Efficacy, contraindications and possible consequences of laser hair removal

Is laser therapy dangerous, what could be the consequences?

Laser treatment is considered not only one of the most effective, but also one of the safest medical and cosmetic techniques.
Laser hair removal does not harm the body, but only if all the rules of the procedure are followed and possible contraindications are taken into account. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a salon that provides services for removing unwanted hair and an epilation specialist: often unsuccessful results of a cosmetology session are directly related to the inexperience of the specialist performing the procedure. Before starting laser hair removal, the master must correctly determine the characteristics of the client’s skin and select the desired treatment technique, set the device to the appropriate mode and apply a sufficient amount of cooling agent to the skin area

Complications after an hair removal session also occur if the specialist’s recommendations regarding care of the treated area after the procedure are not followed.

Before starting laser hair removal, the master must correctly determine the characteristics of the client’s skin and select the desired treatment technique, set the device to the appropriate mode and apply a sufficient amount of cooling agent to the skin area. Complications after an hair removal session also occur if the specialist’s recommendations regarding care of the treated area after the procedure are not followed.

The most common side effect of laser therapy is burns. This often happens due to improper preparation and incorrect execution of the procedure. Thus, burns on the skin can occur when hairs longer than 3 mm are removed, the operating mode of the laser device is incorrectly selected, or due to sunbathing before and after hair removal. There is also such a procedure as laser nose correction.

You may also be interested in information about what contraindications exist for laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid and how such a procedure is carried out.

If the skin is hypersensitive and the recommendations for caring for the treated areas of the body are not followed after hair removal, another side effect may occur – burning and pain. As a rule, unpleasant sensations go away on their own after some time, but they bring a lot of discomfort.

The video contains information about therapy:

But how laser cleaning is carried out and what you should pay attention to during the procedure is described here. Despite the many advantages, laser hair removal has a whole list of contraindications and, moreover, is not always harmless to the body.

However, in most cases, the negative results of the procedure are associated with an incorrect approach to its implementation. Experts agree that with sufficient preparation, hair removal performed by a qualified specialist using modern high-tech equipment and compliance with all necessary recommendations, the risk of side effects after laser hair removal is minimal

Despite the many advantages, laser hair removal has a whole list of contraindications and, moreover, is not always harmless to the body. However, in most cases, the negative results of the procedure are associated with an incorrect approach to its implementation. Experts agree that with sufficient preparation, hair removal performed by a qualified specialist using modern high-tech equipment and compliance with all necessary recommendations, the risk of side effects after laser hair removal is minimal.

Hair removal forever: the possibilities of modern aesthetic cosmetology ↑

Among the purely “scientific” methods of eliminating unnecessary hair, four procedures lead:

  • laser hair removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • electrolysis;
  • elos hair removal.

It is they who are often positioned by cosmetic clinic marketers as a true panacea for solving the problem at hand. To understand how and how effectively this works, let’s consider each procedure separately.

Laser hair removal ↑

The essence of the method, in short, is the effect of a laser beam on the melanin pigment contained in the follicle (hair follicle). The laser energy destroys the hair follicle and the hair stops growing. This leads to the first nuance of the method - “laser” is effective for those with fair skin and dark hair. In addition, this procedure does not get rid of the so-called “gun”. The device simply does not see it. Special ultra-sensitive laser epilators for blonde hair are quite rare in the CIS countries. The reason is simple – such equipment is very expensive.

British clinic

Laser hair removal at the British YHB clinic. Safety glasses are a mandatory attribute of the procedure

The second nuance of hair removal using a cosmetic laser is that the procedure is quite painful. This is not what we are talking about, but such knowledge, you see, would be useful.

The third nuance of any hardware hair removal (including laser) is that to achieve a lasting effect you need to undergo not one, but several sessions. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, you may need from 7 to 12 visits to a cosmetologist. Taking into account the necessary pauses between procedures, the full course takes several months, during which it is necessary to follow the regimen prescribed by the specialist.

But the most important thing is that even after a full course of procedures, hair on the treated areas of the skin will grow, although with noticeably less intensity. Reputable clinics always warn about this. Thus, it is not possible to recognize laser hair treatment as “epilation forever”. This is useful to know

Alexandrite lasers are considered to be the gold standard for laser hair removal for fair-skinned brunettes and brown-haired women. For those with dark skin, a procedure performed using diode or neodymium lasers will be more effective. Laser hair removal is not suitable for gray or recently dyed blond hair.

Photoepilation ↑

From the point of view of medical science, photo or, as it is commonly called, IPL hair removal is not much different from laser hair removal. In both cases, the object of light attack is melanin. The only difference is in the method of achieving the effect of photothermolysis - the process of decomposition of protein in the pigment, due to which the hair follicle leaves the “working” state. It is not difficult to guess that this method is also completely ineffective for blondes (natural and dyed) and for those whose hair has turned grey.

site treatment

Photoepilation is carried out only after pre-treatment of skin areas with a protective gel

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist applies a special protective gel to the skin in the treated areas, which protects against burns. Therefore, the procedure is generally less painful. The effect of properly performed IPL hair removal is quite lasting – from 2 to 5 years. But then the hair starts to grow anyway. The conclusion suggests itself - photoepilation is undoubtedly a good method, but it is not hair removal forever, no matter how colorfully they describe it to you.

Electrolysis ↑

This is, without a doubt, the most proven method of combating excess body hair. An electric discharge through a thin electrode needle penetrates directly into the follicle and destroys it forever. Yes, yes, you heard right - exactly forever. And hair color doesn't matter here. Today, cosmetologists use four types of electrolysis:

  • Galvanic – electrolysis using direct current. Up to 15 hairs are removed at the same time.
  • Thermolysis - the process of heating the follicles occurs under the influence of high frequency currents (range 9-14 MHz).
  • Flash thermolysis is the same as regular thermolysis, but due to increased current, the procedure time is significantly reduced. This type is considered the most unsafe and therefore requires a highly qualified cosmetologist.
  • Blend is essentially a mixture of electroplating and thermolysis. The area of ​​application of this type of electrolysis is thick, deep-lying follicles with uneven bulbs.

To be fair, it should be noted that electrolysis is probably the most painful of all types of radical hair removal. Moreover, you need to be prepared for the fact that the course of procedures is designed to last about a year. The effect of electrolysis is persistent and long-lasting, but after some time, new treacherous growths reappear on the treated areas. The reason is that electric current only affects active hair follicles. It is not particularly harmful to follicles that are at rest. As a result, we have to admit that this method is also not “epilation forever,” but only for a certain, albeit quite long, time.

delicate areas of skin

Electrolysis of delicate areas of skin. Painful but effective

This is interesting

Electrolysis was first performed in 1875. American ophthalmologist Charles Michael used electrolysis to remove ingrown eyelashes from a patient. In 1916, the Frenchman Paul Cree opened a network of clinics in which they began to use electroplating for purely cosmetic purposes. In 1926, his fellow countryman Henri Bordiere began to widely practice thermolysis. The first patent for a medical device for hair removal blends was received by Henri Saint-Pierre and Arthur Hynkel in 1948.

Elos hair removal ↑

This is the most modern type of hardware hair removal. The technology is based on combining electrical and photo hair removal into a single whole. This is indeed a very effective and, accordingly, very expensive method. The main advantages of the method are as follows:

  • Elos hair removal allows you to remove any type of hair, regardless of its color;
  • Thanks to the double effect, during elos hair removal the follicle is completely destroyed.

But, alas, this method also does not have the right to claim the coveted title “Epilation Forever”. And if you are nevertheless tempted by advertising promises, then in a year or two you will definitely be convinced of this.

best practice

Elos hair removal is the most advanced method of hardware cosmetology

Cons of laser hair removal

Ahhh After laser hair removal, the hair did not fall out
. The main disadvantages are ineffective work with light and vellus hair. Gray-haired specimens lacking pigment are difficult to treat.

Ideal patient

Numerous studies have resulted in a portrait of the “ideal patient” for hair removal. This is a man with fair skin and dark, coarse hair.

Dark skin and light brown hair are not a reason to refuse this procedure. This is a reason for a cosmetologist to use an adequate type of laser emitter. Thus, it is believed that the diode emitter copes well with coarse hair. Alexandrite performed well when working with dark skin.

Sometimes a doctor works with only one type of emitter and shows good results when working with different types of hair and skin. This is how a highly qualified specialist works, who easily adjusts the device to the individual characteristics of the patient.


Despite the fact that the procedure for removing unwanted vegetation is low-traumatic, it has contraindications:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Any skin infections in the acute stage.
  3. Ischemic disease.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Varicose veins in the treated area.

Relative restrictions are the states:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hormonal disorders or taking medications containing hormones.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman's hormonal status changes. For many people, hair growth slows down significantly. However, this time is not the best for a laser therapy session. Vegetation at this time may react inadequately to radiation and not give the expected result.

If there are hormonal disorders, any cosmetologist will be against performing procedures before visiting an endocrinologist.


Side effects from laser therapy with the right approach are short-lived. Most go away on their own, without medical intervention.

Burns and scars

They occur very rarely. Causes:

  • non-compliance with the rules of preparation for the procedure - sunbathing and sunbathing are not allowed a month before treatment;
  • medical error - the use of excessively aggressive radiation.

Paradoxical hair growth

There are reports of cases where laser hair removal caused the opposite effect - increased hair growth. But this effect was observed only in women with dark skin. There was a change from thin vellus hair to darker and coarser hair. Additional procedures remove this vegetation.

Change in pigmentation

Long-term changes in pigmentation are unlikely. Occurs only in patients with dark skin types.

Laser emitters are effective not only in the field of hair removal. They have proven themselves well in a series of other cosmetic procedures. Skin rejuvenation, laser resurfacing, cellulite treatment, scars, skin diseases and vascular disorders - this is an incomplete list of problems that cosmetic laser complexes successfully treat.

Despite the presence of side effects and the inability to work productively with gray and blond hair, laser hair removal occupies a leading position in the cosmetology environment. Speed, efficiency, relative painlessness and long-lasting results - these are the main advantages of this procedure

Consolidate the result

The result of the procedure is sometimes not immediately noticeable. It depends on how the hair removal was carried out, in what area, what hair was removed, and what is the viability of the follicles. Sometimes hair grows unevenly, depending on the degree of destruction of the hair follicles.

In order for the skin to be healthy and the effect of the procedure to last for a long time, certain rules must be followed:

  1. It is advisable to postpone visiting the bathhouse or sauna for at least a week. It is better to wash in the shower with warm water.
  2. To treat the skin in the epilation area, you need to purchase a special preparation that has a cooling effect. You need to use it for several days after the procedure.
  3. It is better not to use any cosmetics for some time. Put scrubs, peels, and alcohol-containing substances aside for at least a week. For sensitive skin, the use of gels and rough washcloths is not recommended.
  4. You cannot shave the hairs growing after laser hair removal, as well as use other depilatory products. If the hair grows, it means that the follicles were not destroyed and the procedure must be done again.
  5. Laser hair removal is not recommended during periods of high skin activity. If the procedure is still carried out, the skin must be protected with the help of special products, especially on the legs.

Disadvantages of using laser

Pros and cons of lip shape correction with hyaluronic acid

There are also disadvantages to such high technology as laser hair removal, and there are many of them. The indisputable disadvantages include its high cost.

Not everyone can easily afford to shell out several thousand rubles for one procedure. After all, you won’t be able to save money once and leave the salon looking beautiful.

It takes one to three weeks for hair to fall out; transformation does not occur immediately after the intervention.

In addition, laser hair removal only actively affects growing hair. Dormant follicles have virtually no pigment, and the laser will not affect them. The proportion of such follicles is usually about two thirds.

This means that more than half of the bulbs will remain untouched and after some time you will have to go to the cosmetologist again. But even during the second visit, only part of the hair will be in a growing state.

Therefore, to completely remove them, at least 5 procedures will be required if they are done with an interval of 1.5-2 months. Simple multiplication allows you to estimate the real cost of this method of getting rid of hair. Obviously, not everyone can afford it.

Life between laser hair removal sessions also has its own characteristics. Firstly, you should not sunbathe for at least a week before exposure.

Moreover, tanning in any case reduces the effectiveness of the procedure, since it reduces the contrast between hair and skin color. The same ban applies for three weeks after. The rule is dictated by safety reasons: the skin should not be overloaded.

In addition, under the rays of the sun, hair growth is activated, and the visible result of a trip to a cosmetologist can disappear right during the holiday.

However, even outside the sunny beaches, the life of a woman who decides to have laser hair removal has its own characteristics. While waiting for the next session, growing hair cannot be pulled out, waxed, or lightened.

This greatly reduces the quality of life and makes it impossible to go to the pool or water park. But you will have to live in this mode for at least six months!

Laser hair removal also has other disadvantages. For example, its painlessness is widely advertised, but this is a bit of an exaggeration.

The skin's sensitivity to certain effects varies from person to person, and some, especially sensitive women, may experience tingling sensations during laser treatment.

There are even sissies who can perform this procedure only with anesthesia.

Another slight exaggeration regarding laser hair removal is the statement about the complete absence of any after-effects.

Redness of the body area after treatment, as well as tissue swelling, are not uncommon. It may take several hours or even several days for this phenomenon to disappear.

Therefore, urgently running to a cosmetologist three hours before an important beach party is, to say the least, unreasonable.

And even those with not too sensitive skin will have to treat it after exposure with a nourishing cream so that it does not look painful.

Is this method effective for blondes?

You can find literally opposite reviews about the effectiveness of laser hair removal.

Some were delighted with the amazing results after their first visit to the cosmetologist, while others claim that they wasted their money in vain. Who is right? Surprisingly, both.

The changes observed after laser hair removal directly depend on skin color, and brunettes are unlikely to be able to agree with blondes on this matter.

The bulb is heated due to the presence of melanin in the hair, a dark pigment that absorbs light. But not everyone has it.

Obviously, the more pigment, the darker the hair. This means that heating of the follicle will occur only in those with dark hair.

Blondes, light brown and red-haired women are likely to waste time and money; the laser exposure to their undyed hairs will neither heat nor destroy the hair follicle.

Thus, laser hair removal is an excellent remedy for those with dark hair and not too dry and sensitive skin.

Moreover, in order for the result of communication with a cosmetologist to bring only joy, it is necessary to attend to the issue of getting rid of unnecessary vegetation in advance.

In addition, it is useful to tune in to the fact that an amazing result will not be achieved immediately, and prepare for several months, or even a whole year, to endure some inconveniences and from time to time spend a small amount of time and a significant amount of material resources on this procedure.

Laser hair removal pros and cons

laser hair removal pros and cons
Laser hair removal gives long-lasting, lasting results

Despite the popularity of such modern technology as laser hair removal, its pros and cons should be taken into account.

The advantages of laser hair removal include:

  • Painless, gentle effect on the body, no risk of infection and scarring.
  • Possibility of treating a large area in one session.

The disadvantage of laser irradiation is the ability of the equipment to cope only with hair that is contrasting in color relative to the skin. The laser cannot remove unwanted hair if it is the same color as or lighter than your skin color.

Advantages over other hair removal methods

Why is laser hair removal so popular and how is it good against other methods - electrolysis, sugaring and waxing?


Sugar hair removal has no contraindications or side effects. Despite this, it is ineffective against laser. Here are the benefits of laser hair removal:

  • Compared to sugaring, laser hair removal is almost painless;
  • removes coarse hair well, which sugar cannot handle;
  • has a long-term effect.

The main disadvantages of bioepilation are severe pain and a high risk of ingrown hairs. Laser removal does not produce such effects.


Until recently, electrolysis was a very popular procedure. Indeed, the color of vegetation and skin does not matter for its implementation. It is effective on any hair - gray, blond and vellus.

However, this is where the advantages of electrolysis end. Laser hair removal:

  • does not give so many side effects;
  • non-invasive procedure;
  • much less painful;
  • the risk of scarring during laser hair removal is minimal;
  • no traces of hair removal are visible after just a week.

What is laser hair removal based on?

Laser removal of unwanted vegetation is based on the ability of certain structures to selectively absorb light energy. Such a target for hair removal is the pigment present in the skin and hair that gives them color. This is melanin.

Melanin and features of laser radiation

An important feature of laser radiation is its monochromaticity. This is the ability to generate radiation of a strictly defined wavelength.

Why is it important? The fact is that in addition to hair melanin, hemoglobin, vascular formations, water molecules and even melanin found in human skin can act as centers for absorption of light energy

What happens to the hair follicle

During laser treatment, the follicle is destroyed due to a combination of three processes:

  1. Thermal destruction.
  2. Mechanical destruction.
  3. Photochemical change.

When exposed to radiation, hair melanin instantly absorbs light energy and converts it into heat. The hair heats up along its entire length and literally “melts.” But this is just the beginning.

In parallel with the thermal effect, the hair follicle is subjected to mechanical destruction. This occurs due to the fact that energy enters the hair follicle in a series of short pulses. They create an acoustic shock wave, which breaks the pigment.

The third component of the harmful effects of radiation on hair is the formation of free radicals, which damage the vessels that feed the follicle and complete the destructive process in the hair follicle.

Rules for laser hair removal

According to those who have done laser hair removal at home, a positive effect can only be achieved on hair whose length is from one to three millimeters.

Before you begin removing body hair, you need to tune in to the right mood, otherwise you will be in pain, as your subconscious sends appropriate signals to the cerebral cortex.

Before and after the procedure, you should not use products that contain alcohol, oils or fragrances, otherwise you risk getting burns.

Those who have purchased this installation are not recommended to use tweezers, a regular epilator, or wax as auxiliary means, since the laser will not be able to affect the area where the follicles were removed, so the effect of the procedure will be at a low level.

If you need to get rid of hair urgently, use special creams or standard razors. This way you can always stay in shape, even if you are far from home and do not have the opportunity to use the device.

Those with dark skin or those who have recently sunbathed will have to apply special lightening creams and masks a month before hair removal.

If you don’t have this option or you simply don’t want to wait long, it’s better to go to a salon where they will select the right procedure for you based on your skin tone.

Also, specialists working in such establishments are required to give you recommendations on how to care for the treated area so that no consequences arise after such stress on the body.

At home, hair removal while tanning is contraindicated, as you can get a serious burn.

Please note that for those who have not done this procedure before, slight redness may appear on the skin, which will soon disappear. Until the swelling or irritation goes away, those who have done hair removal should not use a washcloth or sponge, otherwise you will only worsen the situation

Until the swelling or irritation goes away, those who have done hair removal should not use a washcloth or sponge, otherwise you will only worsen the situation.

If you feel pain after hair removal, apply soothing products (gels, lotions) to the treated area. Also, a regular cold wet towel or ice wrapped in a thin cloth will have an analgesic effect.

If even after a couple of days your redness does not go away or if burns, scars, rashes appear and it hurts to touch your skin, consult a doctor immediately.

Which method is better?

Don't know what is the best method to choose to get rid of unnecessary hair on your skin? Try each one and then you will find the most optimal option for yourself.

Efficiency and advantages of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal, like other methods of hair removal, has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth considering all the pros and cons of this method:

Laser hair removal

  • Painless procedure. The effect of the beam on the hair follicle may be accompanied by a slight tingling sensation, but this is incomparable to the pain that the patient experiences during mechanical hair removal. In addition, if desired, anesthesia can be applied to delicate areas of the skin (face, bikini area and inner thighs).
  • Save time. Working out 10 cm2 will take literally a few minutes, which will allow even the busiest people to find time in their schedule for such a procedure.
  • Safety. Proper treatment of skin with unwanted hair will prevent skin burns or scars. This is due to the fact that the laser beam only affects the hair follicle and not the surrounding tissue.
  • Sustainability of the result. The laser removes the hair follicle without the possibility of its restoration, which distinguishes this technique from many others. It is worth remembering: in order to get rid of unwanted hairs forever, you need to undergo a series of sessions.
  • Improvement of the general condition of the skin. After the hair stops growing, the holes are gradually tightened and smoothed out. This means that the skin texture will become smoother over time, and the overall appearance will significantly improve. This fact should also be considered one of the advantages of laser hair removal.

Did you know?
Hair removal in Ancient Rome was done not only by women, but also by men. They made a paste from resin, rosin and goat bile.


Along with obvious advantages, the procedure also has a number of disadvantages. Laser will not be able to remove hair that is too light or vellus, which has little melanin. The procedure will not have an effect on people who are too dark or black, since there will not be enough contrast to focus on the follicles. The radiation parameters and type of laser should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin. The Alexandrite laser, for example, covers 4 common phototypes, so it will suit most patients.

Laser hair removal can only be performed by those who have no contraindications. It is better to avoid exposure to light radiation in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Acute infections (including herpes).
  • Open injuries (wounds, abrasions).
  • Dermatological pathology (psoriasis, eczema, etc.).
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Varicose veins.

Laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, with decompensated cardiac pathology, diabetes mellitus and mental illness. Among the contraindications to the procedure, it is also worth noting the presence of blond and gray hair, a fresh tan no more than 2 weeks old. And after the procedure, you will have to exclude or minimize sun exposure for the same period (avoid visiting the solarium, use SPF 50 sunscreen).

Among the disadvantages, one can note the need to repeat laser hair removal, i.e. the course effect. However, many cosmetic procedures have similar features, because their effectiveness is determined by the regularity and number of sessions performed. The cost of laser hair removal is also quite high, but taking into account the high efficiency and the possibility of complete hair removal, the price seems quite reasonable.

Many who have decided to remove hair in a particular area want to know what the pros and cons of laser hair removal are. The main advantage of the procedure is its high efficiency with a sufficient level of comfort. Among the specific disadvantages, it is worth noting the dependence on hair and skin color. All of these features will allow you to decide on the optimal method for removing unwanted body hair.

Laser hair removal for legs

laser leg hair removal
Hardware methods for getting rid of unwanted hair have come to the fore

The effectiveness of laser leg hair removal is undeniable. After laser irradiation, legs become smooth and free from unwanted hair, but a good 100% result can only be achieved after a series of procedures. Moreover, it should be noted that those with dark hair achieve results faster, since it is easier for the laser to deal with hair that is more contrasting compared to skin color. The laser simply does not see light hair, so in such cases the result is unsatisfactory.

  • It is not recommended to sunbathe before laser hair removal of legs. If you are carrying out the procedure in the summer, change your skirt to trousers for a while. Better yet, plan this procedure for the winter.
  • It is not recommended to take potent drugs in parallel with laser hair removal: antibiotics, psychotropic drugs.
  • Before epilation, the legs should be freed of hair, but do not use technologies that involve pulling it out, in this case they will grow unevenly and the effectiveness of using laser equipment will decrease. The hair should simply be shaved off.
  • You cannot lighten your hair, as the laser practically cannot cope with blond and gray hair.
  • A few days before laser hair removal on your legs, you should not use sunscreens or leg cosmetics that contain alcohol. Before the procedure, your feet should simply be washed and free of any cosmetic care products.
  • The power of the laser beam for the leg area is slightly higher than for the bikini area, but power values ​​should only be selected by a specialist.

A lasting positive effect from laser hair removal of legs is achieved somewhat slower than the bikini area and the intervals between sessions are slightly different. Between the first and second sessions the break is 1 month, between the second and third - one and a half months, etc. Usually 5 – 7 procedures are required.

“Read also: Photoepilator or laser epilator, which is better”

After laser hair removal of legs, you must follow some rules.

  • If redness or burns appear on the skin after the procedure, it should be treated with panthenol or its analogue. Moisturizing, non-greasy creams should be used daily.
  • Solarium or sunbathing is allowed only after 2 weeks.
  • It is advisable not to wet the skin of your feet for a week after the session, especially in public bodies of water (swimming pool, beach, etc.)
  • You should not take strong medications immediately after the procedure.
  • And if you have a tattoo on your legs, it is generally better to cancel laser hair removal.

Beauty through current

It is best to remove unwanted hair in specialized places by specialists: aesthetic clinics, beauty salons. Bikini hair removal can permanently save women from the need to constantly shave off their newly grown hair, for example, before going to the beach or an important date, but everything is not as simple and straightforward as it might seem at first glance. After all, first of all, you need to decide which of the modern types of hair removal to choose. And many decide to put themselves in the hands of specialists in electrolysis (electrical discharge hair removal). This procedure is quite unpleasant and, moreover, painful. However, if there are types of hair removal that permanently remove facial and body hair, it is electrolysis. The operating principle is as follows: thin needles are inserted under the skin, at the very base of the hairs, touching the hair follicles, and then an electric current is applied to the needles used for electrolysis. Electric current discharges destroy the follicles. After the electrolysis procedure, hair growth, as a rule, does not resume. Only in a small percentage of cases do hairs appear again. But the procedure is very painful and is not suitable for everyone due to a long list of contraindications for electrolysis: varicose veins, infections, diabetes, various skin diseases, inflammation of the lymph nodes, pregnancy, etc.

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