What you need to eat to make your eyes brighter. How to change eye color at home

by Notes of the Wild Mistress
“Radiant” - this is what they say about eyes, whose beauty lies in inner strength and purity and cannot be explained only by an ideal external form. Everyone knows the saying that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But in addition to the personal microcosm, “burning eyes” also reflect the physical state of a person.

More than a thousand years ago, Eastern doctors already knew how to “read eyes.” Changes in the iris, the shape of the pupils, shine, speed and clarity of vision - this is not a complete list of signs that ancient doctors took into account. A concubine in a harem could not appear before the master without sleep or tired.

So that your eyes always sparkle brightly

and don’t worry about dark circles, take an eye bath regularly. Place your face in the water and open your eyes to rinse the eyeball. A few seconds are enough for them to become clear and healthy. Make a daily eye bath as necessary as brushing your teeth.

If your eyes are red from fatigue

, it is best to wash them with chamomile decoction. Pour boiling water over 5 g of chamomile, and when it is infused, strain. After the infusion has cooled, you can drop it into your eyes, make a compress, or simply wipe the skin of your eyelids. In addition to chamomile decoction, you can use dill infusion or rosemary leaves.

Compresses are an excellent remedy known to ancient healers. In addition to chamomile, you can use tea leaves for them. Brew a teaspoon of black tea in 1/4 cup of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. The compress is applied for 10 minutes. Keep cotton swabs soaked in tea for 1-2 minutes, changing them 3-4 times. After completing the procedure, make a compress of cold water and apply a nourishing cream to the eyelids. Thanks to this procedure, the very sensitive skin around the eyes is smoothed and refreshed.

The same results can be achieved using mint decoction. The same products that are used for washing the eyes are suitable for a compress. Spending a few minutes sitting or lying down in perfect peace will have a wonderful effect on the nervous system. With regular implementation of such procedures, nervous twitching of the eyelids, which often causes the appearance of premature wrinkles, can disappear.

For compresses that relieve swelling

, an infusion of herbs is perfect: sage, linden blossom or flaxseed. For one teaspoon of herbs - one glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion. Pour a teaspoon of sage leaves into half a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for 10-15 minutes, strain, cool half, heat the other half. Alternately apply cotton swabs soaked in hot or cold infusion to the eyelids. Do the procedure before going to bed, then lubricate the skin with eyelid cream.

Against dark circles under the eyes

and use cottage cheese around the eyes: wrap a dessert spoon in a clean cloth and place on the eyes for 10 minutes. Another old remedy is chilled cucumber slices.

An excellent and universal remedy is a decoction of cornflower flowers. Pour 3 tablespoons of cornflower flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Use for eye baths.

You can also make a compress from these flowers: pour 1 tablespoon of cornflowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Apply tampons moistened with warm infusion to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

In spring and summer, don't forget about seasonal fruits and vegetables. Excellent nourishment for weakened eyes


Black berries: currants and blueberries

Red fruits: apricots and apricots

Greens: parsley, dill and green onions.

Among the drinks, green tea, brewed leaves and fruits of hawthorn and blueberries are extremely useful. And, of course, nibble on young carrots, topping them with a teaspoon of sour cream or vegetable oil.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that the eyes are the most expressive part of our face. And... the most informative: age, mood, how the day and the previous night went - the eyes and the delicate skin under them will tell you everything. How to maintain a radiant, fresh look, preserve good vision and tighten the skin of the eyelids at home?

If we cried or sat for a long time at the monitor in a dry air-conditioned office, a red web of burst blood vessels will appear on the whites. If we are no longer very young and do not lead a very healthy lifestyle, no amount of makeup will hide the swelling and wrinkles on the thin skin around the eyes. And a sleepless night is unmistakably revealed by “bruises” that cannot be covered up with any corrector. For those who do not neglect the health and beauty of their “mirror of the soul,” we will tell you how to maintain a radiant, fresh look, preserve good eyesight and tighten the skin of the eyelids.

drops These eye drops act directly on the cornea and can be of two types: vasoconstrictor or moisturizing.

Vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Visine, are the fastest and surest way to get rid of redness and burst blood vessels in the eyes. Under no circumstances should these drops be used every day! But if on Friday you spent the whole day working hard at the computer, and in the evening you are going to “go out”, vasoconstrictor drops will help to “refresh” your look.

But moisturizing drops are just suitable for daily use. The composition of moisturizing drops is closest to natural human tears; they are based on saline solution. This product is the best friend of office workers who spend long periods of time in air-conditioned rooms, as well as those who wear contact lenses.

A recipe from the arsenal of traditional medicine: drop honey diluted in boiled water into red eyes (about a quarter teaspoon of honey per tablespoon of water) - 2 drops per eye. The honey solution prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Many people find it unpleasant to put the product directly into the eye. There is a way out: tilt your head back, carefully apply a few drops to the corner of your eye, and then blink.


Another way to get rid of “bruises” and swelling of the eyelids is compresses. There are many effective folk recipes. Choose any depending on what you have in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

Place freshly cut cucumber or potato slices on your closed eyelids for five to ten minutes. Cotton wool soaked in chilled tea leaves or cooled tea bags will also work. Lotions with infusions of chamomile, dill or mint have a good effect on tired eyes.

You can rinse your closed eyes with cold water or rub the skin around your eyes with ice cubes. Cold has a vasoconstrictor and tonic effect, making the look fresh and shiny.

A compress with lukewarm milk has a remarkable effect. Just do not use a low-fat product for this: it is animal fats and dairy origin that have beneficial properties.

Creams and masks for the skin around the eyes

Probably every self-respecting brand of cosmetic products produces tonic products for the skin around the eyes, which improve blood circulation, relieve swelling and reduce dark circles. It is recommended to apply such products to the skin in a special way: either with circular massage movements, or by lightly tapping the skin, as if “driving” the cream with your fingertips. It turns out that you simultaneously apply the product and perform a massage, which accelerates its absorption and enhances its beneficial effects.

By the way, eye cream should not be applied directly under the lower and upper eyelashes. It needs to be distributed in this way: at the bottom - in the area where the bone already begins, and at the top - under the eyebrow itself. Cosmetologists explain: when we blink, the cream applied in this way spreads to the entire skin in the eye area. It is advisable to apply any night remedy for puffiness and bags under the eyes 2 hours before bedtime.

Eye massage

We have already talked about massaging the skin around the eyes. But not everyone knows that the eyeballs themselves can be massaged.

Close your eyes, lightly rub them with your fingers, and lightly tap on your closed eyelids. Of course, this should be done very carefully, without pressing on the eyeball, but only touching it. Grab the corners of your eyes and pull them outward for a few seconds, then release. Repeat this movement five to seven times. Open your eyes and blink forcefully for 30-40 seconds. This massage is beneficial not only for appearance, but also for vision: it improves blood flow and relieves tension from the eye muscles. Another way is to rub your palms together to warm them up, then place them over your closed eyes for a few minutes. The warmth and lack of light will have a calming and relaxing effect.

It would probably be unnecessary to remind you that before any eye procedure you need to remove your makeup.

Eye exercises

Gymnastics for the eyes relieves fatigue and strengthens the eye muscles. It is very useful for the prevention of myopia and is simply necessary for those whose vision is already far from ideal.

Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then open them as wide as possible and try not to blink for 5-7 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times. Squint your eyes to the left as far as you can, then move them to the right. Repeat this movement 10-15 times.

Direct your gaze all the way up, and then as far down as possible. Also repeat 10-15 times.

Rotate with your eyes closed, drawing an imaginary figure eight with them - first in the vertical plane, then in the horizontal. Imagine that you are “writing” letters of the alphabet or whole words with your eyes closed. Try to move your eyeballs as much as possible.

Look for the object that is as far away from you as possible. Hold your gaze on it for a few seconds, then move your gaze to the tip of your nose. Repeat 20-30 times.

Take care of your eyes and let them always shine!

If you have your own folk ways to care for your eyes, please leave feedback about these methods in the comments below.

Modern fashion trends change every day, becoming more unusual and interesting. To attract the attention of the stronger sex, girls constantly experiment with their appearance and change the shade of their hair and eyes, trying to find exactly the image that will not leave any man indifferent. Many people today are interested in how to change eye color at home. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Eye shades

Each person's eye color is unique and depends on the pigmentation of the iris, consisting of ectodermal and mesodermal layers. It is the location of the pigments in these layers that determines the color of the eyes. It can be quite varied, but among all the shades the main ones can be distinguished:

The color of a person’s eyes is formed due to the accumulation of melanin: the less there is, the lighter the shade. If there is a lot of melanin, then brown eyes will have an almost black tint.

To change eye color, you need to change the amount of melanin, but this is quite difficult to do without genetic or physical intervention.

Changing your eye color naturally is quite possible. When using various methods, great care must be taken so as not to harm the eyes.

Ways to change eye color

Many girls often wonder whether it is possible to change eye color without lenses, as well as the intervention of surgeons. Today there are several options for how you can change their shade.

1. The color scheme of the iris can be changed quite simply with the help of the right outfits.

2. Cosmetics are another product available to all women that they can safely use when experimenting with their appearance.

3. You can also change your eye color using lighting. At different times of the day, eyes can change their shade.

By choosing these simple and accessible methods, each representative of the fair sex will be able to give her eyes a different shade, make it brighter, richer and more beautiful.

The environment, proper lighting, mood - all this determines the color of the iris.

Self-hypnosis and meditation

If a woman wants to change the shade of her iris, you can use other methods that are available to every girl. How to change eye color without lenses or laser correction? This can be done using the method of meditation, as well as the rather popular method of self-hypnosis.

You can avoid laser correction and communication with surgeons through meditation.

To achieve good results, you need to devote 10-20 minutes to such exercises every day and meditate for three months. This method causes a lot of controversy among experts, but despite this, in some cases it is quite effective and completely safe for the life and health of a woman.

From the comfort of your home, you can also try the self-hypnosis method to change your eye color. To do this, you need to sit in your favorite chair and repeat to yourself many times in a row that your eyes have a completely different shade.

If a girl has green eyes, but she wants them to become blue, you should say that they are exactly blue. Falling asleep and waking up with this thought, a girl can slightly change the shade of her iris.

But this method is effective only if the woman sets herself feasible goals. Changing the shade of blue eyes to gray is quite possible, but with brown ones it will be much more difficult.

Method No. 1. Can food change eye color?

Let's start with simple and accessible methods. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is extremely low, so before you start using them, you need to understand that it will not be possible to completely change the color (only a slight correction of tone will occur). Some methods may require a lot of time and, oddly enough, a person’s tendency to show strong emotions.

You can start by changing your diet. Certain foods, when consumed regularly, can increase melanin content. True, this method is only suitable for those who want to change the color from blue to brown. So how to change your eye color? To do this, you need to eat foods: nuts, fish, ginger (affects saturation), olive oil, chamomile tea, onions and green onions, honey.


At home, every woman can easily and quickly change the color of her eyes using ordinary cosmetics. Shadows are a universal and safe product that, when used correctly, can enhance the brightness of the iris. With the help of shadows it is impossible to radically change the color of the eyes, but they will help improve what nature gave a woman.

Blue eyes can be made a little brighter and more saturated with the help of shadows in warm, orange tones. They will make your eyes more beautiful and bright. But when applying blue shadows, you get a completely opposite effect.

For blue-eyed girls, it is best to use shadows in neutral tones during the daytime. These can be terracotta, taupe, orange brown shadows.

For an evening out, you should use cosmetics in golden, copper and bronze shades.

When applying makeup, you should also avoid dark shades because they will look harsh and make your eyes look pale.

  • For brown ones.

Brown-eyed women can safely use shadows of almost any shade, but blue, burgundy and other cool colors suit them best.

Brown shadows are an ideal solution for everyday makeup; they will give the gases a special depth. To stand out from others, you can experiment with brown-orange and brown-silver shades.

For brave and self-confident girls, cosmetics in gray, green, blue, purple and burgundy tones are suitable. By choosing the right makeup, a representative of the fairer sex can make her eyes darker or lighter, depending on the desired result.

  • For the gray ones.

Gray eyes are a real blessing for women who love to experiment with their appearance. Using cosmetics in green and blue shades, you can give your eyes a completely different shade, and they will not be gray, but will sparkle with new colors.

If a woman is proud of her gray eyes, you can make them brighter by using eyeshadow in black, charcoal or rich gray.

You can make a gray iris blue using brown, peach, copper, salmon shadows. To make your eyes more expressive, you need to apply a little blue shadow to the inner corner of the eye.

Pink, wine, burgundy, red-brown and maroon shadows will highlight the green flecks in gray eyes.

  • For the green ones.

Brown and burgundy shadows will make green eyes more expressive, giving them liveliness and brightness. When experimenting with their appearance, it is best for green-eyed girls to avoid black eyeliner, which will look too harsh. Dark burgundy, gray and charcoal eyeliners are suitable for them.

Today, you can also change your eye color at home using eye drops. They are most often prescribed for glaucoma to reduce intraocular pressure. It is undesirable to use eye drops to change the eyes without a doctor’s prescription, because this can harm your health.

The drops contain a natural hormone, which, with prolonged use, changes the shade of the iris, and it can turn from blue or gray to darker, and in some cases, brown.

It is not advisable to use such a drug simply to change eye color, since this will damage your vision. Even those people who have health problems use the drops strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

How to change eye color without lenses? Delivery of contact lenses and glasses in Moscow and Russia

Many people like to experiment with their appearance and create creative images. Some people seek to change the shape of their eyebrows, the type of makeup they wear, their hair color, or the length of their eyelashes. In turn, people seeking dramatic changes are often interested in how they can change their eye color. Let's look at the main ways to transform the iris without contact lenses.

How to change eye color at home?

The iris has a genetically determined color and pattern. This has a direct impact on a person's appearance. Many people strive to change the natural shade of the iris in order to transform themselves stylishly, create a spectacular image and attract the attention of others. By changing your eye color, you can feel like you are in a new role and experience new emotions.

The fastest and most effective way to transform the eyes is contact lenses, which contain a special coloring pigment. They allow you to partially or completely change the natural shade and even the pattern of the iris.

However, not all people can wear optical products comfortably. This is especially true for patients with highly sensitive eyes, as well as a tendency to have an allergic reaction.

In addition, some people experience discomfort when putting on contact correction products, so they are interested in how to change eye color without lenses.

There are several ways to adjust the shade of the iris at home, which anyone can use. However, you should not expect a radical transformation, as is the case with lenses. The result will largely depend on the individual characteristics of your visual system.

Features of home methods for changing eye color without lenses:

  • No guaranteed result. It should be noted that it is not possible to completely change the tone of the iris; only a small correction is possible;
  • No immediate effect. Some methods require quite a lot of time;
  • Quite simple and harmless (anyone can try them without adverse consequences).

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses at home?

One of the simplest and most effective ways to transform eye color is to regularly eat certain foods that affect the amount of melanin and the density of iris pigment.

This method is suitable for people with light eyes (gray, blue) who want to slightly darken the shade.

Of course, it will not be possible to achieve a radical change to dark brown, but adding new tones to the iris is still possible.

What foods should be included in the diet to change color without lenses:

  • Nuts, chamomile tea, honey;
  • Fish and meat products;
  • Ginger, olive oil, onion, hard cheese.

It should be remembered that this method does not provide quick results.

You can visually transform the shade of your eyes by choosing the right clothes, accessories and decorative cosmetics.

For example, to brighten a green iris, just wear a brown or burgundy dress, and also use the same palette when applying makeup. Yellow-gold shades are ideal for girls with brown eyes. They will make your look more expressive and attractive.

To make gray eyes acquire a blue or turquoise tint, it is recommended to add a little blue, as well as metallic or steel color, to cosmetics and clothes. For those who want to visually darken a light blue iris, makeup artists advise using black-violet and dark gray tones. Thus, women can easily change the color of their eyes at home without lenses.

Oddly enough, scientists have proven that a person’s emotional background can influence the color of the iris. In a fit of anger, it often takes on a darker shade. And vice versa, when a person experiences a feeling of joy, his eyes “glow with happiness” - they become a little brighter and lighter.

Thus, the surrounding environment and mood can partially affect the shade of the iris. Another simple and effective method that changes the usual eye color without optical products is to change the level of lighting in the room. Dimmed light in the room visually makes the iris darker and the eyes more expressive.

To give your eyes a slight tint will help:

1. Regular consumption of certain foods that affect the amount of melanin;2. Correct selection of clothing, accessories and decorative cosmetics;3. Changes in emotional background (joy, anger, etc.);

4. Changing the level of artificial lighting in the room.

Now you know how you can change your eye color without lenses. However, it should be taken into account that all the described methods act as “weakly working”. At the same time, they are safe for health, including the organs of vision.

How else does eye color change without lenses?

Changes in the shade of the iris can be caused by age-related factors.

Thus, newborns often have blue eyes, but as they grow older, a natural change in the shade of the iris occurs: to brown, gray, green or any other.

Older people often experience lightening of the iris. For example, if a young man has brown eyes, then with age they may acquire a honey tint.

The shade can involuntarily change due to various diseases of the organs of vision, including inflammatory ones.

It happens that after an illness a person’s eyes become lighter or darker. In some situations, there is a change in color in only one eye, which leads to heterochromia.

For example, with Posner-Schlossmann syndrome or Fuchs syndrome, the iris may become greenish.

Speaking about how eye color can change without lenses, it should be noted the effect of medications, namely hormonal eye drops. They are often used by people who suffer from glaucoma.

Long-term use of hormonal eye drops causes the iris to become darker in color. Such drops are made on the basis of prostaglandin, a synthesized human hormone.

Most of them are available only by prescription because they are potent drugs that reduce intraocular pressure.

What are the dangers of using hormonal drops?

  • They quickly reduce IOP (intraocular pressure), which can lead to poor blood and oxygen supply to the eyeball;
  • There is a risk of developing serious eye diseases such as cataracts;
  • As a result of the use of such drugs, heterochrony may develop (when the iris of one eye is different in color from the iris of the other).

Remember that you should absolutely not resort to using hormonal drops without a doctor’s prescription.

How to change eye color permanently?

Some people want to radically transform themselves without thinking about using contact lenses and without resorting to ineffective methods for correcting iris shade at home.

They are often interested in how to change eye color permanently, so as not to return to this issue again. Obviously, you won’t be able to do this on your own.

This will require surgery.

Currently, there are several methods that allow you to permanently correct the color of the iris. The first is to perform an operation to implant a silicone implant of the required tone.

The second method is based on laser correction, during which the upper layer of the iris pigment is destroyed. Using the second method, you can radically change the color from blue or blue to dark brown.

However, it should be noted that this process is irreversible. And the cost of such an operation is about 5,000 US dollars, so not every patient can afford it. Therefore, most people prefer temporary eye color correction using contact lenses.

You can permanently change your eye color using:

1. Implantation of a silicone implant of the desired tone; 2. Destruction of the top layer of iris pigment using laser correction.

Colored lenses - quick and effective change of eye color

Colored contact lenses are the best choice for those who want to change their appearance in an original way. The structure of these optical products contains a coloring pigment that allows you to change the color of your eyes. People with blue and gray irises will benefit from tint or beauty lenses. They will highlight the natural beauty of the iris and give it an extraordinary shine.

To radically transform dark eyes, colored lenses with more intense pigment have been created. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of contact correction products of this type. Models with diopters are designed for people who want not only to create an original image, but also to improve the clarity of their vision.

Lenses without optical power are used exclusively for decorative purposes.

In the manufacture of color optical products, modern hydrogel and silicone hydrogel materials are used, which sufficiently transmit oxygen to the cornea and moisturize it throughout the day.

Most models are designed for daytime wear (it is recommended to continuously use color optics for no more than 4-5 hours).

However, innovative new products such as Air Optix Colors can be used in flexible, day or extended mode thanks to an oxygen permeability of 138 (Dk/t).

Popular colored lenses:

You can purchase these and many other contact lenses at a profit in the Ochkov.Net online store.

Source: https://www.ochkov.net/informaciya/stati/kak-izmenit-cvet-glaz-bez-linz.htm


How to change eye color without lenses and harm to health? This question interests many representatives of the fair sex. Today there are a huge variety of different methods and methods that are not always effective.

You can change the color of the iris not only with the help of cosmetics, lighting, clothing, but also with food. Eye color can be changed by ordinary products that every housewife has in her kitchen.

Properly selected products affect not only a person’s well-being, but also the color of his eyes. Some foods can make your eyes appear lighter, while others can give them darker shades, but only when eaten regularly.

By choosing natural and environmentally friendly products, a woman can change the shade of her iris and make her eyes brighter and more beautiful.

It is quite possible to change eye color at home, but to do this you need to try and try all available and safe methods.

Making an expressive look in Photoshop

How to make bright eyes in PhotoshopDull eyes in photographs are a common thing and it doesn’t matter to us whether it’s a lack of equipment or nature didn’t give the model enough expressive eyes.
In any case, the eyes are the mirror of the soul and we really want the eyes to sparkle in our photos and be as attractive as possible. In this lesson we'll talk about how to fix a camera flaw (nature?) and make your eyes brighter in Photoshop.

Let's begin to eliminate injustice. Open the photo in the program.

Original photo

At first glance, the girl has good eyes, but you can do much better.

Let's get started. Create a copy of the layer with the original image.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop

Then turn on Quick Mask

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (2)

and select “Brush” with the following settings:

hard round, black, opacity and pressure 100%.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (4)

We select the size of the brush (using square brackets on the keyboard) to the size of the iris of the eye and put points with the brush on the iris.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (6)

Now you need to remove the red discharge where it is not needed, namely on the upper eyelid. To do this, switch the brush color to white using the X and move across the eyelid.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (8)

Next, exit the “Quick Mask” by pressing the same button. We look carefully at the resulting selection. If it is the same as in the screenshot,

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (9)

then it must be inverted using the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+I . Only should be highlighted .

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (10)

Then this selection must be copied to a new layer using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+J ,

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (11)

and make a copy of this layer (see above).

Apply the “Color Contrast” , thereby enhancing the detail of the iris.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (12)

We make the radius of the filter so that small details of the iris appear.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (13)

The blending mode for this layer should be changed to “Overlay” (after applying the filter).

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (14)

That's not all…

ALT key and click on the mask icon, thereby adding a black mask to the layer, which will completely hide the layer with the effect. We did this in order to reveal the effect of the filter only on the iris, without affecting the highlights. We'll deal with them later.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (16)

Next, take a soft round white brush with an opacity of 40-50% and a pressure of 100 .

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (18)

Select the mask in the layers palette by clicking and brush over the iris, revealing the texture. We don't touch the glare.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (20)

When the process is complete, right-click on this layer and select “Merge with previous” .

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (21)

Then change the blending mode for the resulting layer to “Soft Light” . There is one interesting point here: you can play around with blending modes, achieving completely unexpected effects. “Soft light” is preferable because it does not change the original eye color as much.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (22)

It's time to make the model's look more expressive.

We create a “fingerprint” of all layers using the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E .

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (23)

Then create a new empty layer.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (24)

Press the key combination SHIFT+F5 and in the “Fill” select a fill of 50% gray .

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (25)

Change the blending mode of this layer to “Overlay” .

Select the Dodge with 40% exposure ,

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (18)

and pass it along the lower edge of the eye (where there is currently no shadow from the upper eyelid). Proteins also need to be clarified.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (28)

Again, create a “fingerprint” of the layers ( CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E ) and make a copy of this layer.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (29)

Apply the “Color Contrast” (see above). Look at the screenshot to understand how to set up the filter.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (30)

Change the blending mode to “Overlay” .

Then we add a black mask to the top layer (we did this a little earlier) and with a white brush (with the same settings) we go over the eyelids, eyelashes and highlights. You can also highlight your eyebrows a little. We try not to touch the iris.

Making eyes brighter in Photoshop (31)

Let's compare the original photo and the final result.

The result of working on the eyes in Photoshop

Thus, by applying the techniques presented in this lesson, we were able to significantly increase the expressiveness of the girl’s look in the photo.

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Other causes of eye color changes

Over the course of a person's life, the color of the iris can change its shade several times. This happens quite often, and there are various reasons for this. The amount of melanin, which determines eye color, can vary. In childhood, everyone's eyes are the same color; as they grow up, they have a different color; their shade changes and becomes more saturated and bright.

Sometimes the shade of the iris can change depending on the foods a person eats. Products can reduce or increase the amount of melanin produced in the human body. When its production decreases, the eyes become lighter, and if it increases, the iris darkens.

Eyes also change under the influence of various life situations, as well as during illness. Most often, significant changes in the iris occur with Horner's disease, when the eyes lighten, and during inflammatory processes they become greenish. During illness, the color of the iris most often changes in blue-eyed people. Stressful situations also affect melanin production, but a person cannot control this method of changing eye color.

Proper and rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will help preserve the beauty and youth of your eyes. By changing lighting, cosmetics, and clothing, a woman can give the iris the desired shade without drastic measures.


  • Never attempt physical changes to your eyes or body without first consulting a therapist.

Eye color depends indirectly on our state of health, and directly on the melatonin content in the iris of the eyeballs.

  • The iris of the eye is a complex of muscles that compress or dilate the pupil; the color of the eyes depends on the tone of these muscles.
  • The color of the whites of the eyes largely depends on the general condition of our body.
  • The process of changing the brightness of the iris occurs throughout our lives. Eyes can not only dim, but also become brighter.

Regular consumption of certain foods can affect the color of the eyes: the iris and whites.

Alternative Methods

If you are unable to change the color of your iris at home, you can use other methods:

  • contact lenses;
  • laser correction.

With the help of contact lenses, eye color changes very quickly and easily, in just a few seconds. When using them, you can give your eyes any shade. Contact lenses can quickly tire your eyes, so it is best not to use this method unless absolutely necessary.

Laser correction - changing eye color using special equipment. During this procedure, brown eyes can be turned blue after burning out unnecessary pigment. This method should be used only if a person is completely confident in his desire to change his eye color, because in the future it will simply be impossible to return the natural shade.

Having set herself the goal of changing the shade of the iris, a woman must understand that for this she will need to try hard and choose the right cosmetics and clothes. You can make your eyes lighter or darker by introducing certain foods into your diet that affect the process of melanin production.

You should not use contact lenses or eye drops unless absolutely necessary, as they can cause many vision problems.

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