Acid-alkaline diet menu

Excess weight is a global problem for all humanity. Obesity not only leads to a deterioration in a person’s appearance, it also spoils health. In order not to harm the body, the fight against excess weight must be approached rationally. The World Wide Web offers many interesting programs. They all have one thing in common: you can’t just pick one up and apply it yourself. To avoid the occurrence or complication of health problems, you must first consult a doctor - and based on the tests you have taken, he will determine which method of weight loss is preferable for you and your illnesses.

But being aware of the various methods of weight management is nevertheless beneficial for overall development.

Let's talk about one of the weight loss methods - the alkaline diet.

General rules

We remind you that our article is more of an introductory excursion, and not a call to action. It is best to initially identify the real cause of excess weight gain, and then fight it. Specialists in the field of psychotherapy help in such matters. They teach people not only to build a positive emotional background, which is the basis of good health and self-love, but also to form healthy eating behavior, which

will no longer require thoughts and calculations, restrictions and volitional efforts, becoming simply one of your many other habits.

The basic rule of the alkaline method is the correct proportions of products that affect the acidic and alkaline environment of the stomach. Experts advise creating a menu consisting of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline foods. At the same time, you will not be required to monitor calories. True, people seeking to lose weight will also have to significantly reduce food portions, while combining the dietary system with physical exercise.

It is better to have dinner before 19:00. During the day, in addition to main meals, several light snacks are allowed with foods from the “allowed” list (we’ll talk about it later).

As for meat, you can eat it, but in a limited amount: no more than three times a week.

Vegetables and fruits that make up the basis of the menu are best eaten raw. If heat treatment is unavoidable, try to at least avoid frying. This method of cooking changes the properties of food: alkaline food can easily become acidic.

Chewing thoroughly will help your body cope more easily with the transition to a raw, high-fiber diet. This helps improve the digestibility of consumed foods, helping to prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract: bloating, colic or stool disorders.

alkaline diet

Tips - Alkaline Diet

The main tips for following an alkaline diet are:

  • Avoid eating after 19:00. After this hour, it is recommended to only drink herbal or ginger tea .
  • Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly, do not rush. Sometimes, it is the habit of eating “convenient” food on the go that forces you to go on a diet in the future.
  • If you still can’t give up alcohol, sugar, or coffee forever, don’t worry. Once a week, as a way to “treat yourself,” you can eat a chocolate bar, drink aromatic coffee or a glass of dry wine.
  • Don't neglect fruits as a dessert or snack.
  • Flaxseed oil is very valuable for the body. Therefore, you can drink a tablespoon of this oil in the morning, on an empty stomach, and season your salads with it. But remember that you can consume no more than 100 g per day.
  • Do not drink liquids during meals, as this impairs the digestion process. The drinks recommended by this diet, water, ginger and herbal tea, should be drunk half an hour before meals and an hour after.
  • Choose products with the most natural composition.

What kind of diet is this: features and nuances

The program was developed by nutritionists (specialists in the field of nutrition) Vicka Engson and Natasha Corret. In their professional opinion, our menu largely consists of foods that give an acidic reaction. Their constant use leads to disruption of the normal acid-base balance in the body. The consequence is the loss of beneficial microelements and an increase in the amount of pathogenic intestinal microflora. At the same time, the release of enzymes necessary for normal digestion slows down. All this is a powerful impetus for a host of negative consequences: including the formation of excess weight.

Experts do not recommend following an alkaline weight loss program for a long time due to the imbalance of its diet. Even if you are on a diet for a short time, it is better to simultaneously consume vitamin and mineral complexes. In any case, your doctor will personally explain all these and other subtleties to you before you begin this experiment.


Any diet should not be taken carelessly, and the alkaline method is no exception. According to data received from experts, it is primarily indicated for those who suffer from high levels of acidity in the stomach. But how do you know your level? Again - a trip to the doctor, getting tested... And before contacting a specialist, the acidity of your stomach, firstly, can be judged by clinical signs: fatigue, increased irritability, unsatisfactory condition of hair and skin, excess weight. As you can see, all the signs are general and non-specific, so for a reliable diagnosis, do not be lazy to consult a doctor. The specialist, having ordered a blood test, will give a 100% correct answer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like almost any method, the alkaline diet has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • improving the condition of the skin, hair, memory, concentration, and functioning of the immune system;
  • disappearance of bags under the eyes;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • cheapness, general availability of products.


  • decreased calcium levels in the blood due to limited protein intake;
  • you will have to radically change your taste habits, paying more attention to fruits and vegetables;
  • deterioration of the condition, drowsiness, and irritability are likely due to a sharp restructuring of the body.


With short-term use, the alkaline technique usually has a positive effect on health. But, even despite this, a number of contraindications still exist.

The diet is prohibited in the following cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • children, old age;
  • liver pathologies;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase;
  • decreased level of stomach acidity.

A person who practices the alkaline method has a rather difficult time with changes in the menu. In this regard, vegetarians have it easier, because this is their lifestyle. We are used to eating meat, fish, and dairy products, and this diet implies restrictions on all of the above. In addition to the stress on the body due to the refusal of favorite foods, one can also note a decrease in calcium and proteins in the blood. Therefore, we once again recommend that you contact your doctors for advice in a timely manner.

alkaline diet

Basic principles of the alkaline diet

This method of losing excess weight was the result of the efforts of a large number of scientists, as well as nutritionists, who were able to create an effective diet , based on scientific discoveries, other types of dietary nutrition, and the conclusions of specialists in the field of dietetics and proper nutrition.

In the fifties of the last century, scientists made a very interesting discovery. It turns out that all products that are processed by the human body are capable of forming a certain alkali or acid. Having studied data such as the glycemic index, experts divided all products into three groups: alkaline, neutral, and acidic.

It was concluded that the use of alkaline foods in the daily diet, including raw vegetables, stops the growth of kidney stones . It was this discovery that prompted professionals to develop an alkaline, or, as it is otherwise called, alkaine diet. This method of dietary nutrition was therapeutic for the body, and only after much research did scientists realize that an alkaline diet can not only effectively cope with diseases, but is also well suited for those people who dream of losing excess weight in a short time.

Based on the fact that alkali is able to neutralize acid, significantly accelerates the elimination of harmful substances from the patient’s body, and also cleanses the mucous membranes and the entire body as a whole, a special diet was created in tabular form. It is from this that one can understand what type of products the human body needs in order to qualitatively maintain the acid-base balance in it, and what products should be significantly limited in the consumption.


Alkaline foods, list:

  • This includes any fresh vegetables: white and cauliflower, bell peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, spinach, onions, tomatoes, celery, and other vegetables.
  • Various fruits: peaches, oranges, lemons, apples, pears and bananas.
  • Berries: cherries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, sweet cherries and others.
  • Sprouted wheat, pearl barley and wild rice, absolutely any greens.
  • Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and others.
  • Algae and seaweed.
  • Olive oil, green tea and a large number of tinctures based on medicinal herbs.

The next group is acid products

  • This can include: pork and beef, nuts, cranberries, blueberries, sugar, juices, carbonated drinks, flour products, various types of legumes, cheeses.

The next group contains neutral products, namely:

  • Chicken and turkey meat.
  • Margarine, as well as vegetable and butter.
  • Fish and various seafood products.
  • Chicken and quail eggs, brown rice, dairy products: plain, natural yoghurts, milk, sour cream, and oatmeal.

Diet features

  1. Every day you should eat acidic foods, which should not exceed the acidity level of 20% of the total amount of food eaten by a person.
  2. It is best to use all vegetables and fruits raw, without heat treating the products, since some of them tend to transform from alkaline to acidic during cooking or frying.
  3. In order to cook food, it is worth using olive oil, flaxseed oil, and, if possible, corn oil. The use of animals and milk fats during cooking is strictly prohibited.
  4. You should eat no later than 7 pm.
  5. All drinks, excluding plain water, green tea, and herbal infusions, are prohibited. You can also allow yourself to consume freshly squeezed juice made from seasonal fruits in minimal quantities. After eating, you should definitely drink warm tea.
  6. Any grain products, as well as seafood, should be consumed by a person no more than three times a week.
  7. Any type of physical activity on the body increases the effectiveness of a dietary procedure such as an alkaline diet.

If a person begins to strictly follow all the rules, he will be able to independently and in a short time achieve a positive effect in the fight against extra pounds.

How does the alkaline diet work?

To understand the principle of operation of the technique, let’s remember how to get rid of the terrible feeling of heartburn. Did you feel these unpleasant sensations? Of course, everyone knows that salvation can be found in diluted soda. The alkaline technique works in a similar way.

Let's imagine that we have high acidity in our stomach. To neutralize the effect of acid, we need to start eating more foods with an alkaline reaction: vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals. And to prevent an increase in acidity, it is worth reviewing your own diet and eliminating foods that give an acidic reaction.

When the method was developed, its main goal was not weight loss, but restoration of acid-base balance, so you should not expect quick weight loss results. Individual characteristics of the body, nutrition and exercise regimen - all this affects the rate of loss of extra pounds. On average, during the period of following the diet, you can lose from 5 to 7 kilograms.

Alkaline diet price

The basis of the alkaline diet is plant-based products at an affordable price: vegetables and fruits. You will need to eat 500-700 g of vegetables and fruits per day. The average cost of the most affordable set of these products for a week (4-5 kg) will be about 1200-1700 rubles: peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, celery, onions, asparagus, spinach, bananas, apples, avocados, dates, kiwi, raisins , grapefruit, oranges.

In addition, the menu includes lean meat and fish: you will need to spend about 700-900 rubles a week on these products. Also, it is necessary to consume low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yoghurts and cottage cheese. To buy these products for a week, according to the menu, you will need 150-250 rubles.

Thus, on average, such a diet for 7 days will cost 2200-3800 rubles.

Signs of body oxidation

The clinical manifestation of oxidation is not always clear. The first signs can be identified, but they are easily confused with symptoms of other diseases. One way or another, you always need to react, otherwise they will develop into something more, which then simply cannot be ignored.

Signs of acid-base imbalance:

  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • the tongue is covered with a gray coating;
  • heartburn;
  • skin rashes;
  • hair loss;
  • apathy, decreased performance;
  • muscle pain;
  • chills.

It's no secret that preventing diseases is always easier than treating them. Therefore, pay attention to your diet and acid-base balance today, and tomorrow you will not have to solve health problems.

Alkaline diet - menu for the week

The weekly menu can be adjusted to suit personal taste. Eat any fruits and nuts. Don't forget that the menu should consist of a variety of dishes. Grated vegetables and fruits and juices from them are suitable for snacking. From this article you learned what an alkaline diet is. And planning a menu for the week is not difficult at all if you have detailed recipes at hand. It is recommended to prepare dishes from seasonal vegetables. And for food in the winter, you need to buy homemade products that are not grown in greenhouses.

Let's see what alkaline dishes can be prepared. Method for preparing an alkaline dish:. What was your favorite alkaline dish? Or do you have your own preferences? The alkaline diet is just gaining popularity, but already has positive reviews. The main advantage is a pre-designed menu for the week. The presence of the right amount of alkaline foods in the diet has a beneficial effect on overall well-being. In addition, digestion, sleep, and the condition of hair, nails and skin improve.

The diet includes affordable foods; during the diet there is no need to count calories. The human body is capable of independently restoring the acid and alkaline balance, so there is no need to follow the nutritional system in question for a long time. The maximum duration is 30 days. In 3 weeks it is possible to lose about 10 kg of excess weight, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins. This method of eating for weight loss is contraindicated for diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, and renal failure.

For a weight loss method such as the alkaline diet, the weekly menu is easily built from simple dishes. This nutrition system is gentle, but you must first consult with a specialist. This diet is also suitable for those who have a slow metabolism and skin rashes that are not associated with allergies.

How to determine your pH

The average pH value of a healthy person is 7.35-7.45. There may be slight fluctuations due to time of day, physical training and other factors. It is necessary to know your own pH before starting a diet, because alkalization of the body is just as dangerous as oxidation.

It is easy to find out on your own using devices that are sold in pharmacies - pH meters. But accurate results can only be obtained by doing a laboratory blood test, and here again you cannot do without the help of specialists.

alkaline diet

What is an alkaline diet?

An alkaline diet is a type of diet that helps balance the pH levels of fluids in the body, including blood and urine.

This diet goes by several different names. For example, Alkaline Ash Diet, Alkaline Acid Diet, Acid Ash Diet, pH Diet and Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet. Dr. Sebi was an herbalist who created a plant-based version of the diet.

The body's pH is partly determined by the mineral density of the foods consumed. All living organisms and life forms on earth depend on maintaining an appropriate pH level. Moreover, it is often said that diseases cannot take root in an organism that has a balanced pH.

The principles of the acid ash hypothesis help formulate the principles of an alkaline diet. According to research published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research,

“The acid ash hypothesis proposes that protein and grain foods low in potassium produce a dietary acid load, net acid excretion (NAE), increased urinary calcium, and calcium excretion from bones. This leads to osteoporosis"

The alkaline diet aims to prevent this by carefully taking into account the pH levels of food in an attempt to limit the intake of dietary acids.

Almost all experts agree that the body requires a very tightly controlled blood pH level of around 7.365–7.4. Although some may not completely agree with this statement. As Forbes magazine writes,

“The body goes to extraordinary lengths to maintain a safe pH level.”

The pH of the body can fluctuate from 7.35 to 7.45 depending on the time of day and diet. And also, what was eaten for the last time and when the last time there was a bowel movement. If an electrolyte imbalance develops and large amounts of acidic foods —aka acid ash—are frequently consumed, changes in the body's pH levels can lead to increased "acidosis."

What does "pH level" mean?

pH is short for potential of hydrogen. It is an indicator of the acidity or alkalinity of body fluids and tissues.

It is measured on a scale from 0 to 14. The more acidic a liquid is, the lower its pH, and conversely, a more alkaline liquid has a higher numerical value.

A pH around 7 is considered neutral. However, since the human body's optimal level tends to be around 7.4, we believe the healthiest pH is slightly alkaline.

Also, pH levels vary throughout the body. Moreover, the stomach is the most acidic area. Even very small changes in the pH levels of various organisms can cause serious problems. For example, due to environmental problems such as increased CO2 deposition, ocean pH has dropped from 8.2 to 8.1. And the various forms of life living in the ocean were greatly affected.

The pH level for growing plants is also critical. And therefore it greatly affects the mineral content of the foods consumed. Minerals in the ocean, soil and the human body are used as buffers to maintain optimal pH levels. Therefore, as acidity increases, the mineral content decreases.

How does the alkaline diet work?

Here is some information about acid/alkalinity in the human diet. And also key points about how great the benefits of an alkaline diet are for the health of the body:

  • The researchers believe that "there have been significant changes in human diets compared to the past and an increased acid load in the body." Since the agricultural revolution and then the massive industrialization of our food supply over the past 200 years, the food we eat contains significantly less potassium, magnesium and chloride. And also more sodium compared to people's diets in the past.
  • Normally, the kidneys maintain electrolyte levels (calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium). When we are exposed to substances that are too acidic, these electrolytes are used to combat the acidity.
  • According to the previously mentioned Journal of Environmental Health review, the ratio of potassium to sodium in most people's diets has changed dramatically. Potassium used to outnumber sodium by a ratio of 10:1. However, now this ratio has dropped to 1:3. People who eat a standard diet consume on average three times more sodium than potassium! This greatly contributes to the alkaline environment in our body.
  • Nowadays, many children and adults consume foods high in sodium , which are very low not only in magnesium and potassium, but also in antioxidants, fiber and essential vitamins. In addition, the typical modern diet is high in refined fats, simple sugars, sodium and chloride.
  • All of these changes in people's diets have led to an increase in "metabolic acidosis." In other words, the pH level in many people's bodies is no longer optimal. In addition, many suffer from low nutrient intake and problems such as potassium and magnesium .

Related: The Amazing Healing Food Diet

What foods are acidic?

Not all sour foods taste the same, which is why they are called that. They simply increase the acidity of the stomach during digestion. The possibility of an acid reaction also increases during heat treatment of products. This is why the alkaline diet involves eating raw or steamed foods.

Oxidizing products include:

  • fat meat;
  • seafood;
  • canned fruits;
  • walnuts;
  • alcohol;
  • baked goods and pasta.

Acidic foods, usually of animal origin, are difficult to digest and digest. Despite the fact that they should be consumed in a limited amount, it is impossible to do without them completely. After all, they, together with alkaline foods, help normalize digestion.

Benefits of an Alkaline Diet

An alkaline diet includes whole foods that have a positive effect on pH levels. The alkaline diet, in addition to helping you lose weight, changes your health for the better:

  • prevents age-related bone destruction and helps maintain muscle mass due to better absorption of minerals (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus), vitamin D and essential nutrients;
  • improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, helps normalize cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of developing urolithiasis, stroke and hypertension;
  • minimizes chronic pain and reduces inflammation;
  • improves the absorption of magnesium and vitamins (magnesium deficiency provokes heart pain and headaches, nervousness and insomnia);
  • increases immunity and enhances the body's antitumor defense.

Diet phases

The diet course includes three phases, each of which takes one week:

  • Phase 1 – restructuring. The body adapts to the new menu and is cleansed of harmful substances. Here the maximum loss of excess weight is noted - 3-4 kilograms. For most people, this period of the diet is the most difficult.
  • Phase 2 – restoration of acid-base balance. In the second week, weight begins to decrease more slowly: you manage to lose about 1 to 3 kilograms. But the mood gradually improves, and there is a surge of energy.
  • Phase 3 – consolidation. This is an equally important time when the achieved result must be recorded. This can be achieved by eating alkaline foods tightly.

Alkaline diet reviews

People who decide to switch to an alkaline diet report an improvement in their well-being, a surge of strength and energy. At the same time, some chose this diet not for weight loss, but to solve cosmetic problems - hair loss, skin irritation, acne.

At the same time, there are those for whom this menu did not suit. This is mainly due to very poor health in the first days after switching to the foods recommended by the alkaline diet table. Reviews from those who have overcome this period are mostly positive. Therefore, in most cases it is worth waiting a few days. The diet should be abandoned if your health has deteriorated very much, and in addition to weakness and irritability, other negative symptoms have appeared.

Alkaline diet: list of products

In addition to dividing food products into alkaline and acidic, they are also divided according to the scale of reaction severity: from low to high. Highly acidic foods include sugar, baked goods and fatty meats. Also here you can note any food that has been subjected to heat treatment, containing a lot of salt or other food additives. It is sodium chloride that affects the narrowing of blood vessels and an increase in acidity levels. It is better to remove these products completely or use them in limited quantities. Slightly larger amounts of food with weak acidity are allowed: poultry, eggs and lean fish. Alkalinizing foods include fresh fruits and vegetables.

In some sources you can find an additional category of products: neutral (oils of plant and animal origin). They do not particularly affect the acid-base balance, but they contain a lot of calories. Therefore, if the goal is to quickly, at least briefly, get rid of excess weight, then these products are definitely not for your menu.

As a rule, there is nothing in common between the taste of food and its acid-base reaction. For example, lemons taste sour, but after digestion they alkalize the body. And products of animal origin are the opposite: they contain many alkalis, but when digested, they give an acidic reaction.

alkaline diet

The purpose of the alkaline diet

The purpose of the alkaline diet

The most important goal of an alkaline diet is to restore the alkaline balance in the body and reduce its “acidity,” which, over time, becomes the cause of a lot of diseases, a decrease in metabolic , and gradual weight gain.

Exclusively every product that enters the human body forms either an acid or an alkali. Therefore, it became necessary to assign a category to each product or type of product: alkaline, neutral and acidic. In addition, doctors were obliged to monitor what products of one category or another lead to and how they affect the body. In the course of various studies, it was found that the predominance of alkaline foods in the human diet helps maintain youth and health, and ensure the full functioning of the body. In addition, many researchers say that alkaline foods can prevent and destroy cancer. Thus, the alkaline (aka alkaline) diet .

The normal hydrogen indicator (pH indicator) for a person is considered to be 7-7.5 units. Increased acidity has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the entire body, is a source of the development of harmful bacteria, rotting processes, and helps to reduce the production of enzymes . In turn, the body tries to cope with increased acidity on its own and retains fluid, slowing down the metabolic process. All this inevitably leads to slagging and weight gain.

Among other things, in order to neutralize acid, the body uses reserves of trace elements , for example, calcium from bone tissue. In turn, a deficiency of these microelements is created, which leads to a number of diseases.

The influence of foods on the acid-base balance in the body
The influence of foods on the acid-base balance in the body

You can easily determine the acid-base balance in the body at home. It is enough to drop saliva onto the litmus paper: with increased acidity, the paper will turn red, and blue - with increased alkalinity. Also, when the body becomes acidic, the following ailments necessarily appear:

  • unhealthy complexion;
  • jumping pressure;
  • muscle pain, body aches;
  • irritability, fatigue;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weight gain.

Constant acidification of the body leads to the development of diabetes , the formation of cancerous tumors , and the appearance of stones in the bladder and kidneys .

In turn, it is very rare for people to have an excess of alkali. Increased alkalinity causes allergic reactions, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, and various skin diseases.

The real goal of an alkaline diet is to increase the level of alkali in the body, which will reduce acidity. The result of such a diet is not only healthy, high-quality weight loss, but also a change for the better in the health of the appearance of the skin and overall well-being.

An alkalizing diet requires obligatory adherence to simple rules:

  • The ratio of acidic and alkaline products should be 20 to 80, respectively.
  • You can't eat anything after 7 pm. You can only drink herbal teas.
  • For cooking and seasoning food, you can use only virgin oils: corn, flaxseed, olive . Flaxseed oil is most recommended for an alkaline diet.
  • Fruits and vegetables should only be consumed raw, since when fried, many of them change their characteristics towards acidity.
  • Grains and seafood should be eaten no more than 3 times a week.
  • With this diet, physical activity is required.

When starting such a diet, it is important to realize that following these rules will help you achieve excellent results. The most popular duration of the alkaline diet is 21 days.

Every week, every 7 days is a phase during which a certain result appears.

First phase

These 7 days are aimed at cleansing the body, transforming the pH level towards alkalinity. This phase is characterized by weight loss of up to 5 kg and the appearance of weakness: dizziness and fatigue are possible. But this is only the first 7 days. Feeling like this indicates that the process of cleansing and restructuring has begun. Here you need to closely monitor your well-being and, if such side effects are unacceptable, you should stop the diet.

Second phase

This week is meant to still bring the balance of acid and alkali in the body back to normal. Here your well-being improves, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach disappear, and the weight slowly and gradually disappears.

Third phase

The last week of the course is aimed at maintaining and consolidating the achieved balance. Here the weight is still being adjusted, but you feel great, the first external changes in your body are already noticeable.

Next, you just need to continue this diet if you like it, without changing anything special in the menu. This guarantees you excellent health, desired shape and good mood.

Fully or partially restricted products

If you want to improve your health, you don't have to completely eliminate any foods. The main thing is that there are no more than 20% of them in the diet. But, if you want to lose weight, then you still have to give up:

  • Sahara;
  • muffins;
  • artificial sauces;
  • smoked;
  • sweet;
  • alcohol.

And now a list of what you just need to limit:

  • any meat;
  • milk products;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • pasta;
  • nuts;
  • Tea coffee;
  • legumes

Sample menu for an alkaline diet

It is necessary to visualize a sample alkaline diet menu to understand what you can eat to create a diet that is 80% alkaline. This nutritional system does not limit calories and does not strictly exclude certain categories of foods. As part of the alkaline diet, you can eat as many alkalizing fruits and vegetables as you like. But you need to control your intake of foods such as meat, grains and processed foods to avoid increased acidity.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs of one or two eggs with green onions, tomatoes, bell peppers. A cup of ginger tea. Snack: 1 pear, a handful of dried pumpkin seeds. Lunch: lentil soup, two glasses of stewed vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, carrots, onions). A dish of stewed vegetables can be flavored with olive oil. Another lunch option could be a protein dish (chicken, tuna, salmon, tofu) with a large salad of greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, broccoli or other fresh vegetables. You can season the salad with lemon juice. For a snack you can choose from:

  • hard-boiled egg, chopped and sprinkled with sea salt and chopped parsley;
  • red, yellow or green bell peppers, celery or carrots;
  • a handful of raw almonds;
  • a couple of fruits or a handful of berries in season;
  • baked apples or pears.
  • Diet menu

    The fundamental factor in the alkaline diet program is not a strict diet, but compliance with the correct proportions of alkaline and acidic foods. We are ready to help you and give you a sample menu for the week.

    Diet table

    Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
    MondayOne red and one green vegetableBuckwheat noodles and chicken filletBarley with apple
    TuesdayCabbage salad, herbal teaVegetable soupMillet with pumpkin
    WednesdaySteamed omelette, citrusStewed cabbageBaked fish, vegetable salad
    ThursdayVegetable saladBeet soupCarrot casserole
    FridayBoiled brown riceCabbage soup without meatPotato casserole, vegetable salad
    SaturdayOatmealMushroom soupVegetable cabbage rolls
    SundayZucchini pancakesBuckwheat with chickenVegetable salad

    For drinks you can use green tea, rosehip infusion or freshly squeezed juice. Snacks are allowed: these can be vegetables, fruits or nuts. As an exception, you are allowed to drink a glass of skim milk or natural yogurt.

    How to Follow an Alkaline Diet

    How do you maintain alkaline in your body? Here are some key tips for following an alkaline diet:

    1.Try to buy organic alkaline products.

    According to experts, one important factor in consuming alkaline foods is knowing the type of soil in which the food was grown. Because fruits and vegetables grown in organic, mineral soil tend to be more alkaline. Research shows that the type of soil in which plants are grown can significantly affect their vitamin and mineral content. This means that not all “alkaline foods” are created equal.

    For the best overall supply of essential nutrients to plants, the ideal soil pH is between 6 and 7. Acidic soils below a pH of 6 may have low calcium and magnesium content. And soils above pH 7 can lead to chemically unavailable iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Soil that is well maintained organically and exposed to wildlife/grazing livestock is generally the healthiest.

    2. Eat more alkaline foods and much less acidic foods

    See below for a list of the best alkaline diet foods, as well as those to avoid.

    3.Drink alkaline water

    Alkaline water has a pH of 9 to 11. Distilled water is just fine to drink. Reverse osmosis filtered water is slightly acidic, but is still a much better option than tap water or purified bottled water. Adding drops of pH, lemon or lime, or baking soda to your water can also increase its alkalinity.

    4.Check your pH level (optional)

    If you need to know your pH level before trying these tips, you can test your pH by purchasing pH strips from a health food store or pharmacy. You can measure your pH using saliva or urine.

    A second urination in the morning will give the best results. You should compare the colors on the test strip to the chart that came with the test strip kit. During the day, the best time to check your pH is one hour before or two hours after eating. If testing with your own saliva, it is best to try to stay between 6.8 and 7.2.

    Best Alkaline Foods

    The alkaline diet is primarily based on plant foods. Although you don't have to be a strict vegetarian to follow a high-alkaline diet. Here is a list of the best alkaline foods:

    • Fresh fruits and vegetables increase alkalinity the most. Which ones are the best; for example, are bananas alkaline? What about broccoli? Some of the best options include: mushrooms, citrus, dates , raisins, spinach, grapefruit, tomatoes, avocado, summer black radish, alfalfa, barley, cucumber, kale, jicama, wheat grass, broccoli, oregano, garlic, ginger, green beans, endive, kale, celery, red beets, watermelon, figs and ripe bananas.
    • All fresh products . Try to eat most foods raw. Fresh fruits and vegetables are considered biogenic or “life-giving.” Cooking depletes alkaline minerals. Increase your intake of raw foods and try juicing or lightly steaming fruits and vegetables.
    • Plant proteins : Almonds, navy beans, lima beans and most other beans are great options.
    • Alkaline water.
    • Green drinks. These are drinks made from green vegetables and herbs in powdered form. They contain alkaline foods and chlorophyll . Chlorophyll is structurally similar to our own blood and helps to alkalize it.
    • Other foods you can eat while following an alkaline diet. Includes sprouts, wheatgrass, kamut, fermented soybeans such as natto or tempeh, and seeds.

    Sour food

    What foods should you avoid when following an alkaline diet? Acidic foods, for example:

    • Foods high in sodium. Processed foods are oversaturated with sodium chloride. This is table salt, which constricts blood vessels and creates acidity.
    • Sausages and regular meats
    • Processed grains (such as corn flakes)
    • Eggs
    • Caffeinated drinks and alcohol
    • Oats and whole grains. All grains, whole or not, create acidity in the body.
    • Milk. Dairy products rich in calcium cause some of the highest rates of osteoporosis. This is all because of their ability to acidify the body! When the bloodstream becomes too acidic, it drains calcium (a more alkaline substance) from the bones in an attempt to balance pH levels. So the best way to prevent osteoporosis is to eat plenty of alkaline green leafy vegetables!
    • Peanuts and walnuts
    • Pasta, rice, bread and packaged grain products

    What other habits can cause acidity in the body? The most serious ones include:

    • Alcohol and drugs
    • High caffeine intake
    • Antibiotic abuse
    • Artificial sweeteners
    • Chronic stress
    • Reduced levels of nutrients in food due to industrial agriculture
    • Low levels of fiber in the diet
    • Lack of exercise
    • Excess animal meat in the diet (with the exception of free-range animals)
    • Excess hormones from food, health and beauty products, and plastics
    • Exposure to chemicals and radiation from household cleaning products, building materials, computers, cell phones and microwave ovens
    • Food colors and preservatives
    • Excessive physical activity
    • Pesticides and herbicides
    • Pollution
    • Poor chewing and eating habits
    • Processed and refined foods
    • Shallow breathing

    Alkaline Diet Versus Paleo Diet

    • The alkaline diet and the Paleo diet have many similarities and many of the same benefits. For example, reducing the risk of nutritional deficiencies, reducing inflammation, improving digestion, losing or managing weight, and so on.
    • Some similar principles are eliminating added sugars, reducing consumption of pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. As well as eliminating grains and processed carbohydrates, reducing or eliminating dairy intake, and increasing fruit and vegetable intake.
    • However, there are a few important things to consider if you're planning on following a paleo diet. The Paleo diet excludes all dairy products. Yogurt and kefir can be valuable sources of probiotics and minerals for many people. Also, the Paleo diet does not always emphasize eating organic produce or free-range meat (and in moderation/limited quantities).
    • Additionally, the Paleo diet tends to include a lot of meat, pork and shellfish, which have their own drawbacks.
    • Eating too much animal protein generally promotes acidity rather than alkalinity. Beef, chicken, cold cuts, shellfish and pork contribute to the buildup of sulfuric acid in the blood as amino acids are broken down. Strive to consume the highest quality animal products. And also vary your protein to best balance your pH levels.

    Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet - Recipes

    What might an alkaline diet menu look like? Using the list of foods above, here are some simple and delicious recipes for following an alkaline diet:

    • Alkalinizing Juice Recipe. This green juice contains highly alkaline foods - cucumber, kale and spinach .
    • Black Bean Burgers Recipe
    • Almond flour pancakes or almond butter cookies

    Risk and side effects

    Some foods on the “highly sour list” may surprise you, like eggs and walnuts. They can be acidic in the body, but you should not stop consuming them. They contain many other health benefits. For example, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids . This makes them very valuable.

    The bottom line is that a healthy balance is something to strive for. When it comes to pH, it can become too alkaline and the presence of some acidic foods is expected and beneficial.

    Our problem is more that we are not eating enough alkaline foods, rather than too many acids from healthy whole foods. Consume a variety of natural, whole foods (especially vegetables and fruits) and limit your intake of packaged foods. Then you will be on the right track.

    Health Benefits of an Alkaline Diet - Final Thoughts

    • What is an alkaline diet? This is a primarily plant-based diet that includes whole foods that have a positive effect on blood and urine pH levels.
    • The health benefits of an alkaline diet may include: improved cardiovascular health, stronger bones, pain reduction, weight loss and nutritional deficiencies.
    • Following an alkaline diet means eating plenty of whole fruits and vegetables, raw foods, green juices, beans and nuts.
    • Foods that are acidic and therefore limited in an alkaline diet include: high sodium foods, processed grains, too much meat and animal protein, added sugars and regular milk.

    Recipes for suitable dishes

    All of them are very easy to prepare.

    Cold beet soup


    • kefir;
    • water;
    • chicken fillet;
    • potato;
    • beet;
    • cucumbers

    Boil small beets until tender and grate. A glass of kefir must be diluted with the same volume of water. Cut two fresh cucumbers into small pieces. Boil 100-150 grams of chicken fillet and two potatoes. Grind them in the same way as other solid foods. Pour a glass of diluted kefir over the prepared ingredients and let the dish brew.

    When serving the dish, you can garnish the portion with a beautifully chopped boiled egg or fresh herbs.

    Millet porridge with dried fruits


    • millet;
    • water;
    • dried fruits.

    To get rid of the bitterness of millet, it must be thoroughly washed and soaked in hot water for a while. Add dried apricots, dried apples, prunes or raisins to the cereal to taste. Next, pour in 2.5 cups of water and place the pan over medium heat. Once boiling, reduce it to low.

    Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetables


    • rice;
    • carrot;
    • bulb;
    • cabbage;
    • tomato sauce.

    You need to take unpolished rice, boil it until half cooked. Grate the carrots and chop the onion. Next, mix them with rice. Place the resulting filling in cabbage leaves and wrap. Place the cabbage rolls in a saucepan and fill with water. To improve the taste, you can add diluted tomato paste at the end of cooking.

    Alkaline Diet Recipes

    Here are some easy and delicious ways to incorporate more alkaline foods into your diet.

    Pumpkin cream soup

    • 1 kg pumpkin, peeled and seeds removed;
    • 1 large carrot;
    • a piece of fresh ginger root 5 centimeters long;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 50 ml extra virgin olive oil;
    • 4–5 glasses of vegetable broth;
    • a pinch of red pepper;
    • 2–3 tablespoons pumpkin seeds;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley;
    • salt.

    Cut carrots and pumpkin into cubes. Fry the garlic and chopped vegetables in olive oil for 5-7 minutes. Pour vegetable broth into the vegetables and place over medium heat. At this time, peel and finely grate the ginger root and add to the soup. Boil vegetables until done. Then chop the vegetables directly in the saucepan using an immersion blender. Add spices and salt. Heat the dish without bringing it to a boil. Dry the pumpkin seeds in a frying pan. Pour the spicy pumpkin soup into bowls, garnish with chopped parsley and dried seeds.

    Homemade oat bars

    • 2 cups oatmeal;
    • 2 ripe bananas;
    • 1 cup washed raisins;
    • 1 cup raw cashews or other nuts of your choice;
    • 1/2 cup ground flax seeds;
    • a pinch of cinnamon;
    • 3 tbsp. spoons of agave syrup.

    Mix all ingredients in a food processor. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Distribute the mass evenly so that the layer thickness does not exceed 2–2.5 centimeters. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bake the bars for about 25 minutes, then remove and carefully cut.

    How to get off an alkaline diet

    You need to get out of it carefully and gradually. You should not immediately pounce on your favorite smoked meats, fatty meats, sweets and fast food: all these products will greatly overload the body, and the feeling of lightness that you gained while following the technique will quickly disappear.

    Don’t rush to give up fruits and vegetables: try to add them more often to main dishes. Leave snacks: muesli, dried fruits, dairy products and fresh juices - this will help fight hunger and not lapse into junk food. Dinner, even after the end of the program, should remain light: vegetable salad or lean meat.

    How the alkaline diet works

    All the food we eat has a certain environment: acidic or alkaline. Food with an acidic environment is certainly necessary for the body, but its excessive consumption contributes to the formation of toxins and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it is less susceptible to metabolism, and its breakdown products accumulate in the liver and kidneys. Unlike an acidic environment, an alkaline environment helps eliminate toxins and strengthens mucous membranes. It also neutralizes the incoming acid.

    The acid-alkaline diet is based on a balance of acid-forming foods and alkaline foods. The ideal combination in which a person’s well-being improves and extra pounds melt away is 30/70. The main source of alkali is raw vegetables and fruits. Their share in the daily diet should be at least 50%.

    For effective weight loss you should consume:

    1. Watermelon or lemon. They help remove toxins from the liver and neutralize the acid balance. And the high content of vitamin C improves immunity.
    2. Kiwi, grapes, pear, melon, pineapples, juices. These fruits improve metabolism, cleanse the intestines and saturate the body with vitamins.
    3. Carrots, asparagus, celery, garlic, nuts, dried fruits. The Ph level of such products is almost 8.0; due to which they regulate the state of the acidic environment.

    Carrot diet - for quick and effective results!

    Expert opinion

    The question of leaving the alkaline diet - like any other - will be clarified individually by each person’s doctor. It is known that many would like to maintain the results of losing weight, but people almost always (in 95-97% of cases) are drawn to return to their usual diet. And - alas, they very quickly regain everything that they dropped, and often even more. But if you make proper nutrition a habit, you will not have the desire to return to your normal diet. How can you forget your previous eating habits and develop a healthy approach to your own menu? Very simple. The creation of new healthy habits is carried out by weight loss specialists, professionals from weight loss and weight loss clinics. By following their simple and ridiculously obvious rules, everyone will not only relatively quickly lose all those extra pounds, but also maintain the results obtained.

    Who needs an alkaline diet

    Since the alkaline effective diet is one of the options for proper nutrition, everyone can periodically resort to it. Even if you have no complaints and you just want to cleanse your body, or use it for weight loss. But first of all, you need to maintain the balance of the acidic environment if you have:

    • recurrent headaches;
    • excess weight;
    • frequent acute respiratory infections;
    • sleep disorders;
    • increased nervousness;
    • the appearance of the skin has deteriorated.
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