Temperature 39.6 °C

Fever in a child can be a sign of many diseases. Not necessarily viral or bacterial. The baby’s immune system responds to any irritants that enter the body. The main manifestation of the child’s body’s struggle with unfavorable factors is hyperthermia, rising to high values: 39 degrees and above. For parents, this is a serious indicator of the baby’s health, which is worth paying close attention to. What should a mother do if her child’s temperature of 39°C has not subsided for three days?

The child's temperature is very high

Measurement Features

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the difference in temperature standards for children of different ages. In newborns, the thermoregulation system is not yet sufficiently developed, so temperature fluctuations are typical for infants. They are associated with the adaptation period of the body to new conditions. The temperature at which the baby was in the womb was about 38 degrees. After birth, his body has to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Unstable temperature is the norm for newborns and infants. However, if the fever reaches such values ​​for three days, the first thing parents need to do is consult a doctor.

Older children react with the appearance of hyperthermia to viruses and bacteria entering the body. Inflammation begins, causing a sharp increase in thermometer readings to 39°C and above.

What and how to measure

The readings of mercury thermometers are considered the most accurate. It is convenient for a baby to use a pacifier thermometer. Doctors recommend adhering to the basic rules: • Temperature is measured in the armpits, inguinal folds, mouth or rectum. In the intestines it is 1 degree higher. If its values ​​have reached 39 degrees for several days, measure every 2 hours. This way you won’t miss the moment when the fever needs to be reduced; • Measurements should be carried out in a calm state. Screaming, crying, whims, activity can significantly affect the final result; • If you are using a pacifier thermometer or an electronic oral thermometer, measure one hour before or one hour after meals. Warm foods and drinks increase the values ​​by about 1 degree.

Advice. If your baby has a fever of up to 39°C for several days, you should not take measurements with a rectal thermometer. Choose more gentle methods. There is absolutely no need for a child in this state to worry too much.

Possible causes of hyperthermia

A temperature of 39 degrees is called hyperpyrexic; it requires quick determination of the reasons for its occurrence and mandatory consultation with a pediatrician.

1. Infectious diseases. These include influenza, ARVI, sore throat, chicken pox, rubella. The increase in the first three days is associated with the body’s production of a protective substance – interferon. It helps the child cope with the disease. According to medical research, the largest amount of interferon is produced on the third day of illness. The higher the heat during this period, the higher the body's defenses become. It is difficult for a child to tolerate hyperthermia, therefore, if a viral or bacterial infection is suspected, it is necessary to call a doctor and reduce the thermometer readings in accordance with his instructions; 2. Teething. The appearance of new teeth, especially the first ones, is often accompanied by fever. It can last three days, reaching 39 degrees. Teething can be distinguished from infectious diseases by the following signs: swelling of the gums, strong salivation, and the baby’s refusal to breastfeed or solid food. If hyperthermia is associated with teeth, it must be reduced using medication or physiological methods; 3. Heat stroke. Children in their first year of life are more likely to overheat. It appears as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun or excessive wrapping. Overheating occurs suddenly, in the late afternoon. The temperature does not last long, decreasing on the second day. Indirect signs by which heatstroke can be determined: difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat. If the child overheats, he should be placed in a cool room, given water, and be sure to consult a doctor.

Pediatricians agree: if you don’t interfere with the body, it can defeat the infection on its own in three days. Therefore, hyperthermia, which continues for the third day, is not yet a reason to run to the pharmacy for antipyretics.

Exceptions are babies under one year old and children suffering from disorders of the nervous system or heart. Their fever can cause febrile seizures. They arise not as a consequence of hyperthermia, but because of its sudden onset. If there is no such reaction, do not rush to give medications. After all, temperature has not only a negative effect on the child’s body.

What to do if an adult has a high temperature

Let's look at cases when a high temperature is observed in an adult, what to do when the fever lasts a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms. As a general rule, you should definitely remember that it is better not to self-medicate, but to seek help from doctors. The doctor will always better understand what is happening in the body, and you will recover in a short time.

No symptoms

A high temperature without symptoms in an adult is sometimes not a sign of illness and a cause for concern for health. This is how the body carries out thermoregulation, for example, when a person is overheated in the sun in the summer or after intense physical activity or training. Sometimes fever is a reaction to stress. If within 2 days the temperature does not return to normal, you should definitely see a specialist, because this is how many hidden diseases manifest themselves: abscess, infections, allergies, injuries, neoplasms, etc.

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For diarrhea and high fever

There are signs of an infectious disease of the digestive system. Since diarrhea removes fluid from the body, the first aid will be to restore water and mineral balance. For this purpose, you need to increase your fluid intake; a good option would be to use rehydron, which is sold at the pharmacy. To remove the causes of gastrointestinal upset, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe antibiotics.

Medicines for high fever

High fever and vomiting

Such symptoms indicate acute poisoning of the body with low-quality food or chemicals (for example, in production, household chemicals). If an adult has a high fever or diarrhea, what to do? In this case, you need to drink a lot of water, which will help flush out toxins. It is recommended to do an enema to quickly remove toxic substances from the intestines. Remember that these are only emergency measures; in such cases, medical assistance cannot be avoided.

For sore throat

If you have a cold, your throat is red, it hurts to swallow, your body temperature is slightly elevated - these are all the signs of a cold, for which you just need to rest at home. But if the thermometer shows more than 38, this may indicate a sore throat, which is very dangerous due to its complications. Therefore, after rinsing your throat with a soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water) and wrapping it well in a warm scarf, go to the ENT specialist to make an accurate diagnosis.

High pressure and temperature

If there are signs of a cold: fever, general malaise, drowsiness, which are combined with elevated blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg and above), hypertension should be suspected. In this case, treatment is prescribed by a specialist, but the patient himself needs to adjust his lifestyle and balance his diet. Self-medication and delay in seeing a doctor for such symptoms are strictly prohibited, because a heart attack may be missed, which directly threatens the patient with death.

Girl taking temperature


This is often a symptom of acute respiratory viral infection, but this is also how meningitis, sinusitis, acute intoxication of the body due to poisoning, and even tumors in the brain manifest themselves. If the usual methods of treating a cold do not have the desired effect, and the headache continues for more than 2 days, and the fever does not decrease, then in order to prevent severe complications, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Lower back pain

Such a symptom in combination with fever can be caused by the influenza virus, or this is how injuries to the muscles in this area make themselves felt. Then you need to lubricate your lower back with special pain-relieving gels or ointments and tie it with a warm bandage. But be careful, lower back pain accompanied by a high temperature may indicate possible inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Pros and cons of high temperature

Heat is a protective reaction inherent in nature. Against this background, phagocytosis increases - the ability of immune cells to neutralize all harmful substances.
Interferon is also actively produced, fighting bacteria and viruses. Intense heat reduces appetite and motor activity, directing all body systems to fight the disease. The main disadvantage of hyperthermia is the rapid loss of fluid. It causes blood thickening, reduces the absorption of medications, and can significantly worsen the condition.
Therefore, the first rule for parents when their child has a prolonged fever is to give him water. You need to drink frequently, at least five times a day, in small portions. Preferably warm water. It is recommended to feed infants more often during the day; bottle-fed children can be given water from a syringe without a needle. When parents reduce the fever, they interfere with the body's natural process, which is aimed at fighting the disease. This does not mean that a child’s high temperature for the third day is not a cause for concern and nothing can be done. Pediatricians recommend reducing fever if the following indications are present: • Temperature 39 lasts for three days or more; • Difficulty breathing, retraction of the fontanel in newborns; • Diseases of the nervous system, heart, or previous seizures.

You can fight the fever yourself. This must be done correctly, since incorrect manipulations can further harm your health.

What does a temperature of 39.6 mean?

Fever is our body's defense mechanism. With its help, 3 goals are achieved at once:

  • slowing down the reproduction of viruses;
  • strengthening the immune response;
  • acceleration of drug absorption.

Fever in patients with coronavirus indicates that the body has detected a threat and is actively fighting it. However, 38.5-38.7°C is considered normal. A temperature of 39.6 indicates serious complications and high stress on the body. Especially if it lasts more than 2-3 days.

What should parents do?

There are two ways to reduce temperature: with medications and physiological methods.

Pediatricians recommend using drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. They help get rid of fever on the first day and quickly normalize the condition. These medications are equally effective, but have different contraindications for use. Before starting use, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you the exact dosage depending on the medicine, age, weight of the child, and characteristics of the disease.

The drugs are available in different forms: suppositories, tablets, syrups. Medicines in the form of suppositories are recommended for children from 1 month. up to six months. Their effect occurs within 30-40 minutes. and lasts longer than after taking tablets or syrup.

Older children are allowed antipyretic syrup. Please note: almost all syrups contain dyes, flavors, and flavoring additives. They may cause an allergic reaction. If your baby has a tendency to allergies, it is better to use rectal suppositories or a tablet form of the medicine.

Tablets can be given to children from 3 years of age. By this age, the child is able to swallow them whole without choking. Syrups and tablets act quickly, within 15-20 minutes. after reception.

Advice. If fever occurs due to viral infections, use paracetamol-based medications. Medical studies have shown its high effectiveness in treating such diseases. Paracetamol relieves fever for 2-4 hours, allowing the child to more easily cope with the disease.

You cannot use one drug constantly. If you need to take it frequently in one day, try to alternate medications in different forms and with different active ingredients. Remember: analgin and aspirin are contraindicated for children to reduce fever. They can cause serious complications.

Physiological methods

One of them is rubbing.
Place the baby on the bed, undress and dry with a soft towel moistened with warm water. You need to treat the entire body, starting from the neck area and moving down. Do not wrap the child after wiping, the temperature will quickly rise again. Another way is to drink plenty of warm drinks. It causes increased sweating. Moisture evaporating from the surface of the skin reduces heat. Drinking small amounts of fluid throughout the day also helps prevent dehydration.

Some doctors advise applying ice to your baby's armpits or groin folds. This method is only permissible for a short time in older children. A baby's delicate skin can quickly get frostbite.

Common bad advice

1. If a child has a fever or chills, he needs to be warmed up.
Wear socks, a sweater, and cover with a warm blanket. It is a myth. On the contrary, wrapping it up leads to overheating of the internal organs and can cause a deterioration in the condition. To reduce fever, leave your baby wearing lightweight, loose clothing; 2. It is necessary to close all the windows to prevent it from blowing. Another common but erroneous belief. To improve your well-being, be sure to ventilate the room and provide access to fresh air. Doctors recommend reducing the temperature in the room where the child is located to 18-20 degrees; 3. The best rubdown is using vodka or vinegar. Indeed, alcohol-containing liquids help to sharply lower the thermometer readings. But only adults can do rubdowns with their help. Vodka and vinegar can penetrate the child’s body through the pores on the skin. As a result, the baby will receive severe intoxication; 4. Swimming helps relieve fever. The opinion is partially correct. If the child is active, the fever appears due to teething - a shower will really help. Don't get carried away with long splashes in the bathroom. A warm shower lasting a few minutes is enough. Afterwards, dry your baby thoroughly to prevent colds. If the cause of the high temperature is influenza, sore throat, or ARVI, you should not bathe the child. Another common mistake is self-administration of antibiotics. Many parents, frightened by high thermometer readings, rush to begin what they believe is effective treatment. It is strictly prohibited to do this without consulting a doctor. Improper treatment can greatly harm your health.

When to see a doctor

A temperature of 39 in a child requires contacting a doctor. Regardless of whether symptoms are absent or present. Parents will not be able to independently determine the cause of the condition.

High fever in children is treated by a pediatrician.

But you may need additional help from doctors of other specializations:

  • gastroenterologist – deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pulmonologist – treats pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • cardiologist – deals with the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • nephrologist - if the symptom is associated with kidney disease;
  • otolaryngologist (ENT or ear, nose and throat) and more.

An urgent call to a medical team is necessary in the following cases:

  • any increase in temperature in a child under 3 months;
  • an increase in temperature of more than 38 degrees in a child under 12 months;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • prolonged cough (more than 1 minute);
  • inspiratory noise;
  • labored breathing;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • convulsions;
  • any severe pain - in the abdomen, when urinating, etc.;
  • with independent actions (antipyretic, folk remedies), the temperature does not subside for a long time, that is, the fever persists in a child under 2 years of age for more than a day, and in older children - for more than 3 days;
  • profuse diarrhea or vomiting, sometimes bile or blood is present in the stool;
  • refusal of fluids and food;
  • rash on the skin.

The child has a temperature of 39 without symptoms, it stays high for 3 days, and it has risen sharply. Reasons, what it is, what to do

When the temperature is high, do not do the following:

  • cover the child with a warm blanket or shawl; on the contrary, you need to undress him down to his underpants or diaper and wrap him only in a sheet;
  • rub vinegar into the skin - you need to lightly touch the cover with a pre-prepared solution;
  • inhalation;
  • massage treatments;
  • warming up;
  • compresses that have a heating effect;
  • force the child to eat;
  • give cold drinks, as they should only be warm, otherwise the blood vessels will spasm;
  • placing a fan by the bed and blowing air on the child until the temperature drops is wrong, as the likelihood of pneumonia increases;
  • a hot bath or shower - as a result, overheating is possible, so it is better to simply wipe the child’s body.

When to call an ambulance

Urgent medical intervention is necessary if: • A fever of more than 39 degrees does not subside for three days; • The thermometer readings are off the charts in a newborn or infant; • Presence or exacerbation of chronic diseases due to fever; • The appearance of febrile convulsions, fainting, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.

Prolonged high fever in a child is not a reason for self-medication. The cause of fever above 39 degrees can be various diseases. Try to reduce your temperature using available methods and be sure to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis.

First aid for a child

Before the doctor arrives, parents can help their child a little. It is best to try to stop the rise in thermometer readings already at 38.5 degrees Celsius, especially in cases where he has already had diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system, heart or kidneys

To do this you need to use:

  • Significant cooling of the air in the room where the child is;
  • drink plenty of room temperature drinks;
  • wiping the body with a damp towel;
  • a significant increase in humidity in the room;
  • strict bed rest;
  • constant supervision of the baby.

If a one-year-old child has a temperature of 39 without symptoms, then you cannot give him any medications without a specialist’s prescription, as this will distort the picture of the disease.

These measures will stop the temperature from rising above 39, reduce its current levels, help ease the activity of the cardiovascular system and weaken the effects of intoxication.

After the pediatrician determines the cause of hyperthermia, he can prescribe treatment with antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen) used in pediatric practice. These medications quickly enough allow you to slightly lower the thermometer readings, as well as alleviate the patient’s general condition.

Thus, a sharp jump in temperature above 39 degrees is usually associated with the presence of some unfavorable factors affecting the child. Therefore, contacting a pediatrician in this case is mandatory. Before the doctor arrives, you can try to alleviate his condition on your own.

A number of necessary measures will reduce the thermometer readings by no less than one degree. This will make it possible to improve the baby’s well-being and wait for the doctor to come without fear of developing serious complications.

However, under no circumstances should you take on the functions of a specialist, try to independently diagnose and begin treatment. You may miss the time when medical care will still be effective. If the fever is eliminated, this does not mean at all that the pathology that caused it is completely defeated and after a while everything will not resume.

Therefore, even if you are sure that an increase in temperature is a temporary phenomenon caused by natural causes, it will not hurt to visit a pediatrician. After a complete examination of the body is done and no diseases are identified, only then can you calm down.

Increased body temperature in a child - Emergency care “Doctor Komarovsky School”


Author: Elena

An increase in a child's temperature to 39°C without symptoms can occur due to infection. When pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, leukocytes enter the bloodstream, which are aimed at eliminating the outbreak, which causes the temperature to rise.

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