Why do fingernails peel? [contact-form-7 404 “Not Found”] Share cost data ▲▼ Add your price to the database City * Cost (RUB) * Comment Contents Why nails become lo

Internal reasons

Vitamins for nails There are several substances, due to the lack of which, signs of unhealthy nails can be observed - these are calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin C. Sometimes the reason why nails break off, and also delamination occurs due to a deficiency of the elements sulfur, calcium and phosphorus.
If these microelements do not penetrate completely into the human body or if their absorption fails, a problem may arise. In such cases, nails usually split not only on the hands, but also on the feet. If the origin of the unhealthy marigolds is a deficiency of nutrients in the body, then you should consult a doctor. In this case, nails break both at the base and in other places. It is also necessary to balance the diet, normalize the quality and regularity of nutrition. You can use vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies.

It should be noted that in addition to the problems listed above, profusely exfoliating nails are often a sign of systemic diseases of the body. These may be diseases such as metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes, fungus, anemia, hormonal imbalance, emotional stress and taking certain types of medications. To normalize the condition of the nails in this case, the disease itself will have to be eliminated. Your doctor will help you determine the cause of the delamination and eliminate it.

Deformation of nails depending on gender

Nail damage differs between women and men. This is due to the reasons that influenced the development of a particular disease.

Nail cracks in women

The weaker sex is characterized by the appearance of transverse faults. This is due to the length of the nail. As it grows, it becomes deformed, flakes and breaks at the free edge.

The damaged part is cut across so that the fracture does not reach the skin. Often cracks in women appear due to hormonal changes.

In men

Men are more likely to experience cracks that are the result of injuries after interacting with chemicals without protective equipment.

Faults are longitudinal and transverse. In this case, the doctor deals with the treatment.

External reasons

Brittle nails Often, most problems with the nail plate occur in autumn and winter, with temperature changes and weathering.
No one can know in advance when the next nail will break, but peeling and brittleness can be avoided. The question follows: how and what should be done? First you need to understand the reason and understand it in more detail. Usually, people bring their nails to this state themselves, through poor nutrition, stress and other factors that affect the condition of the body from the inside. This also includes bad habits - drinking alcohol and coffee in large quantities, smoking.

Sometimes, heredity is the reason why fingernails and toenails break, but this is not why most signs appear. In addition to heredity and diseases, unprofessional protection and manicure can ruin their condition. Coating with brightly colored varnishes also affects fragility.

It has been confirmed that most detergents have a strong impact on the health of nails and hands in general, so to prevent unpleasant incidents you need to use gloves when washing dishes or cleaning. However, few people wear them. This also causes white spots to appear on the nail plates.

Another reason for delamination is mechanical defects. In this case, microcracks occur, which lead to brittleness and destruction of the nails. Under no circumstances should you bite your nails; it is recommended to file them down to correct their length.

Causes of fragility in children

Child's nails Peeling of nails in babies occurs quite often.
The mother's task is to be able to notice the problem in time and correct it. Children often have impaired digestion due to a lack of components in the enzymatic system. This is reflected in the child’s nails and skin. Therefore, if a mother notices peeling of her child’s nails, the first thing to do is check to see if the child has digestive problems. In this case, the nails on the hands and feet break. Next, you should consult a pediatrician, and at the same time add cottage cheese, nuts, dried apricots, legumes and cabbage to your baby’s diet (combine all ingredients according to age). Such products contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins that nails lack. If the reasons why nails break are hidden here, then I will help improve their condition.

Almost all children have the bad habit of biting their nails or keeping their fingers in their mouth - this can affect the health of their nails. Pay attention to whether your child has such a habit. If it is present, then you need to wean your baby off of it as quickly as possible, because the longer you delay it, the more difficult it will be to give it up later.

Children can also have fungal infections, in which case a dermatologist will help. Parasitizing fungal diseases on the skin and nails of a child is a constant toxic effect on almost all vital organs and systems.


If the cause is clearly established, treatment of a cracked fingernail can be carried out at home independently.


If the problem of cracking is associated with a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to take a course of a vitamin complex. It is important to review your diet. To replenish the body with calcium, you should consume: fermented milk products, nuts, oatmeal. If there is a lack of vitamin A, the following should be present on the table: carrots, apples, squash, peaches.

The lack of iron is compensated for by liver, legumes, cereals, herbs, and corn. If there is a longitudinal line on the thumb, it is important to consume Omega-3 fats. There are many of them in fatty sea fish and seafood.

If the breakdown is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B is needed. It is found in nuts, eggs, dried fruits, and grains.

Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly consume citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, pepper, and cabbage. Don’t forget about vitamin E, which is abundant in cereals, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, vegetable oils, and meat.

Folk remedies

A crack in the thumbnail can be effectively treated using traditional medicine.

Those who don’t know how to treat a plate should try the following recipes:

  1. Pour 200 g of water into a container and add 1 tbsp to the liquid. l. sea ​​salt and soda. Mix the components thoroughly. Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, a nourishing cream is applied.
  2. If the cause of cracking is a fungus, pour 2 glasses of water into the container and dilute 1 tbsp in it. l. salt and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Keep your hands in the composition for at least 30 minutes. You can use lavender, tea tree or lemon essential oil.
  3. For small cracks, mix 5 drops of iodine with a small amount of salt. Apply this mixture to the nail and secure the paste with a band-aid.
  4. To prevent the crack from getting larger, it is sealed with wax. It envelops the plate, prevents the crack from spreading further, and protects the diseased nail from the aggressive influence of the external environment. To do this, you need to mix cosmetic wax with a small amount of salt. This composition is applied warm to the nail plate and seals the cracking area. There is no need to remove the composition. The longer it remains on the surface, the faster the healing and growth of a new plate will occur.

The nail must be carefully trimmed as it grows.

General rules for nail care

Strengthening bath To make your nails luxurious and attractive, you only need a little time and patience.
If the reason why nails become brittle is due to a deficiency of elements, then you should periodically take vitamins. It is especially important to take them during the period of vitamin deficiency - in winter and spring. During this period, nails break at the ends, in the middle, at the base, peel off from the cuticle, etc. However, to achieve a better result, it is worth taking special baths with salt. You can rub olive oil into the plates, and also make baths from it. It is also good to lubricate the nail plate with iodine and lemon. The selected procedure should be carried out every day at night for a couple of weeks. You can take a break for a week and then repeat the course again. Natural beeswax is an effective strengthening agent; you should lubricate your nails before going to bed every day and within 2 weeks the result will be noticeable.

General rules for preventing peeling nails are:

  1. Use only nail polish remover without acetone;
  2. Use only glass or ceramic files for filing (not metal ones);
  3. Moisturize your nails with special creams to increase their flexibility and elasticity;
  4. Eat foods high in silicon, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin D, A;
  5. It is necessary to use medicinal varnishes;
  6. Try to get enough sleep and normalize your work and rest schedule;
  7. Get rid of bad habits.

Not a single person, be it an adult or a child, is immune from such a nuisance as brittleness and splitting of nails. The most important task is not to launch and leave everything as is. If you notice that your nails are breaking and you want to understand why this is happening, you need to carefully analyze your diet, as well as your lifestyle and habits. Sometimes it is necessary to consult a doctor to resolve this issue.


To avoid such problems, you should follow some simple rules and tips:

  • Always protect your hands from chemicals and water when cleaning;
  • Moisturize your hands every time after contact with water;
  • Use special nail oils to strengthen and nourish them;
  • Periodically take baths with sea salt, they perfectly strengthen your nails;
  • Don't forget to protect your hands during the cold season;
  • Try to diversify your diet and eat foods that contain nutrients for your nails.

It’s good when the problem is fixed at home and there is a visible result of the procedures. But it happens when the body does not cooperate, and the situation worsens. In this case, you should not refrain from seeking professional help. The doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe treatment.


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