How to stop aging and reverse it. Molecular mechanisms of aging and methods of voluntary control of themValery Safronovich Eremeev

Do you think that the aging of the body is related to age? In fact, the initiation of this process is due to the impact of abdominal fat, low physical activity and constant stressful situations, which provoke an increase in the level of the hormone cortisol.

A well-known expert in the field of hormonal naturopathy is Sarah Gottfried, whose works have allowed many to solve the problem of early aging of the body. Scientists have proven that a certain effect on the so-called growth hormone (GH) can slow down the aging process. Let's find out why this is possible. GH is especially active in adolescence; it is responsible for the condition of muscles and tissues and affects metabolic processes. And a decrease in its level negatively affects our body. There is an opinion that with age, a decrease in sexuality in men and women is also associated with GH, but there is no evidence of this, although an increase in libido is noted after hormone therapy.

What is growth hormone?

Thanks to GR, each of us was able to grow. When the hormone fulfilled its main function, a number of more important tasks appeared before it - strengthen muscles, promote cellular growth and breakdown of fats, and increase bone mineralization. He participates in “construction” and “dismantling”. When there are no disturbances in our body, GH interacts with cortisol and adrenaline to promote fat burning and muscle building. But when there is not enough of it in the body or it does not work correctly, then we rapidly gain weight, lose energy and feel unhappy. According to the results of studies, people with normal levels of growth hormone have a stable emotional background, have an active sex life and do not suffer from social isolation, unlike those diagnosed with GH deficiency.

How to prevent facial skin aging

The first piece of advice that can be taken into account not only by those ladies who are thinking about how to prevent skin aging, but also by those who value their own health is to get as much rest as possible. But this does not mean that all your free time should be spent watching your favorite TV series. The key to youth is good blood circulation, which cannot be achieved in such a “lazy” way. You need to move, and you need to sleep at least eight hours a day. It is during sleep that facial wrinkles are smoothed out.

Don't forget about a balanced diet. If the goal is to slow down skin aging after 40 years, then the daily diet should include both foods with a high content of vitamins A, B, C, E, and a complex of microelements. Folic acid is especially important.

Advice for smokers:

Since all smokers try to quit tobacco addiction sooner or later, it is better to do this as early as possible. Smoking leads to a serious deficiency of vital vitamins in the body. As a result, it is practically impossible for smokers to significantly slow down the aging of facial skin.

Ultraviolet radiation poses a serious danger to the skin. You can qualitatively slow down the aging process of the skin by avoiding prolonged exposure to the scorching rays of the sun. This advice will also be useful for tanning lovers.

In addition, there are a number of other interesting facts:

Compared with age, abdominal fat has a greater effect on GH levels; the amount of the hormone depends on physical activity; Constant stress, which increases cortisol levels, contributes to a decrease in the hormone. The human body is configured to deal with minor stress, a “spike” of cortisol helped our ancestors, who were attacked by mammoths, find a way out and helped out when one of the road users suddenly turned into our lane. Miracles happen when both hormones (growth and cortisol) work harmoniously, then people feel great, they are cheerful, energetic and quickly find a way out of stressful situations. Elevated levels of cortisol in the body indicate chronic stress and cause chaos between other important hormones, especially insulin and GH. Important! With high insulin and abnormal amounts of growth hormone, cortisol becomes unpredictable, causing the body to store fat and burn muscle. According to research, in teenage girls who were overweight and had low levels of growth hormone, fat accumulated mainly in the abdominal area, and the body's resistance to insulin increased, which could provoke obesity and the development of diabetes in the future. The following situation arises: at night, the level of cortisol increases, and the production of growth hormone decreases. Even one sleepless night increases the likelihood of weight gain, insulin resistance and diabetes. Sleep disturbances, low GH content, unbalanced diet and high blood sugar levels will 100% cause a person to feel unwell, lack self-confidence and apathy.

What can stop the process?

It is impossible to completely stop aging; it can only be slowed down by eliminating the influence of external and internal negative factors.


To maintain skin in good condition, you need to pay great attention to nutrition.

Obese people have poor metabolism and low natural immunity, which makes it impossible to fight against aging and negatively affects the quality of the skin.

To maintain elasticity, it is recommended to consume foods that contain large amounts of vitamins B, A and C.

What is the cause of facial skin aging, is it possible to slow it down and how to do it?
These may be the following products:

  • eggs;
  • beef;
  • milk;
  • whole wheat;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

Nutritionists say that to prevent premature aging, you need to include green leafy vegetables in your diet . To get good results, proper nutrition should not be a temporary diet. Low-calorie foods not only have a positive effect on the epidermis, but also help prevent a number of systemic diseases.

Physical exercise

Physical activity helps flush out toxins from the body and improves blood circulation. By accelerating the transit of nutrients throughout the body, thereby improving the condition of the skin.

Exercising activates collagen production . They also allow you to saturate the cells with the necessary amount of oxygen. However, everything should be in moderation. Excessive physical activity leads to dryness and irritation of the skin.


Healthy sleep promotes rapid recovery of the body. Rules for good sleep:

  1. it is necessary to fall asleep and wake up at the same time;
  2. in the afternoon you should give up coffee;
  3. Before going to bed, it is necessary to ventilate the room well;
  4. It is best to fall asleep in complete darkness.

If you lack sleep, the body does not have time to recover normally, the skin becomes sluggish and takes on a painful hue. Oversleeping also has a negative effect, dark circles begin to form under the eyes, and the epidermis loses its elasticity.


What is the cause of facial skin aging, is it possible to slow it down and how to do it?It is necessary to pay special attention to facial skin hygiene . Over time, it begins to fade and lose its elasticity. To improve its condition, it is recommended to use appropriate means. When choosing a gel or foam for washing, you need to pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the age group for which they are intended.

Peels and scrubs will be of great benefit. They improve blood circulation and activate skin restoration processes.

Below is an educational video about how to care for your face and what to wash your face with:


Cosmetics won't help eliminate the signs of aging, but they can disguise them. However, if you apply cosmetics incorrectly, you can, on the contrary, emphasize all the shortcomings .

Heavy foundations or oil-based products are not suitable for aging skin, as they get buried in wrinkles, thereby making them more noticeable. It is recommended to wear natural and transparent makeup

Ability to relax

The ability to relax and quickly recover from stress plays a key role in maintaining youthful skin. It is necessary to minimize the impact of negative factors on the nervous system . To restore internal balance, it is recommended to meditate or practice yoga.


What is the cause of facial skin aging, is it possible to slow it down and how to do it?
Muscle tone helps delay the aging process. You can do the massage yourself at home. The main condition is regularity of classes. This procedure is recommended to be performed in the morning after washing.

You need to start with light tapping with your fingertips , and then you can move on to a light massage with pressure and rubbing.

Below is an interesting video about a massage that will help rejuvenate your facial skin:

Protection from the external environment

Aggressive environmental influences have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin. Protection from sunlight, wind and severe frost will help avoid premature aging. In summer it is necessary to use sunscreen , and in cold weather you need to pay special attention to moisturizing.

Folk remedies and face masks

For home care, you can use folk remedies and masks. You must first consult with a cosmetologist. He will help you choose the most effective means.

Popular and effective recipes:

  1. The base of the product is 2 tbsp. wheat flour. It must be diluted with a glass of warm milk. The resulting mass is applied to the face. When the mixture begins to dry, it can be washed off. The mask should not dry completely on the face, as it will tighten the skin.
  2. The whites of chicken eggs are separated from the yolks and whipped into foam. A little honey is added to the resulting mass and whipped again. The mask should be applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.
  3. To prepare the curd mask, you need to beat the fermented milk base, banana, strawberries and kiwi in a blender. A few drops of olive oil are added to the resulting composition. It is recommended to keep the mask on for 15 minutes. To wash it off, it is best to use chamomile decoction.

Some homemade masks dry out the skin quite a lot; after using them, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream. It is recommended to do them no more than 1-2 times a week.

We invite you to watch a video with several recipes from traditional medicine:

Ointments and creams

What is the cause of facial skin aging, is it possible to slow it down and how to do it?When choosing an anti-aging cream, you should pay attention to its composition . Cosmetic products intended for skin care after 30 years of age should contain antioxidants such as vitamin E and C.

It is important that the cream contains a substance that restores the water-lipid balance. For example, hyaluronic acid. There are special creams with “youth activators”, they activate cell regeneration.

Regardless of the age category, the cream must contain a sun protection factor . After 40 years, it is recommended to choose skincare products that contain fruit acids and retinoids. They have the following effect:

  • improved nutrient penetration;
  • cell regeneration;
  • even out complexion;
  • hydration.

Whey proteins and bioactive protein molecules will help slow down aging . They increase the elasticity of the skin and have a powerful antioxidant effect.

To maintain youthful skin after 50 years, it is recommended to use preparations based on phytohormones. They compensate for the lack of estrogen, moisturize and nourish the epidermis.

Procedures in a beauty salon

There are a large number of salon procedures, the action of which is aimed at preserving the youth of the skin. Some of the most effective include the following :

What is the cause of facial skin aging, is it possible to slow it down and how to do it?

  • peeling;
  • non-injection mesotherapy;
  • thermolifting;
  • massage.

Before carrying out any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist ; sometimes a consultation with a dermatologist is required. The essence of such effects is to activate the process of skin regeneration.

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