It's all genes: 7 bad habits that are inherited

Author: Lentochka

05 May 2020 14:24

Tags: genes children parents  



Parents love to imagine what their future child will look like. Will he inherit mom's eyes or dad's nose? Are there certain traits that we get from each parent?


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Genetics is an interesting and very complex thing. A child receives 23 chromosomes from his mother and 23 from his father, and there are many options for how they will combine and what the end result will be. Although genetic influence is generally equal on the part of both parents, many scientists conclude that the father sometimes has a greater influence than the mother.

Eye color

Dark eye colors such as brown and black are dominant, while light eye colors such as blue are recessive. Typically, a child inherits the dominant eye color of his parents. So, for example, if dad has brown eyes and mom has blue eyes, then the child will most likely be brown-eyed. But this doesn't always happen. If the father has a recessive eye color, such as blue or green, the child is more likely to inherit the father's eye color.

Musical talent

To become an outstanding pianist, guitarist, etc., long, many years of practical training is not at all the main thing. This requires the presence of the necessary genes in the DNA.

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According to a study conducted by a Swedish neuroscientist, identical twins demonstrate equal musical abilities regardless of how much practice they each had. Thus, the data embedded in the genetic code are much more important for the manifestation of musical talent than practical training.

But, of course, having the right gene does not eliminate the need to practice and hone your skills. Without mastering a musical instrument, even with a supergene you will not be able to achieve success.

Child's height

A child's height is influenced by the genes of both parents, but the father plays a big role in how tall or short the child will be. If the father is tall, then the children will also be tall, maybe not as tall as the father, if the mother is short, but still. There is a method that helps calculate the approximate height of a child. To do this, print the average of the mother's and father's heights (mother's height + father's height): 2, and then add 5 cm if you have a boy, or subtract 5 cm if you have a girl.

Hangover syndrome

The occurrence of a hangover after drinking alcohol is caused by a genetic mutation. The hangover gene is passed on through family chains. The presence of this gene not only provides headaches and other unpleasant symptoms of a hangover, but also prolongs the most toxic stage of alcohol breakdown, thereby poisoning the body.

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Child's weight

Weight is largely determined by genetics, and there is a connection between the weight of parents, especially the father, and the weight of children as they grow up. Interestingly, the father's weight can influence the baby's birth weight. So, if the father's genes are expressed during pregnancy and intrauterine development of the child, then the mother's genes may be suppressed to some extent.


As with eyes, dominant and recessive genes have a big impact on hair color. Dark hair is dominant, and if your dad has dark hair, you'll likely have dark hair too. Moreover, the father's genes play a decisive role in what the child's hair texture will be. If the father has curly hair, it is unlikely that the child will have straight hair.

Is the heredity of intelligence overestimated?

Mathematics proves that there are at least 2 types of infinity: actual and potential. Potential infinity is greater than actual infinity.” The intellect of any person can be associated with a smaller, actual infinity: it is limited, but at the same time potentially infinite. There are no stupid people.

Some theories claim that intelligence is largely (about 50-80%) innate, inherited. What does it mean? In practice, not much. Inheritance does not appear in a vacuum, but in the environment, in the context of education. A person who is “innately stupid” in one environment may be “innately smart” in another.

How is this possible? Imagine a beautiful rose in the garden. Are beautiful flowers the result of genetics or environment? If both factors act separately, this can be easily tested. Plant a cactus next to the roses, which will rot in the spring, at most, survive until the fall and freeze. The same environment with a different result suggests the influence of a genetic factor, you might think.

But that's not true. By repeating the experiment not in your garden, but in a subtropical climate, you will get the completely opposite result: a beautiful blooming cactus and dried roses. Consequently, genes and environment (upbringing) influence not separately, but in combination.


Taking good care of a plant can only partially improve the situation in an unacceptable environment. In the same way, endless IQ courses will not turn a fool into a genius without identifying the cause of the obstacle or inhibition. In the context of our civilization, this factor does not lie in a lack of water, nutrients, or heat, but in destructive internal processes - in the body, brain, and thinking style of each person.

One of the most important factors is stress and the associated physical activation, suitable for fight or flight, but unsuitable for intellectual action. Stress causes a number of physiological processes that, among other things, reduce blood flow in the brain, stimulate the activation of nerve centers designed for instantaneous reactions; reflexive reactions, impulsiveness, and emotions predominate. At the same time, the prefrontal cortex, essential for typical human abilities, becomes muted.

The role of stress in everyday life is well illustrated by Porges' polyvagal theory - a theory of 3 different responses to stress associated with the activity of the vagus nerve (nervus vagus). When at rest, the vagus nerve sends signals to the brain that everything is fine; a person perceives his surroundings well, feels comfortable, everything in his body works properly.

If stress increases above a certain level, a person “switches” to an evolutionarily senior mode and reacts with sympathetic activity. The body, for several hundred years of civilization, has not realized that most of today's stressors and threats require a completely different response than those that humans have achieved over millions of years of evolution. Under stress, digestion slows down, breathing and heart rate accelerate, sweating increases - a person prepares by all available means for the physical activity necessary to fight or escape.


Discovering that neither fight nor escape will help, a person falls to the historically oldest stage, immobilized. With no way to escape or win, the last thing left is to give up and hope that the threat will pass. In this or the previous state, the mind is not at its best, intellectual and social capabilities are limited.

A significant part of human stupidity at some point is not due to an abstract "lack of IQ" but to a limited ability to use one's thinking. Sensitivity to stress plays a major role in this. The result is a rather banal one: calm down and you will become wiser.

Dental problems

Unfortunately or fortunately, the structure of teeth, as well as the problems associated with them, is a hereditary trait. If the father had bad teeth, then the child will probably also have to face problems. Did you know that there is a gene responsible for the appearance of gaps between teeth? If your father had a gap in his teeth, don't be surprised if you inherit one.

Risk appetite

If a father likes to take risks, then this can leave an imprint on the personality of future children. It is believed that a person's personality is to some extent predetermined from birth. For example, there is a gene that is responsible for the search for novelty and inclines a person to risky behavior. A person who is prone to adventure most likely inherited this trait from his father.

Factors that determine IQ level

A specific category of genes – “conditional” – is responsible for the heredity of intelligence. But they are effective only if they come from the mother, and extremely rarely from the father. These genes predetermine thinking abilities, inherited mainly from the mother. They are the answer to the question from whom intelligence is transmitted to the child. In laboratory tests conducted by psychogeneticists on mice, it was found that individuals with large amounts of maternal genes had enlarged heads and brains, but they had small bodies. Mice with increased amounts of their father's genes had small brains but large bodies.

Experts isolated cells that contained only paternal or maternal genes in 6 parts of the mouse brain responsible for mental functions. The father's cells accumulated in parts involved in sexuality, aggression, and nutrition. Consequently, these qualities were inherited through the male line.

But this cerebral cortex lacked more advanced mental functions (thinking, speech). Because mouse brains are not human-like, scientists at the University of Glasgow, wondering whether intelligence is inherited, decided to take a different approach, working directly with humans.

Therefore, since 1994, they conducted a survey among almost 13,000 people (14-22 years old). Experts took into account their race, social status, and financial situation. The results showed that these people had the same IQ as their mothers. Therefore, intelligence is transmitted through the female line.


But it has also been shown that genetics are not the only factor influencing intelligence levels. Heredity makes up only 40-60%, the remaining percentage belongs to the environment of residence and human development. But here, too, the role of the mother is important.

Intelligence develops mainly in children who have a strong bond with their mothers.

Scientists from the University of Washington have concluded that the close psychological bond between a child (son or daughter) and mother is an important factor in the growth of certain brain parts. This finding was documented in a 7-year study that included several mothers with their children.

Boys and girls who received emotional support had 10% larger hippocampi than children whose mothers were more psychologically distant.

Mindful mothers also strive to help their children solve problems and enable them to realize their full potential. Of course, there is no reason why these abilities cannot be passed on by fathers. The mind can develop “paternal” properties, such as intuition and emotions.

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