Temperature after sex: possible causes

Dizziness after sex does not usually indicate a serious health problem. In most cases, discomfort occurs due to overexertion, thirst or hunger. But it's important to know all your options.

While feeling slightly unwell and dizzy after sex is normal and not dangerous, severe or frequent sensations can be a cause for concern, especially if other symptoms are present. We tell you about all the reasons and explain in what cases you need to see a doctor.

Breathing changes

Sexual arousal causes people to breathe deeper and faster than usual. These changes can lead to a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. The medical term for this process is hyperventilation.

Potential symptoms of hyperventilation

  • Dizziness;
  • lightheadedness;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • numbness or tingling in the arms or legs;
  • anxiety;
  • fainting.

Breathing slowly and deeply usually relieves symptoms of hyperventilation. However, people experiencing anxiety or panic attacks may be unable to breathe deeply. A person should talk to their doctor about other options for treating the condition.

How to avoid health problems?

The first intimate intimacy is an event that must be approached consciously. Girls are interested in how long their periods last after the first time, whether they can come earlier or later than expected. A change in the nature of bleeding and the cycle either indicates natural processes or indicates pathology. Even if a girl does not experience discomfort, she needs to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Important aspects of intimate life are trust in your partner and selection of the right means of protection against unwanted conception. Do not forget about these measures so as not to face the consequences of an abortion or STI.

Changes in posture

Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) causes a person's heart rate to suddenly increase when they change position or stand up too quickly. An increased heart rate can cause a person to feel dizzy and even faint.

Possible symptoms of POTS

  • Dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • tremor (shaking of hands or feet);
  • chest pain;
  • nausea.

Some people notice symptoms when they change positions during sex. POTS is usually not dangerous. However, a person experiencing the above symptoms should see a doctor to ensure that they do not have an underlying heart problem.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Every fifth woman has experienced a urinary tract infection at least once in her life. It usually manifests itself as pain from inflammation due to infection, which causes spasm of the pelvic organs. According to the doctor, this occurs due to the fact that the partner’s penis mechanically affects your internal organs.

“Imagine someone hitting you hard over and over again in the same spot on the shoulder. Muscles may become sore and the natural reaction may be muscle spasm. The same thing happens in the pelvis,” the doctor explained.

In addition, the infection may present with other symptoms, such as foul-smelling discharge or pain when urinating. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics.

Hormonal fluctuations

Sex stimulates a powerful release of hormones and neurotransmitters. For some people, these chemicals cause a temporary feeling of intense euphoria, which can lead to dizziness. Others may experience dizziness as the body returns to normal and releases fewer chemicals associated with sex. Dopamine is a neurochemical that helps people feel motivated and happy during sex. Medicines that mimic dopamine in the brain can cause dizziness as a side effect. It's possible that people who experience a natural rush of dopamine during sex may also experience dizziness.

How to get rid of thirst after salty food

After the onset of heat, the most pressing issue is the fight against thirst. Those people who know the right ways can overcome this seasonal scourge.

Thirst is a bit like an overheated car. Its appearance should be expected after the body’s fluid reserves decrease under the influence of heat, because in such conditions the body sweats a lot.

Moisture evaporates during breathing and from the skin. As soon as the amount of fluid in the body decreases, it begins to draw it from saliva. As a result, the oral cavity becomes rough and completely dries out.

In such a situation, it is necessary to replenish the liquid reserve. Otherwise, headaches, weakness and fatigue await. Further dehydration can lead to dizziness and severe distress.


This is a type of dizziness in which a person feels like they are spinning.

Other possible symptoms

  • Loss of balance;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

Some people report feeling dizzy after sex.
It can be caused by problems with the inner ear, which helps regulate a person's movements and sense of balance. People who experience dizziness after sex usually experience vertigo at other times. For example, they may develop symptoms when they exercise or stand up too quickly.

Allergy to semen

A rare, yet relevant phenomenon. According to a study from the University of Cincinnati, about 40 thousand women in the United States suffer from such allergies. With this disease, symptoms can be local (swelling or itching) or systemic.

“Women may feel a strong burning sensation, they may experience significant discharge, and they may even have whole-body reactions such as chills, fever, and low blood pressure,” says Dr. Ingber.

Treatment in this case follows the same scheme as for ordinary allergies.

High blood pressure

Sex can increase blood pressure.
This effect is especially likely if a person has sex for a long period or has intense sex that leaves them breathless. High blood pressure can cause dizziness. A person may notice that the dizziness increases as activity increases and gradually decreases as their heart rate returns to normal.

Does it need to be repeated?

How to recover faster after sex: secrets of sex marathons

If you believe the data from anonymous questions, for many men one sexual act per day is enough. Many married couples even prefer to have sex several times a week. This is the rhythm of modern life with constant stress and worries. Sexologists say that each person has an individual sexual temperament. How much and how often to have sex is a question that every couple must decide for themselves. If at least one of the partners wants more, it makes sense to try. So, how to recover faster after sex?

Low blood pressure

It can also cause dizziness after sex. Intimacy can cause a strong rush of emotion, which stimulates the vagus nerve, which carries information between the brain and the rest of the body. Overstimulation of this nerve temporarily dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. Doctors call this vasovagal syncope.

Possible symptoms of such fainting

  • Dizziness;
  • malaise and lightheadedness;
  • confusion;
  • staggering;
  • feeling of stuffiness and sweating;
  • dark spots in the eyes.

If a person with vasovagal syncope loses consciousness, their blood pressure usually returns to normal relatively quickly. If he does not faint, full recovery may take several minutes.

Temperature is a sign of bladder inflammation

Cystitis occurs as a result of exposure to microbes. Among patients diagnosed with the disease, there are more representatives of the fairer sex than men.

the doctor's consultation

This is due to anatomical features. The fact is that in women the urethra is short and wide. During sexual intercourse, microorganisms easily penetrate into it. Fever after sex is one of the symptoms of this disease. Cystitis occurs as a result of the influence of various factors, for example:

  1. Inflammatory process in the vulva and vagina.
  2. Congenital defects in the structure of the urethra.
  3. Hormonal disorders.
  4. Using chemicals to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  5. Incompatibility of the microflora of the genital organs of a woman and her partner.
  6. Violations of hygiene rules.
  7. Exposure to bacteria (Trichomonas, gonococcus, E. coli), sexually transmitted diseases.

If after sex the temperature rises due to cystitis, a woman may notice other characteristic signs of the disease.


It occurs when there is a lack of blood flow to the brain, which can result from a blockage from a blood clot or a ruptured blood vessel. Stroke during sex is rare, but it can still happen.

Who's at risk

  • Aged people;
  • people with a history of heart health problems;
  • patients who have previously had a stroke.

Sudden severe dizziness that does not go away may be a warning sign of a stroke.

Other symptoms of stroke

  1. Paralysis of one side of the face;
  2. sudden uneven smile numbness or tingling, especially if it is only on one side of the body;
  3. inability to raise both arms to the same height;
  4. slurred speech;
  5. confusion;
  6. loss of consciousness.

A person who thinks they or someone else may be having a stroke should call 911 immediately. Timely treatment reduces the risk of serious complications and death.

How to quench your thirst after salty food

In the hot season, thirst is a common misfortune. And it’s not surprising, because the temperature outside is high. This does not mean that it cannot overtake, for example, in the middle of winter, especially if you tasted some salted salmon for dinner.

If you find yourself in this situation, most likely you are wondering how to quench your thirst after eating salty food. We will tell you how to overcome this scourge:

  1. A quarter of an hour after eating salty drink a cup of strong tea . Tea should not contain fruit fillers or additives. Herbal tea will do.
  2. Avoid drinking juices and carbonated drinks in this situation. They will make the situation worse because they contain chemical additives.
  3. Fermented milk products and milk are not suitable. Perhaps they will relieve thirst for half an hour, but after this period of time a feeling of dryness will appear.
  4. Drinking water without carbon dioxide is considered an excellent weapon against thirst after salty foods . More specifically, soda is not suitable.

If feeling thirsty makes you uncomfortable, use these tips.

Heart health problems

Dizziness after sex is usually rarely serious. However, sometimes it can be a sign of a heart health problem. These problems are more common in people with one or more of the following risk factors for heart disease.

  1. High blood pressure;
  2. obesity;
  3. history of heart health problems;
  4. family history of heart attack.

Other symptoms that indicate heart problems

  • Chest pain;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • labored breathing;
  • dizziness that lasts longer than a few minutes;
  • dizziness after exercise;
  • frequent dizziness.

The whole truth about aphrodisiacs

How to recover faster after sex: secrets of sex marathons

Many women wonder why men feel sleepy after sex. Representatives of the fair sex, for the most part, on the contrary, are in joyful excitement after orgasm and feel a surge of strength. Drowsiness after sex in men can easily be explained by a chemical reaction. Immediately after sexual intercourse, our body produces the hormone of joy - serotonin. It’s not for nothing that sex is called one of the best cures for depression and bad mood. This hormone affects men and women differently. The former experience blissful fatigue, the latter feel a surge of strength. Here is the answer to the question why men feel sleepy after sex.

How to overcome drowsiness and gain strength to repeat your feats in bed? Have a snack during your break. Choose the right foods that stimulate desire. They are also called aphrodisiacs. Among the pathogenic foods, the most powerful are shrimp, mushrooms, chocolate, nuts, strawberries, bananas, onions and garlic. Prepare snacks or a fruit and nut bowl ahead of time. Remember: the meal should not be heavy or plentiful, otherwise, instead of a night of love, you will simply fall asleep from heaviness in your stomach.

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