Types of diets - choose yours for 2020

Cleansing diet

We can’t start losing weight until we cleanse our body of toxins. This way we can not only lose a few kilograms, but also improve our health.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

On average, on this diet you can lose 2-3 kilograms in the first week. In a month you can see -10 on the scales.

A weekly diet for weight loss includes the following products:

  1. Products of plant origin.
  2. Almost all porridges do not contain added oil.
  3. Whole grain baked goods.
  4. Low-fat dairy products.
  5. Poultry, lean beef, fish.

The menu looks like this:

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

This is an effective diet for losing weight at home, and it’s not very expensive. By the way, don’t forget to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

Low calorie diet

Not a bad diet to lose 5 kg in a week. Even though we're cutting calories, you definitely won't leave hungry. We limit ourselves to carbohydrates, which contribute to the deposition of fat.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

The weekly diet allows you to eat:

  1. Wholemeal buns and bread.
  2. Meat and fish.
  3. Any fermented milk products without sugar.
  4. Porridge, with the exception of semolina and rice.
  5. Any fruits and berries.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

A diet for losing 6 kg is based on 5 rules:

  1. We focus on low-calorie, high-protein foods. We need this to maintain muscle mass and burn fat.
  2. We keep carbohydrates to a minimum (1.5 grams per kg of weight).
  3. We divide the food into 5 doses of 100-300 grams.
  4. We reduce the salt so as not to cause swelling.
  5. We exclude alcohol, as it increases appetite.
  6. We drink more water.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

The 7-day diet is effective, but not debilitating. You will feel good, and hunger will not haunt you.

A sample menu looks like this:

  1. Breakfast. Buckwheat and apple.
  2. Snack. Vegetable salad.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup with meat.
  4. Snack. Cottage cheese.
  5. Dinner. Baked hake with vegetables.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

Main menu “with unloading”

This simplest diet is designed for a week, like the previous options. For six days you need to eat according to the regular menu, the seventh should be a fasting diet. It is very easy to carry, because the portions are quite large, and dishes prepared by frying are not prohibited. But low carb content will promote fat burning to replenish wasted energy.

Be sure to add 1.5 liters of clean water and a vitamin complex to the set of products.

Important! Drink water 20 minutes before meals or 2 hours after them.

Daily menu

  • Breakfast. An omelette of four eggs (can be replaced with a boiled egg), sprinkled with chopped celery, two cucumbers.
  • Dinner. 300 g of meat, cooked in any way, cabbage salad (except cauliflower).
  • Afternoon snack. A glass of kefir with chopped nuts, a slice of cheese.
  • Dinner. 200 g skinless chicken, two egg omelette, one tomato.
  • Second dinner. 150 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.

A beautifully decorated dish and a calm atmosphere contribute to quick satiety

Menu for a fasting day

  • Breakfast. 200 g chicken with rice side dish, vegetable salad, any fruit
  • Dinner. Pasta topped with grated cheese, fruit salad topped with yogurt.
  • Dinner. Fish with buckwheat garnish, vegetable salad.
  • Second dinner. 100 g cottage cheese, orange.

In a week you will lose 2-3 kg. This diet can be followed for 4 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course after three months.

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Kefir diet

The kefir diet for weight loss is very common, if only because it does not have clear restrictions. Its calorie content is very low. For example, 100 grams of 1% kefir contains only 40 kcal.

To lose weight you need to drink 1.5-2 liters a day. Divide the volume into 6 doses and pour into small bottles.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

A kefir diet for 7 days gives a good result - 5 or more kilograms.

Photo of diet for weight loss

Look: Keto diet - advice from nutritionists, example of a diet, advantages and disadvantages (105 photos + video)

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Protein diet

If you need to lose minus 10 kg in a week, a protein diet for quick weight loss is definitely suitable. Yes, it is quite heavy and we completely cut out fats and carbohydrates. We leave lean meat, poultry and fish in our diet.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

Attention, a diet of minus 5-10 kg per week is not considered healthy and for people with gastrointestinal problems (lack of enzyme for protein digestion) or unstable blood sugar, it is strictly prohibited.

Naturally, we don’t eat fried or fatty foods. Frying is strictly prohibited; it is better to bake or boil. By the way, this diet is often chosen because of its delicious menu. Hunger is almost invisible, and many dishes can be ordered in cafes or even food delivery.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

First of all, we refuse:

  1. Sahara. This is a pure, fast-acting carbohydrate. It immediately breaks down into glucose and enters the blood. We remove it in any form.
  2. Pastries, cakes. They contain a lot of refined sugar.
  3. Fatty fermented milk products.
  4. Prepared canned meat, fruits and vegetables. They are half fat, which is not needed in our diet.
  5. Semi-finished products. To gain weight, store-bought cutlets, dumplings, and khinkali are filled with cheap starch, which is a carbohydrate.
  6. Starchy vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, legumes, corn. They have a lot of starch and are high in calories.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

You can lose 5 kg in a week if you follow simple diet rules. We eat regularly, 3 times a day. It is better to eat at the same time so that the body gets used to it and does not feel hungry.

For each meal we allocate 150-200 grams of meat or fish. Of course, you can’t do without a side dish. You can make salads from: tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, arugula, broccoli, cabbage. You can dress the salad with soy sauce, lemon juice, balsamic or wine vinegar. You need to be careful with acidic dressings. Poor nutrition may increase acidity.

It is important that diets for weight loss at home are allowed within 1-2 weeks. Later, flatulence, bloating, and dyspepsia may begin.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

We drink at least 2 liters of water. You can have tea or coffee. We can't eat sugar, but sweeteners are quite suitable, since they are devoid of calories.

Diet for a year for weight loss. Effective!

Sometimes it seems that a diet cannot last a whole year, how is this even possible? For people who are not obese or too overweight, which becomes not just a lack of figure, but a real disease, perhaps this is so. But for those who cannot get rid of their extra pounds in a month or two, a diet for a year for weight loss is what you need.

What is the best diet for the year?

In fact, it's simple. There is such a thing in weight loss as the “ricochet effect.” This is when you lose a large amount of excess weight too quickly, from which it later returns at the same speed, and sometimes even double the amount.

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It’s already difficult for obese people to lose weight, because they need to lose not just a couple of kilograms, but dozens, so when the result “ricochets” it’s real stress. It was precisely in order for the process of losing weight to drag on slowly and gradually that a diet for a year was invented, thanks to which you can lose enough weight to feel free and comfortable with your weight.

Diet for a year: diet

This long-term diet is designed to ensure that you eliminate from your diet all foods that can be called particularly unhealthy. This includes various types of fast food, fatty foods, foods containing too many substances harmful to the figure, as well as drinks with gas and high sugar content. You will have to exclude flour products (or reduce their consumption to a minimum) and any type of sweets. In addition, you should not get carried away with smoked food, you should not use too much salt, it is advisable to completely abandon processed foods, mayonnaise and ketchup. You start counting calories, that is, a diet is no joke, and in order to achieve results, you have to count.

The entire diet for a year for weight loss is divided into even and odd months. During these periods, you will have different eating patterns that you need to adhere to.

Odd months. Scheme

Odd-numbered months begin with the first and end with the eleventh month. During these periods, you should eat five times a day, and the portions should be small. For comparison, the creators of the diet advise taking your palm clenched into a fist. This is approximately the size of your serving you should have. Products that you must consume throughout the day, alternating:

  • 1. Cottage cheese (3 tablespoons) or boiled egg.
  • 2. 2 slices of black bread or 1 slice of white (small).
  • 3. Milk or kefir – 1 glass.
  • 4. 3 dried fruits or a handful of nuts (any).
  • 5. Berries - 1 glass.
  • 6. Any vegetables and greens except potatoes (without restrictions).
  • 7. Any drinks without carbon and sugar.

Even months. Scheme

Even-numbered months begin with the second and end with the twelfth. During these periods, your diet becomes more complex. Now you are only allowed to eat 4 times a day, and the portions are still the size of your fist. But you increase your fluid intake: tea, unsweetened fruit drink, mineral or plain water, herbal infusions. Once a week you can make yourself a cup of natural coffee without sugar with milk (not instant).

Diet for a year for weight loss

Products that you must consume throughout the day, alternating:

  • 1. 200 gr. boiled pasta or any porridge.
  • 2. 600 gr. fruits, berries or vegetables (available both raw and boiled).
  • 3. 1 slice of bread (morning only).
  • 4. 1 grapefruit.
  • 5. 150 gr. the following meat to choose from: veal, beef, poultry (chicken, turkey). Meat can be replaced with 150 gr. seafood or fish.
  • 6. Honey, 1 spoon.
  • 7. Any low-fat fermented milk products – 500 mg.

People who have already tried this diet on themselves claim that losing weight with its help is possible and not even as difficult as it seems. The most important thing is to overcome yourself and tune in to such nutrition. If you can give up junk food and make an effort on yourself, then you will succeed.

Author: Kristina Dresvyannikova

Vegetable diet

You can lose maximum weight in a week if you reduce calories to the minimum level. A vegetable diet will help us here. In fact, it is quite diverse and has 3 versions:

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

  1. Strict. Only vegetables are allowed, and non-starchy ones. Cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, cabbage - this is your diet for the whole week. You can cook them however you like. If you fry, do not add oil.
  2. Moderate. Add cereals and some nuts to the vegetables. Most women choose the moderate form, since without fat, hormonal imbalances can begin.
  3. Mixed. We introduce a small amount of dairy products into the diet. Low-fat cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk are also low in calories, but contain protein and milk fats. This diet will give you minus 5 kilograms for a week.

Effective diets for losing weight in 7 days

Losing weight in 7 days on such a diet is not difficult, because it is impossible in principle to overdo it with calories.

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