How to restore libido for women

A decrease in libido in some representatives of the fair sex is a very unpleasant situation. At such a moment, a woman ceases to experience sexual attraction to men. She avoids intimacy in every possible way, which negatively affects the relationship between two people. The only thing that should worry at such a moment is how to restore libido to women. In fact, the problem is quite serious. Its solution requires an integrated approach. Therefore, restoring libido must begin not only with drug therapy, but also with changing a woman’s psychological attitude towards herself and towards intimate life with her partner.

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Increasing libido with a changed attitude towards oneself

Restore decreased libido only with an integrated approach. In such a situation, experts recommend that the patient begin with an internal change towards herself. This is especially true when it comes to your own body and your natural sexuality.

A woman should not be ashamed of herself or the fact that she may enjoy the process of having sex. Bring back the feeling of desirability and sexuality. There is nothing prohibited, much less shameful, about this. A woman who treats an intimate relationship only as a process of conceiving a child is initially doing the wrong thing. She needs to try to realize herself as the most desirable lover for her partner. Often, numerous complexes and dissatisfaction with oneself lie at the root of the problem of reduced sexual desire. The fairer sex begins to feel shy and repressed, and in bed becomes very constrained, after which she completely refuses sex with her man. The specialist encourages the woman to work on her self-perception. A partner initially chooses a partner according to some of his own criteria and preferences, which means that he is just satisfied with such an outer shell. Moreover, if a man develops a relationship and desires sexual intimacy, his sexual attraction arises specifically for this person. A woman needs to learn to love herself and her body, even if it has changed after having children or taking hormonal contraceptives. Such internal work is not easy, so you need to prepare that it will take a long time to regain your libido.

Reasons for decreased libido

A woman stops wanting intimacy when something in life doesn’t suit her. Let's consider the main reasons for decreased libido:

  • Dissatisfaction with your appearance, being overweight, age. A woman who constantly thinks about her shortcomings simply cannot relax in the arms of a man and feel pleasure.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system can interfere with the desire for sexual intercourse. In addition, many diseases cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. For example, with thrush, itching occurs in the genitals, so there is no time for making love.
  • Psychological problems with your partners, constant quarrels can completely discourage you from having an intimate relationship with him.
  • Fatigue often interferes with living a full life, and there is a decrease in libido in women. In our lives we need to constantly move, where to rush, to do something in order to provide ourselves and our family with a decent existence. All this cannot cause a lack of desire to make love.

  • Medications for depression and contraceptives can cause side effects such as decreased sexual desire. In addition, infertility in women can have a negative impact on their feelings, the desire to have sex with a partner disappears.
  • Hormonal changes that occur at different periods of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy are often the reason why a woman does not want intimacy. The desire may disappear in the period after ovulation and reappear when the egg is released into the egg for fertilization. After childbirth, a hormonal imbalance occurs, as the whole body undergoes a restructuring and the woman no longer has time to make love. Testosterone deficiency leads to decreased libido.

The right atmosphere and the right daily routine

In order for a woman to be able to solve this problem on her own and awaken her interest in the male half, you can try to take advantage of the environment. The atmosphere at the moment of intimacy plays an important role; it restores the idyll between partners. If it is relaxing and romantic, then a woman will be able to forget about all her pressing problems. And this will contribute to real pleasure during intimacy and restoration of libido. This could be pleasant music, lit candles and fragrant incense. All this will begin to awaken sensuality and stimulate a woman’s natural desire. It is worth noting that such an environment will have a positive effect on male libido.

In addition to the atmosphere, the physical state of women’s health also plays an important role in the formation of desire for their partner. If she constantly lacks sleep and is systematically tired, while taking birth control pills and hormonal drugs, then her libido will begin to gradually decrease. Therefore, you must definitely find time in your schedule to provide your body with proper rest. Restore your strength with a pleasant pastime.

Correct daily routine

Don't forget about moderate physical activity. During sports, endorphins begin to be produced, which are responsible for a good mood. Moreover, regular exercise restores hormonal levels, eliminates venous congestion, including in the pelvic organs, and ensures oxygen saturation of tissues and cells. You can also try yoga classes. They restore inner harmony and balance the emotional state. Therefore, if a woman’s sexual desire is reduced due to stress and nervous experiences, then yoga will help restore it. However, if the decrease in desire has been prolonged and it is not possible to restore female libido through such auxiliary methods, then you should still see a gynecologist and sex therapist.

Features of therapy

Frigidity can be treated, but the success of the result will depend on the woman herself. Difficulties may arise if coldness in bed is associated with infantilism, physical abnormalities or malignant tumors. Often the treatment process is complicated by the shyness of the patient, who is not ready to share her problems and negative feelings in bed with a specialist. If a woman cannot freely talk about her coldness towards men, she is asked to take a frigidity test. It is carried out by a sexologist.

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Frigidity of a woman

Using this technique, a specialist learns everything about a woman that is related to the sexual sphere. Her attitude towards the caresses of her partner, about her feelings during sexual intercourse, about the degree of need for intimacy itself. When sexual coldness is detected, drug therapy is prescribed. Many prescribed medications are also aimed at solving problems such as hormonal imbalance. This disorder occurs in the body through long-term use of birth control pills, which causes a sharp jump in female hormones.

Recommended medications

A woman’s decreased libido can be restored with the help of drug therapy. Doctors usually prescribe the following drugs:

  • Tribestan. Normalizes the ovulation cycle, eliminates apathy, activates female sex hormones, fights chronic headaches, and stimulates the body to produce estrogen. Thanks to this drug, sexual desire increases. Contraindications to taking this drug are pregnancy and breastfeeding, a tendency to bleeding, vascular and heart disease.
  • Womenra. A drug that has an equally good effect on reduced male erection and female frigidity. For representatives of the fairer sex, this remedy will help increase sensitivity, overcome reluctance to be intimate with a partner, eliminate vaginal dryness, and accelerate blood flow in the pelvic organs.

All drugs that work to restore decreased libido should only be prescribed by a doctor. In this case, you must strictly follow the recommended dosages.


Special gymnastics for women

Exercises aimed at strengthening a woman’s intimate muscles have a very beneficial effect on the possibility of obtaining pleasure during intimacy with a man. Especially when it comes to the postpartum period and menopause, when the genitals weaken their muscles. You can learn the technique of performing such exercises at a antenatal clinic or on the Internet through video tutorials.

The most famous and effective is training the vaginal muscles using a jade stone, the size of which resembles a small egg. This object is placed in the vagina and begins to move in different directions using muscle effort. This technique will restore the weakened muscle frame and speed up the process of restoring libido.

A woman can make it a rule to do special gymnastics several times a week, which will help restore sexual desire and interest in her husband. There is a whole complex for this:

Gymnastics for women

  • While sitting, you need to alternately tense and relax the internal muscles of the perineum, pelvis and buttocks. This must be done with all force for ten seconds. And such repetitions should be 25 times. A big plus is that you can do this exercise even while sitting at work.
  • An exercise reminiscent of pulling up a cat will help speed up blood circulation in the woman’s genital area, which is reduced due to taking a contraceptive. To do this, you need to get on all fours, move your pelvis back as far as possible and bend your lower back. As you inhale, you need to stretch out, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. And you will need to do up to five repetitions.
  • You need to lie on your stomach, put your legs together and clasp your ankles with your hands. The head is thrown back and the body bends as much as possible. In this position, you need to rock back and forth for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Standing against a wall, your buttocks and the back of your head should be pressed tightly against this surface. The stomach pulls in and you need to stand in this tense position for as long as possible. There should be five approaches.

Healthy Supplements and Foods

It turns out that nutrition can also affect women's libido. Some products increase desires and attractions to the opposite sex, and some accelerate blood circulation, stimulating the production of natural lubrication.

Proper nutrition

Vitamins E and C, zinc and beta-carotene, as well as B vitamins will restore libido. But this is if the problem is related to a deficiency of these elements in the body, disorders of the reproductive system and hormonal imbalance. It will also be useful for a man to drink a vitamin-mineral complex, because male reproductive system disorders are also increasing every year. Such supplements improve sperm motility, improve prostate function, stimulate testosterone production, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Therefore, if, along with a female problem, the task is to restore libido in men, both partners can take vitamins.

You should also pay attention to your diet. Products such as:

  • oysters and celery;
  • bananas and avocados;
  • eggs and nuts;
  • mangoes, peaches, figs;
  • garlic and pumpkin;
  • chocolate and strawberries;
  • liver.

How to increase libido with essential oils

Want to know how to increase libido in men and women using essential oils? Whatever you try, sandalwood, rose, jasmine and ylang-ylang oils are all capable of boosting libido in men and women naturally. They act as natural aphrodisiacs that improve your mood and change your outlook on life for the better.

Sandalwood oil is especially beneficial for both sexes as it balances hormones and increases libido. It is considered a natural aphrodisiac, so it is often used in the production of colognes and perfumes.

Men with low testosterone levels can add a few drops of oil to their deodorant or lotion not only for a pleasant scent, but also to stabilize hormones and improve sex drive.

Cinnamon oil is considered another effective and natural remedy for increasing libido and potency.


Rose Rhodiola Tincture

To independently cope with such a problem as restoring decreased libido in women, you can use traditional medicine. A tincture of Rose Rhodiola will help awaken sexual desire. It should be drunk before sexual intercourse in the amount of two tablespoons. This will help awaken the female hormonal system, which begins to produce the hormone estrogen necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. As a result, attraction will increase, which will undoubtedly please the husband.

A very useful and natural remedy for both the female and male body is honey. It enriches cells with essential amino acids and minerals. You need to take two spoons of it every day and over time it will restore lost sexual desire.

Herbal and herbal infusions can be effective folk remedies that help in the fight against decreased desire. These are Rosemary, Juniper, Ginger Root, Damiana. The Tribulus terrestris plant gives an amazing result in terms of libido for both women and men. It stimulates the production of the necessary hormone, and has a positive effect on the weakened sexual sphere. Women can also try taking Golden Root. If you drink its tincture in the amount of several spoons an hour before intimacy, then the man and woman will definitely not have any problems in bed.

Traditional medicine will have a positive effect on increasing a woman’s libido with the simultaneous use of medications and special exercises.

How to increase female libido - step by step instructionsi

Let's highlight the basic rules on how to increase libido in women:

1. Change your usual environment

A trip out of town, abroad, to visit relatives can lift your spirits and bring new emotions to life. If it is not possible to leave, you can go on an excursion in your city (I am sure that few people go to such events in their city). You can walk through the park or take a walk through the forest.

ways to increase female libido

2. Make time for your favorite activities

It's time to recharge your batteries by reading your favorite books, watching films, visiting the theater and cinema, visiting exhibitions and trainings.

3. Play sports

Physical activity is the most effective way to distract from negative thoughts. Yoga will help you relax and give you peace of mind. The cells of the body will be saturated with oxygen and awaken the female libido. Aerobics, pool dance, zumba will increase self-esteem and enliven dull everyday life.

4. Change

It's time to change your look! A new hairstyle, different makeup, an updated wardrobe (new underwear is a must!) - all this will help you feel like a desirable woman. The one who arouses the admiration of men and wants to share her sexual energy.

How can you increase female libido?

5. Hobby

Floristry, design, knitting, embroidery, drawing, singing, needlework, decoupage and much more that might please and help overcome the moment of calm in your sex life. Hobbies saturate the body with energy - a woman is filled with creativity.

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