Temperature during pregnancy

Many women who want to conceive a child as soon as possible try different methods in order to find out about their interesting situation even before the absence of their next period. Basal temperature during pregnancy in the early stages before the delay can show that fertilization has occurred, since BT levels during gestation differ from usual. To obtain reliable results, it is important to take measurements correctly and if strange thermometer marks appear, immediately contact a specialist.

Basal temperature in early pregnancy

What is basal temperature

Basal temperature is the values ​​​​identified by measuring it on the surface of the mucous tissues of the body. Translated from Greek, the word basal means “basic”.

The values ​​obtained as a result of measurements are the closest to the temperature inside the body, and physiological basal temperature is a natural indicator recorded in healthy representatives of the fair sex.

In modern times, few women use the method of measuring temperature to diagnose pregnancy, although in the early stages of pregnancy it shows the result of unprotected sexual intercourse with high accuracy.

To increase the reliability of measurements, it is necessary to read thermometer readings obtained from mucous tissues in a calm state.

BT can be measured in the following natural holes:

  • vagina;
  • anus;
  • mouth.

Measurements in the mouth and vagina are not very accurate, so most women record thermometer readings obtained by measuring in the rectum.

The use of ultrasound and ultra-sensitive pregnancy tests have made the method of measuring basal temperature not as popular as before, but with its help it is possible to track the moment of ovulation and conception at home.

BT in the second phase

The second phase (luteal) begins from the moment the egg leaves the follicle. This period is characterized by an increase in thermometry indicators by 0.4-0.5 degrees, compared to BT in the follicular phase of the cycle. You need to understand that it is the temperature difference that plays a big role, and not its level on any day of the cycle. For example, if BT is below 37 C for a month, but there is a difference of 0.4 degrees in the readings in the first and second phases, the woman’s condition is defined as normal (naturally, provided that the body temperature does not drop to pathological levels).

It’s another matter if a woman’s BT is approximately the same during both phases, or has an unexpressed rise after ovulation. There may be the following reasons for this:

  • The cycle passed without ovulation, but the woman has no problems with the reproductive system. In this case, you need to keep a BT log in the next cycle to understand whether this condition is permanent. It is believed that over the course of a year, a healthy woman has 1-3 menstrual cycles that are not accompanied by egg maturation. If monotemperature cycles are repeated, contact your gynecologist.
  • Low basal temperature in the second phase of the cycle and an unexpressed rise in the curve on the graph may indicate progesterone deficiency. Other hormones also influence the processes of egg maturation and ovulation. A blood test for female sex hormones will show whether everything is in order with the endocrine regulation of the reproductive system.
  • Many diseases are accompanied by a prolonged decrease in temperature. Also, the difference between BT of the two phases may decrease during inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, or when infected with a viral infection.
  • Often women receive BT schedules without the typical rise in the second phase as a result of exposure to factors not related to ovarian function. We are talking about purely external conditions that affect thermoregulation: taking medications, alcohol, active sex life on the eve of temperature measurement, overwork, emotional stress, and so on.

Low basal temperature in both the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle does not indicate dysfunction of the reproductive system, if BT is lower in the first phase than in the second.

In addition, the BT level is not a reliable sign of either ovulation or pregnancy, and can only be used as a home test by women planning a pregnancy.

Why is BT measured?

Base temperature allows you to obtain information about how a woman’s hormonal levels change depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle:

Follicular phase

The phase begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts on average 14 days (normally 7–21 days, depending on the length of the cycle). Due to the increased production of estrogen, the follicles mature, in one of which the egg will develop. A few days before ovulation, the hormone level rises sharply, and the basal temperature drops by 0.2-0.3 °C, since estrogen does not affect its changes as pronouncedly as progesterone;

Luteal phase

The phase begins immediately after the ovulatory phase; it is by the values ​​​​obtained during measurements at this time that one can judge whether pregnancy has occurred. The luteal stage is controlled by progesterone; it is necessary for the growth of the endometrium of the uterus, so that if the gamete is fertilized, it can penetrate the wall of the reproductive organ. Progesterone triggers an enhanced process of thermoregulation, which is why the temperature in the luteal phase begins to rise.

If conception does not occur in the second phase, the indicators will drop to normal before the start of the next period. If pregnancy occurs, a competent temperature measurement will help you find out about this fact even before your menstruation is delayed - it will be increased.

In addition to self-diagnosis of pregnancy, recording BT will help:

  • find out whether the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the body is normal;
  • track exactly when the follicular phase ends and the egg is released into the uterus;
  • diagnose disorders of the reproductive system organs and cycle failures;
  • suspect any problems with early pregnancy;
  • guess about the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, which is the cause of long unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.

It is necessary to consult a gynecologist if a woman does not notice a sharp change in temperature during the ovulatory phase or BT increases by less than 0.4 °C. This indicates a hormonal disorder, as a result of which the egg does not mature inside the follicle, does not enter the uterus, or the progesterone needed for its implantation is produced in insufficient quantities. With these problems, a woman can make efforts to get pregnant and carry a baby, but they are not successful.

Gestational age 2 weeks basal temperature

A healthy woman resorts to measuring basal temperature most often because of the desire to conceive a child. BT during pregnancy differs significantly from the indications that are observed in other periods of life. If there are appropriate BT indications, which are inherent in pregnancy, then we can talk about a successful conception. BT also becomes interesting in each period of gestation - from 1 to 40 weeks.

Basal temperature data is taken in three places:

  1. In the mouth.
  2. In the rectum (rectally).
  3. In the vagina.

The most accurate readings are temperatures measured in the rectum. They are reduced in the first phase, that is, to 37°C. They range from 36.2 to 36.9 degrees, which is individual. The most important thing is that the BT readings in the second phase (the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes, that is, after ovulation) are at least 0.4°C higher than the previous ones. This “morning” temperature persists until the onset of menstruation:

  • 1-2 days before menstruation, BT drops.
  • On the day of menstruation it increases.

Basal temperature is strictly controlled by the level of hormones produced by the body. During pregnancy in the second phase, the temperature gradually increases or is already high until menstruation is missed or even more. This indicates high levels of progesterone and estrogen, which regulate the process of maintaining pregnancy.

Based on basal temperature, you can calculate days favorable for conception, as well as periods when you don’t have to worry about the safety of sex. This is also regulated by hormone levels. Basal temperature also helps to identify various abnormalities in reproductive function. For example, at 3 and 4 weeks of pregnancy (according to obstetric indications), the temperature should be more than 37°C.

If there is a delay, but the basal rate drops, this indicates a negative process of conception (pregnancy is not observed).

Basal temperature is an easily changing thing. A woman must follow the rules of her measurement to get the correct data. These rules are the same for all women: both pregnant and non-pregnant. The website ogrippe.com will tell you how to measure BT.

You should use one thermometer, which can be mercury (preferably) or digital. It is inserted into the rectum 2-3 cm and held for 5-7 minutes. Measurements are taken strictly at the same time (the run-up can be up to 30-60 minutes maximum). Everything happens in the morning, when the woman has just woken up and has not yet gotten out of bed.

Other rules for drawing up a BT schedule are:

  • Measurements are taken over 4 consecutive menstrual cycles for a more reliable picture.
  • Measurements are taken after waking up from sleep, which should last at least 5 hours. In the morning, a woman should, without getting out of bed or stretching, take a thermometer and measure her temperature.
  • While the temperature is being measured, you should lie still.
  • All data is recorded in a notebook, where the date and exact data about the BT are indicated. At the same time, notes are written down regarding what distorted the BT readings, for example, the use of alcohol or medications the day before.

Basal temperature is not taken during the daytime. Only in the morning is it reliable. With activity and movement, body temperature rises, which distorts the readings.

BT distortion can be affected by:

  1. Alcohol consumption.
  2. Sexual contact the day before.
  3. Diseases in which the general body temperature rises.

All recommendations are given by a gynecologist who examines the woman. Interfering factors should be recorded so that specific BT data can be understood.

During pregnancy, it should be taken into account that BT is within normal limits for 2 weeks after conception. Then hormonal changes occur that distort the data. At week 9, BT will not be of much interest than at week 1 or 2. However, if the doctor has prescribed it to be measured, then his recommendations should be followed.

During pregnancy, BT remains high until pregnancy delay and beyond. Diagnosis in the early stages is made after conception in the first weeks. The temperature rises to 37 and above (by 0.4-0.5 degrees) and on the day of the delay it will rise by another 0.2-0.3. However, everything is individual: in some women the temperature may not rise above 37°C.

The BT schedule will sometimes behave strangely during the first week. For example, on the 6th day the basal temperature may drop, which does not indicate pathologies. Sometimes this occurs after ovulation on days 7-10, which indicates implantation retraction, which may be accompanied by bleeding.

The next day or 2 after the drop, the temperature rises again to a high level. Such changes in the second phase may indicate fertilization.

Other signs of pregnancy may include the following cases (if there is no short-term temperature rise in the second phase):

  • Increased BT is observed for 3 days or longer than in previous cycles.
  • High BT lasts at least 18 days - a sure indicator of pregnancy.
  • A third upward jump in temperature is observed, dividing the graph into 3 phases.

You should pay attention to what the basal temperature is when pregnancy occurs. Its normal value is 37.1-37.4°C. However, sometimes lower temperatures can be observed. Low BT is not an alarming sign during pregnancy, but you should pay attention to it.

Gynecologists often advise measuring BT throughout the first trimester. This occurs in cases where a woman has previously had miscarriages, threatened miscarriage, or fading pregnancy. Low temperature in the first trimester may indicate:

  • Lack of progesterone, which regulates normal gestation.
  • Threat of spontaneous abortion.
  • Freezing of the fetus.

A sharp drop in basal levels below 37 degrees may indicate insufficient progesterone production. In this case, visiting a doctor should be mandatory, especially if other alarming signs arise:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Increased uterine tone.
  3. Bleeding.

You should not panic that BT has dropped to 36.9°C if there is no discomfort, abdominal pain, or bleeding. This is not considered normal, but the individual characteristics of the female body may play a role here. You should be examined by a doctor so as not to worry about low BT.

If BT drops to 36°C, this is an abnormal sign. Here, fetal freezing or spontaneous termination of pregnancy may occur. In any case, you should consult a doctor urgently.

It is also necessary to make a visit to the gynecologist if BT drops to 36.8 degrees or below and lasts for a long time. This may require testing for hormone levels. However, if low BT appears only once, then you should not worry. This could be an error in measurements or a temporary change in the condition of the female body.

A high BT should also attract attention. What does her increased performance indicate? If 38°C is observed for a long time, then you should seek medical help, since we are talking about inflammatory processes in the body or ectopic pregnancy (BT may be normal in this case).

A slightly elevated BT (37.7-38°C) is normal, which may indicate individual characteristics of the body.

We should not forget about the various factors that influence BT measurements. If a woman takes medications, is sexually active, and moves after waking up, then the indicators will be different, which is natural.

A slightly elevated BT is quite normal if the woman feels well and nothing bothers her, and her hormone levels remain normal.

Changes in internal BT at different stages of pregnancy should be considered:

  • The 3rd week corresponds to the 1st embryonic week. At this stage, BT shows 37-37.5-37.7 degrees and slightly higher. A mark below 37°C indicates deviations and the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • The 4th week is marked by BT indicators in the range of 37.1-37.3°C, the maximum limit is 38°C. Higher rates indicate infectious or inflammatory processes.
  • The 5th week should be stable within 37.1-37.7 degrees. If it repeatedly increases or decreases, then you should pay attention to other signs: nagging pain, hardening of the abdomen, softening of the mammary glands, etc.
  • Week 6 remains the same: 37.1-37.7°C. If the temperature increases or decreases significantly, then we may be talking about fetal death.
  • The 7th-8th weeks are marked by BT indicators within the range of no lower than 37.1-37.3 and no higher than 38 degrees. If the indicators are abnormal, you should undergo additional health diagnostics (ultrasound). By the end of this period, the fetus becomes less susceptible to various factors, but it is better to continue to maintain a BT schedule.
  • The 9-10th week should maintain the previous indicators within the range of more than 37 and below 38 degrees. Otherwise, the help of a doctor is recommended.
  • The 11th week is marked by a slight decrease in BT to 37-37.2°C. If the temperature remains high, then you should contact a gynecologist.
  • The 12th week is determined by BT levels of 37-37.8, maximum 38 degrees. Ideal values ​​are 37.6-37.7°C.

In the following weeks, the BT level remains within normal limits - around 36.6-36.8 degrees. Too high or too low BT indicates hormonal disorders, threat of miscarriage and other pathologies. At the 40th week, BT increases to 37.4 degrees or more (by 0.5-0.8°C). Some women also experience a high fever before giving birth.

Basal temperature helps in solving many problems, including throughout pregnancy. It’s not enough just to conceive, you also need to carry it to term, which is 40 long weeks. A lot can happen during this period. For a favorable prognosis, it is necessary to measure BT throughout pregnancy in order to note deviations from the norm and seek help in time.


Pregnancy is a period when the expectant mother monitors her health with special care. After all, now she worries not only about herself, but also about the life that arose inside her body.

It is very important not to worry about anything, because unnecessary worry will not bring any benefit. There are some methods, such as measuring basal temperature, that can help you monitor your health status on an ongoing basis.

This technique helps to identify some dangerous symptoms. By reacting in time, the expectant mother will be able to protect her unborn baby. If any deviation from the norm is observed, you should urgently seek help from a doctor.

It is usually abbreviated as BT, less commonly rectal temperature. As the name suggests, it is not measured in the standard way - under the armpits. There are several measurement options - in the mouth, in the vagina and in the rectum. It is often used to track ovulation when a woman wants to become pregnant.

A normal menstrual cycle often shows up to 37 Celsius, but exactly until ovulation begins - then the temperature increases by 0.4 Celsius. After this, during menstruation or 1-2 days later, it decreases again. But if this does not happen, then, most likely, pregnancy has occurred.

Each organism is individual, but normally it is 37.1 – 37.3, which is exactly what the temperature is during ovulation and remains the same if pregnancy occurs. It is worth remembering that the borderline norm is 37.0. If there is a deviation of 0.8 degrees in any direction, this is a reason to go to the doctor, or at least you should consult a doctor.

As for how long it lasts, the answer is clear - from the beginning of pregnancy and the first few months while the girl is carrying the fetus.

There are two reasons for this - to monitor the health of the mother and child, as well as to plan pregnancy.

The first reason, as mentioned above, helps to understand whether everything is in order with your health. And the second reason helps to calculate ovulation. When a woman wants to give birth to a child, she needs to determine when ovulation occurs. When there is an increase in BT, this is a sign that it has arrived, and now there is the greatest chance of getting pregnant.

Be sure to take the measurement in the morning, immediately after sleep, when the body is still at rest. An important point is that it is advisable to get full sleep, at least six hours. It can be measured in any way, but rectal is considered the most reliable. Measurement in this way should be carried out for at least three to four minutes.

Oral and vaginal measurement methods are also suitable, but the time increases to five minutes. Any thermometer will do - both a regular mercury thermometer and an electronic one. It is advisable to take measurements every day and mark them in a notebook or a special chart - this makes it easier to track the dynamics. The procedure must be carried out at the same time each time, the permissible time difference is thirty minutes.

Each organism is individual. This can be proven by a simple fact - some people have a normal (non-rectal) temperature of 36.6, while others have a normal temperature of 37 and even higher. At the same time, two types of people feel excellent and do not get sick.

So when measuring BT - everything depends on the specific organism. However, you should know the generally accepted and most common norms - from 37 to 37.3. The temperature rises as a special hormone, progesterone, begins to be produced in large quantities. This happens to protect the fetus.

There were cases when a woman had a rectal temperature of 38, but she was not sick and everything was fine with the fetus. Such cases are very rare; usually, if the temperature is already above 37.3 or below 37, it is wiser to consult a doctor.

Most likely, a woman is pregnant if the following symptoms are observed:

  • The temperature is elevated three days after the end of ovulation.
  • If, with a normal two-phase schedule, the girl observes another jump in temperature (this condition is not considered mandatory).
  • The corpus luteum phase does not stop for 18 days - that is, the temperature is elevated all this time.

As usual, you need to take your temperature immediately after sleep, at the same time. The fact is that factors such as light physical activity, food, and even clothing can affect the result. It is normal when it rises above 37.3 during the day (not in the morning) - however, the reason for such an increase is precisely the factors described earlier.

If there is a situation with an increase in body temperature during pregnancy, inflammatory or infectious processes are most likely occurring. But this is only if the increase was recorded correctly, that is, in the morning. Termination of pregnancy in this case is unlikely, but it cannot be discounted.

Regarding ectopic pregnancy, it may not necessarily cause an increase in rectal temperature. Usually it is within normal limits. If this type of pregnancy occurs, the woman may feel severe abdominal pain and may even experience bleeding. In this case, you cannot delay; you should call an ambulance.

This also happens. Its fall, especially sharp, should be alarming. This means that there is insufficient production of hormones. This clearly indicates that the body is not able to support the female body during pregnancy.

If, along with a decrease in rectal temperature, you notice symptoms such as abdominal pain, bleeding, prolonged uterine tone, then consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

A frozen pregnancy usually shows a result below 37, but even in this case you should not panic, but contact a medical facility.

In the morning, without getting out of bed, in a state of rest and minimal activity. To do this, you need to take a thermometer and place it two centimeters into the vagina or rectum. You need to hold the thermometer for three to five minutes.

It is necessary to measure BT each time using the same method, that is, choose one - rectal or place the thermometer in the vagina. The thermometer cannot be changed either, nor can the measurement time - if you decide to measure at 8.00 in the morning, then continue in the same spirit. Fluctuations can be up to thirty minutes in both directions.

To carry out the procedure as accurately as possible, here are a few rules that must be followed:

  • Do the procedure in a horizontal position and nothing else, don’t even turn on your side, much less squat.
  • A full night's sleep is required - at least five hours.
  • It is advisable not to have sex while you are monitoring temperature changes. Or at least maintain a gap of half a day between measurement and sexual intercourse.
  • You should not take medications - they both lower and increase BT. It’s worse when they raise it - yours may be below normal, and you will think that she is fine.
  • Have breakfast only after the procedure.
  • Try not to get sick - even a sore throat can distort your readings.

If the expectant mother wants to seriously monitor this indicator, then she cannot do without a chart. Various circumstances can affect rectal temperature, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

Typically, fluctuations on the chart look like this:

  1. On the day of conception - from 36.4 to 36.7.
  2. The next three to four days there is an increase of 0.1, that is, it can reach 37 degrees.
  3. The value may remain the same for the next two to three days.
  4. On the day of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine mucosa, it decreases to 36.5-36.6 degrees.
  5. For the next three days there is a gradual increase and reaches from 36.7 to 37.
  6. The next fourteen days the value ranges from 36.7 to 31.1. It is important to monitor whether it has dropped below the value it was during ovulation.

It is important to indicate in the chart not only the numbers, but also the possible circumstances that influenced them - illness, stress, taking medications, etc.
The attending physician should know about them. You can draw it yourself, or find it on the Internet and print it. Include the following notes in your schedule:

  1. Menstrual cycle by day (take into account the length of your cycle).
  2. Daily temperature readings.
  3. Non-standard marks (poisoned, couldn’t sleep, got sick, etc.)
  4. We draw a graph:
  5. Take a piece of paper in a cage.
  6. Divide it into two axes: the first is X (day of the cycle), the second is Y (rectal temperature indicator).
  7. Every day an indicator is marked, all the points must be connected with a line.
  8. It is necessary to draw a continuous line through the top six indicators in the first phase, not taking into account the days of menstruation, then the line must be continued until the end of the second cycle.
  9. On the day of expected ovulation, draw a line, but this time vertical.

How to take measurements correctly

In order to build a BT schedule during pregnancy before a delay, it is important to carry out measurements correctly, because each woman’s body is individual and very susceptible to minimal changes in the external environment. Temperature fluctuations of even one tenth of a degree are important for assessing the health of the reproductive system and the proper development of the fertilized egg in the early stages.

Rules for measuring BT:

  1. It is better to take measurements immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, between 05:00 and 07:00 am - at this time the maximum peak of hormone production is observed.
  2. It is advisable to measure the temperature in the rectum, and not in the mouth or vagina - this may cause inaccurate results.
  3. Use an accurate thermometer, preferably a mercury thermometer rather than an electronic one, since even a tenth of a degree is important when recording temperature. It should be stored in a place that is easy to reach, and past results should be shaken off in the evening.
  4. Measure BT by holding the thermometer in the rectum for at least five minutes, the insertion depth is 2–3 cm. During the measurement, you should not turn around or sit up in bed, after which you must write down the result.
  5. Take measurements after a full sleep lasting at least 5-6 hours in a row.
  6. If the night before taking the temperature, a woman ate fatty, spicy food, had sex, slept poorly, or took an airplane flight, it is important to enter this information in the notebook with the results. Intimate contacts should be avoided 5–6 hours before fixing BT.

In case of an acute viral or bacterial infection, when the body temperature is at high levels, it is not recommended to measure BT, since the data will be incorrect.

Why measure basal temperature and how to do it?

The menstrual cycle in a woman of reproductive age consists of two phases. The first is called follicular and covers the period before ovulation. The second - luteal - after ovulation. The onset of ovulation is a transition period between these phases.

When a couple is planning a pregnancy, or, on the contrary, wants to postpone it for now, it is necessary to know the days of ovulation . To do this, you can use basal temperature measurement. According to its data, it is determined whether ovulation has occurred or not; its regularity indicates the normal functioning of the woman’s reproductive system and the possibility of becoming pregnant these days.

Many women try to use this method without fully understanding what is happening to their body at this time. To obtain reliable results, basal temperature must be measured daily in the morning, immediately after waking up. A prerequisite is at least 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Having woken up, you cannot get out of bed, so it is advisable to put a thermometer nearby and measure your temperature while lying down.

Measurements can be taken in different ways: through the mouth, as well as vaginal and rectal methods . For more accurate results, it is advisable not to change the thermometer and the way you measure temperature at least during the same cycle. It is preferable to use a mercury thermometer rather than an electronic one. In this case, the old method will be more reliable.

In order to correctly interpret the results, a graph is drawn up based on the daily data obtained , lasting several menstrual cycles. Using it, you can observe changes in the body and find out your basal temperature. These data can be compared with average normal values. You can also show this data to your doctor. They may be needed when diagnosing certain gynecological diseases, planning pregnancy, and choosing contraceptive methods.

The first (follicular) phase of the menstrual cycle is not similar to the second due to the difference in temperature dynamics. In the first phase, normal basal temperature values ​​range from 36.3 to 36.8. Its slight decrease occurs a few days before ovulation. After its onset, the temperature rises to 37-37.2 degrees and remains the same during the entire second half of the cycle. A couple of days before menstruation, another slight decrease occurs by one or two tenths of a degree, and then menstruation begins.

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Normal temperature indicators before and after fertilization

If you know what thermometer readings should be at different phases of the cycle, you can easily determine the period of ovulation and select a time favorable for conception. Normal BT values ​​are presented in the table.

Cycle phaseCycle daysPredominant hormonesNormal BT values
Follicular1–12Estrogen36.2–36.6 °C
Ovulation13–14Estrogen, follicle-stimulating, luteinizingDecrease to 36.2–36.3 °C Follicle rupture 36.4–36.7 °C After ovulation 37-37.4 °C
Luteal15–28Progesterone37.1–37.4 °C

If fertilization has occurred, the following fluctuations will be visible on the BT measurement graph:

  1. The day of fertilization is 36.4–36.7 °C, the changes are not yet noticeable, only after 5–7 days, when the fertilized egg enters the uterine cavity, the indicators rise to 37-37.3 °C.
  2. Introduction of the embryo into the uterine wall - temperature decrease by 0.2-0.4 °C (implantation retraction). 4-5 days after implantation - BT indicators increase above 37 °C.
  3. For the next one to two weeks, the temperature remains at 37-37.5 °C, but should not fall below.

Based on inflated BT values ​​just before the start of the expected menstrual period, a woman can guess that she is pregnant, even if other early signs of conception (breast swelling, nausea) are absent. After a delay, the fact of conception can be confirmed by a pregnancy test.

Temperature chart depending on the stage of pregnancy

The increase in basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is shown with examples in the table below, depending on the time elapsed from conception. The increase in indicators is explained by the production of the hormone progesterone by the corpus luteum. This temporary organ is formed at the site of a follicle that has burst and released a mature egg. The temperature will remain elevated until, in the event of pregnancy, the corpus luteum functions and does not atrophy - this happens at 12–15 weeks, when the placenta is formed.

Conception timeMidwifery weekStandard BT in °CPossible reasons for deviations
1337-37,5Decreased – risk of miscarriage, increased – presence of inflammatory process
4637,1–37,7If the readings drop and then a sharp rise in temperature to 37.9–38 °C, a frozen pregnancy can be suspected

Changes in basal temperature during pregnancy

As mentioned above, in the first part of the cycle, starting approximately 3 or 4 days after the end of menstruation, the basal temperature drops to 36.5-36.8 degrees. This temperature is necessary for the maturation of the egg. The day before ovulation, the temperature drops sharply, and then rises no less sharply to about 37 degrees, sometimes a little higher.

About a week before the start of menstruation, the basal temperature begins to decrease, unless, of course, pregnancy occurs. What if it does?

The thing is that the hormone progesterone, which begins to be produced immediately after ovulation, is responsible for the increase in basal temperature during ovulation.

If conception does not occur, then the level of progesterone decreases, and therefore the basal temperature decreases. If conception occurs, the level of progesterone remains, and the temperature remains high. The basal temperature during pregnancy before the delay is approximately 37 degrees .

If a woman keeps a basal temperature chart for several months, then if pregnancy occurs, she will notice that about a week before the start of her period, the basal temperature, instead of the usual decrease, continues to remain at 37 degrees. In this case, you can most likely assume pregnancy.

Chart of changes in basal temperature during pregnancy

Basal temperature can be considered the first sign of pregnancy , even before the delay. However, it is worth considering that this is not the most reliable method. The fact is that an increase in basal temperature can be caused by other reasons, including gynecological diseases, infectious processes, physical activity, taking certain medications, and so on. Find out what other first signs of pregnancy there are before delay →

There is an opinion that basal temperature may decrease before a miscarriage or in the event of a frozen pregnancy. You should not take this information seriously. However, if you are still worried about this, you can consult a doctor for your own peace of mind.

Strictly speaking, there is no point in keeping a chart of changes in basal temperature for the purpose of early diagnosis of pregnancy, since this is too unreliable a method. Basal temperature can be much more useful in determining a favorable day for conception.

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Pathological basal temperature

The thermometer readings do not always correspond to different phases of the cycle and are normal - this may indicate a change in the woman’s health status. On the forums, reviews of basal temperature indicators during early pregnancy, recorded before the delay in pregnant women, confirm the possible causes of deviations in the presence of the following factors:

  1. Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs - an increase in temperature is recorded on days when normally it should, on the contrary, become lower (before and during menstruation).
  2. Deficiency of progesterone production - manifests itself as a lower than normal temperature for the luteal phase (less than 37 ° C).
  3. Physiological characteristics of the female body - if at a certain stage of the cycle the temperature is slightly lower or higher than normal (by 0.1-0.3 °C), but all natural peaks are present in the graph, measurement errors may be to blame.
  4. Spontaneous ovulation - an increase in temperature, which should be on schedule during the release of the egg into the uterus, is observed earlier or later than this period. The reason is a shift in the cycle due to hormonal imbalances and somatic diseases.
  5. Repeated ovulation occurs in 7–10% of cases. Two eggs mature in the follicles, which can be released simultaneously or in turn into the uterus. In this case, two peaks of increase in BT are observed.

Based on the increase in BT and then its decrease after confirmation of pregnancy, a threat of miscarriage can be suspected.

Reasons for rising temperature:

Reasons for rising temperature:

  • infections and inflammatory processes;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • blood diseases.

However, in the vast majority of cases, raising the temperature above normal is an effective defense in the fight against infection, since with hyperthermia there is an increase in the rate of metabolic processes and biochemical reactions, vasodilation, which results in accelerated elimination of harmful substances due to active sweating and increased blood circulation , increasing urine output. An important factor is that hyperthermia creates conditions for the death of microbial bodies.

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In addition to high fever in a pregnant woman due to ARVI, other symptoms of the disease are added, in particular severe headache, drowsiness, sore throat, runny nose, aches throughout the body, and cough. ARVI is insidious in the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis. Viruses can easily penetrate the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus. Against the background of infection, spontaneous miscarriage occurs, or various malformations occur.

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An increase in body temperature, even a slight one, is dangerous before childbirth, as it can cause the expectant mother to develop various complications from the heart and nervous system. There is a risk of infection for the baby during childbirth. In most cases, women wonder how to reduce fever during pregnancy. And today we will look at this question and perhaps help some who have not yet found the answer to it.

Firstly, you need to remember that not all medications can be used during pregnancy; they can have a bad effect on your unborn baby. The temperature can only be brought down with paracetamol. But you can take it no more than four times a day. Pregnant women are also allowed to use Viburkol suppositories. But the well-known and popular among many people for bringing down the temperature, aspirin or its other name, acetylsalicylic acid, is strictly prohibited for pregnant women. It can reduce blood clotting, which can cause bleeding in both the pregnant woman and the baby. Also, its use leads to the appearance of developmental defects in the child. Pregnant women can also use folk remedies to bring down the temperature. These include:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. You can drink green tea, cranberry juice, tea with raspberries, lemon, milk with the addition of one spoon of honey, chamomile infusions. But those who have a tendency to edema need to be careful; such people should not drink a lot of liquid, especially in the last stages of pregnancy.
  • Wiping with vinegar or water. This method works well against temperature, but the water temperature should not be too cold; the water for this case should be made at room temperature. It is good to put cold compresses on the forehead.

Physiological and dangerous results of BT measurements in early pregnancy

What should be the normal basal temperature during pregnancy, before the delay? It ranges from 37 to 37.5 °C; low or too high readings should be a reason to consult a doctor. The sooner a woman confirms the fact of conception using reliable methods (hCG blood test, ultrasound), the greater the chance of saving the embryo and prolonging pregnancy if problems are observed in the early stages.


Exceeding normal thermometer levels is caused by the following reasons:

  • violation of BT measurement rules;
  • therapy with hormonal drugs for long-term infertility or in preparation for IVF;
  • infections occurring against the background of an increase in temperature (flu, sore throat, otitis media, etc.);
  • inflammatory processes of the ovaries and uterus;
  • ectopic location of the embryo;
  • late period of frozen pregnancy.

When pathological conditions are manifested not only by an increase in BT, but also by a general deterioration in well-being, it is necessary to seek help from specialists as soon as possible.

Decrease in thermometer readings

It is imperative to visit a doctor, because low BT can signal problems:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • spontaneous abortion that has begun;
  • frozen pregnancy.

Lower temperatures compared to normal may be the result of natural characteristics of the body - if during ovulation there was a peak BT of 36.7–36.8 ° C, then after conception the indicators will be at 36.9 or 37 degrees.

Prevention of fever during pregnancy:

Prevention of fever during pregnancy:

  • do not go to places where there are many people, especially during epidemic seasons;
  • ventilate the room at least several times a day;
  • do wet cleaning a couple of times a week, that’s the minimum;
  • After going outside, wash your hands well with soap and rinse your nose;
  • if you go to a place where there will be a lot of people, then smear your nose with oxolinic ointment.

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Another thing pregnant women need to know is that they shouldn’t have their feet in the air. This seemingly harmless activity can cause bleeding in a woman, which will lead to disastrous consequences for your unborn baby.

To get sick less, you need to dress according to the weather, eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins. And also take the vitamins that your doctor prescribes to you. Also, walk more in the fresh air, because it is very necessary for you and your baby.

Remember that you must think not only about yourself, but also about your future baby, therefore, in such cases, self-medication is strictly forbidden; at the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will select the optimal treatment for you that can be used during pregnancy.

When to worry

Dangerous symptoms that should alert a woman in the early stages of pregnancy include:

  • leakage of scarlet or dark brown bloody secretion from the vagina;
  • increased tone of the uterine walls - accompanied by a feeling that the stomach has become like stone;
  • sudden disappearance of previously manifested symptoms of conception - nausea, breast enlargement (the mammary glands become soft and return to their previous size);
  • sharp deterioration in general condition;
  • heat;
  • fever, chills;
  • severe vomiting;
  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of pressure in the anus;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure.

If deviations in the basal temperature chart during early pregnancy are accompanied by dangerous signs before the delay, you must call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself.

Ectopic pregnancy

In fact, an ectopic pregnancy is not much different from a normal one, only the development of the fetus begins not inside the reproductive organ, but in the ovary, fallopian tube or peritoneum. A fetus that is fixed in the wrong place does not inhibit the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum, so thermometer marks when measuring BT may be normal and correspond to early gestation. In such a situation, relying on the results of a pregnancy test is not informative - it may show one stripe, two bright ones, or one bright and the other pale.

Temperature readings will begin to deviate from the norm only at 4–5 weeks of gestation, when the fetus reaches a larger size.

The growing embryo injures the fallopian tube, causing the development of an acute inflammatory process and hyperthermia.

Ectopic pregnancy also manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • blood pressure drops sharply;
  • fainting;
  • severe abdominal pain.

The pain is not relieved by taking medications and becomes even worse after the fallopian tube ruptures.

Frozen pregnancy

If the development and growth of the embryo stops, it dies. The corpus luteum stops producing progesterone, which is why normal BT levels tend to drop to 36.3–36.9 °C. It is impossible to diagnose fading pregnancy on your own; this should be done by a specialist after conducting an examination. When BT remains normal, but the fetus still dies, additional symptoms include nagging pain in the lower abdomen, first dark red and then greenish discharge from the genital tract, indicating infection of the uterus and the development of endometritis.

Threat of spontaneous abortion

When the basal temperature at conception remains at 36.8–36.9 °C until the delay, this indicates a lack of progesterone. If the hormone is produced in small quantities, even if the embryo is implanted, it will not be able to stay normally inside the uterus due to its contractions and will be rejected. It is necessary to go to the hospital if you additionally experience spotting from the vagina and a pulling sensation in the abdomen - these indicate the onset of fetal rejection and miscarriage.

The fetus can be saved if the patient is prescribed medications containing progesterone in time to continue pregnancy.

Measuring basal temperature is not the only way to determine days favorable for conception and pregnancy. But it is a good help in self-diagnosis of ovulation, the beginning and end of different phases of the cycle and menstruation. The longer a girl measures her BT, the easier she will be able to navigate the resulting graphs and promptly contact a doctor if she suspects that she has health problems.

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