% 60
Kefir 2.5% 52
Cottage cheese 1.8% 100
Cottage cheese 0% 80
Curdled milk 1% 46
Meat, fish and seafood Beef liver 99
Beef kidneys 67
Lamb kidneys 78
Lamb heart 84
Veal 97
Pink salmon 145
Shrimps 88
Squid 77
Halibut 107
Cod 76
Tuna 99
Chum salmon 139
Zander 88
Pollock 73
Chicken 190
Turkey 141
Vegetables White cabbage 31
Green onion 21
Eggplant 22
Zucchini 30
Olives 111
Boiled potatoes 80
Beans 59
cucumbers 15
Carrot 29
Tomatoes 19
Parsley 45
Garlic 106
Beet 46
Basil 23
Arugula 25
Radish 22
Spinach 22
Porridge Buckwheat 92
Rice 116
Oatmeal 93
Bakery products Bread made from 2 types of flour 210
Bread made from white flour 246
Beverages Lemon water 29
Beet juice 61
Cucumber juice 14
pumpkin juice 38
Green tea without sugar 0
Black coffee without sugar 2
Other Chicken eggs 157
Quail eggs 168

Healthy foods

A proper weekly diet should include varied and healthy foods.

Can be consumedUse 1-2 times a weekCannot be consumed
  • Eggs
  • Meat (chicken or turkey fillet, beef, veal)
  • By-products
  • Dairy products up to 5% fat
  • Lean fish
  • Seafood
  • Canned fish without oil
  • Skinless chicken or turkey parts
  • Wild meat
  • Pork
  • Language
  • Sausages
  • Cold and hot smoked fish
  • Salty fish
  • Dairy products with sugar
  • Vegetable fats:
  • Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Seeds
  • Oils
  • Avocado
  • Animal fats:
  • Cod liver
  • Mackerel
  • Red fatty fish (fresh and lightly salted)
  • Yolks
  • Cheese
Sour cream
  • Processed cheeses
  • Glazed cheese curds
  • Cream cheeses
  • All types of cereals (except semolina);
  • Group A pasta
  • Flour (whole grain, buckwheat, rye, oatmeal)
  • Bread made from approved flour without yeast
  • Bread
  • Pita
  • Tortilla
  • Semolina
  • Group B pasta
  • Instant porridge
  • Flakes
  • Other types of flour
  • Confectionery
  • Sweets
  • Sugar
FruitsAll fruits and berries (except prohibited ones)
  • Mango
  • Banana
  • Persimmon
  • Melon
  • Watermelon
  • A pineapple
  • Grape
VegetablesAll (except prohibited)
  • Potato
  • Sauerkraut
  • Pumpkin
  • Beet
  • Polka dots
  • Corn
Fried potatoes
Flavorings, saucesAll herbs and spices
  • Ketchup
  • Cocoa
  • Sour cream
  • Homemade mayonnaise
Sauces based on mayonnaise

What should breakfast be like? Recipes for every day

Breakfast should be hearty and balanced, as the energy received will contribute to the person’s further work. For breakfast, you need to select foods that contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. This meal consumes about 25% of all calories for the day.

Example recipes:

  1. Broccoli casserole.
  • Beat 3 eggs and add salt.
  • Place the broccoli on a plate and pour in the egg. Bake in the oven.
  1. Oatmeal pancake.
  • Take 100 g of kefir and add 50 g of oatmeal. Beat in 2 eggs, add salt and mix.
  • Fry the resulting mixture in a frying pan.
  • Can be served with yogurt or fish.

What should a second breakfast be like? Recipes for every day

For lunch, it is best to eat fruit or dried fruit. It is advisable that the snack contains proteins and carbohydrates.

Example recipes:

  1. Pancake with cottage cheese.
  • Mix egg, 40 g rye flour, 1 tbsp. cocoa. Make pancakes from the dough.
  • For the cream, take soft cottage cheese, instant coffee and a little sweetener.
  • Lay out pancakes in layers and spread with cream. Decorate with berries.
  1. Panna cotta.
  • Dissolve gelatin in water.
  • Mix yogurt with gelatin and sweetener.
  • Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

What should lunch be like? Recipes for every day

Lunch should be nutritious and consist of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Lunch should account for about 40% of your total calories for the day.

Example recipes for 1 serving:

  1. Breast rolls with cheese + buckwheat.
  • Cut and beat 100 g chicken breast. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  • For the filling, grate the boiled egg and cheese, add garlic and a little yogurt. Wrap in meat.
  • Place in a container, add yogurt and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven.
  • Boil the buckwheat.
  1. Navy pasta for 1 serving.
  • Boil 35 g of pasta.
  • Fry minced chicken with onions, bell peppers and tomatoes.
  • You can mix everything together or serve separately.

What should an afternoon snack be like? Recipes for every day

The afternoon snack should contain proteins and carbohydrates. It is better to avoid fruits. They are best consumed in the first half of the day.

Example recipes:

  1. Fish and spinach roll.
  • Beat 2 eggs with spinach in a blender and add 1 tbsp. l. flour.
  • Place the mixture on paper, previously anointed with oil, and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes.
  • Grease the finished base with soft cottage cheese and add lightly salted red fish.
  • You need to roll the roll and leave it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours.
  1. Salad with beans and vegetables.
  • Boil 150 g of chicken breast and cut into pieces.
  • Add 80 g of beans, tomato, pepper, cucumber and onion.
  • Season with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and a little soy sauce and stir.

The importance of proper diet during intense training

Nutrition during fitness is not a strict diet, but a complete, varied menu. The basis of an athlete’s diet is proteins and carbohydrates. For proper functioning of the body, you should consume vegetable fats.

Products high in protein must be in an athlete’s diet. These substances stimulate metabolic processes and are involved in muscle building. With a lack of protein, muscles cannot grow and strengthen. Protein food is necessary, even if a person wants to lose weight, it speeds up metabolism and the fat burning process.

Complex carbohydrates are necessary to restore energy reserves. With a lack of these nutrients, the athlete feels constant fatigue and exhaustion. Then the effectiveness of the training decreases, which negatively affects sports results.

Important! If your goal is to lose weight, then you need to limit the amount of simple carbohydrates as much as possible. They can be consumed in minimal quantities after training.

When playing sports, it is recommended to reduce the amount of foods rich in animal fats. It is better to replace them with substances of plant origin. You shouldn’t completely give up fats, as they are necessary for the normal functioning of many body systems. In addition, these nutrients in minimal quantities promote fat burning.

It is also necessary to maintain a drinking regime during training. Plain water stimulates the intestines, promotes the absorption of nutrients, improves the motility of the digestive organs, and accelerates the elimination of toxic substances.

This is interesting! To speed up metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulate fat burning, you need to consume water and fiber.

Be sure to check out:

Fitness for the abs at home and in the gym Fitness for beginners: competent workouts for a toned figure and healthy body Fitness at home: a sporty and toned figure Effective fitness workouts for losing weight

What should dinner be like? Recipes for every day

Dinner should be kept light. It is worth giving up carbohydrates and fats altogether, eating only protein foods along with vegetables or dairy products.

Example recipes:

  1. Pie with cottage cheese and herbs.
  • Mix 200g of cottage cheese with an egg and 40g of cheese, add herbs.
  • Place half of the dough on a plate, cover with cheese and add the 2nd part, and cover with cheese again. Cook in the oven.
  1. Goulash with zucchini pasta.
  • Finely chop the veal and simmer with carrots and onions. Add salt and 1 tbsp. flour.
  • Chop the zucchini using a Korean carrot peeler.
  • Cook in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

Menu for the week

List of healthy meals for 7 days:

Day of the weekEatingMenu
1BreakfastOatmeal with 1 tsp added.
butter Tea or coffee without sugar
LunchBaked apple with cottage cheese
DinnerChicken rolls with cheese and buckwheat
2 lunchCottage cheese with dried apricots
DinnerFish with vegetables
2BreakfastOmelette with vegetables
LunchMilkshake with berries
DinnerBeef liver stewed in sour cream and rice
2 lunchFish and spinach roll
DinnerGoulash with zucchini pasta
3BreakfastRice porrige
DinnerNavy pasta
2 lunchPancake with cottage cheese
DinnerVegetable salad with tuna
DinnerBreast with mushrooms, stewed with yogurt and buckwheat
2 lunchBean salad
DinnerVegetable salad with chicken breast
DinnerChicken liver with vegetables and rice
2 lunchCottage cheese casserole with apple
DinnerSalad with breast, cucumber and eggs
6BreakfastOatmeal pancake
LunchCottage cheese with dried apricots
DinnerStuffed cabbage rolls from minced chicken
2 lunchAvocado salad with cheese
7BreakfastBroccoli casserole
LunchDried apples
DinnerHerb Pie
2 lunchBaked champignons with breast and cheese
DinnerCabbage with mushrooms

Effective diets for quick weight loss in a week

Fitness exercises for body shaping and fat burning are a partial method for achieving your goal. Express diets will help you lose up to 10 kg in a short time. The final result of losing weight depends on the chosen diet, patience and willpower to stay on the proposed menu for the required amount of time, as well as a reasonable exit from the diet. We bring to your attention effective diets for weight loss, after which you will be satisfied with the results.

Buckwheat diet – minus 7 kg

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is a low-calorie product, but filling, which will allow you to not feel hungry on a buckwheat diet. Minus 7 kilograms awaits you by the end of the week. The daily diet consists of buckwheat porridge without salt, sugar, or butter. It is advisable to diversify the menu with kefir (1 l). Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. By the end of the week, treat yourself to a few prunes. On the third day, the weight loss result will be noticeable. The buckwheat diet is effective and has no contraindications. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from fast weight loss diets.

On kefir – minus 10 kg

Kefir diet

The kefir mono-diet is especially popular among those who want to lose weight. You need to drink up to 50 ml of low-fat kefir per day. It is advisable to diversify your diet on the first day 4 pcs. potatoes “in their jackets” without salt, in the second - 400 g of cottage cheese, in the third - 500 g of any fruit, in the fourth - boiled chicken breast, in the fifth - 400 g of vegetables. The sixth complete fasting day for the body: only mineral water. On the seventh day - 500 ml of kefir plus 600 g of fruit. Be sure to drink up to 2 liters of water per day. You need to get out of the diet by gradually introducing high-calorie foods into your body’s diet.

  • Ear treatment with boric acid
  • Greek salad dressing
  • Chicken breast with mushrooms

On the water – minus 5 kg

Diet food on water

This strict diet is for those who have the willpower and patience to finish what they started. The skinny diet is a popular European system for quickly losing weight, which is based on a low-calorie daily diet. You can lose up to 7 kg in one week. If the daily calorie content of the menu does not go off scale during the week, then the result of rapid weight loss will be noticeable soon. It is also important to gradually exit the diet by adding high-calorie foods to your diet.

The skinny diet menu for the week suggests:

  • On the first day, the diet consists of 1 liter of fresh milk, mineral water, and herbal tea.
  • The second is 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened juice.
  • The third day of the diet is only mineral water.
  • Fourth – 4 potato tubers, boiled “in their jackets” and 800 ml of unsweetened juice.
  • Fifth – 5 apples and plain water.
  • Sixth - a piece of boiled chicken meat without salt, 800 ml of juice without granulated sugar.
  • The seventh day is kefir day, the diet of which consists of a liter of kefir and water.

On oatmeal – minus 3 kg

Oatmeal diet for weight loss

Like any other diet, following a mono-diet on oatmeal for more than 1 week is prohibited by nutritionists: the body’s functioning will begin to malfunction. Oatmeal or rolled oats in water are a storehouse of minerals and essential vitamins, fiber for the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the fact that an oatmeal diet will help you lose 3-4 kg in 7 days, it helps cleanse the body of free radicals and bad cholesterol.

For greater effect, the oatmeal diet or “recipe for French beauty” requires preliminary cleansing of the body from waste and toxins with boiled rice. For this purpose, cook jelly with 4 tbsp. l. rice and a liter of water. Drink without straining, and after taking, do not take food or drinks other than water for strictly 5 hours. Body cleansing sessions are carried out once a day for 10 days. The diet menu consists of oatmeal with water (4 times a day), snacks - fruits, except bananas, grapes, tea with ginger, water. Repeat the weight loss diet after 6 months.

Healthy products for women

Women should not eat too much protein food, as its excess removes calcium from the body. You need to focus on foods with iron. A woman should consume more vitamins and minerals.

A healthy diet for the week. Recipe table, sample menu for women, men

When selecting dishes for women, you should give preference to:

  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • legumes

Economy menu for the week

Economy menu developed for 7 days:

Day of the weekEatingMenu
2 lunchCasserole
DinnerPollock stewed with vegetables
2BreakfastMilk soup with buckwheat
LunchThe vinaigrette
DinnerA serving of soup with pasta and chicken
2 lunchApple
DinnerFish cutlets with vegetable salad
LunchCarrot and raisin salad
DinnerBraised breast with potatoes
2 lunchCottage cheese with tea
DinnerChicken chop with vinaigrette
DinnerLiver in sour cream with rice
2 lunchCrispbread with cheese
DinnerCabbage stewed with mushrooms
5BreakfastFried eggs
LunchBaked apple with cottage cheese
DinnerA serving of pea soup
2 lunchCrispbread with cheese
DinnerChicken cutlet with coleslaw
6BreakfastRice porrige
LunchKefir and apple
DinnerA serving of pea soup
2 lunchKefir pancakes
DinnerCabbage stewed with liver
7BreakfastKefir pancakes
LunchBaked apple
DinnerA serving of noodle soup
2 lunchCrispbread with cheese

Advantages and disadvantages

A diet for a student to lose weight and improve the condition of the body has both strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Reducing costs, which is one of the most important indicators for students.
  2. Losing weight and saturating the body with useful microelements and minerals.
  3. Thanks to the improvement of the body's condition, performance in the educational process increases.
  1. It is difficult to maintain a nutritional schedule due to the instability of the educational process.
  2. It is not always possible to buy certain products.

To know how to lose weight as a student, you need to imagine what the student diet menu should look like. Daily ration:

Day 1BreakfastA serving of rice porridge, green tea, toast
LunchA glass of kefir, a bun
DinnerChicken broth, tea, buckwheat
DinnerSeasonal vegetable salad, glass of kefir, 1 fruit

These are approximate menus for the day.

Menu for three days

Day 11A handful of walnuts, natural coffee
2A glass of mineral water, two apples
3Boiled chicken breast, broth with vegetables, bread
4Low-fat cottage cheese
5Baked potato or rice
Day 21Green tea, oatmeal
2Apple and pear
3Vegetable salad, chicken broth, bread
4A glass of natural yogurt, dried fruits
5Boiled chicken breast, green beans or mashed potatoes
Day 31Ham sandwich, glass of milk
2A glass of kefir, a bun
3Vegetable broth with chicken breast, green tea
4Two bananas, coffee
5Boiled beef, vegetable salad.

A healthy food menu for a week to normalize the gastrointestinal tract

For ailments with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to adhere to a diet. The amount of spicy, salty and fatty foods should be reduced. Dishes should be cooked either steamed or baked.

Day of the weekEatingMenu
LunchBoiled egg
DinnerA serving of soup with buckwheat and chicken
2 lunchBaked apple
DinnerCottage cheese
2BreakfastOmelette in the oven
DinnerA serving of milk soup with pasta
2 lunchKefir
DinnerChicken cutlet with beets
LunchHomemade jelly
DinnerFish with vegetables
2 lunchBanana
DinnerCottage cheese with dried apricots
4BreakfastCheesecakes in the oven
DinnerA serving of soup with potatoes and chicken
2 lunchYogurt
DinnerFish with vegetables
5BreakfastRice porrige
LunchCarrot and raisin salad
DinnerStuffed cabbage rolls
2 lunchBaked apple
6BreakfastSteamed omelette
LunchVegetable Salad
DinnerA serving of milk soup with buckwheat
2 lunchYogurt
DinnerBreast stewed in yogurt and fresh vegetables
7BreakfastCheesecakes in the oven
DinnerA serving of soup with meatballs
2 lunchKefir
DinnerPollock with vegetables

Proper nutrition is the first step towards good health, strong immunity and a slim figure.

The weekly diet includes many delicious dishes and healthy foods. You just need to create a menu from a list of healthy foods and dishes, and try to stick to it, consuming the required amount of liquid per day.

Proper planning of a balanced diet for weight loss

Before starting a diet for a year, you need to carefully plan your diet for each month and calculate the required calorie content. The main menu for the year should include the following useful substances:

  • proteins that are part of dairy products, legumes and grains, raisins and nuts;
  • amino acids (liver, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, beans, banana);
  • vitamins – B12 (yeast, dairy products), D (fish, parsley, mushrooms), C (lemon, orange, broccoli, rose hips, cabbage, pepper), etc.;
  • iron (raisins, lentils, spinach, eggs, lettuce, plum);
  • calcium (fish, fish oil, beans, dried fruits, sesame, greens).

In order to lose weight 1 year to normal weight, you need to correctly alternate and combine foods. The most correct would be split meals of a separate type, which should include various dishes with plant combinations. Dishes made from beans and lentils, as well as soups with grains and lots of greens, will help replenish your energy supply. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins should be the basis of the daily menu.

The correct diet for the year includes main and fasting days, and also consists of food groups that must be consumed by month.

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