Echinacea for a 3 year old child for immunity how many drops

When it comes to increasing the immunity of children of different ages and making their bodies more resistant to various diseases, all imaginable and inconceivable techniques are used. One of them is the use of folk remedies. One of the frequently used folk remedies is echinacea for immunity in children. In principle, it is useful to everyone without exception, but children also like it and, most importantly, it has a very positive effect on them.

echinacea flower

Composition of Echinacea

Let's look at what this herb actually contains and how the components help increase immunity in children.

  1. Inulin . The substance helps increase the number of white blood cells - leukocytes - in the blood. Of course, this amount will not go beyond the norm. However, if there are really few leukocytes, then inulin will help the body better fight infections and viruses.
  2. Vitamins and minerals . “The periodic table” for a child is simply a godsend for his health. A growing body needs everything to help it grow and get stronger. Iron, magnesium, aluminum, manganese, vitamins A, C and E - this entire complex is simply irreplaceable so that the child’s body can better resist various pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Polysaccharides . Another class of substances that helps strengthen children's ability to resist influenza, colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI and other similar and even more severe diseases.
  4. Another component that makes Echinacea tincture for children’s immunity so valuable is essential oils . They have a complex effect on the body, including protecting it from various harmful external influences.

Now that you know the composition of Echinacea, it becomes clear why this herb is so in demand when it comes to strengthening the child’s body’s ability to resist colds. The complete absence of harmful substances and such an abundance of useful compounds, components and chemical elements makes this herb simply ideal. Of course, it has its contraindications, which we will discuss below, but echinacea is an indispensable remedy for children’s immunity.


Patients highly appreciate the effectiveness of echinacea in the fight against respiratory infections and as a significant support for a child's developing immune system. The availability and variability of dosage forms of this flower in pharmacies is also noted. According to statistical data, over the past years, Echinacea purpurea has been one of the ten most sought-after and popular plants in pharmacology. However, it should be used carefully, always taking into account the contraindications and side effects of echinacea.

Instructions for use

When it comes to strengthening the immune system, it is important not to “go too far,” in other words, not to exaggerate the dosage and duration of use of any medicine or folk remedy. Echinacea is no exception in this case, and the instructions for use must be followed very carefully to achieve the desired effect.

So, echinacea for children’s immunity: how to take such a medicine to get an amazing effect and, at the same time, not to harm a child’s growing body? The answer is simple: you need to perfectly adhere to the recommendations for use.

Echinacea tincture

If we are talking about echinacea tincture, it must be taken 3 times a day, 5 drops per dose. Since it contains essential oils and many vitamins, it is best to take echinacea immediately before meals.

echinacea tincture

Yes, one more nuance: these 5 drops need to be diluted in a small amount of warm boiled water and under no circumstances

Do not give this medicine to a child under 12 years of age.
Important: purchase echinacea tincture at the pharmacy. This way you can be sure that the medicine is safe.

Echinacea decoction

Echinacea can also be presented in the form of a decoction. You can prepare it yourself by purchasing dried herb at the pharmacy - the raw material from which echinacea decoction is prepared for the immunity of children. This folk remedy can be used by all children, but it is most effective in children aged from one to three years.

Measure 10 grams of raw materials and place in a ladle and fill with 500 milliliters of water. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. As soon as the mixture boils, remove it from the stove and cover with a towel. The echinacea decoction should stand in a warm place for at least 2 hours.

Question: how to use it? Answer: three times a day, 50 ml before meals. If we are talking about a schoolchild, the dosage can be increased to 100 ml.

Attention: there is no need to prepare a decoction “just in case”; it is better to brew it immediately before use, since it is advisable to use it warm.

Echinacea tea

If there is no desire or opportunity to deal with tincture, and you are simply too lazy to prepare a decoction, why not look towards bagged tea? It is also sold in every pharmacy and has a very good effect on children’s immunity - because the composition does not change: echinacea is still present, which has an excellent effect on the child’s body.

Echinacea tea for immunity

The instructions for use are extremely simple: pour boiling water over one tea bag, wait 15 minutes and... an amazing remedy for strengthening the child’s body’s resistance to infections is ready for use.

Just like the previous remedies, it is recommended to drink 50 ml of Echinacea tea before meals. After the child has been drinking tea for about a month, it is necessary to take a break.


A unique product for kids! The sweet taste is very attractive to them, so young children are happy to strengthen their immunity through this syrup. It can be given to the child one teaspoon 3 times a day. If your child absolutely does not like drinking this syrup in its pure form, add it to his tea, for example, or compote.

For children over 12 years of age, you can safely increase the dosage to 3 teaspoons per dose.


Tincture and drops are not the same thing. More precisely, the composition is the same, but the release form is different and, accordingly, different methods of application.

The instructions are very simple: dilute 5-10 drops in a small amount of water and give it to the child to drink. You need to take Echinacea drops 3 times a day, the course duration is 30 days.


For children starting from 4 years old, there is also echinacea for immunity in tablets. Instructions for children will be given below, because if you do not follow them, it is likely to cause harm to your body instead of health.

echinacea tablets for children for immunity

And the instructions are, in fact, very simple: let the child eat one tablet 2 times a day. And this will be quite enough for immunity.

Indications for use

To reduce inflammatory processes, alleviate symptoms and prevent ARVI, aerial parts and rhizomes are used. Herbalists claim that echinacea is an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs that provoke adverse reactions.

The tactics of administration depend on the dosage form: homemade decoctions, tinctures, tablets, drops or ampoules. Pediatricians prescribe rudbeckia purpurea for children to treat:

  • nasal congestion;
  • infection of the tonsils (tonsillitis);
  • inflammation of ear tissue (otitis);
  • blood poisoning;
  • infections of the respiratory and urinary tract;
  • skin viral diseases (herpes);
  • external treatment of ulcers, superficial and deep wounds on the body.

More often, Echinacea is prescribed for preventive purposes, to restore internal microflora after antibiotic therapy. It is important to consider age restrictions on the use of medicinal herbs.

Herbalists convince that Echinacea purpurea is safe for children, but immunology remains an incompletely studied science. For this reason, you cannot independently prescribe herbal medicines that cause allergic reactions to children.

Echinacea for immunity for children, Echinacea syrup for children, Echinacea for immunity in tablets, drops - how to give?

The risk of side effects is present in people with sensitivity to the components of the plant. Doctors remind that echinacea should not be taken for the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypersensitivity to other plants of the aster family (chamomile, daisy);
  • chronic atherosclerosis;
  • acute and chronic leukemia;
  • lung damage with Koch's bacillus;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • after organ transplantation;
  • liver dysfunction.

Echinacea is dangerous for breastfeeding women to take - this leads to allergies in the child (itching, hives, rashes). Gynecologists include pregnancy as contraindications; it is especially dangerous to take medications from this plant in the first trimester.

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In addition to its beneficial properties, any medicinal plant also has its contraindications. Echinacea is no exception. Preparations from it are prohibited for children suffering from bronchospasm, multiple sclerosis, as well as children who are carriers of HIV infection.

The plant and preparations from it should not be used if the child suffers from a progressive disease, for example, tuberculosis or leukemia. Systemic connective tissue diseases are also a contraindication.

Products based on this medicinal plant should not be given to children with allergies, in particular children with allergic reactions to substances included in the chemical composition of the herb, as well as allergies to any plants of the Asteraceae family (marigold, arnica, chamomile, etc.). They are also not recommended for children with allergies to flowers.

The indication for use is the prevention of colds and viral seasonal diseases, as well as taking the drug during the period of illness to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. For prevention - does not mean that the child will not get sick. This means that the disease will occur in a milder form.

Read more: Collection of herbs to improve immunity (top 5 best herbs and folk immune-stimulating recipes)

During the treatment of herpes, other viral diseases, as well as bacterial and fungal infections, Echinacea is an auxiliary remedy that promotes faster healing.

Echinacea is also recommended after an illness during the recovery period, especially if it was preceded by long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs and hormonal agents.

The recent widespread use of echinacea among children gives doctors good reason to claim that the use of the plant as part of complex therapy has a positive effect in:

  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • sore throat and chronic tonsillitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


Echinacea is not always suitable for children's immunity. There is a whole list of diseases that are absolute contraindications for taking this folk remedy.

  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • HIV or AIDS.
  • Leukemia.
  • Individual intolerance.

Check out this list and if you suspect any of the above in your baby, do not give him Echinacea in any form without first consulting a doctor.

By the way, if your child is not even 12 months old, Echinacea is also contraindicated for him.

Echinacea tincture for immunity, preparation method

Echinacea is taken in the form of a tincture, which you can buy at the pharmacy or make yourself. To prepare a healing infusion you will need fifty grams of dry or two hundred grams of fresh echinacea leaves and five hundred grams of vodka.

The raw materials are poured with vodka or alcohol and placed in a dark and cool place for ten to twelve days. It is advisable to shake the contents of the bottle daily. After the specified time, the infusion is ready for use.

The most effective is a tincture made from the rhizomes of this plant. To prepare it, you will need 100 grams of plant root, which should be washed, peeled, then crushed and poured with half a liter of vodka or alcohol. It is infused in the same way as an infusion made from the above-ground part of the plant.

Some people use the leaves and flowers of the plant as tea leaves. Making healing immunity tea from echinacea is just as easy. Take a teaspoon of raw material and brew a glass of boiling water. The broth should stand for several minutes under the lid. You can add a tablespoon of honey to this echinacea tea.

Raising children's immunity with Echinacea (Video)

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